class LeafletMap in Leaflet 8
Same name and namespace in other branches
- 2.1.x modules/leaflet_views/src/Plugin/views/style/LeafletMap.php \Drupal\leaflet_views\Plugin\views\style\LeafletMap
- 2.0.x modules/leaflet_views/src/Plugin/views/style/LeafletMap.php \Drupal\leaflet_views\Plugin\views\style\LeafletMap
Style plugin to render a View output as a Leaflet map.
Attributes set below end up in the $this->definition[] array.
Plugin annotation
id = "leaflet_map",
title = @Translation("Leaflet Map"),
help = @Translation("Displays a View as a Leaflet map."),
display_types = {"normal"},
theme = "leaflet-map"
- class \Drupal\Component\Plugin\PluginBase implements DerivativeInspectionInterface, PluginInspectionInterface
- class \Drupal\Core\Plugin\PluginBase uses DependencySerializationTrait, MessengerTrait, StringTranslationTrait
- class \Drupal\views\Plugin\views\PluginBase implements DependentPluginInterface, ContainerFactoryPluginInterface, TrustedCallbackInterface, ViewsPluginInterface
- class \Drupal\views\Plugin\views\style\StylePluginBase
- class \Drupal\leaflet_views\Plugin\views\style\LeafletMap implements ContainerFactoryPluginInterface uses LeafletSettingsElementsTrait
- class \Drupal\views\Plugin\views\style\StylePluginBase
- class \Drupal\views\Plugin\views\PluginBase implements DependentPluginInterface, ContainerFactoryPluginInterface, TrustedCallbackInterface, ViewsPluginInterface
- class \Drupal\Core\Plugin\PluginBase uses DependencySerializationTrait, MessengerTrait, StringTranslationTrait
Expanded class hierarchy of LeafletMap
2 files declare their use of LeafletMap
- leaflet.api.php in ./
leaflet.api.php - API documentation for Administration menu.
- LeafletMapIncorrect.php in modules/
leaflet_views/ src/ Plugin/ views/ style/ deprecated/ LeafletMapIncorrect.php
- modules/
leaflet_views/ src/ Plugin/ views/ style/ LeafletMap.php, line 50
Drupal\leaflet_views\Plugin\views\styleView source
class LeafletMap extends StylePluginBase implements ContainerFactoryPluginInterface {
use LeafletSettingsElementsTrait;
* The Default Settings.
* @var array
protected $defaultSettings;
* The Entity source property.
* @var string
protected $entitySource;
* The Entity type property.
* @var string
protected $entityType;
* The Entity Info service property.
* @var \Drupal\Core\Entity\EntityTypeInterface
protected $entityInfo;
* {@inheritdoc}
protected $usesFields = TRUE;
* {@inheritdoc}
protected $usesRowPlugin = TRUE;
* The Entity type manager service.
* @var \Drupal\Core\Entity\EntityTypeManagerInterface
protected $entityManager;
* The Entity Field manager service property.
* @var \Drupal\Core\Entity\EntityFieldManagerInterface
protected $entityFieldManager;
* The Entity Display Repository service property.
* @var \Drupal\Core\Entity\EntityDisplayRepositoryInterface
protected $entityDisplay;
* Current user service.
* @var \Drupal\Core\Session\AccountInterface
protected $currentUser;
* The messenger.
* @var \Drupal\Core\Messenger\MessengerInterface
protected $messenger;
* The Renderer service property.
* @var \Drupal\Core\Entity\EntityDisplayRepositoryInterface
protected $renderer;
* The module handler to invoke the alter hook.
* @var \Drupal\Core\Extension\ModuleHandlerInterface
protected $moduleHandler;
* Leaflet service.
* @var \Drupal\Leaflet\LeafletService
protected $leafletService;
* The Link generator Service.
* @var \Drupal\Core\Utility\LinkGeneratorInterface
protected $link;
* The list of fields added to the view.
* @var array
protected $viewFields = [];
* Field type plugin manager.
* @var \Drupal\Core\Field\FieldTypePluginManagerInterface
protected $fieldTypeManager;
* Constructs a LeafletMap style instance.
* @param array $configuration
* A configuration array containing information about the plugin instance.
* @param string $plugin_id
* The plugin_id for the formatter.
* @param mixed $plugin_definition
* The plugin implementation definition.
* @param \Drupal\Core\Entity\EntityTypeManagerInterface $entity_manager
* The entity manager.
* @param \Drupal\Core\Entity\EntityFieldManagerInterface $entity_field_manager
* The entity field manager.
* @param \Drupal\Core\Entity\EntityDisplayRepositoryInterface $entity_display
* The entity display manager.
* @param \Drupal\Core\Session\AccountInterface $current_user
* Current user service.
* @param \Drupal\Core\Messenger\MessengerInterface $messenger
* The messenger.
* @param \Drupal\Core\Render\RendererInterface $renderer
* The renderer.
* @param \Drupal\Core\Extension\ModuleHandlerInterface $module_handler
* The module handler.
