You are here in Lingotek Translation 7.2

Lingotek Dashboard.

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 * @file
 * Lingotek Dashboard.

 * Tab:  Dashboard - The main Lingotek dashboard page.
function lingotek_dashboard() {
  $account = LingotekAccount::instance();

  if (lingotek_is_config_missing()) {
    $output = array();

    // Check the login ID to see if this is a Lingopoint user, if so, provide information about setting up their oauth keys.
    $login_id = variable_get('lingotek_login_id', 'community_admin');
    if ($login_id != 'community_admin') {
      drupal_set_message(t('Your Lingotek module is not fully configured.'), 'warning');
      $output['instructions'] = array(
        '#type' => 'markup',
        '#markup' => theme('item_list', array(
          'title' => 'Complete configuration by performing the following:',
          'type' => 'ol',
          'items' => array(
              'data' => t('Login to the ' . l(t('Lingotek account dashboard'), LINGOTEK_API_SERVER, array(
                'attributes' => array(
                  'target' => '_blank',
              )) . ''),
              'data' => t('Select the <i>Community &gt; Integrations</i> menu item'),
              'data' => t('Setup an <i>Inbound OAuth integration</i> method to create an <i>OAuth Key</i> and <i>OAuth Secret</i>'),
              'data' => t('Copy and paste the <i>OAuth Key</i> and <i>OAuth Secret</i> that were created into the ') . l(t('Lingotek Drupal module settings'), LINGOTEK_BASE_URL . '/settings'),
    else {

      // Show the standard misconfiguration message.
      drupal_set_message(t('Your Lingotek module is not fully configured. To complete setup, run the') . ' ' . l(t('Lingotek Configuration Wizard'), 'admin/config/lingotek/setup'), 'warning');
    $output[] = lingotek_support_footer();
    return $output;

  // As a backup fail safe, the dashboard loading should clear the sync flag if its still set.
  if (isset($_SESSION['lingotek_sync_in_progress'])) {
  return array(
    'dashboard' => array(
      '#type' => 'markup',
      '#markup' => '<div id="dashboard"></div>',
    'script' => array(
      '#type' => 'markup',
      '#markup' => lingotek_get_dashboard_code(),

// END:  lingotek_dashboard()

 * Generates the code for the embedded Javascript dashboard.
function lingotek_get_dashboard_code() {
  global $base_url;
  $output = '';
  $totals = array();
  $guid = lingotek_get_guid();

  // 16 char string

  //$active_languages = lingotek_get_active_languages();  // array of enabled Drupal language codes (from locale module)
  $target_languages = LingotekAccount::instance()
  $totals = lingotek_get_target_status();
  $script = '
      <script src="' . LINGOTEK_GMC_SERVER . '/js/lingotek.min.js"></script>
        var containerId = "dashboard";
        var config = {
          // lingotek
          "community": "%s",
          "oauth_key": "%s",
          "oauth_secret": "%s",
          "external_id": "%s",
          "tm_vault_id": "%s",
          "workflow_id": "%s",
          "project_id": "%s",
          "first_name": "%s",
          "last_name": "%s",
          "email": "%s",
          // cms
          "cms_site_id": "%s",
          "cms_site_key": "%s",
          "cms_site_name": "%s",
          "cms_type": "%s",
          "cms_version": "%s",
          "cms_tag": "%s",
          "module_version": %s,
          "endpoint_url": "%s",
          "upload_url": "%s",
          "download_url": "%s",
          "sync_url": "%s",
          // data
          "source_language":%s ,
          "localization_languages": %s,
          "target_languages": %s
  $endpoint = $base_url . '/lingotek/target';
  $upload_url = $base_url . '/lingotek/upload';
  $download_url = $base_url . '/lingotek/download';
  $sync_url = $base_url . '/lingotek/sync';
  $output .= sprintf($script, variable_get('lingotek_community_identifier', ''), variable_get('lingotek_oauth_consumer_id', ''), variable_get('lingotek_oauth_consumer_secret', ''), variable_get('lingotek_login_id', ''), variable_get('lingotek_vault', ''), variable_get('lingotek_workflow', ''), variable_get('lingotek_project', ''), variable_get('lingotek_activation_first_name', ''), variable_get('lingotek_activation_last_name', ''), variable_get('lingotek_activation_email', ''), $guid, url('<front>', array(
    'absolute' => TRUE,
  )), variable_get('site_name', 'Unidentified Drupal Site'), 'Drupal', VERSION, variable_get('install_profile', ''), json_encode(lingotek_get_module_info('version')), $endpoint, $upload_url, $download_url, $sync_url, lingotek_get_source_language_json(), lingotek_get_localization_languages_json(), json_encode($totals));
  return $output;

