You are here in Lingotek Translation 7.4

Lingotek Tab for Nodes

View source

 * @file
 * Lingotek Tab for Nodes

 * Download Translations Form.
function lingotek_download_translations_form($form, $form_state, $node, $document = NULL) {
  module_load_include('lingotek', 'lingotek.bulk_grid', 'inc');
  $form = array();
  $document = is_null($document) ? LingotekDocument::load($node->lingotek['document_id']) : $document;
  $document_progress = $document
  $sum_progress = 0;
  if ($document_progress->results == 'success') {
    $rows = array();
    foreach ($document_progress->translationTargets as $target) {
      $current_phase = $document
      $marked_complete = FALSE;
      $phase_complete_percent = is_object($current_phase) ? $current_phase->percentComplete : 0;
      if (empty($phase_complete_percent)) {
        $phase_complete_percent = 0;
      $language_link = l(lingotek_language_field_lookup('native', $target->language), 'node/' . $node->nid . '/lingotekworkbench/' . $target->language, array(
        'attributes' => array(
          'target' => '_blank',
      $language_link .= ' (' . lingotek_language_field_lookup('name', $target->language) . ')';
      $row = array(
        'column_1' => array(
          'data' => $language_link,
          'width' => '40%',
        'column_2' => array(
          'data' => lingotek_grid_create_progress_bar($target->percentComplete),
          'width' => '40%',
        'column_3' => array(
          'data' => '',
        //$target->percentComplete == 100 ? '<i class="fa fa-check-sign ltk-complete-check" title="'.t('Workflow complete').'"></i>' : '<i class="fa fa-check-empty ltk-complete-check"></i>', 'width' => '20%'
        '#attributes' => array(
          'class' => array(
      LingotekLog::trace("lingotek_pm table row [@locale]", array(
        '@locale' => $target->language,
      $rows[$target->language] = $row;
      foreach ($target->phases as $phase) {
        $row = array(
          'column_1' => $phase->name,
          'column_2' => lingotek_grid_create_progress_bar($phase->percentComplete),
          'column_3' => $phase->isMarkedComplete ? '<i class="fa fa-check-sign ltk-complete-check" title="' . t('Phase complete') . '"></i>' : '<i class="fa fa-check-empty ltk-complete-check"></i>',
          '#attributes' => array(
            'class' => array(
        $rows[$target->language . '_' . $phase->name] = $row;
        $marked_complete = $phase->isMarkedComplete;

      // update progress
      $lingotek_locale = $target->language;
      $progress_percentage = empty($target->percentComplete) ? 0 : $target->percentComplete;
      $sum_progress += $progress_percentage;
      $target_status_local = lingotek_lingonode($node->nid, 'target_sync_status_' . $lingotek_locale);
      if ($target_status_local === LingotekSync::STATUS_PENDING) {
        $target_status = $marked_complete ? LingotekSync::STATUS_READY : LingotekSync::STATUS_PENDING;
        lingotek_lingonode($node->nid, 'target_sync_status_' . $lingotek_locale, $target_status);
      lingotek_lingonode($node->nid, 'target_sync_progress_' . $lingotek_locale, $progress_percentage);
      lingotek_lingonode($node->nid, 'target_sync_last_progress_updated_' . $lingotek_locale, time());
    $count = count($document_progress->translationTargets);
    if ($count) {
      lingotek_lingonode($node->nid, 'translation_progress', $sum_progress / $count);

      // unused
    $form['fieldset'] = array(
      '#type' => 'fieldset',
      '#title' => t('Download Translations'),
      '#description' => t('Download the latest translations from Lingotek in the selected languages.'),
      '#collapsible' => TRUE,
      '#collapsed' => FALSE,
    $header = array(
      'column_1' => t('Target Language'),
      'column_2' => t('Progress'),
      'column_3' => t('Status'),
    $form['fieldset']['documents'] = array(
      '#type' => 'tableselect',
      '#header' => $header,
      '#options' => $rows,
      '#empty' => t('No content available.'),
      '#after_build' => array(
    $form['fieldset']['submit'] = array(
      '#type' => 'submit',
      '#value' => 'Download',
    $form['fieldset']['nid'] = array(
      '#type' => 'value',
      '#value' => $node->nid,
  return $form;

 * Download Translations Form Submit
function lingotek_download_translations_form_submit($form, $form_state) {
  $nid = $form_state['values']['nid'];