* @param \Drupal\Leaflet\LeafletService $leaflet_service
* The Leaflet service.
* @param \Drupal\Core\Utility\LinkGeneratorInterface $link_generator
* The Link Generator service.
* @param \Drupal\Core\Field\FieldTypePluginManagerInterface $field_type_manager
* The field type plugin manager service.
public function __construct(array $configuration, $plugin_id, $plugin_definition, EntityTypeManagerInterface $entity_manager, EntityFieldManagerInterface $entity_field_manager, EntityDisplayRepositoryInterface $entity_display, AccountInterface $current_user, MessengerInterface $messenger, RendererInterface $renderer, ModuleHandlerInterface $module_handler, LeafletService $leaflet_service, LinkGeneratorInterface $link_generator, FieldTypePluginManagerInterface $field_type_manager) {
parent::__construct($configuration, $plugin_id, $plugin_definition);
$this->defaultSettings = self::getDefaultSettings();
$this->entityManager = $entity_manager;
$this->entityFieldManager = $entity_field_manager;
$this->entityDisplay = $entity_display;
$this->currentUser = $current_user;
$this->messenger = $messenger;
$this->renderer = $renderer;
$this->moduleHandler = $module_handler;
$this->leafletService = $leaflet_service;
$this->link = $link_generator;
$this->fieldTypeManager = $field_type_manager;
* {@inheritdoc}
public static function create(ContainerInterface $container, array $configuration, $plugin_id, $plugin_definition) {
return new static($configuration, $plugin_id, $plugin_definition, $container
->get('entity_type.manager'), $container
->get('entity_field.manager'), $container
->get('entity_display.repository'), $container
->get('current_user'), $container
->get('messenger'), $container
->get('renderer'), $container
->get('module_handler'), $container
->get('leaflet.service'), $container
->get('link_generator'), $container
* {@inheritdoc}
public function init(ViewExecutable $view, DisplayPluginBase $display, array &$options = NULL) {
parent::init($view, $display, $options);
// We want to allow view editors to select which entity out of a
// possible set they want to use to pass to the MapThemer plugin. Long term
// it would probably be better not to pass an entity to MapThemer plugin and
// instead pass the result row.
if (!empty($options['entity_source']) && $options['entity_source'] != '__base_table') {
$handler = $this->displayHandler
->getHandler('relationship', $options['entity_source']);
$this->entitySource = $options['entity_source'];
$data = Views::viewsData();
if (($table = $data
->get($handler->definition['base'])) && !empty($table['table']['entity type'])) {
try {
$this->entityInfo = $this->entityManager
->getDefinition($table['table']['entity type']);
$this->entityType = $this->entityInfo
} catch (\Exception $e) {
watchdog_exception('geofield_map', $e);
else {
$this->entitySource = '__base_table';
// For later use, set entity info related to the View's base table.
$base_tables = array_keys($view
$base_table = reset($base_tables);
if ($this->entityInfo = $view
->getBaseEntityType()) {
$this->entityType = $this->entityInfo
// Eventually try to set entity type & info from base table suffix
// (i.e. Search API views).
if (!isset($this->entityType)) {
$index_id = substr($base_table, 17);
$index = Index::load($index_id);
foreach ($index
->getDatasources() as $datasource) {
if ($datasource instanceof DatasourceInterface) {
$this->entityType = $datasource
try {
$this->entityInfo = $this->entityManager
} catch (\Exception $e) {
watchdog_exception('leaflet', $e);
* {@inheritdoc}
public function getFieldValue($index, $field) {
$this->view->row_index = $index;
$value = isset($this->view->field[$field]) ? $this->view->field[$field]
->getValue($this->view->result[$index]) : NULL;
return $value;
* Get a list of fields and a sublist of geo data fields in this view.
* @return array
* Available data sources.
protected function getAvailableDataSources() {
$fields_geo_data = [];
/* @var \Drupal\views\Plugin\views\ViewsHandlerInterface $handler) */
foreach ($this->displayHandler
->getHandlers('field') as $field_id => $handler) {
$label = $handler
->adminLabel() ?: $field_id;
$this->viewFields[$field_id] = $label;
if (is_a($handler, '\\Drupal\\views\\Plugin\\views\\field\\EntityField')) {
/* @var \Drupal\views\Plugin\views\field\EntityField $handler */
try {
$entity_type = $handler
} catch (\Exception $e) {
$entity_type = NULL;
$field_storage_definitions = $this->entityFieldManager
$field_storage_definition = $field_storage_definitions[$handler->definition['field_name']];
$type = $field_storage_definition
$definition = $this->fieldTypeManager
if (is_a($definition['class'], '\\Drupal\\geofield\\Plugin\\Field\\FieldType\\GeofieldItem', TRUE)) {
$fields_geo_data[$field_id] = $label;
return $fields_geo_data;
* Get options for the available entity sources.
* Entity source controls which entity gets passed to the MapThemer plugin. If
* not set it will always default to the view base entity.