// END:  lingotek_get_dashboard_code()

 * Ajax Command Processing for the Lingotek dashboard.
function lingotek_dashboard_command_ajax() {
  $parameters = array();
  $message = 'Not doing anything.';
  $method = $_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'];
  $response = array();

  // 1. Update a Target Language (Initiate a Machine Translation Batch)
  if ($method == 'PUT') {

    // Initiate Machine Translation
    $message = 'PUT: Initiate Machine Translation';
    parse_str(file_get_contents("php://input"), $parameters);
    $type = $parameters['type'];
    $lingotek_locale = $parameters['code'];
    $response = array(
      'code' => $lingotek_locale,
      'active' => TRUE,
      'docs' => '0',
      'pending' => '0',
      'current' => '0',

    // Launch the machine translation process!

  // END:  PUT
  // 2. Add/Insert Target Language
  if ($_POST) {
    $message = 'POST: Insert a new Target Language';
    $lingotek_locale = $_POST['code'];
    $parameters = $_POST;
    if (strlen($lingotek_locale) > 1) {

      // Adds the language locale to the local list of languages and to the Lingotek project (via the API).
      $add = lingotek_add_target_language($lingotek_locale);
      $response = lingotek_get_target_status($lingotek_locale);
      $response['success'] = $add;

  // END:  POST
  // 3. Remove/Delete Target Language
  if ($method == 'DELETE') {

    // Initiate Language Delete
    parse_str(file_get_contents("php://input"), $parameters);
    $lingotek_locale = $parameters['code'];
    $message = t('DELETE: Remove language (@code)', array(
      '@code' => $lingotek_locale,

    // Removes the language to the local list of languages we do translation for, and also removes the target language from the Lingotek project.
    $delete = lingotek_delete_target_language($lingotek_locale);

    // Mark this language as Active => False
    $response = array(
      'code' => $lingotek_locale,
      'active' => FALSE,
      'success' => $delete,

    // Format:  {'code':'es','active':'FALSE','success':TRUE}

  // 4. Retrieve the Target Languages and Status
  if ($method == 'GET') {

    // Retrieve the Target Languages and Status
    $message = 'GET: Retrieve the Target Language(s) and Status';
    $parameters = $_GET;
    $response = isset($_GET['code']) ? lingotek_get_target_status($_GET['code']) : lingotek_get_target_status();

  // END:  GET
  if ($method == 'PUT') {
    $commands = array();
      '#type' => 'ajax',
      '#commands' => $commands,
  else {

    //lingotek_json_output_cors(array('response' => $response, 'message' => $message, 'data' => $data, 'method' => $method  ));
    $general = array(
      'message' => $message,
    $full_response = array_merge($general, $response);
    if ($method !== 'GET') {

      //skip GETS (since they occur lots)
      watchdog('endpoint_api', '
      ', array(
        '@method' => $method,
        '!parameters' => watchdog_format_object($parameters),
        '!response' => watchdog_format_object($response),
    return lingotek_json_output_cors($full_response);

 * The number of nodes with the status sync counts from the lingotek table for the LANGUAGE TARGETS.
 * */
function lingotek_count_nodes($status) {

  $query = db_select('lingotek', 'l')
    ->condition('lingokey', 'node_sync_status');
    ->condition('lingovalue', $status);
  $result = $query
  return $result;

