You are here in Lingotek Translation 7.4

Bulk Grid form

View source

 * @file
 * Bulk Grid form
function lingotek_bulk_grid_form($form, $form_state) {
  global $language;

   * Here we store or retrieve the GET parameters so that the state of the table is maintained when leaving and coming back
   * Also makes it so the state is not lost when performing bulk actions
  if (count($_GET) == 1 && isset($_SESSION['grid_custom_parameters']) && !empty($_SESSION['grid_custom_parameters'])) {
    $_SESSION['grid_custom_parameters']['preventloop'] = TRUE;
    drupal_goto('admin/settings/lingotek/manage/list', array(
      'query' => $_SESSION['grid_custom_parameters'],
  else {
    $_SESSION['grid_custom_parameters'] = $_GET;
    if ($_SESSION['grid_custom_parameters']['q']) {
  $path_to_lingotek = drupal_get_path('module', 'lingotek');

  // Output success messages for actions
  if (isset($_SESSION['lingotek_edit_nodes'])) {
    drupal_set_message(format_plural($_SESSION['lingotek_edit_nodes'], 'Settings changed for one node.', 'Settings changed for @count nodes.'));
  if (isset($_SESSION['lingotek_sync_nodes'])) {
    drupal_set_message(format_plural($_SESSION['lingotek_sync_nodes'], 'Target translations progress checked and updated for one node.', 'Target translations progress checked and updated for @count nodes.'));

  // Populate form_state with filter values so the query can use them
  $form_state['values']['columns'] = lingotek_grid_get_columns(TRUE);
  $form_state['values']['grid_header'] = array();

  // Define source actions - keys are used to decide what action to do in the 'lingotek_grid_action_submit' function
  $action_options = array(
    'select' => t('Select an action'),
    'upload' => t('Upload Source for Translation'),
    'sync' => t('Check Progress of Translations'),
    'reset' => t('Disassociate Translations'),
    //    'delete' => t('Delete Nodes'),
    'edit' => t('Edit Translation Settings'),
    'workflow' => t('Change Workflow'),
    'Download' => array(
      'download_all' => t('Download All Translations'),
  $target_languages_raw = language_list('language');
  foreach ($target_languages_raw as $target_raw) {
    $action_options['Download']['download_' . $target_raw->lingotek_locale] = 'Download ' . $target_raw->name . ' (' . $target_raw->lingotek_locale . ') Translation';
  $form['lingotek-console'] = array(
    '#markup' => '<div id="lingotek-console"></div>',

  // Run query to get table rows
  $table_data = lingotek_grid_get_rows($form, $form_state);

  // Count of returned results
  $page = pager_find_page();

  // Get current page from url
  $form['customize'] = array(
    '#markup' => l('<i class="fa fa-list-alt fa-2x" ></i>', LINGOTEK_MENU_MAIN_BASE_URL . '/manage/customize', array(
      'html' => TRUE,
      'attributes' => array(
        'title' => t('Customize Table'),
        'class' => array(

  /*$form['filter_popup'] = array(
      '#markup' => l('<i class="fa-search fa-2x"></i>', LINGOTEK_MENU_MAIN_BASE_URL . '/manage/filters', array('html' => TRUE, 'attributes' => array('title' => 'Set Filters', 'class' => array('ctools-use-modal', 'ctools-modal-set-filters', 'lingotek-action')))),
  $last_updated = variable_get('lingotek_pending_last_updated', NULL);
  $message = t('Check in-progress translation statuses (Last checked @time)', array(
    '@time' => $last_updated ? lingotek_human_readable_timestamp($last_updated) . ' ago' : 'Never',
  $form['refresh'] = array(
    '#markup' => l('<i class="fa fa-refresh fa-2x ltk-refresh"></i>', LINGOTEK_MENU_MAIN_BASE_URL . '/manage/update', array(
      'html' => TRUE,
      'attributes' => array(
        'class' => 'lingotek-action',
        'title' => $message,
  $form['lingotek_update'] = array(
    '#markup' => l('<i class="fa fa-cloud-download fa-2x ltk-download"></i>', LINGOTEK_MENU_MAIN_BASE_URL . '/manage/download-ready', array(
      'html' => TRUE,
      'attributes' => array(
        'title' => t('Download complete translations'),
        'class' => array(
  $form['edit_settings'] = array(
    '#markup' => l(t('Edit Settings'), LINGOTEK_MENU_MAIN_BASE_URL . '/manage/edit', array(
      'attributes' => array(
        'id' => 'edit-settings-link',
        'class' => array(
  $form['disassociate_translations'] = array(
    '#markup' => l(t('Disassociate Translations'), LINGOTEK_MENU_MAIN_BASE_URL . '/manage/reset', array(
      'attributes' => array(
        'id' => 'reset-translations-link',
        'class' => array(
  if (LingotekAccount::instance()
    ->isEnterprise()) {
    $form['change_workflow'] = array(
      '#markup' => l(t('Change Workflow'), LINGOTEK_MENU_MAIN_BASE_URL . '/manage/change-workflow', array(
        'attributes' => array(
          'id' => 'change-workflow-link',
          'class' => array(
  $form['search'] = array(
    '#type' => 'textfield',
    '#default_value' => isset($_SESSION['grid_filters']['search']) ? $_SESSION['grid_filters']['search'] : '',
    '#title' => l('<i class="fa fa-search"></i>', LINGOTEK_MENU_MAIN_BASE_URL . '/manage/filters', array(
      'html' => TRUE,
      'attributes' => array(
        'title' => t('Advanced Search'),
        'class' => array(
    )) . ' ' . t('Search') . ': ',
    '#size' => 30,
  $search_options = array(
    'all' => 'All',
    'title' => 'Title',
    'body' => 'Body',
  $form['search_type'] = array(
    '#type' => 'select',
    '#options' => $search_options,
    '#default_value' => isset($_SESSION['grid_filters']['search_type']) ? $_SESSION['grid_filters']['search_type'] : 'all',
  $form['search_submit'] = array(
    '#type' => 'submit',
    '#value' => 'Go',
    '#submit' => array(
  $filter_set = FALSE;
  if (isset($_SESSION['grid_filters'])) {
    foreach ($_SESSION['grid_filters'] as $key => $value) {
      if (is_array($value)) {
        $keys = array_keys($value);
        if (count($keys) == 1) {
          if ($keys[0] != '' && $keys[0] != 'all') {
            $filter_set = TRUE;
        elseif (count($keys) > 1) {
          $filter_set = TRUE;
      else {
        if (!empty($value) && $value != 'all') {
          $filter_set = TRUE;
  if ($filter_set) {
    $form['filter_message'] = array(
      '#markup' => ' ' . l('<i class="fa fa-times" style="margin-right: 5px;"></i>' . t('Clear Filters'), LINGOTEK_MENU_MAIN_BASE_URL . '/manage/filters/clear', array(
        'html' => TRUE,
      )) . '',

  // Build actions selector
  $form['actions_select'] = array(
    '#type' => 'select',
    '#options' => $action_options,
    '#title' => '<i class="fa fa-asterisk ltk-muted"></i>' . ' ' . t('Actions') . ': ',

  // Actions submit button
  $form['actions_submit'] = array(
    '#type' => 'submit',
    '#value' => t('Submit Action'),
    '#name' => 'actions_submit',
    '#submit' => array(

  // div container for the table and pager
  $form['grid_container'] = array(
    '#type' => 'container',
    '#attached' => array(
      'css' => array(
        '//' => array(
          'type' => 'external',
      'js' => array(
        // We get php errors when TableSort and AJAX are combined (see             // So we are faking it with a hidden submit button and some jQuery.
        $path_to_lingotek . '/js/lingotek.bulk_grid.js',
    'customize-table' => array(
      'modalSize' => array(),
    'set-filters' => array(
      'modalSize' => array(
        'type' => 'fixed',
        'width' => 500,
        'height' => 500,
  ), 'setting');
  if (!empty($table_data)) {

