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function lingotek_config_start_query in Lingotek Translation 7.7

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 7.6 \lingotek_config_start_query()
2 calls to lingotek_config_start_query()
lingotek_config_get_rows in ./
lingotek_row_status_query in ./


./, line 145
Config grid form elements


function lingotek_config_start_query($form_state, $union_part_desc) {
  $query = db_select('locales_source', 's');

  // Gets sync statuses for each language.
    ->addExpression("(SELECT COUNT(*) FROM {locales_target} WHERE i18n_status = 0 AND lid = (SELECT lid FROM {lingotek_config_map} WHERE lid = s.lid AND current = 1))", 'current_target_count');
    ->addExpression("(SELECT GROUP_CONCAT(SUBSTRING(config_key, 20, 10)) FROM {lingotek_config_metadata} WHERE id = (SELECT set_id FROM {lingotek_config_map} WHERE lid = s.lid) AND config_key LIKE 'target_sync_status_%' AND value='PENDING')", 'pending');
    ->addExpression("(SELECT GROUP_CONCAT(SUBSTRING(config_key, 20, 10)) FROM {lingotek_config_metadata} WHERE id = (SELECT set_id FROM {lingotek_config_map} WHERE lid = s.lid) AND config_key LIKE 'target_sync_status_%' AND value='READY')", 'ready');
    ->addExpression("(SELECT GROUP_CONCAT(SUBSTRING(config_key, 20, 10)) FROM {lingotek_config_metadata} WHERE id = (SELECT set_id FROM {lingotek_config_map} WHERE lid = s.lid) AND config_key LIKE 'target_sync_status_%' AND value='CURRENT')", 'current');
    ->addExpression("(SELECT GROUP_CONCAT(SUBSTRING(config_key, 20, 10)) FROM {lingotek_config_metadata} WHERE id = (SELECT set_id FROM {lingotek_config_map} WHERE lid = s.lid) AND config_key LIKE 'target_sync_status_%' AND value='READY_INTERIM')", 'ready_interim');
    ->addExpression("(SELECT GROUP_CONCAT(SUBSTRING(config_key, 20, 10)) FROM {lingotek_config_metadata} WHERE id = (SELECT set_id FROM {lingotek_config_map} WHERE lid = s.lid) AND config_key LIKE 'target_sync_status_%' AND value='INTERIM')", 'interim');
    ->addExpression("(SELECT GROUP_CONCAT(SUBSTRING(config_key, 20, 10)) FROM {lingotek_config_metadata} WHERE id = (SELECT set_id FROM {lingotek_config_map} WHERE lid = s.lid) AND config_key LIKE 'target_sync_status_%' AND value='EDITED_INTERIM')", 'edited_interim');
    ->addExpression("(SELECT GROUP_CONCAT(SUBSTRING(config_key, 20, 10)) FROM {lingotek_config_metadata} WHERE id = (SELECT set_id FROM {lingotek_config_map} WHERE lid = s.lid) AND config_key LIKE 'target_sync_status_%' AND value='EDITED')", 'edited');
    ->addExpression("(SELECT GROUP_CONCAT(SUBSTRING(config_key, 20, 10)) FROM {lingotek_config_metadata} WHERE id = (SELECT set_id FROM {lingotek_config_map} WHERE lid = s.lid) AND config_key LIKE 'target_sync_status_%' AND value='UNTRACKED')", 'untracked');
    ->addExpression("(SELECT GROUP_CONCAT(SUBSTRING(config_key, 20, 10)) FROM {lingotek_config_metadata} WHERE id = (SELECT set_id FROM {lingotek_config_map} WHERE lid = s.lid) AND config_key LIKE 'target_sync_status_%' AND value='ERROR')", 'error');
    ->addExpression("(SELECT GROUP_CONCAT(SUBSTRING(config_key, 20, 10)) FROM {lingotek_config_metadata} WHERE id = (SELECT set_id FROM {lingotek_config_map} WHERE lid = s.lid) AND config_key LIKE 'target_sync_status_%' AND value='NONE')", 'none');
    ->addExpression("(SELECT GROUP_CONCAT(language) FROM {locales_target} WHERE lid = s.lid AND i18n_status = 1)", 'source_edited');
    ->addExpression("(SELECT set_id FROM {lingotek_config_map} lcm WHERE lcm.lid = s.lid)", 'set_id');
    ->addExpression("(SELECT value FROM {lingotek_config_metadata} lcm WHERE = (SELECT set_id FROM lingotek_config_map WHERE lid = s.lid) AND config_key = 'upload_error')", 'upload_error');
    ->addExpression("(SELECT value FROM {lingotek_config_metadata} lcm WHERE lcm.value = s.lid AND config_key = 'marked')", 'marked');
    ->addExpression("(SELECT set_id FROM {lingotek_config_map} lcm WHERE lcm.lid = s.lid)", 'config_set_id');