  // clear any caching from entitycache module
  if (module_exists('entitycache')) {
    cache_clear_all($nid, 'cache_entity_node');
  $document_id = lingotek_lingonode($nid, 'document_id');
  $locales = array();
  $download_targets = array();
  foreach ($form_state['values']['documents'] as $locale => $selected) {
    if ($selected) {
      $locales[] = $locale;
      $download_targets[] = (object) array(
        'document_id' => $document_id,
        'locale' => $locale,
  $extra_operations = array();
  lingotek_sync_batch_create(array(), array(), $download_targets, array(), 'node/' . $form_state['values']['nid'] . '/lingotek_pm', $extra_operations);
  drupal_set_message(t('Updated local translations for the selected languages: @selected_locales', array(
    '@selected_locales' => implode(", ", $locales),
  cache_clear_all('field:node:' . $form_state['values']['nid'], 'cache_field');
function lingotek_remove_checkboxes($form_element) {
  foreach ($form_element['#options'] as $locale => $data) {
    if (isset($data['#attributes']['class']) && in_array('no-checkbox-row', $data['#attributes']['class'])) {
  return $form_element;

 * Upload Content Form. (Upload to Lingotek)
function lingotek_push_form($form, $form_state, $node) {
  $form = array();
  $last_uploaded_message = isset($node->lingotek['last_uploaded']) ? ' (' . t('Last uploaded @human_readable_timestamp ago.', array(
    '@human_readable_timestamp' => lingotek_human_readable_timestamp($node->lingotek['last_uploaded']),
  )) . ')' : '';
  $form['content_push'] = array(
    '#type' => 'fieldset',
    '#title' => t('Upload'),
    '#description' => t("Upload this node's content to Lingotek for translation. @last_uploaded_message", array(
      '@last_uploaded_message' => $last_uploaded_message,
    '#collapsible' => TRUE,
    '#collapsed' => FALSE,
  $form['content_push']['submit'] = array(
    '#type' => 'submit',
    '#value' => t('Upload'),
  $form['node_id'] = array(
    '#type' => 'hidden',
    '#value' => $node->nid,
  return $form;

 * Submit handler for the lingotek_push_form form.
function lingotek_push_form_submit($form, $form_state) {
  $node = lingotek_node_load_default($form_state['values']['node_id']);

  // clear any caching from entitycache module
  if (module_exists('entitycache')) {
    cache_clear_all($node->nid, 'cache_entity_node');
  $api = LingotekApi::instance();
  if ($node->lingotek['sync_method'] == 1 && module_exists('workbench_moderation') && isset($node->workbench_moderation)) {
    lingotek_lingonode($node->nid, 'workbench_moderate', '0');
  if ($existing_document = isset($node->lingotek['document_id']) ? $node->lingotek['document_id'] : '') {

    // Update an existing Lingotek Document.
  else {

    // Create a new Lingotek Document.
    $ln = LingotekNode::load($node);
      ->addContentDocument($ln, TRUE);
  drupal_set_message(t('Uploaded content for "@node_title" to Lingotek for translation.', array(
    '@node_title' => $node->title,

 * Form constructor for the node disassociate form. (Formerly "Reset Translations")
function lingotek_node_disassociate_form($form, $form_state, $nids = array(), $collapse_fieldset = TRUE) {
  if (isset($form_state['nids'])) {
    $nids = $form_state['nids'];
    $collapse_fieldset = FALSE;
  $form = array();
  if (!is_array($nids)) {
    $nids = array(
  $form['disassociate_translations'] = array(
    '#type' => 'fieldset',
    '#title' => t('Disassociate Translations'),
    '#description' => t("Should only be used to change the Lingotek project or TM vault associated with the node’s translation. Disassociates node translations on Lingotek’s servers from the copies downloaded to Drupal. Additional translation using Lingotek will require re-uploading the node’s content to restart the translation process."),
    '#collapsible' => $collapse_fieldset,
    '#collapsed' => $collapse_fieldset,
  $form['disassociate_translations']['submit'] = array(
    '#type' => 'submit',
    '#value' => t('Disassociate Translations'),
  $form['node_id'] = array(
    '#type' => 'hidden',
    '#value' => json_encode($nids),
  return $form;