* @return array
* The entity sources list.
protected function getAvailableEntitySources() {
if ($base_entity_type = $this->view
->getBaseEntityType()) {
$label = $base_entity_type
else {
// Fallback to the base table key.
$base_tables = array_keys($this->view
// A view without a base table should never happen (just in case).
$label = $base_tables[0] ?? $this
$options = [
'__base_table' => new TranslatableMarkup('View Base Entity (@entity_type)', [
'@entity_type' => $label,
$data = Views::viewsData();
/** @var \Drupal\views\Plugin\views\HandlerBase $handler */
foreach ($this->displayHandler
->getHandlers('relationship') as $relationship_id => $handler) {
if (($table = $data
->get($handler->definition['base'])) && !empty($table['table']['entity type'])) {
try {
$entity_type = $this->entityManager
->getDefinition($table['table']['entity type']);
} catch (\Exception $e) {
$entity_type = NULL;
$options[$relationship_id] = new TranslatableMarkup('@relationship (@entity_type)', [
'@relationship' => $handler
'@entity_type' => $entity_type
return $options;
* Get the entity info of the entity source.
* @param string $source
* The Source identifier.
* @return \Drupal\Core\Entity\EntityTypeInterface
* The entity type.
protected function getEntitySourceEntityInfo($source) {
if (!empty($source) && $source != '__base_table') {
$handler = $this->displayHandler
->getHandler('relationship', $source);
$data = Views::viewsData();
if (($table = $data
->get($handler->definition['base'])) && !empty($table['table']['entity type'])) {
try {
return $this->entityManager
->getDefinition($table['table']['entity type']);
} catch (\Exception $e) {
$entity_type = NULL;
return $this->view
* {@inheritdoc}
public function evenEmpty() {
// Render map even if there is no data.
return TRUE;
* {@inheritdoc}
public function buildOptionsForm(&$form, FormStateInterface $form_state) {
// If data source changed then apply the changes.
if ($form_state
->get('entity_source')) {
$this->options['entity_source'] = $form_state
$this->entityInfo = $this
$this->entityType = $this->entityInfo
$this->entitySource = $this->options['entity_source'];
parent::buildOptionsForm($form, $form_state);
$form['#tree'] = TRUE;
$form['#attached'] = [
'library' => [
// Get a sublist of geo data fields in the view.
$fields_geo_data = $this
// Check whether we have a geo data field we can work with.
if (!count($fields_geo_data)) {
$form['error'] = [
'#type' => 'html_tag',
'#tag' => 'div',
'#value' => $this
->t('Please add at least one Geofield to the View and come back here to set it as Data Source.'),
'#attributes' => [
'class' => [
$wrapper_id = 'leaflet-map-views-style-options-form-wrapper';
$form['#prefix'] = '<div id="' . $wrapper_id . '">';
$form['#suffix'] = '</div>';
// Map preset.
$form['data_source'] = [
'#type' => 'select',
'#title' => $this
->t('Data Source'),
'#description' => $this
->t('Which field contains geodata?'),
'#options' => $fields_geo_data,
'#default_value' => $this->options['data_source'],
'#required' => TRUE,
// Get the possible entity sources.
$entity_sources = $this
// If there is only one entity source it will be the base entity, so don't
// show the element to avoid confusing people.
if (count($entity_sources) == 1) {
$form['entity_source'] = [
'#type' => 'value',
'#value' => key($entity_sources),
else {
$form['entity_source'] = [
'#type' => 'select',
'#title' => new TranslatableMarkup('Entity Source'),
'#description' => new TranslatableMarkup('Select which Entity should be used as Leaflet Mapping base Entity.<br><u>Leave as "View Base Entity" to rely on default Views behaviour, and don\'t specifically needed otherwise</u>.'),
'#options' => $entity_sources,
'#default_value' => !empty($this->options['entity_source']) ? $this->options['entity_source'] : '__base_table',
'#ajax' => [
'wrapper' => $wrapper_id,
'callback' => [
'trigger_as' => [
'name' => 'entity_source_submit',
$form['entity_source_submit'] = [
'#type' => 'submit',
'#value' => new TranslatableMarkup('Update Entity Source'),
'#name' => 'entity_source_submit',
'#submit' => [
'#validate' => [],
'#limit_validation_errors' => [
'#attributes' => [
'class' => [
'#ajax' => [
'wrapper' => $wrapper_id,
'callback' => [
// Name field.