  // Lingotek Document ID
    ->addExpression("(SELECT GROUP_CONCAT(value) FROM {lingotek_config_metadata} WHERE id = (SELECT set_id FROM {lingotek_config_map} WHERE lid = s.lid) AND config_key = 'document_id')", 'document_id');

  //Config Workflow ID
    ->addExpression("(SELECT GROUP_CONCAT(value) FROM {lingotek_config_metadata} WHERE id = (SELECT set_id FROM {lingotek_config_map} WHERE lid = s.lid) AND config_key = 'workflow_id')", 'workflow_id');

  // Entity Upload Status
    ->addExpression("(SELECT GROUP_CONCAT(value) FROM {lingotek_config_metadata} WHERE id = (SELECT set_id FROM {lingotek_config_map} WHERE lid = s.lid) AND config_key = 'upload_status' AND value <> '" . LingotekSync::STATUS_TARGET . "' AND value <> '" . LingotekSync::STATUS_DELETED . "')", 'upload_status');
    ->fields('s', array(

  // Only show items in textgroups that are selected for translation on Config Settings page.
  $translatable_textgroups = LingotekConfigSet::getTextgroupsForTranslation() ?: array(
    'no textgroups selected',
  if (in_array('misc', $translatable_textgroups)) {
    $all_textgroup_categories = array(
    $qor = db_or();
      ->condition('s.textgroup', $translatable_textgroups, 'IN');
      ->condition('s.textgroup', $all_textgroup_categories, 'NOT IN');
  else {
      ->condition('s.textgroup', $translatable_textgroups, 'IN');

  // Hide taxonomy terms that use translate for i18n_mode.
  $translate_terms_subquery = db_select('taxonomy_vocabulary', 'tv');
    ->fields('tv', array(
    ->condition('tv.i18n_mode', LINGOTEK_TAXONOMY_TRANSLATE_VALUE);
  $translate_ids = $translate_terms_subquery

  // Hide taxonomy terms that have custom fields.
  $advanced_vids = array_keys(lingotek_get_advanced_vocabularies());
  if ($union_part_desc == 'taxonomy name') {
    $advanced_vid_expression = empty($advanced_vids) ? '' : ' AND term_name.vid NOT IN (' . implode(',', $advanced_vids) . ')';
      ->leftJoin('taxonomy_term_data', 'term_name', 'SUBSTRING_INDEX(SUBSTRING_INDEX(s.context , \':\', 2 ),\':\',-1) = term_name.tid AND = s.source AND term_name.vid NOT IN (' . implode(',', array_merge(array(
    ), $translate_ids)) . ')' . $advanced_vid_expression);
      ->addExpression('term_name.tid', 'tid_from_name');

    //DO NOT do addField here, it puts the column name in the wrong place and messes with the union
  else {
      ->addExpression('NULL', 'tid_from_name');
  if ($union_part_desc == 'taxonomy desc') {
    $advanced_vid_expression = empty($advanced_vids) ? '' : ' AND term_description.vid NOT IN (' . implode(',', $advanced_vids) . ')';
      ->leftJoin('taxonomy_term_data', 'term_description', 'SUBSTRING_INDEX(SUBSTRING_INDEX(s.context , \':\', 2 ),\':\',-1) = term_description.tid AND term_description.description = s.source AND term_description.vid NOT IN (' . implode(',', array_merge(array(
    ), $translate_ids)) . ')' . $advanced_vid_expression);
      ->addExpression('term_description.tid', 'tid_from_description');

    //DO NOT do addField here, it puts the column name in the wrong place and messes with the union
  else {
      ->addExpression('NULL', 'tid_from_description');

  // For all taxonomy terms, only show if it has a name or description.
  if ($union_part_desc == 'not taxonomy') {
      ->condition('s.textgroup', 'taxonomy', '<>');
  elseif ($union_part_desc == 'taxonomy name') {
  elseif ($union_part_desc = 'taxonomy desc') {
  return $query;