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abstract class LoginValidatorBase in Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) 8.4

Handles the actual testing of credentials and authentication of users.


Expanded class hierarchy of LoginValidatorBase

1 file declares its use of LoginValidatorBase
ProtectedUserFieldConstraintValidatorTest.php in ldap_user/tests/src/Unit/ProtectedUserFieldConstraintValidatorTest.php


ldap_authentication/src/Controller/LoginValidatorBase.php, line 29


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abstract class LoginValidatorBase implements LdapUserAttributesInterface, LoginValidatorInterface {
  use StringTranslationTrait;

   * Failure value.
   * @var int

   * Failure value.
   * @var int

   * Failure value.
   * @var int

   * Failure value.
   * @var int

   * Failure value.
   * @var int

   * Success value.
   * @var int
  public const AUTHENTICATION_SUCCESS = 6;

   * Authname.
   * @var bool|string
  protected $authName = FALSE;

   * Whether the external authmap is linked with the user.
   * @var bool|mixed
  protected $drupalUserAuthMapped = FALSE;

   * Drupal User name.
   * @var bool|string
  protected $drupalUserName = FALSE;

   * The Server for the Drupal user.
   * @var \Drupal\ldap_servers\Entity\Server
  protected $serverDrupalUser;

   * The Drupal user.
   * @var \Drupal\user\Entity\User
  protected $drupalUser;

   * LDAP Entry.
   * @var \Symfony\Component\Ldap\Entry
  protected $ldapEntry;

   * Email template used.
   * @var bool
  protected $emailTemplateUsed = FALSE;

   * Email template tokens.
   * @var array
  protected $emailTemplateTokens = [];

   * Form State.
   * @var \Drupal\Core\Form\FormState
   * @todo Try to push this up into LoginValidatorLoginForm
  protected $formState;

   * Config factory.
   * @var \Drupal\Core\Config\ConfigFactoryInterface
  protected $configFactory;

   * Config.
   * @var \Drupal\Core\Config\ImmutableConfig
  protected $config;

   * Detail log.
   * @var \Drupal\ldap_servers\Logger\LdapDetailLog
  protected $detailLog;

   * Logger.
   * @var \Drupal\Core\Logger\LoggerChannelInterface
  protected $logger;

   * Entity type Manager.
   * @var \Drupal\Core\Entity\EntityTypeManagerInterface
  protected $entityTypeManager;

   * Module handler.
   * @var \Drupal\Core\Extension\ModuleHandler
  protected $moduleHandler;

   * LDAP bridge.
   * @var \Drupal\ldap_servers\LdapBridge
  protected $ldapBridge;

   * External authentication mapper.
   * @var \Drupal\externalauth\Authmap
  protected $externalAuth;

   * Authentication servers.
   * @var \Drupal\ldap_authentication\AuthenticationServers
  protected $authenticationServers;

   * LDAP User Manager.
   * @var \Drupal\ldap_servers\LdapUserManager
  protected $ldapUserManager;

   * Messenger.
   * @var \Drupal\Core\Messenger\MessengerInterface
  protected $messenger;

   * Drupal User Processor.
   * @var \Drupal\ldap_user\Processor\DrupalUserProcessor
  protected $drupalUserProcessor;

   * Constructor.
   * @param \Drupal\Core\Config\ConfigFactoryInterface $configFactory
   *   Config factory.
   * @param \Drupal\ldap_servers\Logger\LdapDetailLog $detailLog
   *   Detail log.
   * @param \Drupal\Core\Logger\LoggerChannelInterface $logger
   *   Logger channel.
   * @param \Drupal\Core\Entity\EntityTypeManagerInterface $entity_type_manager
   *   Entity type manager.
   * @param \Drupal\Core\Extension\ModuleHandler $module_handler
   *   Module handler.
   * @param \Drupal\ldap_servers\LdapBridgeInterface $ldap_bridge
   *   LDAP bridge.
   * @param \Drupal\externalauth\Authmap $external_auth
   *   External auth.
   * @param \Drupal\ldap_authentication\AuthenticationServers $authentication_servers
   *   Authentication servers.
   * @param \Drupal\ldap_servers\LdapUserManager $ldap_user_manager
   *   Ldap user manager.
   * @param \Drupal\Core\Messenger\MessengerInterface $messenger
   *   Messenger.
   * @param \Drupal\ldap_user\Processor\DrupalUserProcessor $drupal_user_processor
   *   Drupal User Processor.
  public function __construct(ConfigFactoryInterface $configFactory, LdapDetailLog $detailLog, LoggerChannelInterface $logger, EntityTypeManagerInterface $entity_type_manager, ModuleHandler $module_handler, LdapBridgeInterface $ldap_bridge, Authmap $external_auth, AuthenticationServers $authentication_servers, LdapUserManager $ldap_user_manager, MessengerInterface $messenger, DrupalUserProcessor $drupal_user_processor) {
    $this->configFactory = $configFactory;
    $this->config = $configFactory
    $this->detailLog = $detailLog;
    $this->logger = $logger;
    $this->entityTypeManager = $entity_type_manager;
    $this->moduleHandler = $module_handler;
    $this->ldapBridge = $ldap_bridge;
    $this->externalAuth = $external_auth;
    $this->authenticationServers = $authentication_servers;
    $this->ldapUserManager = $ldap_user_manager;
    $this->messenger = $messenger;
    $this->drupalUserProcessor = $drupal_user_processor;