$form['name_field'] = [
'#type' => 'select',
'#title' => $this
->t('Title Field'),
'#description' => $this
->t('Choose the field which will appear as a title on tooltips.'),
'#options' => array_merge([
'' => ' - None - ',
], $this->viewFields),
'#default_value' => $this->options['name_field'],
$desc_options = array_merge([
'' => ' - None - ',
], $this->viewFields);
// Add an option to render the entire entity using a view mode.
if ($this->entityType) {
$desc_options += [
'#rendered_entity' => $this
->t('< @entity entity >', [
'@entity' => $this->entityType,
'#rendered_entity_ajax' => $this
->t('< @entity entity via ajax >', [
'@entity' => $this->entityType,
'#rendered_view_fields' => $this
->t('# Rendered View Fields (with field label, format, classes, etc)'),
$form['description_field'] = [
'#type' => 'select',
'#title' => $this
->t('Description Field'),
'#description' => $this
->t('Choose the field or rendering method which will appear as a description on tooltips or popups.'),
'#required' => FALSE,
'#options' => $desc_options,
'#default_value' => $this->options['description_field'],
if ($this->entityType) {
// Get the human readable labels for the entity view modes.
$view_mode_options = [];
foreach ($this->entityDisplay
->getViewModes($this->entityType) as $key => $view_mode) {
$view_mode_options[$key] = $view_mode['label'];
// The View Mode drop-down is visible conditional on "#rendered_entity"
// being selected in the Description drop-down above.
$form['view_mode'] = [
'#type' => 'select',
'#title' => $this
->t('View mode'),
'#description' => $this
->t('View mode the entity will be displayed in the Infowindow.'),
'#options' => $view_mode_options,
'#default_value' => $this->options['view_mode'],
'#states' => [
'visible' => [
':input[name="style_options[description_field]"]' => [
'value' => '#rendered_entity',
'value' => '#rendered_entity_ajax',
// Generate the Leaflet Map General Settings.
->generateMapGeneralSettings($form, $this->options);
// Generate the Leaflet Map Reset Control.
->setResetMapControl($form, $this->options);
// Generate the Leaflet Map Position Form Element.
$map_position_options = $this->options['map_position'];
$form['map_position'] = $this
// Generate Icon form element.
$icon_options = $this->options['icon'];
$form['icon'] = $this
->generateIconFormElement($icon_options, $form);
// Set Map Marker Cluster Element.
->setMapMarkerclusterElement($form, $this->options);
// Set Map Geometries Options Element.
->setMapPathOptionsElement($form, $this->options);
// Set Map Geocoder Control Element, if the Geocoder Module exists,
// otherwise output a tip on Geocoder Module Integration.
->setGeocoderMapControl($form, $this->options);
* {@inheritdoc}
public function validateOptionsForm(&$form, FormStateInterface $form_state) {
parent::validateOptionsForm($form, $form_state);
$style_options = $form_state
if (!empty($style_options['height']) && (!is_numeric($style_options['height']) || $style_options['height'] <= 0)) {
->setError($form['height'], $this
->t('Map height needs to be a positive number.'));
$icon_options = isset($style_options['icon']) ? $style_options['icon'] : [];
if (!empty($icon_options['iconSize']['x']) && (!is_numeric($icon_options['iconSize']['x']) || $icon_options['iconSize']['x'] <= 0)) {
->setError($form['icon']['iconSize']['x'], $this
->t('Icon width needs to be a positive number.'));
if (!empty($icon_options['iconSize']['y']) && (!is_numeric($icon_options['iconSize']['y']) || $icon_options['iconSize']['y'] <= 0)) {
->setError($form['icon']['iconSize']['y'], $this
->t('Icon height needs to be a positive number.'));
* Submit to update the data source.
* @param array $form
* The Form.
* @param \Drupal\Core\Form\FormStateInterface $form_state
* The Form state.
public static function optionsFormEntitySourceSubmit(array $form, FormStateInterface $form_state) {
$parents = $form_state
array_push($parents, 'entity_source');
// Set the data source selected in the form state and rebuild the form.
->set('entity_source', $form_state
* Ajax callback to reload the options form after data source change.
* This allows the entityType (which can be affected by which source
* is selected to alter the form.
* @param array $form
* The Form.
* @param \Drupal\Core\Form\FormStateInterface $form_state
* The Form state.
* @return mixed
* The returned result.
public static function optionsFormEntitySourceSubmitAjax(array $form, FormStateInterface $form_state) {
$triggering_element = $form_state
$array_parents = $triggering_element['#array_parents'];
return NestedArray::getValue($form, $array_parents);
* Renders the View.
public function render() {
// Performs some preprocess on the leaflet map settings.
$data = [];
// Collect bubbleable metadata when doing early rendering.
$build_for_bubbleable_metadata = [];
// Always render the map, otherwise ...
$leaflet_map_style = !isset($this->options['leaflet_map']) ? $this->options['map'] : $this->options['leaflet_map'];
$map = leaflet_map_get_info($leaflet_map_style);
// Set Map additional map Settings.
->setAdditionalMapOptions($map, $this->options);
// Add a specific map id.
$map['id'] = Html::getUniqueId("leaflet_map_view_" . $this->view
->id() . '_' . $this->view->current_display);
if ($geofield_name = $this->options['data_source']) {
/* @var \Drupal\views\ResultRow $result */
foreach ($this->view->result as $id => $result) {
// For proper processing make sure the geofield_value is created as
// an array, also if single value.