 * Submit handler for the lingotek_node_disassociate form.
function lingotek_node_disassociate_form_submit($form, $form_state) {
  $drupal_node_ids_json = json_decode($form_state['values']['node_id']);
  $drupal_node_ids = array();
  foreach ($drupal_node_ids_json as $nid) {
    $drupal_node_ids[] = $nid;
  $doc_ids = LingotekSync::getDocIdsFromNodeIds($drupal_node_ids);
  $api = LingotekApi::instance();
  if (count($drupal_node_ids) <= 1) {
    $node = lingotek_node_load_default($drupal_node_ids[0]);
    drupal_set_message(t('Translations disassociated for "@node_title".', array(
      '@node_title' => $node->title,
  else {
    drupal_set_message(t('Translations disassociated for @number nodes.', array(
      '@number' => count($drupal_node_ids),

    //    drupal_goto('admin/settings/lingotek/grid');

 * Form constructor for the Lingotek Publish form (functionality dependent on entity_translation module installed and enabled).
function lingotek_publish_form($form, $form_state, $node) {
  $form = array();
  if (module_exists('entity_translation') && lingotek_managed_by_entity_translation($node->type)) {
    $handler = entity_translation_get_handler('node', $node);
    $languages = entity_translation_languages();
    $translations = $handler
    $form['publish'] = array(
      '#type' => 'fieldset',
      '#title' => t('Publish'),
      '#description' => t("Manage content visibility to your site's visitors for the selected languages."),
      '#collapsible' => TRUE,
      '#collapsed' => TRUE,
    $options = array();
    $path = $handler
    if ($path) {
      $links = EntityTranslationDefaultHandler::languageSwitchLinks($path);
    foreach ($languages as $language) {
      $language_name = $language->name;
      $langcode = $language->language;
      $is_original = $langcode == $node->language;
      $translation = isset($translations->data[$langcode]) ? $translations->data[$langcode] : array();
      $translation_status = isset($translation['status']) ? $translation['status'] : 1;

      // default to published
      $link_label = lingotek_language_native($langcode);
      $language_link = isset($links->links[$langcode]['href']) ? $links->links[$langcode] : array(
        'href' => $path,
        'language' => $language,
      $subtext = $is_original ? '<i title="' . $langcode . '">source</i>' : '<span title="' . $langcode . '">' . lingotek_language_name($langcode) . '</span>';

      $row = array(
        l($link_label, $language_link['href'], $language_link) . ' (' . $subtext . ')',
        $translation_status ? t('Published') : t('Unpublished'),
      $options[$langcode] = $row;
    $form['publish']['languages'] = array(
      '#type' => 'tableselect',
      '#header' => array(
      '#options' => $options,
    $form['publish']['submit_publish'] = array(
      '#type' => 'submit',
      '#id' => 'publish',
      '#value' => t('Publish'),
    $form['publish']['submit_unpublish'] = array(
      '#type' => 'submit',
      '#id' => 'unpublish',
      '#value' => t('Unpublish'),
    $form['node_id'] = array(
      '#type' => 'hidden',
      '#value' => $node->nid,
  return $form;

 * Submit handler for the lingotek_publish_form form.
 * Update the entity_translation module publishing fields
function lingotek_publish_form_submit($form, $form_state) {
  if (module_exists('entity_translation')) {
    $node = lingotek_node_load_default($form_state['values']['node_id']);
    $status_request = $form_state['triggering_element']['#id'] == 'publish' ? 1 : 0;
    $language_codes = $form_state['values']['languages'];
    list($languages_updated, $updates) = lingotek_entity_translation_save_status($node, $language_codes, $status_request);
    $publish_status_text = $status_request ? 'published' : 'unpublished';
    $languages_updated_html = "<ul><li>" . implode("</li><li>", $languages_updated) . "</li></ul>";
    if ($updates > 0) {
      drupal_set_message(t('The following languages have been <b><i>@publish_status_text</i></b>: ' . $languages_updated_html, array(
        '@publish_status_text' => $publish_status_text,
        '@languages_updated_html' => $languages_updated_html,

      //'@node_title' => $node->title,
    else {
      drupal_set_message(t('Nothing was changed, since no languages were selected'));

 * Page callback for the Lingotek local task on node detail pages.
 * Construct the table summarizing information a Product Manager would want
 * to know about the progress of the translations.
 * @return array
 *   A Drupal render array of the page contents.
function lingotek_pm($node) {