    // If results, render the table.  Otherwise, output 'No results were returned.'
    // Calculate and output the number of results shown
    // The actual table
    $form['grid_container']['the_grid'] = array(
      '#type' => 'tableselect',
      '#header' => $form_state['values']['grid_header'],
      '#options' => $table_data,

    // The pager
    $form['grid_container']['pager'] = array(
      '#theme' => 'pager',
  else {
    $form['grid_container']['none'] = array(
      '#markup' => '<div class="grid-empty">' . t('No results found.') . '</div>',

  // process limit_select to correctly limit the query and pager
  $limit = 10;
  if (isset($_SESSION['limit_select'])) {
    $limit = $_SESSION['limit_select'];
  $form_state['values']['limit_select'] = $limit;
  $results_first = $page * $form_state['values']['limit_select'] + 1;
  $results_last = $results_first + count($table_data) - 1;
  if ($results_last > 0) {
    $form['count'] = array(
      '#markup' => '<span id="grid-result-summary">' . t('Displaying @first - @last', array(
        '@first' => $results_first,
        '@last' => $results_last,
      )) . ($filter_set ? ' (' . t('filtered results') . ')' : '') . '</span>',
  if (count($table_data) >= 10) {
    $form['limit_select'] = array(
      '#type' => 'select',
      '#prefix' => '<div id="page-limit">',
      '#suffix' => ' ' . t('results per page') . '</div>',
      '#options' => array(
        10 => '10',
        25 => '25',
        50 => '50',
        100 => '100',
        250 => '250',
        500 => '500',
      '#default_value' => $limit,
  return $form;
function lingotek_filters_popup_form($form = array(), $form_state = array()) {

  // Container to create styleable div class
  $form['filter_fieldset']['filters'] = array(
    '#type' => 'container',

  // Container to create styleable div class
  $form['filter_fieldset']['filter_buttons'] = array(
    '#type' => 'container',

  // Filter submit button
  $form['filter_fieldset']['filter_buttons']['filter_submit'] = array(
    '#type' => 'submit',
    '#value' => t('Submit Filters'),
    '#submit' => array(

  // Reset filter defaults button
  $form['filter_fieldset']['filter_buttons']['filter_reset'] = array(
    '#type' => 'submit',
    '#value' => t('Clear Filters'),
    '#submit' => array(
  $form_state['values']['filters'] = lingotek_grid_get_filters(TRUE);
  $form['filter_fieldset']['filters'] += lingotek_grid_build_filters($form_state);
  return $form;
function lingotek_filters_popup() {
  ctools_include('node.pages', 'node', '');
  $form = array();
  $form_state = array(
    'ajax' => TRUE,
  $output = ctools_modal_form_wrapper('lingotek_filters_popup_form', $form_state);
  if (!empty($form_state['executed'])) {
    lingotek_grid_filter_submit($form, $form_state);

    // Create ajax command array, dismiss the modal window.
    $commands = array();
    $commands[] = ctools_modal_command_dismiss();
    $commands[] = ctools_ajax_command_reload();
    print ajax_render($commands);
  print ajax_render($output);
function lingotek_grid_customize_form($form, $form_state) {

  // Container to create styleable div class
  $form['customize_table_fieldset']['custom_columns'] = array(
    '#type' => 'container',

  // Container to create styleable div class
  $form['customize_table_fieldset']['custom_buttons'] = array(
    '#type' => 'container',

  // Submit customized columns button
  $form['customize_table_fieldset']['custom_buttons']['custom_submit'] = array(
    '#type' => 'submit',
    '#value' => t('Save'),
    '#submit' => array(

  // Reset column defaults button
  $form['customize_table_fieldset']['custom_buttons']['custom_clear'] = array(
    '#type' => 'submit',
    '#value' => t('Reset to Defaults'),
    '#submit' => array(
  $form_state['values']['columns'] = lingotek_grid_get_columns(TRUE);
  $form['customize_table_fieldset']['custom_columns'] += lingotek_grid_build_column_checkboxes($form_state);
  return $form;
function lingotek_grid_customize() {
  ctools_include('node.pages', 'node', '');
  $form_state = array(
    'ajax' => TRUE,
  $output = ctools_modal_form_wrapper('lingotek_grid_customize_form', $form_state);
  if (!empty($form_state['executed'])) {
    $f = array();
    form_execute_handlers('submit', $f, $form_state);
    $commands = array();
    $commands[] = ctools_modal_command_dismiss();
    $commands[] = ctools_ajax_command_reload();
    print ajax_render($commands);
  print ajax_render($output);
function lingotek_grid_filter_inline_submit($form, $form_state) {
  $_SESSION['grid_filters']['search_type'] = $form_state['values']['search_type'];
  if (!empty($form_state['values']['search'])) {
    $_SESSION['grid_filters']['search'] = $form_state['values']['search'];
  else {
  if ($form_state['values']['search_type'] == 'title') {
    $_SESSION['grid_filters']['title'] = $form_state['values']['search'];
  elseif ($form_state['values']['search_type'] == 'body') {
    $_SESSION['grid_filters']['body'] = $form_state['values']['search'];
  if (isset($form_state['values']['limit_select'])) {
    $_SESSION['limit_select'] = $form_state['values']['limit_select'];

 * Submit function for The Grid's filters (header, column, and filter fieldsets)
 * Adds filters to the session variable so the query can use them after the page load
function lingotek_grid_filter_submit($form, $form_state) {
  $stselected = FALSE;
  $lselected = FALSE;

  // we have to add some of these keys to the session because otherwise they are not saved after the form submission
  if (isset($form_state['clicked_button']) && $form_state['clicked_button']['#name'] != 'op') {
    $_SESSION['button'] = $form_state['clicked_button']['#name'];
  if (isset($form_state['values'])) {
    foreach ($form_state['values'] as $key => $value) {
      $add_key_to_session = FALSE;
      $nest = NULL;
      if ($key == 'limit_select') {
        $add_key_to_session = TRUE;
        $lselected = TRUE;
      elseif (strpos($key, '__filter')) {
        $add_key_to_session = TRUE;
        $nest = 'grid_filters';

        //stored in $_SESSION['grid_filters'][$key]
      elseif (strpos($key, '__custom')) {
        $add_key_to_session = TRUE;
        $nest = 'grid_custom';

        //stored in $_SESSION['grid_custom'][$key]

      // if we want this key, add it to the session
      if ($add_key_to_session) {
        if (is_null($nest)) {
          $_SESSION[$key] = $value;
        else {
          $_SESSION[$nest][str_replace('__filter', '', $key)] = $value;
  if (!$lselected) {
    $_SESSION['limit_select'] = 10;

 * Submit function for The Grid's actions
 * The action corresponds to the key of the option selected
 * Often redirects to batch operations or to other pages entirely
function lingotek_grid_action_submit($form, $form_state) {
  $nids = array();
  if (isset($form_state['clicked_button']) && $form_state['clicked_button']['#name'] == 'actions_submit') {

    // If submitting an action
    foreach ($form_state['values']['the_grid'] as $value) {
      if ($value != 0) {
        $nids[] = $value;
    if (isset($form_state['values']['actions_select'])) {

      // If an action was selected (which it would be, I don't know if this could ever NOT occur with normal use)
      $action = $form_state['values']['actions_select'];

      // Get the action
      if (count($nids) <= 0) {

        // Select a node
        drupal_set_message(t('You must select at least one node to @action.', array(
          '@action' => $action,
        )), 'warning');