   * Determine if the corresponding Drupal account exists and is mapped.
   * Ideally we would only ask the external authmap but are allowing matching
   * by name, too, for association handling later.
  protected function initializeDrupalUserFromAuthName() : void {
    $load_by_name = $this->entityTypeManager
      'name' => $this->authName,
    $this->drupalUser = $load_by_name ? reset($load_by_name) : NULL;
    $authmap_uid = $this->externalAuth
      ->getUid($this->authName, 'ldap_user');
    if (!$this->drupalUser && $authmap_uid) {

      // Drupal username differs but we have a UID in the authmap table for it.
      $this->drupalUser = $this->entityTypeManager
    if ($this->drupalUser && $authmap_uid) {
      $this->drupalUserAuthMapped = TRUE;

   * Verifies whether the user is available or can be created.
   * @return bool
   *   Whether to allow user login.
   * @todo This duplicates DrupalUserProcessor->excludeUser().
  protected function verifyUserAllowed() : bool {
    if ($this->config
      ->get('skipAdministrators')) {
      $admin_roles = $this->entityTypeManager
        ->condition('is_admin', TRUE)
      if (!empty(array_intersect($this->drupalUser
        ->getRoles(), $admin_roles))) {
          ->log('%username: Drupal user name maps to an administrative user and this group is excluded from LDAP authentication.', [
          '%username' => $this->authName,
        ], 'ldap_authentication');
        return FALSE;

    // Exclude users who have been manually flagged as excluded.
    if ($this->drupalUser
      ->getString() === '1') {
        ->log('%username: User flagged as excluded.', [
        '%username' => $this->authName,
      ], 'ldap_authentication');
      return FALSE;

    // Everyone else is allowed.
      ->log('%username: Drupal user account found. Continuing on to attempt LDAP authentication.', [
      '%username' => $this->authName,
    ], 'ldap_authentication');
    return TRUE;

   * Verifies whether the user is available or can be created.
   * @return bool
   *   Whether to allow user login and creation.
  protected function verifyAccountCreation() : bool {
    if ($this->configFactory
      ->get('acctCreation') === self::ACCOUNT_CREATION_LDAP_BEHAVIOUR || $this->configFactory
      ->get('register') === UserInterface::REGISTER_VISITORS) {
        ->log('%username: Existing Drupal user account not found. Continuing on to attempt LDAP authentication', [
        '%username' => $this->authName,
      ], 'ldap_authentication');
      return TRUE;
      ->log('%username: Drupal user account not found and configuration is set to not create new accounts.', [
      '%username' => $this->authName,
    ], 'ldap_authentication');
    return FALSE;

   * Tests the user's password.
   * @return bool
   *   Valid login.
  protected function testUserPassword() : bool {
    $loginValid = FALSE;
    if ($this->serverDrupalUser
      ->get('bind_method') === 'user') {
      $loginValid = TRUE;
    else {

      // @todo Verify value in userPW, document!
      $bindResult = $this->ldapBridge
      if ($bindResult) {
        $loginValid = TRUE;
      else {
          ->log('%username: Error testing user credentials on server %id with %bind_method.', [
          '%username' => $this->authName,
          '%bind_method' => $this->serverDrupalUser
          '%id' => $this->serverDrupalUser
        ], 'ldap_authentication');
    return $loginValid;