$geofield_value = (array) $this
->getFieldValue($result->index, $geofield_name);
if (!empty($geofield_value)) {
$features = $this->leafletService
if (!empty($result->_entity)) {
// Entity API provides a plain entity object.
$entity = $result->_entity;
elseif (isset($result->_object)) {
// Search API provides a TypedData EntityAdapter.
$entity_adapter = $result->_object;
if ($entity_adapter instanceof EntityAdapter) {
$entity = $entity_adapter
// Render the entity with the selected view mode.
if (isset($entity)) {
// Get and set (if not set) the Geofield cardinality.
/* @var \Drupal\Core\Field\FieldItemList $geofield_entity */
if (!isset($map['geofield_cardinality'])) {
try {
$geofield_entity = $entity
$map['geofield_cardinality'] = $geofield_entity
} catch (\Exception $e) {
// In case of exception it means that $geofield_name field is
// not directly related to the $entity and might be the case of
// a geofield exposed through a relationship.
// In this case it is too complicate to get the geofield related
// entity, so apply a more general case of multiple/infinite
// geofield_cardinality.
// @see:
$map['geofield_cardinality'] = -1;
$entity_type = $entity
$entity_type_langcode_attribute = $entity_type . '_field_data_langcode';
$view = $this->view;
// Set the langcode to be used for rendering the entity.
$rendering_language = $view->display_handler
$dynamic_renderers = [
'***LANGUAGE_entity_translation***' => 'TranslationLanguageRenderer',
'***LANGUAGE_entity_default***' => 'DefaultLanguageRenderer',
if (isset($dynamic_renderers[$rendering_language])) {
/** @var \Drupal\Core\Entity\ContentEntityInterface $entity */
$langcode = isset($result->{$entity_type_langcode_attribute}) ? $result->{$entity_type_langcode_attribute} : $entity
else {
if (strpos($rendering_language, '***LANGUAGE_') !== FALSE) {
$langcode = PluginBase::queryLanguageSubstitutions()[$rendering_language];
else {
// Specific langcode set.
$langcode = $rendering_language;
switch ($this->options['description_field']) {
case '#rendered_entity':
$build = $this->entityManager
->view($entity, $this->options['view_mode'], $langcode);
$render_context = new RenderContext();
$description = $this->renderer
->executeInRenderContext($render_context, function () use (&$build) {
return $this->renderer
->render($build, TRUE);
if (!$render_context
->isEmpty()) {
case '#rendered_entity_ajax':
$parameters = [
'entity_type' => $entity_type,
'entity' => $entity
'view_mode' => $this->options['view_mode'],
'langcode' => $langcode,
$url = Url::fromRoute('leaflet_views.ajax_popup', $parameters);
$description = sprintf('<div class="leaflet-ajax-popup" data-leaflet-ajax-popup="%s" %s></div>', $url
->toString(), LeafletAjaxPopupController::getPopupIdentifierAttribute($entity_type, $entity
->id(), $this->options['view_mode'], $langcode));
$map['settings']['ajaxPoup'] = TRUE;
case '#rendered_view_fields':
// Normal rendering via view/row fields (with labels options,
// formatters, classes, etc.).
$render_row = [
"markup" => $this->view->rowPlugin
$description = !empty($this->options['description_field']) ? $this->renderer
->renderPlain($render_row) : '';
// Row rendering of single specified field value (without
// labels).
$description = !empty($this->options['description_field']) ? $this->rendered_fields[$result->index][$this->options['description_field']] : '';
// Merge eventual map icon definition from hook_leaflet_map_info.
if (!empty($map['icon'])) {
$this->options['icon'] = $this->options['icon'] ?: [];
// Remove empty icon options so that they might be replaced by
// the ones set by the hook_leaflet_map_info.
foreach ($this->options['icon'] as $k => $icon_option) {
if (empty($icon_option) || is_array($icon_option) && $this->leafletService
->multipleEmpty($icon_option)) {
$this->options['icon'] = array_replace($map['icon'], $this->options['icon']);
// Define possible tokens.
$tokens = [];
foreach ($this->rendered_fields[$result->index] as $field_name => $field_value) {
$tokens[$field_name] = $field_value;
$tokens["{{ {$field_name} }}"] = $field_value;
$icon_type = isset($this->options['icon']['iconType']) ? $this->options['icon']['iconType'] : 'marker';
// Relates the feature with additional properties.
foreach ($features as &$feature) {
// Add its entity id, so that it might be referenced from outside.
$feature['entity_id'] = $entity
// Attach pop-ups if we have a description field.
if (isset($description)) {
$feature['popup'] = $description;
// Attach also titles, they might be used later on.
if ($this->options['name_field']) {
// Decode any entities because JS will encode them again and
// we don't want double encoding.