        // Or pay the price
      elseif ($action == 'upload') {

        // If uploading
        $batch = array(
          'title' => t('Uploading Nodes To Lingotek'),
          'finished' => 'lingotek_sync_upload_node_finished',
        $operations = lingotek_get_sync_upload_batch_elements($nids);
        $batch['operations'] = $operations;
        $redirect = 'admin/settings/lingotek/manage';

        // Run batch operations to upload all of the selected nodes to Lingotek
      elseif (substr($action, 0, 8) == 'download') {

        // If downloading all targets
        $lang = substr($action, 9, 10);
        $target_locales = $lang == 'all' ? lingotek_get_target_locales() : array(
        $document_ids_map = LingotekSync::getDocIdsFromNodeIds($nids, $associate = TRUE);
        $complete_targets = array();
        $incomplete_targets = array();

        // We need to check all pending nodes to see if they are READY so that in the end the status is correct.
        $pending_document_ids = array();
        foreach ($document_ids_map as $nid => $nid_obj) {
          $status = lingotek_lingonode($nid, 'node_sync_status');
          if ($status != LingotekSync::STATUS_CURRENT && $status != LingotekSync::STATUS_READY) {
            $pending_document_ids[] = $nid_obj->doc_id;
        foreach ($target_locales as $language) {

          // Separate the nodes by target_sync_progress_[lang code] percentage
          $complete_nids = LingotekSync::getNodeIdSubsetByTargetStatusReady($nids, $language);
          $complete_doc_ids = array();
          if (!empty($complete_nids)) {
            $complete_doc_ids = LingotekSync::getDocIdsFromNodeIds($complete_nids);
          foreach ($document_ids_map as $nid_obj) {
            $doc_id = $nid_obj->doc_id;
            if (in_array($doc_id, $complete_doc_ids)) {

              // If workflow completed, create target json
              $complete_targets[] = (object) array(
                'document_id' => $doc_id,
                'locale' => $language,
            else {
              $incomplete_targets[] = (object) array(
                'document_id' => $doc_id,
                'locale' => $language,
        if (!empty($complete_targets)) {
          $batch = array(
            'title' => t('Downloading Translations from Lingotek'),
            'operations' => array(),
            'finished' => 'lingotek_sync_download_target_finished',
          $batch['operations'] = array_merge($batch['operations'], lingotek_get_sync_download_batch_elements($complete_targets, LingotekSync::STATUS_CURRENT));

          // If target progress is at 100, download and set to current
          $batch['operations'] = array_merge($batch['operations'], lingotek_get_sync_download_batch_elements($incomplete_targets, LingotekSync::STATUS_PENDING));

          // Otherwise, download and set to pending
          $redirect = 'admin/settings/lingotek/manage';

          // Run the batch operations
      elseif ($action == 'delete') {

        // If resetting translations
        $_SESSION['lingotek_disassociate_nodes'] = $nids;

        // Redirect to the disassociate translations form to do so
      elseif ($action == 'reset') {

        // If resetting translations
        $_SESSION['lingotek_disassociate_nodes'] = $nids;

        // Redirect to the disassociate translations form to do so
      elseif ($action == 'edit') {

        // If editing node settings
        $_SESSION['lingotek_edit_nodes'] = $nids;

        // Redirect to the edit Lingotek node settings form - for multiple nodes, form defaults are global defaults
      elseif ($action == 'workflow') {

        // If changing the workflow
        $_SESSION['lingotek_change_workflow'] = $nids;

        // Redirect to the change-workflow settings form - for multiple nodes, form defaults are global defaults
      elseif ($action == 'sync') {

        // If syncing the progress
        $_SESSION['lingotek_sync_nodes'] = count($nids);

        // Run batch operations to get the progress report from Lingotek

 * Builds the checkbox elements for customizing The Grid's columns
 * Uses predefined defaults specified in 'lingotek_grid_define_columns'
function lingotek_grid_build_column_checkboxes($form_state) {
  $prefix = '';
  $suffix = '__custom';

  // Suffix specified because the filter submit function differentiates based on this tag and puts the keys into the session variable as such
  $columns = lingotek_grid_define_columns();

  // Allowed columns and defaults for source and target grids are defined here
  $column_elements = array(
    'nid' => array(
      '#type' => 'checkbox',
      '#title' => t('Node ID'),
      '#default_value' => isset($_SESSION['grid_custom'][$prefix . 'nid' . $suffix]) ? $_SESSION['grid_custom'][$prefix . 'nid' . $suffix] : in_array('nid', $columns['defaults']),
    'content_type' => array(
      '#type' => 'checkbox',
      '#title' => t('Content Type'),
      '#default_value' => isset($_SESSION['grid_custom'][$prefix . 'content_type' . $suffix]) ? $_SESSION['grid_custom'][$prefix . 'content_type' . $suffix] : in_array('content_type', $columns['defaults']),
    'title' => array(
      '#type' => 'checkbox',
      '#title' => t('Node Title'),
      '#default_value' => isset($_SESSION['grid_custom'][$prefix . 'title' . $suffix]) ? $_SESSION['grid_custom'][$prefix . 'title' . $suffix] : in_array('title', $columns['defaults']),
    'language' => array(
      '#type' => 'checkbox',
      '#title' => t('Source Language'),
      '#default_value' => isset($_SESSION['grid_custom'][$prefix . 'language' . $suffix]) ? $_SESSION['grid_custom'][$prefix . 'language' . $suffix] : in_array('language', $columns['defaults']),
    'translations' => array(
      '#type' => 'checkbox',
      '#title' => t('Translations'),
      '#default_value' => isset($_SESSION['grid_custom'][$prefix . 'translations' . $suffix]) ? $_SESSION['grid_custom'][$prefix . 'translations' . $suffix] : in_array('translations', $columns['defaults']),
    'configuration' => array(
      '#type' => 'checkbox',
      '#title' => t('Configuration'),
      '#default_value' => isset($_SESSION['grid_custom'][$prefix . 'configuration' . $suffix]) ? $_SESSION['grid_custom'][$prefix . 'configuration' . $suffix] : in_array('configuration', $columns['defaults']),
    'document_id' => array(
      '#type' => 'checkbox',
      '#title' => t('Doc ID'),
      '#default_value' => isset($_SESSION['grid_custom'][$prefix . 'document_id' . $suffix]) ? $_SESSION['grid_custom'][$prefix . 'document_id' . $suffix] : in_array('document_id', $columns['defaults']),
    'translation_progress' => array(
      '#type' => 'checkbox',
      '#title' => t('Translation Progress'),
      '#default_value' => isset($_SESSION['grid_custom'][$prefix . 'translation_progress' . $suffix]) ? $_SESSION['grid_custom'][$prefix . 'translation_progress' . $suffix] : in_array('translation_progress', $columns['defaults']),
    'workflow' => array(
      '#type' => 'checkbox',
      '#title' => t('Workflow'),
      '#default_value' => isset($_SESSION['grid_custom'][$prefix . 'workflow' . $suffix]) ? $_SESSION['grid_custom'][$prefix . 'workflow' . $suffix] : in_array('workflow', $columns['defaults']),
    'changed' => array(
      '#type' => 'checkbox',
      '#title' => t('Last Modified'),
      '#default_value' => isset($_SESSION['grid_custom'][$prefix . 'changed' . $suffix]) ? $_SESSION['grid_custom'][$prefix . 'changed' . $suffix] : in_array('changed', $columns['defaults']),
    'last_uploaded' => array(
      '#type' => 'checkbox',
      '#title' => t('Time Last Uploaded'),
      '#default_value' => isset($_SESSION['grid_custom'][$prefix . 'last_uploaded' . $suffix]) ? $_SESSION['grid_custom'][$prefix . 'last_uploaded' . $suffix] : in_array('last_uploaded', $columns['defaults']),
    'locale_progress_percent' => array(
      '#type' => 'checkbox',
      '#title' => t('Target Progress Percentage'),
      '#default_value' => isset($_SESSION['grid_custom'][$prefix . 'locale_progress_percent' . $suffix]) ? $_SESSION['grid_custom'][$prefix . 'locale_progress_percent' . $suffix] : in_array('locale_progress_percent', $columns['defaults']),
    'progress_updated' => array(
      '#type' => 'checkbox',
      '#title' => t('Progress Last Updated'),
      '#default_value' => isset($_SESSION['grid_custom'][$prefix . 'progress_updated' . $suffix]) ? $_SESSION['grid_custom'][$prefix . 'progress_updated' . $suffix] : in_array('progress_updated', $columns['defaults']),
    //    'translation_progress_percent' => array(
    //      '#type' => 'checkbox',
    //      '#title' => t('Translation Progress Percentage'),
    //      '#default_value' => isset($_SESSION['grid_custom'][$prefix . 'translation_progress_percent' . $suffix]) ? $_SESSION['grid_custom'][$prefix . 'translation_progress_percent' . $suffix] : in_array('translation_progress_percent', $columns['defaults']),
    //    ),
    'last_downloaded' => array(
      '#type' => 'checkbox',
      '#title' => t('Time Last Downloaded'),
      '#default_value' => isset($_SESSION['grid_custom'][$prefix . 'last_downloaded' . $suffix]) ? $_SESSION['grid_custom'][$prefix . 'last_downloaded' . $suffix] : in_array('last_downloaded', $columns['defaults']),
    'actions' => array(
      '#type' => 'checkbox',
      '#title' => t('Actions'),
      '#default_value' => isset($_SESSION['grid_custom'][$prefix . 'actions' . $suffix]) ? $_SESSION['grid_custom'][$prefix . 'actions' . $suffix] : in_array('actions', $columns['defaults']),
  $column_elements = array_intersect_key($column_elements, $columns['columns']);

