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function linkit_get_plugins in Linkit 7.2

Fetch metadata for all linkit plugins.

Return value

An array of arrays with information about all available linkit plugins.

2 calls to linkit_get_plugins()
linkit_get_profile_plugins in ./linkit.module
Get all enabled plugins for the profiles used on the dashboard.
linkit_profiles_export_ui_form in plugins/export_ui/
Generate a profile form.


./linkit.module, line 781
Main file for linkit module.


function linkit_get_plugins() {
  $plugins = ctools_get_plugins('linkit', 'linkit_plugins');

  // If you alter the plugins handler, be sure the new handler is registerd or
  // you include it in some other way.
  drupal_alter('linkit_plugins', $plugins);
  return $plugins;