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class LingotekNode in Lingotek Translation 7.4

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 7.2 lib/Drupal/lingotek/LingotekNode.php \LingotekNode
  2. 7.3 lib/Drupal/lingotek/LingotekNode.php \LingotekNode

A class wrapper for Lingotek-specific behavior on nodes.


Expanded class hierarchy of LingotekNode

2 string references to 'LingotekNode'
LingotekApi::getCreateWithTargetsParams in lib/Drupal/lingotek/LingotekApi.php
Collects the entity-specific parameter values for a document create API call.
lingotek_update_7200 in ./lingotek.install


lib/Drupal/lingotek/LingotekNode.php, line 11
Defines LingotekNode.

View source
class LingotekNode implements LingotekTranslatableEntity {

   * A Drupal node.
   * @var object
  protected $node;

   * The Drupal entity type associated with this class
  const DRUPAL_ENTITY_TYPE = 'node';

   * Lingotek Lingonode properties.
   * @var object
  protected $lingonode;

   * A reference to the Lingotek API.
   * @var LingotekApi
  protected $api = NULL;
  public $language = '';

   * Constructor.
   * This is private since we want consumers to instantiate via the factory methods.
   * @param object $node
   *   A Drupal node.
  private function __construct($node) {
    $this->node = $node;
    $this->nid = $node->nid;
    $this->language = $node->language;

   * Injects reference to an API object.
   * @param LingotekApi $api
   *   An instantiated Lingotek API object.
  public function setApi(LingotekApi $api) {
    $this->api = $api;

   * Factory method for getting a loaded LingotekNode object.
   * @param object $node
   *   A Drupal node.
   * @return LingotekNode
   *   A loaded LingotekNode object.
  public static function load($node) {
    $node = new LingotekNode($node);
    return $node;

   * Method for loading the values for the lingonode
   * @param none
   * @return boolean
  private function loadLingonode() {
    if ($this->nid) {

      // add in all values from the lingonode table (when missing set use global defaults)
      $lingonode = (object) lingotek_lingonode($this->nid);
      if ($lingonode) {
        $lingonode->auto_download = $lingonode->sync_method === FALSE ? variable_get('lingotek_sync') : $lingonode->sync_method;
        $this->lingonode = $lingonode;
        return TRUE;
    return FALSE;

   * Factory method for getting a loaded LingotekNode object.
   * @param int $node_id
   *   A Drupal node ID.
   * @return mixed
   *   A loaded LingotekNode object on success, FALSE on failure.
  public static function loadById($node_id) {
    $node = FALSE;
    if ($drupal_node = lingotek_node_load_default($node_id)) {
      $node = self::load($drupal_node);
    return $node;

   * Loads a LingotekNode by Lingotek Document ID.
   * @param string $lingotek_document_id
   *   The Document ID whose corresponding node should be loaded.
   * @return mixed
   *   A LingotekNode object on success, FALSE on failure.
  public static function loadByLingotekDocumentId($lingotek_document_id) {
    $node = FALSE;
    $nid = LingotekSync::getNodeIdFromDocId($lingotek_document_id);
    if ($nid) {
      $node = self::loadById($nid);
    return $node;

   * Gets the Lingotek document ID for this entity.
   * @return mixed
   *   The integer document ID if the entity is associated with a
   *   Lingotek document. FALSE otherwise.
  public function lingotekDocumentId() {
    return $this->node->lingotek['document_id'];

   * Gets the contents of this item formatted as XML that can be sent to Lingotek.
   * @return string
   *   The XML document representing the entity's translatable content.
  public function documentLingotekXML() {
    return lingotek_xml_node_body($this->node);

   * Magic get for access to node and node properties.
  public function __get($property_name) {
    $property = NULL;
    if ($property === 'node') {
      $property = $this->node;
    elseif (isset($this->node->{$property_name})) {
      $property = $this->node->{$property_name};
    else {

      // attempt to lookup the value in the lingonode table
      $val = lingotek_lingonode($this->node->nid, $property_name);
      $property = $val !== FALSE ? $val : $property;
    return $property;

   * Gets a Lingotek metadata value for this item.
   * @param string $key
   *   The key whose value should be returned.
   * @return string
   *   The value for the specified key, if it exists.
  public function getMetadataValue($key) {

    // Necessary to fully implement the interface, but we don't do anything
    // on LingotekNode objects, explicitly.