   * Provides formatting for authentication failures.
   * @param int $authenticationResult
   *   Case.
   * @return \Drupal\Core\StringTranslation\TranslatableMarkup
   *   Response text.
  protected function additionalDebuggingResponse(int $authenticationResult) : TranslatableMarkup {
    switch ($authenticationResult) {
        $information = $this
          ->t('(not found)');
        $information = $this
          ->t('(wrong credentials)');
        $information = $this
          ->t('(no issue)');
        $information = $this
          ->t('(unknown issue)');
    return $information;

   * Failure response.
   * @param int $authenticationResult
   *   The error code.
  protected function failureResponse(int $authenticationResult) : void {

    // Fail scenario 1. LDAP auth exclusive and failed  throw error so no other
    // authentication methods are allowed.
    if ($this->config
      ->get('authenticationMode') === 'exclusive') {
        ->log('%username: Error raised because failure at LDAP and exclusive authentication is set to true.', [
        '%username' => $this->authName,
      ], 'ldap_authentication');
        ->t('Error: %err_text', [
        '%err_text' => $this
    else {

      // Fail scenario 2.  Simply fails LDAP. Return false, but don't throw form
      // error don't show user message, may be using other authentication after
      // this that may succeed.
        ->log('%username: Failed LDAP authentication. User may have authenticated successfully by other means in a mixed authentication site.', [
        '%username' => $this->authName,
      ], 'ldap_authentication');

   * Get human readable authentication error string.
   * @param int $error
   *   Error code.
   * @return \Drupal\Core\StringTranslation\TranslatableMarkup
   *   Human readable error text.
  protected function authenticationHelpText(int $error) : TranslatableMarkup {
    switch ($error) {
        $msg = $this
          ->t('Failed to bind to LDAP server');
        $msg = $this
          ->t('User disallowed');
        $msg = $this
          ->t('Sorry, unrecognized username or password.');
        $msg = $this
          ->t('Authentication successful');
        $msg = $this
          ->t('unknown error: @error', [
          '@error' => $error,
    return $msg;

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public function checkAllowedExcluded(string $authName, Entry $ldap_user) : bool {

    // Do one of the exclude attribute pairs match? If user does not already
    // exists and deferring to user settings AND user settings only allow.
    foreach ($this->config
      ->get('excludeIfTextInDn') as $test) {
      if (stripos($ldap_user
        ->getDn(), $test) !== FALSE) {
        return FALSE;

    // Check if one of the allow attribute pairs match.
    if (count($this->config
      ->get('allowOnlyIfTextInDn'))) {
      $fail = TRUE;
      foreach ($this->config
        ->get('allowOnlyIfTextInDn') as $test) {
        if (stripos($ldap_user
          ->getDn(), $test) !== FALSE) {
          $fail = FALSE;
      if ($fail) {
        return FALSE;

    // Handle excludeIfNoAuthorizations enabled and user has no groups.
    if ($this->moduleHandler
      ->moduleExists('ldap_authorization') && $this->config
      ->get('excludeIfNoAuthorizations')) {
      $user = FALSE;
      $id = $this->externalAuth
        ->getUid($authName, 'ldap_user');
      if ($id) {
        $user = $this->entityTypeManager
      if (!$user) {
        $user = $this->entityTypeManager
          'name' => $authName,

      // We are not injecting this service properly to avoid forcing this
      // dependency on authorization.

      /** @var \Drupal\user\Entity\User $user */

      /** @var \Drupal\authorization\AuthorizationController $controller */

      // @codingStandardsIgnoreLine
      $controller = \Drupal::service('authorization.manager');
      $profiles = $this->entityTypeManager
        ->condition('provider', 'ldap_provider')
      foreach ($profiles as $profile) {
      $authorizations = $controller
      $valid_profile = FALSE;
      foreach ($authorizations as $authorization) {
        if (!empty($authorization
          ->getAuthorizationsApplied())) {
          $valid_profile = TRUE;
      if (!$valid_profile) {
          ->t('The site logon is currently not working due to a configuration error. Please see logs for additional details.'));
          ->notice('LDAP Authentication is configured to deny users without LDAP Authorization mappings, but 0 LDAP Authorization consumers are configured.');
        return FALSE;

