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12 calls to _ldapdata_ldap_info() in LDAP integration 6

ldapdata_category_access in ./ldapdata.module
Checks if LDAP data category should be printed.
ldapdata_ldap_attributes_needed_alter in ./ldapdata.module
Implements hook_ldap_attributes_needed_alter
_ldapdata_attribute_filter in ./ldapdata.module
Filter LDAP attributes.
_ldapdata_reverse_mappings in ./ldapdata.module
Retrieve reverse LDAP to drupal mappings.
_ldapdata_user_form in ./ldapdata.module
Implements hook_user() categories operation. Only used for editable LDAP attributes with no Drupal equivalents.
_ldapdata_user_load in ./ldapdata.module
Implements hook_user() load operation.
_ldapdata_user_submit in ./ldapdata.module
Implements hook_user() submit operation.
_ldapdata_user_update_content_profile in ./ldapdata.module
Find out which content profile attributes should be synced back to LDAP.
_ldapdata_user_update_drupal_account in ./ldapdata.module
Find out which Drupal attributes should be synced back to LDAP..
_ldapdata_user_update_ldap_attributes in ./ldapdata.module
Find out which LDAP attributes should be synced back to LDAP..
_ldapdata_user_update_profile in ./ldapdata.module
Find out which profile attributes should be synced back to LDAP.
_ldapdata_user_view in ./ldapdata.module
Implements hook_user() view operation.