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Functions in Lingotek Translation 7.2

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Namesort descending Location Description Direct uses Strings
lingotek_get_sync_upload_batch_elements ./ Sync - Upload Batch Elements: Creates the batch elements for nodes/documents that need to be uploaded. 2
lingotek_get_target_languages ./ Get only the languages that are lingotek_enabled
lingotek_get_target_locales ./ Get only the languages that are lingotek_enabled 3
lingotek_get_target_status ./ Get the status of the target given by locale 2
lingotek_get_target_sync_status ./ Gets the Node Target language status. 1
lingotek_get_translation_target ./
lingotek_get_type_field_mapping ./ Returns an array that maps a content_type to one (and just 1) of its translated fields. We can then use that array to track how many nodes have been translated. 1
lingotek_get_url_alias_translations ./ 2
lingotek_get_workbench_url ./ Get the url to open the Lingotek Workbench. 3
lingotek_get_xliff ./
lingotek_handle_advanced_xml_upgrade ./ Custom form handler for upgrading a site from using Lingotek's simple to advanced XML parsing of content. 1
lingotek_help ./lingotek.module
lingotek_identify_lead ./ Identify lead details 1
lingotek_identify_tags ./ Identify CMS tags (e.g., distribution channel) 1
lingotek_install ./lingotek.install Implements hook_install().
lingotek_is_config_missing ./lingotek.module Checks any required configuration parameters are missing. (more detailed check than lingotek_is_module_setup()) 1
lingotek_is_module_setup ./lingotek.module Checks to make sure the Lingotek module setup completed successfully. If its not, the user is directed to the setup wizard. 2
lingotek_json_output_cors ./ Drupal JSON Output - CORS - allows cross domain requests (adapted from: drupal_json_output) 2
lingotek_language_field_lookup ./ 2
lingotek_language_name ./ 4
lingotek_language_native ./ 2
lingotek_lingonode ./ 32
lingotek_lingonode_delete ./ 1
lingotek_lookup_language_by_locale ./ 1
lingotek_lookup_locale_exists ./ 1
lingotek_machine_translate_node ./ Batch Worker Function: Machine Translate a Node. 1
lingotek_mail ./ Implement hook_mail()
lingotek_managed_by_entity_translation ./ Returns if the node type an entity_translation managed node 5
lingotek_mark_phases_complete ./ Form constructor for the lingotek_mark_phases_complete form. 1
lingotek_mark_phases_complete_submit ./ Submit handler for the lingotek_mark_phases_complete form.
lingotek_menu ./lingotek.module Implements hook_menu().
lingotek_menu_alter ./lingotek.module Implements hook_menu_alter().
lingotek_migration_1 ./ 2
lingotek_migration_2 ./ 2
lingotek_migration_3 ./ 2
lingotek_module_implements_alter ./lingotek.module Implements hook_module_implements_alter().
lingotek_mt_sync_download_node_target ./ Download Batch Worker Function: Download Translated Node Content 1 1
lingotek_mt_sync_set_status ./ Sets and clears session sync flags. 2
lingotek_mt_sync_upload_node ./ Upload Batch Worker Function: Upload Node for Translation 1
lingotek_node_delete ./lingotek.module Implements hook_node_delete().
lingotek_node_init_default ./ Run this on nodes you aren't sure if they've been initialized yet for use with Lingotek.
lingotek_node_insert ./lingotek.module Implements hook_node_insert().
lingotek_node_presave ./lingotek.module
lingotek_node_pushed ./ Returns whether the given node type is an entity_translation node and has been pushed to lingotek. 5
lingotek_node_source_language_cleanup_batch_worker ./ Batch API worker for changing the node language setting. 1
lingotek_node_sync ./ Synchronize the node's content with current translations as stored on the Lingotek platform. 1
lingotek_node_update ./lingotek.module Implements hook_node_update(). 1
lingotek_node_view ./lingotek.module Implements hook_node_view().
lingotek_notifications ./ Registers the site translation notfication callback. This URL will be called when a document translation is complete, and can be downloaded. 1
lingotek_page_mark_phases_complete includes/ Page handler for completing the current phases of remote Lingotek documents. 1


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