    // Allow other modules to hook in and refuse if they like.
    $hook_result = TRUE;
      ->alter('ldap_authentication_allowuser_results', $ldap_user, $authName, $hook_result);
    if (!$hook_result) {
        ->notice('Authentication Allow User Result=refused for %name', [
        '%name' => $authName,
      return FALSE;

    // Default to allowed.
    return TRUE;

   * Update an outdated email address.
  protected function fixOutdatedEmailAddress() : void {
    if ($this->config
      ->get('emailTemplateUsageNeverUpdate') && $this->emailTemplateUsed) {
    if (!$this->drupalUser) {
    if ($this->drupalUser
      ->get('mail')->value === $this->serverDrupalUser
      ->deriveEmailFromLdapResponse($this->ldapEntry)) {
    $update_type = $this->config
    if (in_array($update_type, [
    ], TRUE)) {
        ->set('mail', $this->serverDrupalUser
      if (!$this->drupalUser
        ->save()) {
          ->error('Failed to make changes to user %username updated %changed.', [
          '%username' => $this->drupalUser
          '%changed' => $this->serverDrupalUser
      elseif ($update_type === 'update_notify') {
          ->t('Your e-mail has been updated to match your current account (%mail).', [
          '%mail' => $this->serverDrupalUser

   * Update the authName if it's no longer valid.
   * Drupal account does not exist for authName used to logon, but puid exists
   * in another Drupal account; this means username has changed and needs to be
   * saved in Drupal account.
  protected function updateAuthNameFromPuid() : void {
    $puid = $this->serverDrupalUser
    if (!empty($puid)) {
      $this->drupalUser = $this->ldapUserManager

      /** @var \Drupal\user\Entity\User $userMatchingPuid */
      if ($this->drupalUser) {
        $oldName = $this->drupalUser
          ->save($this->drupalUser, 'ldap_user', $this->authName);
        $this->drupalUserAuthMapped = TRUE;
          ->t('Your existing account %username has been updated to %new_username.', [
          '%username' => $oldName,
          '%new_username' => $this->drupalUserName,

   * Validate common login constraints for user.
   * @return bool
   *   Continue authentication.
  protected function validateCommonLoginConstraints() : bool {
    if (!$this->authenticationServers
      ->authenticationServersAvailable()) {
        ->error('No LDAP servers configured for authentication.');
      if ($this->formState) {
          ->setErrorByName('name', 'Server Error:  No LDAP servers configured.');
      return FALSE;
    if ($this->drupalUser) {
      $result = $this
    else {
      $result = $this
    return $result;

   * Derives the Drupal user name from server configuration.
   * @return bool
   *   Success of deriving Drupal user name.
  protected function deriveDrupalUserName() : bool {

    // If account_name_attr is set, Drupal username is different than authName.
    if ($this->serverDrupalUser
      ->hasAccountNameAttribute()) {
      $user_name_from_attribute = $this->ldapEntry
        ->getAccountNameAttribute(), FALSE)[0];
      if (!$user_name_from_attribute) {
          ->error('Derived Drupal username from attribute %account_name_attr returned no username for authname %authname.', [
          '%authname' => $this->authName,
          '%account_name_attr' => $this->serverDrupalUser
        return FALSE;
      $this->drupalUserName = $user_name_from_attribute;
    else {
      $this->drupalUserName = $this->authName;
    return TRUE;

   * Prepare the email template token.
  protected function prepareEmailTemplateToken() : void {
    $this->emailTemplateTokens = [
      '@username' => $this->drupalUserName,
    if (!empty($this->config
      ->get('emailTemplate'))) {
      $handling = $this->config
      if ($handling === 'if_empty' && empty($this->serverDrupalUser
        ->deriveEmailFromLdapResponse($this->ldapEntry)) || $handling === 'always') {
          ->log('Using template generated email for %username', [
          '%username' => $this->drupalUserName,
        ], 'ldap_authentication');
        $this->emailTemplateUsed = TRUE;

   * Match existing user with LDAP.
   * @return bool
   *   User matched.
  protected function matchExistingUserWithLdap() : bool {
    if ($this->configFactory
      ->get('userConflictResolve') === self::USER_CONFLICT_LOG) {
      $users = $this->entityTypeManager
        'mail' => $this->serverDrupalUser
      if (count($users) > 0) {

