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function lingotek_config_upload_selected in Lingotek Translation 7.7

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 7.6 \lingotek_config_upload_selected()
2 calls to lingotek_config_upload_selected()
config_upload_edited in ./
lingotek_config_action_submit in ./
Submit function for The Grid's actions The action corresponds to the key of the option selected Often redirects to batch operations or to other pages entirely


./, line 519
Config grid form elements


function lingotek_config_upload_selected($lid_map) {

  //allows for passing in an array of lids, not as efficient as passing a textgroup-lid map

  //in some cases
  if (is_array($lid_map) && isset($lid_map[0]) && !is_array($lid_map[0])) {
    $lids = $lid_map;
    $query = db_select('locales_source', 'ls');
      ->addField('ls', 'textgroup');
      ->addField('ls', 'lid');
      ->condition('lid', $lids, 'IN');
    $results = $query
    $lid_map = array();
    foreach ($results as $result) {
      $lid_map[$result->textgroup][$result->lid] = $result->lid;
  $unique_set_ids = LingotekConfigSet::bulkGetSetId($lid_map);
  $not_current_lids = !empty($unique_set_ids) ? LingotekConfigSet::getEditedLidsInSets($unique_set_ids) : array();
  if (empty($not_current_lids) && empty($lid_map)) {
    drupal_set_message(t('No config items have been edited and need to be uploaded at this time. To translate a config item for the first time, check the corresponding box and upload.'), 'status', FALSE);
  foreach ($lid_map as $textgroup) {
  if (!empty($not_current_lids)) {

  // Update the translation_agent_id in the locales_target table to be owned by Lingotek
  LingotekSync::updateLingotekTranslationAgentId($lid_map, LingotekSync::TRANSLATION_AGENT_ID_LINGOTEK);
  $batch = array(
    'title' => t('Uploading Content To Lingotek'),
    'finished' => 'lingotek_sync_upload_config_finished',
  $operations = lingotek_get_sync_upload_config_batch_elements($unique_set_ids, $lid_map);
  $batch['operations'] = $operations;
  $redirect = 'admin/settings/lingotek/manage/config';

  // Run batch operations to upload all of the selected nodes to Lingotek