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Functions in Linkit 7.2

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Namesort descending Location Description Direct uses Strings
hook_ctools_plugin_directory ./linkit.api.php If you will implement new Linkit plugins, you'll need to tell ctools that you have linkit plugins. This is done by using hook_ctools_plugin_directory. See the ctools documentation for for more info about this hook.
hook_linkit_attributes ./linkit.api.php Defines one or more attributes to use with Linkit.
hook_linkit_attributes_alter ./linkit.api.php Alter an attribute before it has been processed.
linkit_allowed_elements ./ Return a list of allowed elements. @TODO: Make this a hook. 1
linkit_allowed_field_types ./ Return a list of allowed field types. @TODO: Make this a hook. 1
linkit_allowed_widget_types ./ Return a list of allowed widget types. @TODO: Make this a hook. 1
linkit_ckeditor_plugin ./linkit.module Implements hook_ckeditor_plugin().
linkit_ctools_plugin_directory ./linkit.module Implements hook_ctools_plugin_directory().
linkit_ctools_plugin_type ./linkit.module Implements hook_ctools_plugin_TYPE() to inform the plugin system that Linkit owns Linkit plugin types.
linkit_dashboard_form ./linkit.module Implements hook_form(). 1
linkit_element_info_alter ./linkit.module Implements hook_element_info_alter().
linkit_entity_ctools_linkit_get_child plugins/linkit_plugins/ 1
linkit_entity_ctools_linkit_get_children plugins/linkit_plugins/ 1 1
linkit_entity_info_alter ./linkit.module Implements hook_entity_info_alter();
linkit_extract_tokens ./linkit.module Extract tokens that can be used by the $type. 1
linkit_field_insert_pluing_validate ./ Validation callback; From The insert plugin field on fields. 1
linkit_form_field_ui_field_edit_form_alter ./ Implements hook_form_FIELD_UI_FIELD_EDIT_FORM_alter().
linkit_get_attributes ./linkit.module Get all attributes defined by hook_linkit_attributes(). 2
linkit_get_dashboard_profile ./linkit.module Get the "best" Linkit profile based on the users roles to use on the dashboard. 6
linkit_get_plugin ./linkit.module Fetch metadata for one linkit plugin by the given name.
linkit_get_plugins ./linkit.module Fetch metadata for all linkit plugins. 2
linkit_get_plugin_handler ./linkit.module Get the plugin handler for a given plugin. 3
linkit_get_profile_attributes ./linkit.module Get all enabled attributes for the profiles used on the dashboard. 1
linkit_get_profile_plugins ./linkit.module Get all enabled plugins for the profiles used on the dashboard. 1
linkit_help ./linkit.module Implements hook_help().
linkit_image_default_styles ./linkit.module Implements hook_image_default_styles().
linkit_install ./linkit.install Implements hook_install().
linkit_isnumeric_validate plugins/export_ui/ Element validate callback for fields that should be numeric. 1
linkit_library ./linkit.module Implements hook_library().
linkit_linkit_attributes ./linkit.module Implements hook_linkit_attributes().
linkit_linkit_plugin_entities_alter ./linkit.module Implements hook_linkit_plugin_entities_alter().
linkit_menu ./linkit.module Implements hook_menu().
linkit_menu_alter ./linkit.module Implements hook_menu_alter().
linkit_permission ./linkit.module Implements hook_permission().
linkit_pre_render_ckeditor_element ./linkit.module Add Linkit settings to pages where we have a ckeditor element. 1
linkit_process_widget ./ Process callback. 1
linkit_profiles_export_ui_form plugins/export_ui/ Generate a profile form.
linkit_profiles_export_ui_form_submit plugins/export_ui/ Save callback for linkit_profiles_export_ui_form. 1
linkit_profiles_reorder plugins/export_ui/ Form for reorder profiles. 1
linkit_profiles_reorder_submit plugins/export_ui/ Save function for the reorder form.
linkit_profile_exists ./linkit.module Determines if a profile with a given name exists.
linkit_profile_load ./linkit.module Load a single Linkit profile. 2 1
linkit_profile_load_all ./linkit.module Load all Linkit profiles. 4 1
linkit_profile_save ./linkit.module Save a single Linkit profile. 1 1
linkit_scan_url ./linkit.module Retrieve relevant information about a URL. Specifically this function is usable for internal (absolute) URL:s, but it also works for external URL:s. 1
linkit_schema ./linkit.install Implements hook_schema(). 1
linkit_theme ./linkit.module Implements hook_theme().
linkit_uninstall ./linkit.install Implements hook_uninstall().
linkit_update_7200 ./linkit.install Create the {linkit_profiles} table if it not exists.
linkit_update_7201 ./linkit.install Delete old linkit settings.


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