        /** @var \Drupal\user\UserInterface $account_with_same_email */
        $account_with_same_email = reset($users);
          ->error('LDAP user with DN %dn has a naming conflict with a local Drupal user %conflict_name', [
          '%dn' => $this->ldapEntry
          '%conflict_name' => $account_with_same_email
        ->t('Another user already exists in the system with the same login name. You should contact the system administrator in order to solve this conflict.'));
      return FALSE;
      ->save($this->drupalUser, 'ldap_user', $this->authName);
    $this->drupalUserAuthMapped = TRUE;
      ->log('Set authmap for LDAP user %username', [
      '%username' => $this->authName,
    ], 'ldap_authentication');
    return TRUE;

   * Replace user email address with template.
  protected function replaceUserMailWithTemplate() : void {

    // Fallback template in case one was not specified.
    $template = '@username@localhost';
    if (!empty($this->config
      ->get('emailTemplate'))) {
      $template = $this->config
      ->get('mail_attr'), [
      (string) new FormattableMarkup($template, $this->emailTemplateTokens),

   * Provision the Drupal user.
   * @return bool
   *   Provisioning successful.
  protected function provisionDrupalUser() : bool {
    $users = $this->entityTypeManager
      'mail' => $this->serverDrupalUser
    $accountDuplicateMail = $users ? reset($users) : FALSE;

    // Do not provision Drupal account if another account has same email.
    if ($accountDuplicateMail) {
      $emailAvailable = FALSE;
      if (!$this->emailTemplateUsed && $this->config
        ->get('emailTemplateUsageResolveConflict')) {
          ->log('Conflict detected, using template generated email for %username', [
          '%duplicate_name' => $accountDuplicateMail
        ], 'ldap_authentication');
        $this->emailTemplateUsed = TRUE;

        // Recheck with the template email to make sure it doesn't also exist.
        $users = $this->entityTypeManager
          'mail' => $this->serverDrupalUser
        $accountDuplicateMail = $users ? reset($users) : FALSE;
        if ($accountDuplicateMail) {
          $emailAvailable = FALSE;
        else {
          $emailAvailable = TRUE;
      if (!$emailAvailable) {

         * Username does not exist but email does. Since
         * user_external_login_register does not deal with mail attribute and
         * the email conflict error needs to be caught beforehand, need to throw
         * error here.
          ->error('LDAP user with DN %dn has email address (%mail) conflict with a Drupal user %duplicate_name', [
          '%dn' => $this->ldapEntry
          '%duplicate_name' => $accountDuplicateMail
          ->t('Another user already exists in the system with the same email address. You should contact the system administrator in order to solve this conflict.'));
        return FALSE;

    // Do not provision Drupal account if provisioning disabled.
    $triggers = $this->configFactory
    if (!in_array(self::PROVISION_DRUPAL_USER_ON_USER_AUTHENTICATION, $triggers, TRUE)) {
        ->error('Drupal account for authname=%authname does not exist and provisioning of Drupal accounts on authentication is not enabled', [
        '%authname' => $this->authName,
      return FALSE;

     * New ldap_authentication provisioned account could let
     * user_external_login_register create the account and set authmaps, but
     * would need to add mail and any other user->data data in hook_user_presave
     * which would mean requerying LDAP or having a global variable. At this
     * point the account does not exist, so there is no reason not to create
     * it here.
    if ($this->configFactory
      ->get('acctCreation') === self::ACCOUNT_CREATION_USER_SETTINGS_FOR_LDAP && $this->configFactory
      ->get('register') === UserInterface::REGISTER_VISITORS_ADMINISTRATIVE_APPROVAL) {

      // If admin approval required, set status to 0.
      $user_values = [
        'name' => $this->drupalUserName,
        'status' => 0,
    else {
      $user_values = [
        'name' => $this->drupalUserName,
        'status' => 1,
    if ($this->emailTemplateUsed) {
      $user_values['mail'] = $this->serverDrupalUser
    $result = $this->drupalUserProcessor
    if (!$result) {
        ->error('Failed to find or create %drupal_accountname on logon.', [
        '%drupal_accountname' => $this->drupalUserName,
      if ($this->formState) {
          ->setErrorByName('name', $this
          ->t('Server Error: Failed to create Drupal user account for %drupal_accountname', [
          '%drupal_accountname' => $this->drupalUserName,
      return FALSE;
    $this->drupalUser = $this->drupalUserProcessor
    return TRUE;

