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Functions in Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) 7.2

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Namesort descending Location Description Direct uses Strings
theme_ldap_query_list ldap_query/ Returns HTML for ldap servers list.
theme_ldap_query_results ldap_query/
theme_ldap_servers_list ldap_servers/ Returns HTML for ldap servers list.
theme_ldap_servers_server ldap_servers/ Returns HTML for ldap server.
theme_ldap_server_ldap_entry_table ldap_servers/
theme_ldap_server_token_table ldap_servers/
theme_ldap_user_conf_form ldap_user/ Turns array of variables to a form embedded in one table for each ldap server.
_ldap_authentication_err_text ldap_authentication/ Get human readable authentication error string. 2
_ldap_authentication_form_user_profile_form_alter ldap_authentication/ Alter user editing form (profile form) based on ldap authentication configuration. 1
_ldap_authentication_login_form_alter ldap_authentication/ Helper function for ldap_authn_form_user_login_block_alter and ldap_authn_form_user_login_alter. 2
_ldap_authentication_replace_user_email ldap_authentication/ Replaces the email address in $ldap_user with one from the template in $auth_conf. 1
_ldap_authentication_user_access ldap_authentication/ldap_authentication.module A user access callback for using the single sign-on URL, denying access to authenticated users, and granting access to anonymous users and menu administrators viewing the menu item.
_ldap_authentication_user_login_authenticate_validate ldap_authentication/ User form validation will take care of username, pwd fields this function validates ldap authentication specific. 1
_ldap_authentication_verify_user_profile ldap_authentication/ldap_authentication.module Helper function that determines whether or not the user's profile is valid or needs to be updated on login. 1
_ldap_authorizations_user_authorizations ldap_authorization/ Return all desired authorizations for a given user. 1
_ldap_authorizations_user_authorizations_set ldap_authorization/ 1
_ldap_authorization_admin_parse_form ldap_authorization/ Helper function for parsing ldap authorization config form. 2
_ldap_authorization_ldap_authorization_maps_alter ldap_authorization/ 1
_ldap_feeds_query_legend ldap_feeds/ldap_feeds.module
_ldap_help_parse_status_to_text ldap_help/ 1
_ldap_query_get_queries ldap_query/ See ldap_query_get_servers() 1
_ldap_servers_decrypt ldap_servers/ Decrypt string. 1
_ldap_servers_encrypt ldap_servers/ Encrypt string. 1
_ldap_servers_encrypt_types ldap_servers/ Encryption options available. 1
_ldap_servers_get_servers ldap_servers/ldap_servers.module See ldap_servers_get_servers() 1
_ldap_servers_get_simpletest_servers ldap_servers/ldap_servers.module See ldap_servers_get_servers() 1
_ldap_user_install_update_authmap ldap_user/ldap_user.install 2
_ldap_user_orphans ldap_user/ Function to respond to ldap associated drupal accounts which no longer have a related LDAP entry. 1
_ldap_user_orphan_process_batch ldap_user/ 1
_ldap_user_ws_urls_item_list ldap_user/


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