  // Display all of the appropriate node management sections (e.g., Upload, Download, Publish)
  $output = array(
    '#attached' => array(
      'css' => array(
        '//' => array(
          'type' => 'external',
  $sync_status = $node->lingotek['node_sync_status'];

  // node translation support
  if ($node->tnid != 0 && $node->tnid != $node->nid) {
    $output[] = array(
      '#markup' => t('This is a translated node. Go to the @link to manage the translations.', array(
        '@link' => l('source node', 'node/' . $node->tnid . '/lingotek_pm'),
    return $output;

  // node disabled support
  if ($sync_status == LingotekSync::STATUS_DISABLED) {
    $output[] = array(
      '#markup' => 'Lingotek Translation is currently disabled for this node. You can enable translation by editing this node and selecting a Translation Profile (e.g. "Automatic").',
    return $output;
  if (lingotek_supported_node($node) && Lingotek::isSupportedLanguage($node->language)) {
    if ($node->lingotek['node_sync_status'] == LingotekSync::STATUS_EDITED) {
      $content_push_form = drupal_get_form('lingotek_push_form', $node);
      $output['content_push'] = array(
        '#markup' => drupal_render($content_push_form),
    if ($node->lingotek['document_id']) {
      $document = LingotekDocument::load($node->lingotek['document_id']);
      $progress = $document
      if ($progress->results == 'success') {
        $download_form = drupal_get_form('lingotek_download_translations_form', $node, $document);
        $output[] = array(
          '#markup' => drupal_render($download_form),
        if ($document
          ->hasPhasesToComplete()) {

          // Add the mark as complete table if there are complete-eligible phrases.
          $drupal_phase_complete_from = drupal_get_form('lingotek_mark_phases_complete', $node, $document);
          $output['mark_complete'] = array(
            '#markup' => drupal_render($drupal_phase_complete_from),
        $lingotek_advanced_parsing_form = drupal_get_form('lingotek_advanced_parsing_upgrade_form');
        $output['upgrade_form'] = array(
          '#markup' => drupal_render($lingotek_advanced_parsing_form),
      else {

        // Document not found (may still be importing)
        // Import Status (check and report on import status)
        $status = $document
        $message = ' <i>' . check_plain($status) . '</i> ' . l('<i class="fa fa-refresh"></i> ' . t('Refresh'), '', array(
          'html' => TRUE,
          'attributes' => array(
            'class' => 'ltk-icon',
            'title' => t('Refresh'),
            'onclick' => array(
              'location.reload();return false;',
        drupal_set_message(t('Content Import Status:') . $message, 'status');
        $output['import_status'] = array(
          '#type' => 'fieldset',
          '#title' => t('Content Import Status'),
          '#description' => $message,
          '#collapsible' => TRUE,
          '#collapsed' => TRUE,

         $disassociate_translations_form = drupal_get_form('lingotek_node_disassociate_form', $node->nid);
         $output['disassociate_translations'] = array(
           '#markup' => drupal_render($disassociate_translations_form),
  else {
    $output[] = array(
      '#markup' => '<p class="help">' . t('This node is not compatible with Lingotek translation. Either it is not a Lingotek tranlsation-enabled content type or the node does not have a defined language.') . '</p>',

  // Publish form
  $output['publish_form'] = drupal_get_form('lingotek_publish_form', $node);
  return $output;

 * Form constructor for parsing upgrade of a node.
 * @return array
 *   A FAPI form array.
function lingotek_advanced_parsing_upgrade_form($form_state) {
  $form = array();
  if (!variable_get('lingotek_advanced_parsing', FALSE)) {
    $router_item = menu_get_item();
    if (!empty($router_item['page_arguments'][0]->nid)) {
      $node_id = $router_item['page_arguments'][0]->nid;
      $form['node_id'] = array(
        '#type' => 'hidden',
        '#value' => $node_id,
      $form['advanced_parsing_upgrade'] = array(
        '#type' => 'fieldset',
        '#title' => t('Advanced Content Parsing'),
        '#description' => t('Your site is currently set to use legacy ("simple") content parsing. Use the button below to upgrade this node to advanced content parsing.'),
        '#collapsible' => TRUE,
        '#collapsed' => TRUE,
      $advanced_parsing = lingotek_lingonode($node_id, 'use_advanced_parsing');
      if (empty($advanced_parsing)) {
        $form['advanced_parsing_upgrade']['submit'] = array(
          '#type' => 'submit',
          '#value' => t('Upgrade node'),
      else {
        $form['advanced_parsing_upgrade']['already_upgraded'] = array(
          '#markup' => t('This node has already been upgraded to use advanced parsing.'),
    else {
      LingotekLog::error('Unable to locate node ID for advanced parsing upgrade form: @path', array(
        '@path' => $_GET['q'],
  return $form;

