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8 calls to LingotekNode::load() in Lingotek Translation 7.4

LingotekNode::loadById in lib/Drupal/lingotek/LingotekNode.php
Factory method for getting a loaded LingotekNode object.
lingotek_advanced_parsing_update_node in ./lingotek.module
Processing callback for the advanced parsing update batch operation.
lingotek_advanced_parsing_upgrade_form_submit in ./
Submit handler for the lingotek_advanced_parsing_upgrade_form form.
lingotek_content_push_form_submit in ./lingotek.module
Submit handler for the lingotek_content_push_form form.
lingotek_push_form_submit in ./
Submit handler for the lingotek_push_form form.
lingotek_sync_upload_node in ./
Upload Batch Worker Function: Upload Node for Translation
lingotek_update_7200 in ./lingotek.install
lingotek_upload_document in ./lingotek.module