$feature['label'] = !empty($this->options['name_field']) ? Html::decodeEntities($this->rendered_fields[$result->index][$this->options['name_field']]) : '';
// Eventually set the custom Marker icon (DivIcon, Icon Url or
// Circle Marker).
if ($feature['type'] === 'point' && isset($this->options['icon'])) {
$feature['icon'] = $this->options['icon'];
switch ($icon_type) {
case 'html':
$feature['icon']['html'] = str_replace([
], "", $this
->viewsTokenReplace($this->options['icon']['html'], $tokens));
$feature['icon']['html_class'] = $this->options['icon']['html_class'];
case 'circle_marker':
$feature['icon']['options'] = str_replace([
], "", $this
->viewsTokenReplace($this->options['icon']['circle_marker_options'], $tokens));
if (!empty($this->options['icon']['iconUrl'])) {
$feature['icon']['iconUrl'] = str_replace([
], "", $this
->viewsTokenReplace($this->options['icon']['iconUrl'], $tokens));
if (!empty($this->options['icon']['shadowUrl'])) {
$feature['icon']['shadowUrl'] = str_replace([
], "", $this
->viewsTokenReplace($this->options['icon']['shadowUrl'], $tokens));
// Associate dynamic path properties (token based) to each
// feature, in case of not point.
if ($feature['type'] !== 'point') {
$feature['path'] = str_replace([
], "", $this
->viewsTokenReplace($this->options['path'], $tokens));
// Allow modules to adjust the marker.
->alter('leaflet_views_feature', $feature, $result, $this->view->rowPlugin);
// Add new points to the whole basket.
$data = array_merge($data, $features);
// Don't render the map, if we do not have any data
// and the hide option is set.
if (empty($data) && !empty($this->options['hide_empty_map'])) {
return [];
$js_settings = [
'map' => $map,
'features' => $data,
// Allow other modules to add/alter the map js settings.
->alter('leaflet_map_view_style', $js_settings, $this);
$map_height = !empty($this->options['height']) ? $this->options['height'] . $this->options['height_unit'] : '';
$element = $this->leafletService
->leafletRenderMap($js_settings['map'], $js_settings['features'], $map_height);
// Add the Core Drupal Ajax library for Ajax Popups.
if (isset($map['settings']['ajaxPoup']) && $map['settings']['ajaxPoup'] == TRUE) {
$build_for_bubbleable_metadata['#attached']['library'][] = 'core/drupal.ajax';
return $element;
* Set default options.
protected function defineOptions() {
$options = parent::defineOptions();
$options['data_source'] = [
'default' => '',
$options['entity_source'] = [
'default' => '__base_table',
$options['name_field'] = [
'default' => '',
$options['description_field'] = [
'default' => '',
$options['view_mode'] = [
'default' => 'full',
$leaflet_map_default_settings = [];
foreach (self::getDefaultSettings() as $k => $setting) {
$leaflet_map_default_settings[$k] = [
'default' => $setting,
return $options + $leaflet_map_default_settings;
Name![]() |
Modifiers | Type | Description | Overrides |
DependencySerializationTrait:: |
protected | property | An array of entity type IDs keyed by the property name of their storages. | |
DependencySerializationTrait:: |
protected | property | An array of service IDs keyed by property name used for serialization. | |
DependencySerializationTrait:: |
public | function | 1 | |
DependencySerializationTrait:: |
public | function | 2 | |
LeafletMap:: |
protected | property | Current user service. | |
LeafletMap:: |
protected | property | The Default Settings. | |
LeafletMap:: |
protected | property | The Entity Display Repository service property. | |
LeafletMap:: |
protected | property | The Entity Field manager service property. | |
LeafletMap:: |
protected | property | The Entity Info service property. | |
LeafletMap:: |
protected | property | The Entity type manager service. | |
LeafletMap:: |
protected | property | The Entity source property. | |
LeafletMap:: |
protected | property | The Entity type property. | |
LeafletMap:: |
protected | property | Field type plugin manager. | |
LeafletMap:: |
protected | property | Leaflet service. | |
LeafletMap:: |
protected | property | The Link generator Service. | |
LeafletMap:: |
protected | property |
The messenger. Overrides MessengerTrait:: |
LeafletMap:: |
protected | property | The module handler to invoke the alter hook. | |
LeafletMap:: |
protected | property |
The Renderer service property. Overrides PluginBase:: |
LeafletMap:: |
protected | property |
Does the style plugin for itself support to add fields to its output. Overrides StylePluginBase:: |
LeafletMap:: |
protected | property |
Whether or not this style uses a row plugin. Overrides StylePluginBase:: |
LeafletMap:: |
protected | property | The list of fields added to the view. | |
LeafletMap:: |
public | function |
Provide a form to edit options for this plugin. Overrides StylePluginBase:: |
LeafletMap:: |
public static | function |
Creates an instance of the plugin. Overrides PluginBase:: |
LeafletMap:: |
protected | function |
Set default options. Overrides StylePluginBase:: |
LeafletMap:: |
public | function |
Should the output of the style plugin be rendered even if it's a empty view. Overrides StylePluginBase:: |
LeafletMap:: |
protected | function | Get a list of fields and a sublist of geo data fields in this view. | |
LeafletMap:: |