  // Reduces the output columns to the defaults specified in 'lingotek_grid_define_columns'
  return lingotek_grid_process_elements($column_elements, $prefix, $suffix);

  // adds prefixes and suffixes to the elements
function lingotek_grid_update() {
  $nids = LingotekSync::getNodeIdsByStatusAndTarget(LingotekSync::STATUS_PENDING);
  variable_set('lingotek_pending_last_updated', time());
  if (count($nids) > 0) {
    $_SESSION['lingotek_sync_nodes'] = count($nids);

    // Run batch operations to sync all 'In Progress' nodes
  else {
    drupal_set_message(t('There are no in-progress translations to check.'));
function lingotek_grid_download_ready() {
  $targets = LingotekSync::getTargetsByStatus(LingotekSync::STATUS_READY);
  $sync_success_target = LingotekSync::STATUS_CURRENT;
  if (!empty($targets)) {
    $nids = array();
    foreach ($targets as $target) {
      $nids[] = $target['nid'];
    $nodes = node_load_multiple($nids);
    $operations = array();
    foreach ($targets as $target) {
      if ($nodes[$target['nid']]->lingotek['profile'] != LingotekSync::PROFILE_DISABLED) {

        // exclude nodes with PROFILE_DISABLED
        $operations[] = array(
    $redirect = 'admin/settings/lingotek/manage';
    $batch = array(
      'title' => t('Downloading Translations'),
      'finished' => 'lingotek_sync_download_target_finished',
    $batch['operations'] = $operations;

    // Run batch operations to upload all of the selected nodes to Lingotek
  else {
    drupal_set_message(t('There are no translations ready for download.'));

 * Gets the columns that will be shown from the session variable
 * @param bool $source
 *    Changes whether settings for source or target variables are output
 * @return array $columns
 *    Associative array keyed by column name with prefix and suffix removed
 *    Keys point to a bool which specifies if the column should be shown or not
function lingotek_grid_get_columns() {
  $filters = array();
  if (!isset($_SESSION['grid_custom'])) {

    // If the columns do not exist yet in the session variable we get an error, so reset them here.
  foreach ($_SESSION['grid_custom'] as $key => $value) {
    $columns[str_replace('__custom', '', $key)] = $value;
  return $columns;

 * Cleans up the grid_custom session array, restoring the predefined defaults.
function lingotek_grid_reset_columns() {
  if (isset($_SESSION['grid_custom'])) {
  $source_columns = lingotek_grid_define_columns();
  foreach ($source_columns['columns'] as $column) {
    $_SESSION['grid_custom'][$column . '__custom'] = in_array($column, $source_columns['defaults']);

 * Defines which columns should be shown for source and target tables, and what the defaults should be.
 * @param bool $source
 *    Changes whether settings for source or target variables are output
 * @return array $columns
 *    Associative array with two important inner arrays:
 *      1: 'columns' points to the allowed columns,
 *      2: 'defaults' points to the base defaults to use when resetting the customization
 *    The 'columns' and 'defaults' arrays are output with the keys and the values being the same
function lingotek_grid_define_columns() {
  $columns = array(
    'columns' => array(
    'defaults' => array(
  $columns['columns'] = array_combine($columns['columns'], $columns['columns']);
  $columns['defaults'] = array_combine($columns['defaults'], $columns['defaults']);
  return $columns;

 * Builds the form elements for the filters.
 * @return array
 *    The full list of filters is later filtered so that there is exactly one column for every filter
function lingotek_grid_build_filters($form_state) {
  $languages = language_list();
  $source_languages = array(
    'all' => 'All Languages',
  foreach ($languages as $code => $language) {
    $source_languages[$code] = $language->name . ' (' . $language->lingotek_locale . ')';
  $profiles = array();
  $profiles['all'] = 'All';
  $profiles[LingotekSync::PROFILE_CUSTOM] = 'Custom';
  $profiles[LingotekSync::PROFILE_DISABLED] = 'Disabled';
  $profile_defaults = lingotek_get_profiles();
  foreach ($profile_defaults as $key => $p) {
    $profiles[$key] = $p['name'];
  $filters = array(
    'nid' => array(
      '#type' => 'textfield',
      '#default_value' => isset($_SESSION['grid_filters']['nid']) ? $_SESSION['grid_filters']['nid'] : '',
      '#title' => t('Node ID is'),
      '#size' => 8,
    'document_id' => array(
      '#type' => 'textfield',
      '#default_value' => isset($_SESSION['grid_filters']['document_id']) ? $_SESSION['grid_filters']['document_id'] : '',
      '#title' => t('Doc ID is'),
      '#size' => 10,
    'source_language' => array(
      '#type' => 'select',
      '#default_value' => isset($_SESSION['grid_filters']['source_language']) ? $_SESSION['grid_filters']['source_language'] : 'all',
      '#title' => t('Source Language'),
      '#options' => $source_languages,
    'profile' => array(
      '#type' => 'select',
      '#default_value' => isset($_SESSION['grid_filters']['profile']) ? $_SESSION['grid_filters']['profile'] : 'all',
      '#title' => t('Translation Profile'),
      '#options' => $profiles,
    /*'title' => array(
        '#type' => 'textfield',
        '#default_value' => isset($_SESSION['grid_filters']['title']) ? $_SESSION['grid_filters']['title'] : '',
        '#title' => t('Title Includes'),
        '#size' => 30,
      'body' => array(
        '#type' => 'textfield',
        '#default_value' => isset($_SESSION['grid_filters']['body']) ? $_SESSION['grid_filters']['body'] : '',
        '#title' => t('Body Includes'),
        '#size' => 30,
    'upload_status' => array(
      '#type' => 'select',
      '#default_value' => isset($_SESSION['grid_filters']['upload_status']) ? $_SESSION['grid_filters']['upload_status'] : 'all',
      '#title' => t('Upload Status'),
      '#options' => array(
        'all' => t('All'),
        LingotekSync::STATUS_EDITED => t('Out of Sync'),
        LingotekSync::STATUS_CURRENT => t('In Sync'),
        LingotekSync::STATUS_DISABLED => t('Disabled'),
      '#multiple' => FALSE,
    'content_type' => array(
      '#type' => 'select',
      '#default_value' => isset($_SESSION['grid_filters']['content_type']) ? $_SESSION['grid_filters']['content_type'] : 'all',
      '#title' => t('Content Type(s)'),
      '#options' => array(
        'all' => t('All'),
      ) + node_type_get_names(),
      '#multiple' => TRUE,
  return lingotek_grid_process_elements($filters, '', '__filter');