   * Bind to server.
   * @return int
   *   Success or failure result.
  protected function bindToServer() : int {
    if ($this->serverDrupalUser
      ->get('bind_method') === 'user') {
      return $this
    $bindResult = $this->ldapBridge
    if (!$bindResult) {
        ->log('%username: Unsuccessful with server %id (bind method: %bind_method)', [
        '%username' => $this->authName,
        '%id' => $this->serverDrupalUser
        '%bind_method' => $this->serverDrupalUser
      ], 'ldap_authentication');

   * Bind to server.
   * @return int
   *   Success or failure result.
  protected function bindToServerAsUser() : int {
    $bindResult = FALSE;
    foreach ($this->serverDrupalUser
      ->getBaseDn() as $base_dn) {
      $search = [
      $replace = [
      CredentialsStorage::storeUserDn(str_replace($search, $replace, $this->serverDrupalUser
      $bindResult = $this->ldapBridge
      if ($bindResult) {
    if (!$bindResult) {
        ->log('%username: Unsuccessful with server %id (bind method: %bind_method)', [
        '%username' => $this->authName,
        '%id' => $this->serverDrupalUser
        '%bind_method' => $this->serverDrupalUser
      ], 'ldap_authentication');

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public function getDrupalUser() : ?UserInterface {
    return $this->drupalUser;