   * Sets a Lingotek metadata value for this item.
   * @param string $key
   *   The key for a name/value pair.
   * @param string $value
   *   The value for a name/value pair.
  public function setMetadataValue($key, $value) {

    // Necessary to fully implement the interface, but we don't do anything
    // on LingotekNode objects, explicitly.

   * Updates the local content with data from a Lingotek Document.
   * @return bool
   *   TRUE if the content updates succeeded, FALSE otherwise.
  public function updateLocalContent() {

    // Necessary to fully implement the interface, but we don't do anything
    // on LingotekNode objects, explicitly.

   * Updates the local content of $target_code with data from a Lingotek Document
   * @param string $lingotek_locale
   *   The code for the language that needs to be updated.
   * @return bool
   *   TRUE if the content updates succeeded, FALSE otherwise.
  public function updateLocalContentByTarget($lingotek_locale) {

    // Necessary to fully implement the interface, but we don't do anything
    // on LingotekNode objects, explicitly.
  public function getWorkflowId() {
    return $this->node->lingotek['workflow_id'];
  public function getProjectId() {
    return $this->node->lingotek['project_id'];
  public function getVaultId() {
    return $this->node->lingotek['vault_id'];
  public function getTitle() {
    return $this->node->title;
  public function getDescription() {
    return $this->node->title;

   * Return the Drupal Entity type
   * @return string
   *   The entity type associated with this object
  public function getEntityType() {
    return self::DRUPAL_ENTITY_TYPE;

   * Return the node ID
   * @return int
   *   The ID associated with this object
  public function getId() {
    return $this->node->nid;
  public function getSourceLocale() {
    return Lingotek::convertDrupal2Lingotek($this->node->language);



Namesort descending Modifiers Type Description Overrides
LingotekNode::$api protected property A reference to the Lingotek API.
LingotekNode::$language public property
LingotekNode::$lingonode protected property Lingotek Lingonode properties.
LingotekNode::$node protected property A Drupal node.
LingotekNode::documentLingotekXML public function Gets the contents of this item formatted as XML that can be sent to Lingotek. Overrides LingotekTranslatableEntity::documentLingotekXML
LingotekNode::DRUPAL_ENTITY_TYPE constant The Drupal entity type associated with this class
LingotekNode::getDescription public function Overrides LingotekTranslatableEntity::getDescription
LingotekNode::getEntityType public function Return the Drupal Entity type Overrides LingotekTranslatableEntity::getEntityType
LingotekNode::getId public function Return the node ID Overrides LingotekTranslatableEntity::getId
LingotekNode::getMetadataValue public function Gets a Lingotek metadata value for this item. Overrides LingotekTranslatableEntity::getMetadataValue
LingotekNode::getProjectId public function Overrides LingotekTranslatableEntity::getProjectId
LingotekNode::getSourceLocale public function Overrides LingotekTranslatableEntity::getSourceLocale
LingotekNode::getTitle public function Overrides LingotekTranslatableEntity::getTitle
LingotekNode::getVaultId public function Overrides LingotekTranslatableEntity::getVaultId
LingotekNode::getWorkflowId public function Overrides LingotekTranslatableEntity::getWorkflowId
LingotekNode::lingotekDocumentId public function Gets the Lingotek document ID for this entity. Overrides LingotekTranslatableEntity::lingotekDocumentId
LingotekNode::load public static function Factory method for getting a loaded LingotekNode object.
LingotekNode::loadById public static function Factory method for getting a loaded LingotekNode object.
LingotekNode::loadByLingotekDocumentId public static function Loads a LingotekNode by Lingotek Document ID.
LingotekNode::loadLingonode private function Method for loading the values for the lingonode
LingotekNode::setApi public function Injects reference to an API object.
LingotekNode::setMetadataValue public function Sets a Lingotek metadata value for this item. Overrides LingotekTranslatableEntity::setMetadataValue
LingotekNode::updateLocalContent public function Updates the local content with data from a Lingotek Document. Overrides LingotekTranslatableEntity::updateLocalContent
LingotekNode::updateLocalContentByTarget public function Updates the local content of $target_code with data from a Lingotek Document Overrides LingotekTranslatableEntity::updateLocalContentByTarget
LingotekNode::__construct private function Constructor.
LingotekNode::__get public function Magic get for access to node and node properties.