  // Add prefix and suffix to the name of each filter element

 * Get the list of filters and their values from the session
 * @param bool $source
 *    Changes whether filters for source or target are output
 * @return array $filters
 *    Associative array keyed by filter name with prefix and suffix removed
 *    Keys point to the values to be filtered on
function lingotek_grid_get_filters($source = TRUE) {
  $filters = array();
  if (isset($_SESSION['grid_filters'])) {
    foreach ($_SESSION['grid_filters'] as $key => $value) {
      $new_key = str_replace($source ? 'source_' : 'target_', '', $key, $replaced);
      if ($replaced > 0) {
        $filters[str_replace('__filter', '', $new_key)] = $value;
  return $filters;

 * Completely clears out any filters from the session variable
 * Filters will automatically revert to their defaults
function lingotek_grid_clear_filters() {
  if (isset($_SESSION['grid_filters'])) {
function lingotek_grid_clear_filters_page() {

 * Add $prefix and $suffix to each $element name
function lingotek_grid_process_elements($elements, $prefix, $suffix) {
  $new_keys = array();
  foreach ($elements as $element => $innards) {
    $new_keys[$prefix . $element . $suffix] = $innards;
  return $new_keys;

 * Dynamic query processing function for the grid
 * Since the header defines which columns are shown, this query gets all possible values and refines the header using the columns selected in the UI
 * The filters are also processed here
 * @return array $table_data
 *    Returns array of rows
 *    Populates The Grid
function lingotek_grid_get_rows($form, &$form_state) {
  $table_data = array();
  $limit = isset($_SESSION['limit_select']) ? $_SESSION['limit_select'] : 10;
  $columns = isset($form_state['values']['columns']) ? $form_state['values']['columns'] : array();
  $source = isset($form_state['values']['source']) ? $form_state['values']['source'] : TRUE;
  $header = array(
    // Define the tentative source header
    'nid' => array(
      'data' => t('Node ID'),
      'field' => 'n.nid',
    'title' => array(
      'data' => t('Title'),
      'field' => 'n.title',
    'content_type' => array(
      'data' => t('Content Type'),
      'field' => 'n.type',
    'language' => array(
      'data' => t('Source Uploaded'),
      'field' => 'upload_status',
    'translations' => array(
      'data' => t('Translations'),
      'field' => 't_current_c',
    'configuration' => array(
      'data' => t('Profile'),
    'workflow' => array(
      'data' => t('Workflow'),
      'field' => 'workflow',
    'document_id' => array(
      'data' => t('Doc ID'),
      'field' => 'document_id',
    'changed' => array(
      'data' => t('Last Modified'),
      'field' => 'changed',
      'sort' => 'desc',
    'last_uploaded' => array(
      'data' => t('Last Uploaded'),
      'field' => 'last_uploaded',
    //      'translation_progress_percent' => array('data' => t('Workflow Progress'), 'field' => 'translation_progress_percent'),
    'actions' => array(
      'data' => t('Actions'),
    'translation_status' => array(
      'data' => t('Translation Status'),
    'translation_progress' => array(
      'data' => t('Translation Progress'),
    'locale_progress_percent' => array(
      'data' => t('Target Progress'),
      'field' => 'locale_progress_percent',
    'progress_updated' => array(
      'data' => t('Progress Updated'),
      'field' => 'progress_updated',
    'last_downloaded' => array(
      'data' => t('Last Downloaded'),
      'field' => 'last_downloaded',
    'translate_link' => array(
      'data' => t('Translate'),
  foreach ($header as $title => $data) {

    // Refine the source header using the selected columns
    if (array_key_exists($title, $columns) && $columns[$title]) {
      $form_state['values']['grid_header'][$title] = $data;

  // Initialize Query and extend paginator and tablesort
  $query = db_select('node', 'n')
    ->innerJoin('node', 'node2', '(n.nid = node2.nid) AND (node2.tnid = 0 OR node2.tnid = node2.nid)');

  // Node Title and Name of Content Type (type)
    ->fields('n', array(
    ->addExpression("(SELECT COUNT(nid) FROM lingotek WHERE nid=n.nid AND lingokey LIKE 'target_sync_status_%' AND lingovalue='CURRENT')", 't_current_c');
    ->addExpression("(SELECT GROUP_CONCAT(SUBSTRING(lingokey, 20, 10)) FROM lingotek WHERE nid=n.nid AND lingokey LIKE 'target_sync_status_%' AND lingovalue='PENDING')", 't_pending');
    ->addExpression("(SELECT GROUP_CONCAT(SUBSTRING(lingokey, 20, 10)) FROM lingotek WHERE nid=n.nid AND lingokey LIKE 'target_sync_status_%' AND lingovalue='READY')", 't_ready');
    ->addExpression("(SELECT GROUP_CONCAT(SUBSTRING(lingokey, 20, 10)) FROM lingotek WHERE nid=n.nid AND lingokey LIKE 'target_sync_status_%' AND lingovalue='CURRENT')", 't_current');
    ->addExpression("(SELECT GROUP_CONCAT(SUBSTRING(lingokey, 20, 10)) FROM lingotek WHERE nid=n.nid AND lingokey LIKE 'target_sync_status_%' AND lingovalue='EDITED')", 't_edited');
  $filters = isset($_SESSION['grid_filters']) ? $_SESSION['grid_filters'] : array();
  global $language;
  if (language_default()->language != $language->language) {
      ->leftJoin('field_data_title_field', 't_title', 't_title.entity_id = n.nid and t_title.entity_type = \'node\' and t_title.language=\'' . $language->language . '\'');
      ->addField('t_title', 'title_field_value', 'localized_title');

  // left joins are necessary here because some lingotek table keys might not exist
  // Lingotek Document ID
    ->leftJoin('lingotek', 'lingo_document_id', 'lingo_document_id.nid = n.nid and lingo_document_id.lingokey = \'document_id\'');
    ->addField('lingo_document_id', 'lingovalue', 'document_id');

  // Node Upload Status
    ->leftJoin('lingotek', 'lingo_upload_status', 'lingo_upload_status.nid = n.nid and lingo_upload_status.lingokey = \'node_sync_status\' and lingo_upload_status.lingovalue <> \'' . LingotekSync::STATUS_TARGET . '\'');

  //$query->leftJoin('lingotek', 'lingo_upload_status', 'lingo_upload_status.nid = n.nid and lingo_upload_status.lingokey = \'node_sync_status\'');

  //$query->condition('lingo_upload_status.lingovalue', LingotekSync::STATUS_TARGET, '<>');
    ->addField('lingo_upload_status', 'lingovalue', 'upload_status');

  // Profile Settings
    ->leftJoin('lingotek', 'lingo_profile', 'lingo_profile.nid = n.nid and lingo_profile.lingokey = \'profile\'');
    ->addField('lingo_profile', 'lingovalue', 'profile');

  // Last Uploaded Timestamp
    ->leftJoin('lingotek', 'lingo_last_uploaded', 'lingo_last_uploaded.nid = n.nid and lingo_last_uploaded.lingokey = \'last_uploaded\'');
    ->addField('lingo_last_uploaded', 'lingovalue', 'last_uploaded');

