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42 calls to LingotekApi::instance() in Lingotek Translation 7.4

LingotekComment::load in lib/Drupal/lingotek/LingotekComment.php
Factory method for getting a loaded LingotekComment object.
LingotekComment::loadById in lib/Drupal/lingotek/LingotekComment.php
Factory method for getting a loaded LingotekComment object.
LingotekComment::updateLocalContent in lib/Drupal/lingotek/LingotekComment.php
Updates the local content with data from a Lingotek Document.
LingotekComment::updateLocalContentByTarget in lib/Drupal/lingotek/LingotekComment.php
Updates the local content of $target_code with data from a Lingotek Document
LingotekConfigChunk::loadById in lib/Drupal/lingotek/LingotekConfigChunk.php
Factory method for getting a loaded LingotekConfigChunk object.
LingotekConfigChunk::updateLocalContent in lib/Drupal/lingotek/LingotekConfigChunk.php
Updates the local content with data from a Lingotek Document.
LingotekConfigChunk::updateLocalContentByTarget in lib/Drupal/lingotek/LingotekConfigChunk.php
Updates the local content of $target_code with data from a Lingotek Document
LingotekDocument::load in lib/Drupal/lingotek/LingotekDocument.php
Factory method for getting a loaded LingotekDocument object.
LingotekNode::load in lib/Drupal/lingotek/LingotekNode.php
Factory method for getting a loaded LingotekNode object.
LingotekPhase::load in lib/Drupal/lingotek/LingotekPhase.php
Factory method for getting a loaded LingotekPhase object.
LingotekPhase::loadWithData in lib/Drupal/lingotek/LingotekPhase.php
Factory method for getting a loaded LingotekPhase object.
LingotekSync::updateNotifyUrl in lib/Drupal/lingotek/LingotekSync.php
lingotek_admin_additional_translation_settings_form in ./
Additional translation form
lingotek_admin_comment_translation_settings_form in ./
Additional translation form
lingotek_admin_configuration_view in ./
lingotek_admin_connection_form in ./
Lingotek Connection Settings Form
lingotek_admin_profile_form in ./
Content defaults Form
lingotek_admin_profile_form_submit in ./
lingotek_batch_disassociate_content in ./
Batch Create: Lingotek Disassociate Translations
lingotek_comment_delete in ./lingotek.module
Implements hook_comment_delete().
lingotek_content_push_form_submit in ./lingotek.module
Submit handler for the lingotek_content_push_form form.
lingotek_delete_target_language in ./
Flags a target language as active:FALSE in the Target Language tracking.
lingotek_form_node_form_alter in ./lingotek.module
Implements hook_form_BASE_FORM_ID_alter().
lingotek_get_change_workflow_form in ./lingotek.module
lingotek_get_change_workflow_form_submit in ./lingotek.module
lingotek_get_community_settings in ./
lingotek_get_phases_by_workflow_id in ./lingotek.module
lingotek_get_workbench_url in ./
Get the url to open the Lingotek Workbench.
lingotek_grid_get_rows in ./
Dynamic query processing function for the grid Since the header defines which columns are shown, this query gets all possible values and refines the header using the columns selected in the UI The filters are also processed here
lingotek_mark_phases_complete in ./
Form constructor for the lingotek_mark_phases_complete form.
lingotek_mark_phases_complete_submit in ./
Submit handler for the lingotek_mark_phases_complete form.
lingotek_node_delete in ./lingotek.module
Implements hook_node_delete().
lingotek_node_disassociate_form_submit in ./
Submit handler for the lingotek_node_disassociate form.
lingotek_node_save in ./lingotek.module
lingotek_page_mark_phases_complete in includes/
Page handler for completing the current phases of remote Lingotek documents.
lingotek_project_vault_select_form_submit in ./
Project Select Screen - Form Submit
lingotek_push_form_submit in ./
Submit handler for the lingotek_push_form form.
lingotek_refresh_api_cache in ./
lingotek_refresh_api_cache utility
lingotek_setup_new_account_form_submit in ./
New Account - Form Processor Provisions a Lingotek account and sends activation notice.
lingotek_set_target_language in ./
Sets the extended target language locale in the languages table and whether or not it is enabled
lingotek_sync_upload_config_chunk in ./
Upload Batch Worker Function: Upload Config Chunk for Translation
lingotek_sync_upload_node in ./
Upload Batch Worker Function: Upload Node for Translation