protected | function | Get options for the available entity sources. | |
LeafletMap:: |
protected | function | Get the entity info of the entity source. | |
LeafletMap:: |
public | function |
Get the raw field value. Overrides StylePluginBase:: |
LeafletMap:: |
public | function |
Overrides \Drupal\views\Plugin\views\PluginBase::init(). Overrides StylePluginBase:: |
LeafletMap:: |
public static | function | Submit to update the data source. | |
LeafletMap:: |
public static | function | Ajax callback to reload the options form after data source change. | |
LeafletMap:: |
public | function |
Renders the View. Overrides StylePluginBase:: |
LeafletMap:: |
public | function |
Validate the options form. Overrides StylePluginBase:: |
LeafletMap:: |
public | function |
Constructs a LeafletMap style instance. Overrides PluginBase:: |
LeafletSettingsElementsTrait:: |
protected | property | Leaflet Controls Positions Options. | |
LeafletSettingsElementsTrait:: |
protected | property | Leaflet Circle Radius Marker Field Types Options. | |
LeafletSettingsElementsTrait:: |
protected | function | Generate the Leaflet Icon Form Element. | |
LeafletSettingsElementsTrait:: |
protected | function | Generate the Leaflet Map General Settings. | |
LeafletSettingsElementsTrait:: |
protected | function | Generate the Leaflet Map Position Form Element. | |
LeafletSettingsElementsTrait:: |
public static | function | Get the Default Settings. | |
LeafletSettingsElementsTrait:: |
public static | function | Form element json format validation handler. | |
LeafletSettingsElementsTrait:: |
public static | function | Form element validation handler for the Map Max Zoom level. | |
LeafletSettingsElementsTrait:: |
protected | function | Set Map additional map Settings. | |
LeafletSettingsElementsTrait:: |
protected | function | Set Map Geocoder Control Element. | |
LeafletSettingsElementsTrait:: |
protected | function | Set Map MarkerCluster Element. | |
LeafletSettingsElementsTrait:: |
protected | function | Set Map Geometries Options Element. | |
LeafletSettingsElementsTrait:: |
protected | function | Set Map MarkerCluster Element. | |
LeafletSettingsElementsTrait:: |
public static | function | Validates the Geocoder Providers element. | |
LeafletSettingsElementsTrait:: |
public static | function | Form element validation handler for a Map Zoom level. | |
MessengerTrait:: |
public | function | Gets the messenger. | 29 |
MessengerTrait:: |
public | function | Sets the messenger. | |
PluginBase:: |
protected | property | Configuration information passed into the plugin. | 1 |
PluginBase:: |
public | property | Plugins's definition | |
PluginBase:: |
public | property | The display object this plugin is for. | |
PluginBase:: |
public | property | Options for this plugin will be held here. | |
PluginBase:: |
protected | property | The plugin implementation definition. | 1 |
PluginBase:: |
protected | property | The plugin_id. | |
PluginBase:: |
public | property | The top object of a view. | 1 |
PluginBase:: |
public | function |
Calculates dependencies for the configured plugin. Overrides DependentPluginInterface:: |
14 |
PluginBase:: |
constant | A string which is used to separate base plugin IDs from the derivative ID. | ||
PluginBase:: |
protected | function | Do the work to filter out stored options depending on the defined options. | |
PluginBase:: |
public | function |
Filter out stored options depending on the defined options. Overrides ViewsPluginInterface:: |
PluginBase:: |
public | function |
Returns an array of available token replacements. Overrides ViewsPluginInterface:: |
PluginBase:: |
public | function |
Gets the base_plugin_id of the plugin instance. Overrides DerivativeInspectionInterface:: |
PluginBase:: |
public | function |
Gets the derivative_id of the plugin instance. Overrides DerivativeInspectionInterface:: |
PluginBase:: |
public | function |
Gets the definition of the plugin implementation. Overrides PluginInspectionInterface:: |
3 |
PluginBase:: |
public | function |
Gets the plugin_id of the plugin instance. Overrides PluginInspectionInterface:: |
PluginBase:: |
public | function |
Returns the plugin provider. Overrides ViewsPluginInterface:: |
PluginBase:: |
protected | function | Returns the render API renderer. | 1 |
PluginBase:: |
public | function |
Adds elements for available core tokens to a form. Overrides ViewsPluginInterface:: |
PluginBase:: |
public | function |
Returns a string with any core tokens replaced. Overrides ViewsPluginInterface:: |
PluginBase:: |
constant | Include entity row languages when listing languages. | ||
PluginBase:: |
constant | Include negotiated languages when listing languages. | ||
PluginBase:: |
public | function | Determines if the plugin is configurable. | |
PluginBase:: |
protected | function | Makes an array of languages, optionally including special languages. | |
PluginBase:: |
public | function |
Return the human readable name of the display. Overrides ViewsPluginInterface:: |
PluginBase:: |
public static | function |
Moves form elements into fieldsets for presentation purposes. Overrides ViewsPluginInterface:: |
PluginBase:: |
public static | function |