  // Translation Progress Percent (Average of all target workflow progresses)
  //    $query->leftJoin('lingotek', 'lingo_translation_progress_percent', 'lingo_translation_progress_percent.nid = n.nid and lingo_translation_progress_percent.lingokey = \'translation_progress\'');
  //      $query->addField('lingo_translation_progress_percent', 'lingovalue', 'translation_progress_percent');
  // Add translation status to the query
  //    $query->leftJoin('lingotek', 'lingo_translation_status', 'n.nid = lingo_translation_status.nid and lingo_translation_status.lingokey LIKE \'target_sync_status_' . $language_filter . '\'');
  //      $query->addField('lingo_translation_status', 'lingovalue', 'translation_status');
  // Add workflow to the query
    ->leftJoin('lingotek', 'lingo_workflow', 'n.nid = lingo_workflow.nid and lingo_workflow.lingokey = \'workflow_id\'');
    ->addField('lingo_workflow', 'lingovalue', 'workflow');

  //    // Target Workflow Progress
  //    $query->leftJoin('lingotek', 'lingo_locale_progress_percent', 'n.nid = lingo_locale_progress_percent.nid and lingo_locale_progress_percent.lingokey LIKE \'target_sync_progress_' . $language_filter . '\'');
  //      $query->addField('lingo_locale_progress_percent', 'lingovalue', 'locale_progress_percent');
  //    // Target Progress Last Updated Timestamp
  //    $query->leftJoin('lingotek', 'lingo_progress_updated', 'n.nid = lingo_progress_updated.nid and lingo_progress_updated.lingokey LIKE \'target_sync_last_progress_updated_' . $language_filter . '\'');
  //      $query->addField('lingo_progress_updated', 'lingovalue', 'progress_updated');
  //    // Last Downloaded Timestamp
  //    $query->leftJoin('lingotek', 'lingo_last_downloaded', 'n.nid = lingo_last_downloaded.nid and lingo_last_downloaded.lingokey LIKE \'target_last_downloaded_' . $language_filter . '\'');
  //      $query->addField('lingo_last_downloaded', 'lingovalue', 'last_downloaded');
  if (isset($filters['search_type']) && $filters['search_type'] == 'all') {
    $filters['title'] = $filters['body'] = $filters['search'];
  if (isset($filters['title'])) {
    $title_query = db_select('field_data_title_field', 'tf')
      ->fields('tf', array(
      ->condition('tf.title_field_value', '%' . $filters['title'] . '%', 'LIKE');
  if (isset($filters['body'])) {
    $body_query = db_select('field_data_body', 'tb')
      ->fields('tb', array(
      ->condition('tb.body_value', '%' . $filters['body'] . '%', 'LIKE');

  //  Search
  if (isset($filters['search_type']) && $filters['search_type'] == 'all' && isset($filters['search']) && strlen($filters['search'])) {
    $or = db_or();
      ->condition('n.title', '%' . $filters['search'] . '%', 'LIKE');

    // is this redundant when the following line is added?
      ->condition('n.nid', $title_query, 'IN');
      ->condition('n.nid', $body_query, 'IN');
  else {

    //  Title Field
    if (isset($filters['title']) && $filters['title'] != '') {
        ->condition('n.nid', $title_query, 'IN');

    // Body Field
    if (isset($filters['body']) && $filters['body'] != '') {
        ->condition('n.nid', $body_query, 'IN');

  //  Node ID
  if (isset($filters['nid']) && $filters['nid'] != '') {
      ->condition('n.nid', $filters['nid']);

  // Lingotek Document ID
  if (isset($filters['document_id']) && $filters['document_id'] != '') {
    if ($filters['document_id'] == 'None') {
        ->condition('lingo_document_id.lingovalue', NULL);
    else {
        ->condition('lingo_document_id.lingovalue', $filters['document_id']);
  $array_fix = array(
  foreach ($array_fix as $value) {
    if (isset($filters[$value]) && !is_array($filters[$value])) {
      $filters[$value] = array(

  // Source Language
  if (isset($filters['source_language']) && $filters['source_language'] != 'all') {
      ->condition('n.language', $filters['source_language']);

  // Upload Status
  if (isset($filters['upload_status']) && !in_array('all', $filters['upload_status'])) {
      ->condition('lingo_upload_status.lingovalue', $filters['upload_status'], 'IN');

  //  Content Type
  if (isset($filters['content_type']) && !in_array('all', $filters['content_type'])) {
      ->condition('n.type', $filters['content_type'], 'IN');
  if (isset($filters['profile']) && $filters['profile'] != 'all') {
    $or = lingotek_profile_condition('n', 'lingo_auto_upload', 'lingo_profile', $filters['profile']);

  // Last Uploaded
  if (isset($filters['last_uploaded']) && $filters['last_uploaded'] != 'all') {
    if ($filters['last_uploaded'] == '1 day') {
        ->condition('lingo_last_uploaded.lingovalue', strToTime($filters['last_uploaded']), '<');
    elseif ($filters['last_uploaded'] == 'unknown') {
        ->condition('lingo_last_uploaded.lingovalue', NULL);
    else {
      $params = explode(' ', $filters['last_uploaded'], 2);

      // string formatted like '< 1 week', so explode with a limit of two gives us array(0 => '<', 1 => '1 week')
        ->condition('lingo_last_uploaded.lingovalue', strToTime($params[1]), $params[0]);

  // Translation Progress Percentage
  //      if (isset($columns['translation_progress_percent']) && $columns['translation_progress_percent'] && isset($filters['translation_progress_percent']) && !in_array('all', $filters['translation_progress_percent'])) {
  //        $or = db_or();
  //        foreach ($filters['translation_progress_percent'] as $percent) {
  //          if ($percent == 0) {
  //            $or->condition('lingo_translation_progress_percent.lingovalue', $percent);
  //            $or->condition('lingo_translation_progress_percent.lingovalue', NULL);
  //          }
  //          else {
  //            $range = array((int)$percent - 24, (int)$percent);
  //            $or->where('CAST(lingo_translation_progress_percent.lingovalue as UNSIGNED) BETWEEN ' . $range[0] . '  AND ' . $range[1]);
  //          }
  //        }
  //        $query->condition($or);
  //      }
  // Translation Status
  //      if (isset($filters['translation_status']) && !empty($filters['translation_status']) && !in_array('all', $filters['translation_status'])) {
  //        $or = db_or();
  //        if (in_array('out_of_sync', $filters['translation_status'])) {
  //          $or->condition('lingo_upload_status.lingovalue', LingotekSync::STATUS_EDITED);
  //          $or->condition('lingo_translation_status.lingovalue', LingotekSync::STATUS_PENDING);
  //          $or->condition('lingo_translation_status.lingovalue', LingotekSync::STATUS_READY);
  //        }
  //        if (in_array('in_sync', $filters['translation_status'])) {
  //          $or->condition('lingo_translation_status.lingovalue', LingotekSync::STATUS_CURRENT);
  //        }
  //        if (in_array('disabled', $filters['translation_status'])) {
  //          $or->condition('lingo_translation_status.lingovalue', LingotekSync::STATUS_DISABLED);
  //        }
  //        $query->condition($or);
  //      }
  // Translation Progress
  //      if (isset($filters['translation_progress']) && !empty($filters['translation_progress']) && !in_array('all', $filters['translation_progress'])) {
  //        $or = db_or();
  //        if (in_array('needs_upload', $filters['translation_progress'])) {
  //          $or->condition('lingo_upload_status.lingovalue', LingotekSync::STATUS_EDITED);
  //        }
  //        if (in_array('in_progress', $filters['translation_progress'])) {
  //          $or->condition('lingo_translation_status.lingovalue', LingotekSync::STATUS_PENDING);
  //        }
  //        if (in_array('download', $filters['translation_progress'])) {
  //          $or->condition('lingo_translation_status.lingovalue', LingotekSync::STATUS_READY);
  //        }
  //        if (in_array('complete', $filters['translation_progress'])) {
  //          $or->condition('lingo_translation_status.lingovalue', LingotekSync::STATUS_CURRENT);
  //        }
  //        if (in_array('disabled', $filters['translation_progress'])) {
  //          $or->condition('lingo_translation_status.lingovalue', LingotekSync::STATUS_DISABLED);
  //        }
  //        $query->condition($or);
  //      }
  // Target Progress Percentage
  //      if (isset($filters['locale_progress_percent']) && !in_array('all', $filters['locale_progress_percent'])) {
  //        $or = db_or();
  //        foreach ($filters['locale_progress_percent'] as $percent) {
  //          if ($percent == 0) {
  //            $or->condition('lingo_locale_progress_percent.lingovalue', $percent);
  //            $or->condition('lingo_locale_progress_percent.lingovalue', NULL);
  //          }
  //          else {
  //            $range = array((int)$percent - 24, (int)$percent);
  //            $or->where('CAST(lingo_locale_progress_percent.lingovalue as UNSIGNED) BETWEEN ' . $range[0] . '  AND ' . $range[1]);
  //          }
  //        }
  //        $query->condition($or);
  //      }
  // Progress Last Updated
  if (isset($filters['progress_updated']) && $filters['progress_updated'] != 'all') {
    if ($filters['progress_updated'] == '1 day') {
        ->condition('lingo_progress_updated.lingovalue', strToTime($filters['progress_updated']), '<');
    elseif ($filters['progress_updated'] == 'unknown') {
        ->condition('lingo_progress_updated.lingovalue', NULL);
    else {
      $params = explode(' ', $filters['progress_updated'], 2);