 * Submit handler for the lingotek_advanced_parsing_upgrade_form form.
 * @param array $form
 *   A FAPI form array.
 * @param array $form_state
 *   A FAPI form state array.
function lingotek_advanced_parsing_upgrade_form_submit($form, $form_state) {
  $error = FALSE;
  if (!empty($form_state['values']['node_id'])) {
    lingotek_lingonode($form_state['values']['node_id'], 'use_advanced_parsing', 1);
    $target_node = lingotek_node_load_default($form_state['values']['node_id']);
    if ($target_node->nid) {
      if (LingotekApi::instance()
        ->updateContentDocument(LingotekNode::load($target_node))) {
        drupal_set_message(t('This node has been upgraded to use advanced content parsing.'));
      else {
        $error = TRUE;
        LingotekLog::error('Error updating node for advanced content parsing. Lingotek updateContentDocument call failed.', array());
    else {
      $error = TRUE;
      LingotekLog::error('Unable to load target node for content parsing upgrade: @node_id', array(
        '@node_id' => $form_state['values']['node_id'],
  else {
    $error = TRUE;
    LingotekLog::error('No target node ID in parsing upgrade form data.', array());
  if ($error) {
    drupal_set_message(t('There was an error upgrading this node. It has <strong>not</strong> been updated to use advanced parsing.'), 'error');

 * Form constructor for the lingotek_mark_phases_complete form.
 * @param array $form
 *   A FAPI form array.
 * @param array $form_state
 *   A FAPI form state array.
 * @param object $node
 *   The Drupal node whose complete-eligible phases should be displayed.
 * @return array
 *   A FAPI form data array.
function lingotek_mark_phases_complete($form, $form_state, $node, $document = NULL) {
  $form = array();
  $document = is_null($document) ? LingotekDocument::load($node->lingotek['document_id']) : $document;
  $document_id = $document->document_id;
  if (class_exists('LingotekPhase') && $document_id) {
    $api = LingotekApi::instance();
    $progress = $document
    if ($progress) {
      $targets = $progress->translationTargets;
      foreach ($targets as $target) {
        $language = Lingotek::convertLingotek2Drupal($target->language);
        $current_phase = $document
        $phase_complete_percent = empty($current_phase->percentComplete) ? 0 : $current_phase->percentComplete;
        if ($current_phase && $current_phase
          ->canBeMarkedComplete()) {
          $phase_link = l($current_phase->name, '', array(
            'attributes' => array(
              'onclick' => '\'' . $api
                ->getWorkbenchLink($document_id, $current_phase->id) . '\'); return false;',
          $row = array(
            lingotek_language_native($language) . ' (' . lingotek_language_name($language) . ')',
            $phase_complete_percent . '%',
          $options[$current_phase->id] = $row;
      $form['mark_complete'] = array(
        '#type' => 'fieldset',
        '#title' => t('Mark Workflow Phases complete'),
        '#description' => t('The following Translation Targets have Phases that can be marked as complete.'),
        '#collapsible' => TRUE,
        '#collapsed' => TRUE,
      $form['mark_complete']['phases'] = array(
        '#type' => 'tableselect',
        '#header' => array(
          t('Phase Progress'),
        '#options' => $options,
      $form['mark_complete']['submit'] = array(
        '#type' => 'submit',
        '#value' => t('Mark Selected Phases as Complete'),
    else {
      LingotekLog::error('Unable to build mark as complete form: could not get progress data from API.');
  return $form;

 * Submit handler for the lingotek_mark_phases_complete form.
function lingotek_mark_phases_complete_submit($form, $form_state) {
  if (!empty($form_state['values']['phases'])) {
    $api = LingotekApi::instance();
    $errors = FALSE;
    foreach ($form_state['values']['phases'] as $phase_id) {
      if ($phase_id) {
        if (!$api
          ->markPhaseComplete($phase_id)) {
          $errors = TRUE;
    if (!$errors) {
      drupal_set_message(t('All selected phases were marked as complete.'));
    else {
      drupal_set_message(t('There were errors marking one or more phases as complete.'), 'error');
  else {
    drupal_set_message(t('No phases were selected.'), 'error');