Namesort descending Modifiers Type Description Overrides
LdapUserAttributesInterface::ACCOUNT_CREATION_LDAP_BEHAVIOUR public constant Event config.
LdapUserAttributesInterface::ACCOUNT_CREATION_USER_SETTINGS_FOR_LDAP public constant Config.
LdapUserAttributesInterface::EVENT_CREATE_DRUPAL_USER public constant Event config.
LdapUserAttributesInterface::EVENT_CREATE_LDAP_ENTRY public constant Event config.
LdapUserAttributesInterface::EVENT_LDAP_ASSOCIATE_DRUPAL_USER public constant Event config.
LdapUserAttributesInterface::EVENT_SYNC_TO_DRUPAL_USER public constant Event config.
LdapUserAttributesInterface::EVENT_SYNC_TO_LDAP_ENTRY public constant Event config.
LdapUserAttributesInterface::MANUAL_ACCOUNT_CONFLICT_LDAP_ASSOCIATE public constant Config.
LdapUserAttributesInterface::MANUAL_ACCOUNT_CONFLICT_NO_LDAP_ASSOCIATE public constant Config.
LdapUserAttributesInterface::MANUAL_ACCOUNT_CONFLICT_REJECT public constant Config.
LdapUserAttributesInterface::MANUAL_ACCOUNT_CONFLICT_SHOW_OPTION_ON_FORM public constant Config.
LdapUserAttributesInterface::PROVISION_DRUPAL_USER_ON_USER_AUTHENTICATION public constant Provision config.
LdapUserAttributesInterface::PROVISION_DRUPAL_USER_ON_USER_ON_MANUAL_CREATION public constant Provision config.
LdapUserAttributesInterface::PROVISION_DRUPAL_USER_ON_USER_UPDATE_CREATE public constant Provision config.
LdapUserAttributesInterface::PROVISION_LDAP_ENTRY_ON_USER_ON_USER_AUTHENTICATION public constant Provision config.
LdapUserAttributesInterface::PROVISION_LDAP_ENTRY_ON_USER_ON_USER_DELETE public constant Provision config.
LdapUserAttributesInterface::PROVISION_LDAP_ENTRY_ON_USER_ON_USER_UPDATE_CREATE public constant Provision config.
LdapUserAttributesInterface::PROVISION_TO_ALL constant Provision config.
LdapUserAttributesInterface::PROVISION_TO_DRUPAL public constant Provision config.
LdapUserAttributesInterface::PROVISION_TO_LDAP public constant Provision config.
LdapUserAttributesInterface::PROVISION_TO_NONE public constant Provision config.
LdapUserAttributesInterface::USER_CONFLICT_ATTEMPT_RESOLVE public constant Config.
LdapUserAttributesInterface::USER_CONFLICT_LOG public constant Config.
LoginValidatorBase::$authenticationServers protected property Authentication servers.
LoginValidatorBase::$authName protected property Authname.
LoginValidatorBase::$config protected property Config.
LoginValidatorBase::$configFactory protected property Config factory.
LoginValidatorBase::$detailLog protected property Detail log.
LoginValidatorBase::$drupalUser protected property The Drupal user.
LoginValidatorBase::$drupalUserAuthMapped protected property Whether the external authmap is linked with the user.
LoginValidatorBase::$drupalUserName protected property Drupal User name.
LoginValidatorBase::$drupalUserProcessor protected property Drupal User Processor.
LoginValidatorBase::$emailTemplateTokens protected property Email template tokens.
LoginValidatorBase::$emailTemplateUsed protected property Email template used.
LoginValidatorBase::$entityTypeManager protected property Entity type Manager.
LoginValidatorBase::$externalAuth protected property External authentication mapper.
LoginValidatorBase::$formState protected property Form State.
LoginValidatorBase::$ldapBridge protected property LDAP bridge.
LoginValidatorBase::$ldapEntry protected property LDAP Entry.
LoginValidatorBase::$ldapUserManager protected property LDAP User Manager.
LoginValidatorBase::$logger protected property Logger.
LoginValidatorBase::$messenger protected property Messenger.
LoginValidatorBase::$moduleHandler protected property Module handler.
LoginValidatorBase::$serverDrupalUser protected property The Server for the Drupal user.
LoginValidatorBase::additionalDebuggingResponse protected function Provides formatting for authentication failures.
LoginValidatorBase::authenticationHelpText protected function Get human readable authentication error string.
LoginValidatorBase::AUTHENTICATION_FAILURE_BIND public constant Failure value.
LoginValidatorBase::AUTHENTICATION_FAILURE_CREDENTIALS public constant Failure value.
LoginValidatorBase::AUTHENTICATION_FAILURE_DISALLOWED public constant Failure value.
LoginValidatorBase::AUTHENTICATION_FAILURE_FIND public constant Failure value.
LoginValidatorBase::AUTHENTICATION_FAILURE_UNKNOWN public constant Failure value.
LoginValidatorBase::AUTHENTICATION_SUCCESS public constant Success value.
LoginValidatorBase::bindToServer protected function Bind to server.
LoginValidatorBase::bindToServerAsUser protected function Bind to server. 1
LoginValidatorBase::checkAllowedExcluded public function Check if exclusion criteria match. Overrides LoginValidatorInterface::checkAllowedExcluded
LoginValidatorBase::deriveDrupalUserName protected function Derives the Drupal user name from server configuration.
LoginValidatorBase::failureResponse protected function Failure response.
LoginValidatorBase::fixOutdatedEmailAddress protected function Update an outdated email address.
LoginValidatorBase::getDrupalUser public function Returns the derived user account. Overrides LoginValidatorInterface::getDrupalUser
LoginValidatorBase::initializeDrupalUserFromAuthName protected function Determine if the corresponding Drupal account exists and is mapped.
LoginValidatorBase::matchExistingUserWithLdap protected function Match existing user with LDAP.
LoginValidatorBase::prepareEmailTemplateToken protected function Prepare the email template token.
LoginValidatorBase::provisionDrupalUser protected function Provision the Drupal user.
LoginValidatorBase::replaceUserMailWithTemplate protected function Replace user email address with template.
LoginValidatorBase::testUserPassword protected function Tests the user's password.
LoginValidatorBase::updateAuthNameFromPuid protected function Update the authName if it's no longer valid.
LoginValidatorBase::validateCommonLoginConstraints protected function Validate common login constraints for user.
LoginValidatorBase::verifyAccountCreation protected function Verifies whether the user is available or can be created.
LoginValidatorBase::verifyUserAllowed protected function Verifies whether the user is available or can be created.
LoginValidatorBase::__construct public function Constructor.
LoginValidatorInterface::processLogin public function Perform the actual logging in. 2
LoginValidatorInterface::testCredentials public function Credentials are tested. 2
StringTranslationTrait::$stringTranslation protected property The string translation service. 1
StringTranslationTrait::formatPlural protected function Formats a string containing a count of items.
StringTranslationTrait::getNumberOfPlurals protected function Returns the number of plurals supported by a given language.
StringTranslationTrait::getStringTranslation protected function Gets the string translation service.
StringTranslationTrait::setStringTranslation public function Sets the string translation service to use. 2
StringTranslationTrait::t protected function Translates a string to the current language or to a given language.