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ProtectedUserFieldConstraintValidatorTest.php in Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) 8.4


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declare (strict_types=1);
namespace Drupal\Tests\ldap_user\Unit;

use Drupal\ldap_authentication\Controller\LoginValidatorBase;
use Drupal\ldap_authentication\Controller\LoginValidatorLoginForm;
use Drupal\ldap_user\Plugin\Validation\Constraint\LdapProtectedUserFieldConstraint;
use Drupal\ldap_user\Plugin\Validation\Constraint\LdapProtectedUserFieldConstraintValidator;
use Drupal\Tests\UnitTestCase;
use Symfony\Component\Validator\Context\ExecutionContextInterface;
use Drupal\Core\Field\FieldItemListInterface;
use Drupal\user\UserInterface;
use Drupal\user\UserStorageInterface;
use Drupal\Core\Session\AccountProxyInterface;
use Drupal\Core\Field\FieldDefinitionInterface;

 * Extended from core tests.
 * @group ldap
class ProtectedUserFieldConstraintValidatorTest extends UnitTestCase {

   * Creates a validator.
   * @return \Drupal\ldap_user\Plugin\Validation\Constraint\LdapProtectedUserFieldConstraintValidator
   *   Validator.
  protected function createValidator() : LdapProtectedUserFieldConstraintValidator {

    // Setup mocks that don't need to change.
    $unchanged_field = $this
    $unchanged_account = $this
    $user_storage = $this
    $current_user = $this
    $validator = new LdapProtectedUserFieldConstraintValidator($user_storage, $current_user);
    $login_service = $this
    return $validator;

   * Test validation.
   * @dataProvider providerTestValidate
  public function testValidate($items, $expected_violation, $name = FALSE) : void {
    $constraint = new LdapProtectedUserFieldConstraint();

    // If a violation is expected, then the context's addViolation method will
    // be called, otherwise it should not be called.
    $context = $this
    if ($expected_violation) {
        ->with($constraint->message, [
        '%name' => $name,
    else {
    $validator = $this
      ->validate($items, $constraint);

   * Data provider for ::testValidate().
  public function providerTestValidate() : array {
    $cases = [];

    // Case 0: Empty user should be ignored.
    $field_definition = $this
    $items = $this
    $cases[] = [

    // Case 1: Account flagged to skip protected user should be ignored.
    $field_definition = $this
    $account = $this
    $account->_skipProtectedUserFieldConstraint = TRUE;
    $items = $this
    $cases[] = [

    // Case 2: New user should be ignored.
    $field_definition = $this
    $account = $this
    $items = $this
    $cases[] = [

    // Case 3: Non-password fields that have not changed should be ignored.
    $field_definition = $this
    $account = $this
    $items = $this
    $cases[] = [

    // Case 4: Password field with no value set should be ignored.
    $field_definition = $this
    $account = $this
    $items = $this
    $cases[] = [

    // Case 5: Non-password field changed, user wrong current password.
    $field_definition = $this
    $account = $this
    $pass = new \stdClass();
    $pass->existing = 'existing';
    $items = $this
    $cases[] = [
    return $cases;

   * Test validation.
   * This could be optimized / simplified if we could override
   * User::checkExistingPassword() instead of directly querying in the
   * constraint.
  public function testSuccess() : void {
    $constraint = new LdapProtectedUserFieldConstraint();
    $context = $this

    // Case 6: Non-password field changed, user gave correct password.
    $field_definition = $this
    $account = $this
    $pass = new \stdClass();
    $pass->existing = 'existing';
    $items = $this
    $validator = $this
    $login_service = $this
      ->validate($items, $constraint);



Namesort descending Description
ProtectedUserFieldConstraintValidatorTest Extended from core tests.