      // string formatted like '< 1 week', so explode with a limit of two gives us array(0 => '<', 1 => '1 week')
        ->condition('lingo_progress_updated.lingovalue', strToTime($params[1]), $params[0]);

  // Last Downloaded
  if (isset($filters['last_downloaded']) && $filters['last_downloaded'] != 'all') {
    if ($filters['last_downloaded'] == '1 day') {
        ->condition('lingo_last_downloaded.lingovalue', strToTime($filters['last_downloaded']), '<');
    elseif ($filters['last_downloaded'] == 'unknown') {
        ->condition('lingo_last_downloaded.lingovalue', NULL);
    else {
      $params = explode(' ', $filters['last_downloaded'], 2);

      // string formatted like '< 1 week', so explode with a limit of two gives us array(0 => '<', 1 => '1 week')
        ->condition('lingo_last_downloaded.lingovalue', strToTime($params[1]), $params[0]);

  // Execute the query
  $table_data_raw = $query
  lingotek_node_load($table_data_raw, array());
  $languages = language_list();
  $profiles = lingotek_get_profiles();
  $api = LingotekApi::instance();
  $workflows = $api
  $types = _node_types_build()->types;

  // Parse returned objects and make them arrays keyed by the Node ID for clean use in The Grid.
  foreach ($table_data_raw as $row) {

    $title_truncate_length = 55;
    if (strlen($row->title) > $title_truncate_length) {

      // very long title names make The Grid look messy, so we truncate them.
      $dots = '...';
      $dots_length = strlen($dots);
      $row->title = substr($row->title, 0, $title_truncate_length - $dots_length) . $dots;
    $icon = '';
    if ($row->lingotek['profile'] == LingotekSync::PROFILE_DISABLED) {
      $row->upload_status = LingotekSync::STATUS_DISABLED;
    switch ($row->upload_status) {
      case LingotekSync::STATUS_EDITED:
        $icon = '<i class="fa fa-square-o" title="Needs to be uploaded"></i>';
      case LingotekSync::STATUS_CURRENT:
        $icon = '<i class="fa fa-check-square" title="Uploaded to Lingotek"></i>';
      case LingotekSync::STATUS_DISABLED:
        $icon = '<i class="fa fa-minus-square" style="color: #999;" title="Lingotek is disabled"></i>';
        $icon = '<i class="fa fa-minus-square" style="color: #999;" title="Unknown upload status"></i>';
    $list_statuses = array(
    $locales = array();
    $statuses = array();
    foreach ($list_statuses as $status) {
      $key = 't_' . $status;
      foreach (explode(',', $row->{$key}) as $l) {
        if (!empty($l)) {
          $locales[] = $l;
          $statuses[] = $status;
    array_multisort($locales, SORT_ASC, $statuses);
    $translations = lingotek_lang_icons($languages, $locales, $statuses, $row->nid, TRUE);
    $configuration = '';
    $disabled = $row->upload_status == LingotekSync::STATUS_DISABLED ? ' lingotek-disabled' : '';
    if ($row->lingotek['create_lingotek_document']) {
      $configuration .= '<i class="fa fa-arrow-up' . $disabled . '" title="Automatic Upload"></i> ';
    if ($row->lingotek['sync_method']) {
      $configuration .= '<i class="fa fa-arrow-down' . $disabled . '" title="Automatic Download"></i> ';
    if ($row->lingotek['allow_community_translation']) {
      $configuration .= '<i class="fa fa-globe' . $disabled . '" title="Crowdsourcing Enabled"></i> ';
    if ($row->lingotek['profile'] == LingotekSync::PROFILE_CUSTOM) {
      $configuration = t('Custom') . ' <span class="node-configuration">' . $configuration . '</span>';
    elseif ($row->lingotek['profile'] == LingotekSync::PROFILE_DISABLED) {
      $configuration = t('Disabled');
    else {
      $profile_key = $row->lingotek['profile'];

      //dpm($profile_key); dpm($profiles);
      if (array_key_exists($profile_key, $profiles)) {
        $configuration = $profiles[$profile_key]['name'];
      else {
        $configuration = t('Unknown');

        // profile id does not exist in profiles (this state should be unobtainable)
    $source = '<span class="lingotek-language-source" style="white-space: nowrap;">' . $icon . ' ' . ($row->language == 'und' ? t('None') : $languages[$row->language]->name) . '</span>';
    if (empty($row->upload_status) || $row->upload_status == LingotekSync::STATUS_EDITED) {
      $source = '<span title="Upload Now" class="ltk-upload-button lingotek-language-source" onclick="lingotek_perform_action(' . $row->nid . ',\'upload\')">' . $source . '</span>';
    $pm_icon = ' <i title="' . t('View Translations') . '" class="fa fa-tasks' . $disabled . '"></i>';
    $pm_link = ' ' . l($pm_icon, 'node/' . $row->nid . '/lingotek_pm', array(
      'html' => TRUE,
      'attributes' => array(
        'target' => '_blank',
    $actions = '';
    $actions .= l('<i title="' . t('Edit Node') . '" class="fa fa-edit"></i>', 'node/' . $row->nid . '/edit', array(
      'html' => TRUE,
      'attributes' => array(
        'target' => '_blank',
    $actions .= ' ' . l('<i title="' . t('Set Lingotek Settings') . '" class="fa fa-gear"></i>', '', array(
      'html' => TRUE,
      'attributes' => array(
        'onclick' => 'lingotek_perform_action(' . $row->nid . ',"edit"); return false;',
    $actions .= empty($disabled) ? $pm_link : $pm_icon;
    $no_localized_title = language_default()->language != $language->language && $row->localized_title == '';