Flattens the structure of form elements. Overrides ViewsPluginInterface:: |
PluginBase:: |
public static | function | Returns substitutions for Views queries for languages. | |
PluginBase:: |
protected | function | Fills up the options of the plugin with defaults. | |
PluginBase:: |
public | function |
Handle any special handling on the validate form. Overrides ViewsPluginInterface:: |
16 |
PluginBase:: |
public | function |
Returns the summary of the settings in the display. Overrides ViewsPluginInterface:: |
6 |
PluginBase:: |
public | function |
Provide a full list of possible theme templates used by this style. Overrides ViewsPluginInterface:: |
1 |
PluginBase:: |
public | function |
Unpack options over our existing defaults, drilling down into arrays
so that defaults don't get totally blown away. Overrides ViewsPluginInterface:: |
PluginBase:: |
public | function |
Returns the usesOptions property. Overrides ViewsPluginInterface:: |
8 |
PluginBase:: |
protected | function | Replaces Views' tokens in a given string. The resulting string will be sanitized with Xss::filterAdmin. | 1 |
PluginBase:: |
constant | Query string to indicate the site default language. | ||
StringTranslationTrait:: |
protected | property | The string translation service. | 1 |
StringTranslationTrait:: |
protected | function | Formats a string containing a count of items. | |
StringTranslationTrait:: |
protected | function | Returns the number of plurals supported by a given language. | |
StringTranslationTrait:: |
protected | function | Gets the string translation service. | |
StringTranslationTrait:: |
public | function | Sets the string translation service to use. | 2 |
StringTranslationTrait:: |
protected | function | Translates a string to the current language or to a given language. | |
StylePluginBase:: |
protected | property | Should field labels be enabled by default. | 1 |
StylePluginBase:: |
protected | property | The theme function used to render the grouping set. | |
StylePluginBase:: |
protected | property | Stores the rendered field values, keyed by the row index and field name. | |
StylePluginBase:: |
protected | property | Store all available tokens row rows. | |
StylePluginBase:: |
protected | property | Does the style plugin support grouping of rows. | 3 |
StylePluginBase:: |
protected | property |
Denotes whether the plugin has an additional options form. Overrides PluginBase:: |
StylePluginBase:: |
protected | property | Does the style plugin support custom css class for the rows. | 3 |
StylePluginBase:: |
public | function | Called by the view builder to see if this style handler wants to interfere with the sorts. If so it should build; if it returns any non-TRUE value, normal sorting will NOT be added to the query. | 1 |
StylePluginBase:: |
public | function | Called by the view builder to let the style build a second set of sorts that will come after any other sorts in the view. | 1 |
StylePluginBase:: |
public | function | Return TRUE if this style enables field labels by default. | 1 |
StylePluginBase:: |
public | function |
Clears a plugin. Overrides PluginBase:: |
StylePluginBase:: |
public | function | #pre_render callback for view row field rendering. | |
StylePluginBase:: |
public | function | Gets a rendered field. | |
StylePluginBase:: |
public | function | Return the token replaced row class for the specified row. | |
StylePluginBase:: |
public | function | Allow the style to do stuff before each row is rendered. | |
StylePluginBase:: |
public | function |
Add anything to the query that we might need to. Overrides PluginBase:: |
1 |
StylePluginBase:: |
protected | function | Renders all of the fields for a given style and store them on the object. | |
StylePluginBase:: |
public | function | Group records as needed for rendering. | |
StylePluginBase:: |
public | function | Render the grouping sets. | |
StylePluginBase:: |
protected | function | Renders a group of rows of the grouped view. | |
StylePluginBase:: |
public | function | Take a value and apply token replacement logic to it. | |
StylePluginBase:: |
public static | function |
Lists the trusted callbacks provided by the implementing class. Overrides PluginBase:: |
StylePluginBase:: |
public | function | Return TRUE if this style also uses fields. | 3 |
StylePluginBase:: |
public | function | Returns the usesGrouping property. | 3 |
StylePluginBase:: |
public | function | Returns the usesRowClass property. | 3 |
StylePluginBase:: |
public | function | Returns the usesRowPlugin property. | 10 |
StylePluginBase:: |
public | function | Return TRUE if this style uses tokens. | |
StylePluginBase:: |
public | function |
Validate that the plugin is correct and can be saved. Overrides PluginBase:: |
StylePluginBase:: |
public | function | Provide a form in the views wizard if this style is selected. | |
StylePluginBase:: |
public | function | Alter the options of a display before they are added to the view. | 1 |
TrustedCallbackInterface:: |
constant | Untrusted callbacks throw exceptions. | ||
TrustedCallbackInterface:: |
constant | Untrusted callbacks trigger silenced E_USER_DEPRECATION errors. | ||
TrustedCallbackInterface:: |
constant | Untrusted callbacks trigger E_USER_WARNING errors. |