 * Gets the current sync counts from the lingotek table for the LANGUAGE TARGETS.
 * Defaults to CURRENT.
 * */
function lingotek_count_node_targets($status = LINGOTEK_TARGET_SYNC_STATUS_CURRENT, $lingotek_locale) {
  $node_language_target_key = 'target_sync_status_' . $lingotek_locale;
  $query = db_select('lingotek', 'l')
    ->condition('lingokey', $node_language_target_key);
    ->condition('lingovalue', $status);
  $result = $query
  if (is_array($result)) {
    $count = array_shift($result);
  else {
    $count = 0;
  return $count;

 * Counts all the nodes of a specific language.
 * OLD METHOD.   Replaced by:  lingotek_count_node_targets() (for reporting node target counts)
 * Not removed yet, because its still used in other places for reporting other counts.
 * Limits the counts to node / fields that are marked translatable.
function lingotek_get_node_count($language = NULL) {
  $result = 0;
  if (isset($language)) {
    $source_language = lingotek_get_source_language();

    // if the language count we are requested to do, IS the source language.  Do a direct query against the nodes, using EntityFieldQuery.
    if ($language == $source_language) {
      $bundles = lingotek_translatable_node_types();

      // $bundles -- array ( 0 => 'page', 1 => 'article', )
      $query = new EntityFieldQuery();
        ->entityCondition('entity_type', 'node')
        ->propertyCondition('status', 1);

      // Published Nodes
        ->entityCondition('bundle', $bundles);

      // The Content Types we Want Translated.
        ->propertyCondition('language', $language, '=');

      // The Language to search for
      $result = $query
    else {

      // Otherwise, do a regular count, where we count field languages.
      $sum = 0;
      $type_field_mapping = lingotek_get_type_field_mapping();

      //debug( $type_field_mapping );

      // Loop though the type_field_mapping, and count this language for EACH node type and get a sum.
      foreach ($type_field_mapping as $type => $db_table) {
        $count = 0;
        $query = db_select($db_table, 'tbl')
          ->condition('entity_type', 'node');
          ->condition('deleted', 0);
          ->condition('bundle', $type);
          ->condition('language', $language);
        $count = $query
        $sum += $count['expression'];

        //debug( 'Lang: ' . $language . ' Type: ' . $type . ' Count: ' . $count['expression'] );
      $result = $sum;

    // END:  regular count

  // END:  isset $language
  return $result;

// END:  lingotek_get_node_count()

 * Returns an array that maps a content_type to one (and just 1) of its translated fields.
 * We can then use that array to track how many nodes have been translated.
function lingotek_get_type_field_mapping($node_type = NULL) {
  $type_field_mapping = array();

  // Keep as an array, cause you have to loop it for each content type time you do a count.
  $node_types = lingotek_translatable_node_types();

  // These are the node types marked for translation.  I need 1 field from each to count off of.
  $node_fields = lingotek_translatable_node_field_details();

  // These are the fields that are translated.

  //debug( $node_types );

  //debug( $node_fields );

  // Match a translated node_type up with a translated node_field, and grab the db_table where its data is stored so we can query off of it.
  foreach ($node_types as $type) {

    //debug( $type );

    // Look for that type in one of the field bundles.
    foreach ($node_fields as $field) {

      //debug( $field );

      // Is this type, listed in the bundles for this field?  ie:  does this type, use this field?
      if (in_array($type, $field['bundles'])) {

        //debug( 'The Type: ' . $type . ' Uses the field: ' . $field['machine_name'] );
        $type_field_mapping[$type] = $field['db_table'];

        // Get a db table for this field that we can do a language count off of it.

        // Only need one field, bail on this loop.

    // END:  loop fields

  // END:  loop types
  return $type_field_mapping;

// END:  lingotek_get_type_field_mapping()

 * Outputs the language code with page count in json format.  Supplied to the dashboard.
 * Output Format: {'code':'en','docs':'500'}
function lingotek_get_source_language_json() {
  $data = array();
  $source_language = lingotek_get_source_language();
  $data['code'] = Lingotek::convertDrupal2Lingotek($source_language);
  $data['edited'] = lingotek_count_nodes(LINGOTEK_NODE_SYNC_STATUS_EDITED);
  $data['pending'] = lingotek_count_nodes(LINGOTEK_NODE_SYNC_STATUS_PENDING);
  $data['current'] = lingotek_count_nodes(LINGOTEK_NODE_SYNC_STATUS_CURRENT);
  $data['docs'] = $data['edited'] + $data['pending'] + $data['current'];
  return json_encode($data);