    // Build the data to be output for this row
    $data = array(
      'nid' => $row->nid ?: t('??'),
      'title' => $row->nid ? ($no_localized_title ? '<span class="no-localized-title">' : '') . l(isset($row->localized_title) ? $row->localized_title : $row->title, 'node/' . $row->nid, array(
        'attributes' => array(
          'target' => '_blank',
      )) . ($no_localized_title ? '</span>' : '') : t('N/A'),
      'language' => $source,
      'translations' => $translations,
      'configuration' => $configuration,
      'document_id' => $row->document_id ?: t('N/A'),
      'content_type' => $types[$row->type]->name ?: t('??'),
      //        'translation_status' => $row->upload_status ?: t('N/A'),
      //        'translation_progress' => $translation_progress ?: t('N/A'),
      'changed' => $row->changed ? t('@time ago', array(
        '@time' => lingotek_human_readable_timestamp($row->changed),
      )) : t('Never'),
      'last_uploaded' => $row->last_uploaded ? t('@time ago', array(
        '@time' => lingotek_human_readable_timestamp($row->last_uploaded),
      )) : t('Never'),
      //        'locale_progress_percent' => $row->locale_progress_percent ? lingotek_grid_create_progress_bar($row->locale_progress_percent) : lingotek_grid_create_progress_bar(0),
      //        'progress_updated' => $row->progress_updated ? t('@time ago', array('@time' => lingotek_human_readable_timestamp($row->progress_updated))) : t('Never'),
      //        'last_downloaded' => $row->last_downloaded ? t('@time ago', array('@time' => lingotek_human_readable_timestamp($row->last_downloaded))) : t('Never'),
      'workflow' => $row->workflow ? check_plain($workflows[$row->workflow]) : '',
      'actions' => '<span class="lingotek-node-actions">' . $actions . '</span>',
    $table_data[$row->nid] = $data;
  return $table_data;
function lingotek_lang_icons($languages, $locales, $statuses, $nid = NULL, $convert = FALSE) {
  $html = "";
  $legend = array(
    LingotekSync::STATUS_PENDING => 'In Progress',
    LingotekSync::STATUS_READY => 'Ready to Download',
    LingotekSync::STATUS_CURRENT => 'Current',
    LingotekSync::STATUS_EDITED => 'Source needs to be uploaded',
    LingotekSync::STATUS_DISABLED => 'Disabled',
  $default_link = 'node/' . $nid . '/lingotekworkbench/';
  $manual_link = 'node/' . $nid . '/lingotek_pm/';
  $link_map = array(
    LingotekSync::STATUS_PENDING => $default_link,
    LingotekSync::STATUS_READY => $default_link,
    LingotekSync::STATUS_CURRENT => $default_link,
    LingotekSync::STATUS_EDITED => $manual_link,
    LingotekSync::STATUS_DISABLED => $manual_link,
  foreach ($locales as $key => $original_locale) {
    $locale = $convert ? Lingotek::convertLingotek2Drupal($original_locale) : $original_locale;
    if ($locale) {

      // exclude language translations that are not lingotek_enabled (we may consider showing everything later)
      $status = $statuses[$key];
      $css_class = 'target-' . $status;
      $tip = $languages[$locale]->name . ' - ' . $legend[strtoupper($status)];
      $html .= l($locale, $link_map[strtoupper($status)] . $original_locale, array(
        'attributes' => array(
          'target' => '_blank',
          'title' => $tip,
          'class' => array(
  return $html;

 * Helper function for creating the HTML for a progress bar
 * @param int $progress
 *    Percentage complete for the progress bar
 * @return string $html
 *    Raw HTML for a progress bar themed in style/base.css
function lingotek_grid_create_progress_bar($progress) {
  $style = "width:" . round($progress) . "%;";
  $html = '<div class="lingotek-progress"><div class="bar" style="' . $style . '"></div><div class="percent">' . $progress . '%' . '</div></div>';
  return $html;

 * Callback function to disassociate translations for multiple nodes at a time
 * Node IDs are passed through the $_SESSION variable at $_SESSION['lingotek_disassociate_nodes']
 * Returns a fully rendered html form
function lingotek_disassociate_nodes($nids) {
  $second_run = !empty($form_state['executed']);
  $nids = explode(',', $nids);
  if (count($nids) > 1 && !$second_run) {
    drupal_set_message(t('You will be disassociating translations for @number nodes.', array(
      '@number' => count($nids),
    )), 'warning');
  ctools_include('node.pages', 'node', '');
  $form_state = array(
    'ajax' => TRUE,
    'nids' => $nids,
  $output = ctools_modal_form_wrapper('lingotek_node_disassociate_form', $form_state);
  if (!empty($form_state['executed'])) {

    // Create ajax command array, dismiss the modal window.
    $commands = array();
    $commands[] = ctools_modal_command_dismiss();
    $commands[] = ctools_ajax_command_reload();
    print ajax_render($commands);
  print ajax_render($output);

 * Callback function to edit settings for multiple nodes at a time
 * Node IDs are passed through the $_SESSION variable at $_SESSION['lingotek_edit_nodes']
 * Returns a fully rendered html form
function lingotek_edit_nodes($nids) {
  $nids = explode(',', $nids);
  ctools_include('node.pages', 'node', '');
  $form_state = array(
    'ajax' => TRUE,
    'nids' => $nids,
  $output = ctools_modal_form_wrapper('lingotek_get_node_settings_form', $form_state);
  if (!empty($form_state['executed'])) {

    // Create ajax command array, dismiss the modal window.
    $commands = array();
    $commands[] = ctools_modal_command_dismiss();
    $commands[] = ctools_ajax_command_reload();
    print ajax_render($commands);
  print ajax_render($output);

 * Callback function to change workflow for multiple nodes at a time
 * Node IDs are passed through the $_SESSION variable at $_SESSION['lingotek_change_workflow']
 * Returns a fully rendered html form
function lingotek_change_workflow($nids) {
  $nids = explode(',', $nids);
  ctools_include('node.pages', 'node', '');
  $form_state = array(
    'ajax' => TRUE,
    'nids' => $nids,
  $output = ctools_modal_form_wrapper('lingotek_get_change_workflow_form', $form_state);
  if (!empty($form_state['executed'])) {

    // Create ajax command array, dismiss the modal window.
    $commands = array();
    $commands[] = ctools_modal_command_dismiss();
    $commands[] = ctools_ajax_command_reload();
    print ajax_render($commands);
  print ajax_render($output);


Namesort descending Description
lingotek_bulk_grid_form @file Bulk Grid form
lingotek_change_workflow Callback function to change workflow for multiple nodes at a time
lingotek_disassociate_nodes Callback function to disassociate translations for multiple nodes at a time
lingotek_edit_nodes Callback function to edit settings for multiple nodes at a time
lingotek_grid_action_submit Submit function for The Grid's actions The action corresponds to the key of the option selected Often redirects to batch operations or to other pages entirely
lingotek_grid_build_column_checkboxes Builds the checkbox elements for customizing The Grid's columns Uses predefined defaults specified in 'lingotek_grid_define_columns'
lingotek_grid_build_filters Builds the form elements for the filters.
lingotek_grid_clear_filters Completely clears out any filters from the session variable Filters will automatically revert to their defaults
lingotek_grid_create_progress_bar Helper function for creating the HTML for a progress bar
lingotek_grid_define_columns Defines which columns should be shown for source and target tables, and what the defaults should be.
lingotek_grid_filter_submit Submit function for The Grid's filters (header, column, and filter fieldsets) Adds filters to the session variable so the query can use them after the page load
lingotek_grid_get_columns Gets the columns that will be shown from the session variable
lingotek_grid_get_filters Get the list of filters and their values from the session
lingotek_grid_get_rows Dynamic query processing function for the grid Since the header defines which columns are shown, this query gets all possible values and refines the header using the columns selected in the UI The filters are also processed here
lingotek_grid_process_elements Add $prefix and $suffix to each $element name
lingotek_grid_reset_columns Cleans up the grid_custom session array, restoring the predefined defaults.