 * Page handler for manually refreshing the local translations of a Lingotek-assciated comment.
 * @param int $comment_id
 *   The ID of a Drupal comment.
function page_sync_comment_translations($comment_id) {
  if (!empty($_GET['token']) && drupal_valid_token($_GET['token'])) {
    if (class_exists('LingotekComment') && class_exists('LingotekApi')) {
      $comment = LingotekComment::loadById($comment_id);
      if ($lingotek_document_id = $comment
        ->getMetadataValue('document_id')) {
        if ($document = LingotekApi::instance()
          ->getDocument($lingotek_document_id)) {
          if ($document->percentComplete == 100) {
            if ($comment
              ->updateLocalContent()) {
              drupal_set_message(t('Local translations for the comment have been updated.'));
            else {
              LingotekLog::error('Unable to update local translations for comment @id', array(
                '@id' => $comment_id,
              drupal_set_message(t('An error occurred. Local translations for the comment were not updated.'), 'error');
          else {
            drupal_set_message(t('The translation of this comment is not yet complete. Please try again later.'), 'warning');
        else {
          LingotekLog::error('Unable to retrieve the status of the lingotek document: @id while updating
            comment @comment_id', array(
            '@id' => $lingotek_document_id,
            '@comment_id' => $comment_id,
          ), WATCHDOG_ERROR);
          drupal_set_message(t('An error occurred. Local translations for the comment were not updated.'), 'error');
      else {
        LingotekLog::error('Attempt to refresh local translations for comment @id, but the comment
          is not associated with a Lingotek document.', array(
          '@id' => $comment_id,
  else {
    LingotekLog::error('Attempt to refresh local translations for comment @id without a valid security token.', array(
      '@id' => $comment_id,

function lingotek_workbench_redirect($entity_type, $id, $lingotek_locale) {
  $drupal_language_code = Lingotek::convertLingotek2Drupal($lingotek_locale);
  if ($entity_type == 'node') {

    // clear any residual nodes built out before the lingotek document_id was stored
    if (module_exists('entitycache')) {
      cache_clear_all($id, 'cache_entity_node');
    $node = node_load($id);
    if ($node->language == $drupal_language_code) {
      drupal_goto('node/' . $node->nid . '/edit');
    else {
      $translation_edit_link = lingotek_get_workbench_url($node->lingotek['document_id'], $lingotek_locale);
  elseif ($entity_type == 'comment') {
    $comment = comment_load($id);
    if ($comment->language == $drupal_language_code) {
      drupal_goto('comment/' . $comment->cid . '/edit');
    else {
      $lingotek_comment = LingotekComment::load($comment);
      $translation_edit_link = lingotek_get_workbench_url($lingotek_comment
        ->lingotekDocumentId(), $lingotek_locale);
      if (!empty($translation_edit_link)) {
      else {
        drupal_goto('comment/' . $comment->cid . '/edit');


Namesort descending Description
lingotek_advanced_parsing_upgrade_form Form constructor for parsing upgrade of a node.
lingotek_advanced_parsing_upgrade_form_submit Submit handler for the lingotek_advanced_parsing_upgrade_form form.
lingotek_download_translations_form Download Translations Form.
lingotek_download_translations_form_submit Download Translations Form Submit
lingotek_mark_phases_complete Form constructor for the lingotek_mark_phases_complete form.
lingotek_mark_phases_complete_submit Submit handler for the lingotek_mark_phases_complete form.
lingotek_node_disassociate_form Form constructor for the node disassociate form. (Formerly "Reset Translations")
lingotek_node_disassociate_form_submit Submit handler for the lingotek_node_disassociate form.
lingotek_pm Page callback for the Lingotek local task on node detail pages.
lingotek_publish_form Form constructor for the Lingotek Publish form (functionality dependent on entity_translation module installed and enabled).
lingotek_publish_form_submit Submit handler for the lingotek_publish_form form. Update the entity_translation module publishing fields
lingotek_push_form Upload Content Form. (Upload to Lingotek)
lingotek_push_form_submit Submit handler for the lingotek_push_form form.
page_sync_comment_translations Page handler for manually refreshing the local translations of a Lingotek-assciated comment.