// END:  lingotek_get_source_language_json()

 * Outputs the languages active in this installation.  Supplied to the dashboard.
 * Output Format: ["en","es"]
function lingotek_get_localization_languages_json() {
  $languages = array_keys(current(language_list('enabled')));
  $result = array();
  foreach ($languages as $language) {
    $result[] = Lingotek::convertDrupal2Lingotek($language);
  return json_encode($result);

 * Generates Lingotek GUID for this installation.
function lingotek_get_guid() {
  $guid = variable_get('lingotek_guid', '');
  if ($guid == '') {
    $guid = substr(hash('sha256', drupal_get_hash_salt()), 0, 16);
    variable_set('lingotek_guid', $guid);
  return $guid;

 * Get the status of the target given by locale
function lingotek_get_target_status($lingotek_locale = NULL) {
  $response = array();
  $target_languages = LingotekAccount::instance()

  // If we get a parameter, only return that language.  Otherwise return all the codes (dont return the source language).
  if (!is_null($lingotek_locale)) {
    $drupal_language_code = Lingotek::convertLingotek2Drupal($lingotek_locale);
    $target_is_active = in_array($lingotek_locale, array_keys($target_languages));
    $edited = lingotek_count_node_targets(LINGOTEK_TARGET_SYNC_STATUS_EDITED, $lingotek_locale);
    $pending = lingotek_count_node_targets(LINGOTEK_TARGET_SYNC_STATUS_PENDING, $lingotek_locale);
    $current = lingotek_count_node_targets(LINGOTEK_TARGET_SYNC_STATUS_CURRENT, $lingotek_locale);
    $total = $edited + $pending + $current;
    $response = array(
      'code' => $lingotek_locale,
      // Return this language code as the Lingotek language code.
      'dcode' => $drupal_language_code,
      'active' => $target_is_active,
      'docs' => $total,
      'pending' => $pending,
      'edited' => $edited,
      'current' => $current,
  else {

    // Otherwise Return a List of all the Active Languages
    foreach ($target_languages as $target) {
      $drupal_language_code = $target->language;
      $lingotek_locale = $target->lingotek_locale;

      $edited = lingotek_count_node_targets(LINGOTEK_TARGET_SYNC_STATUS_EDITED, $lingotek_locale);
      $pending = lingotek_count_node_targets(LINGOTEK_TARGET_SYNC_STATUS_PENDING, $lingotek_locale);
      $current = lingotek_count_node_targets(LINGOTEK_TARGET_SYNC_STATUS_CURRENT, $lingotek_locale);
      $total = $edited + $pending + $current;
      $response[] = array(
        'code' => $lingotek_locale,
        // Return this language code as the Lingotek language code.
        'dcode' => $drupal_language_code,
        'active' => $target->lingotek_enabled,
        'docs' => $total,
        'pending' => $pending,
        'edited' => $edited,
        'current' => $current,

    // END:  foreach target language

  // END:  Language List
  return $response;


Namesort descending Description
lingotek_count_nodes The number of nodes with the status sync counts from the lingotek table for the LANGUAGE TARGETS.
lingotek_count_node_targets Gets the current sync counts from the lingotek table for the LANGUAGE TARGETS.
lingotek_dashboard Tab: Dashboard - The main Lingotek dashboard page.
lingotek_dashboard_command_ajax Ajax Command Processing for the Lingotek dashboard.
lingotek_get_dashboard_code Generates the code for the embedded Javascript dashboard.
lingotek_get_guid Generates Lingotek GUID for this installation.
lingotek_get_localization_languages_json Outputs the languages active in this installation. Supplied to the dashboard. Output Format: ["en","es"]
lingotek_get_node_count Counts all the nodes of a specific language.
lingotek_get_source_language_json Outputs the language code with page count in json format. Supplied to the dashboard. Output Format: {'code':'en','docs':'500'}
lingotek_get_target_status Get the status of the target given by locale
lingotek_get_type_field_mapping Returns an array that maps a content_type to one (and just 1) of its translated fields. We can then use that array to track how many nodes have been translated.