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function lingotek_check_for_updates in Lingotek Translation 7.7

1 call to lingotek_check_for_updates()
lingotek_is_module_setup in ./lingotek.module
Checks to make sure the Lingotek Translation module setup completed successfully. If its not, the user is directed to the setup wizard.


./lingotek.module, line 2932


function lingotek_check_for_updates() {
  global $base_url;
  $mandatory_updates = array(
  foreach ($mandatory_updates as $update) {
    if (!variable_get($update, FALSE)) {
      drupal_set_message(t('Some ' . l(t('database updates'), check_url($base_url . '/update.php')) . ' are required for the Lingotek Translation module.'));

      // Coder review error: All text and variables have been sanitized