You are here in Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) 7.2

Bulk of authorization code executed to determine a users authorizations.


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 * @file
 * Bulk of authorization code executed to determine a users authorizations.

 * Unclear.
function ldap_authorization_help_watchdog() {
  $path = drupal_get_path("module", "ldap_help");
  $_content = "";
  if (module_exists('dblog')) {
    include_once drupal_get_path('module', 'dblog') . '/';
    $_SESSION['dblog_overview_filter']['type'] = [
      'ldap' => 'ldap',
    $_content .= "<h3>" . t('LDAP Watchdog Errors and Notifications') . "</h3>";
    $overview = dblog_overview();
    $_content .= render($overview);
    $_content .= l(t('...more watchdog'), 'admin/reports/dblog');
  else {
    $_content .= "<h3>" . t('LDAP Help Watchdog Errors and Notifications') . "</h3>";
    $_content .= 'This feature requires <code>Database logging</code> module to be turned on. ';
    $_content .= l(t('Module enable page'), 'admin/build/modules');
  return $_content;

 * Return all desired authorizations for a given user.
 * @param object $user
 * @param string $op
 *   =
 *   set -- grant authorizations (store in db) and return authorizations
 *   test_query -- don't grant authorization, just query and return authorizations.  assume user is ldap authenticated and exists
 *   test_query_set -- do grant authorizations, but also log data for debugging
 *   query -- don't grant authorization, just query and return authorizations.
 * @param string $consumer_type
 *   e.g. drupal_roles.
 * @param string $context
 *   'logon', 'test_if_authorizations_granted'.
 * @return
 *   LDAP_AUTHORIZATION_NO_LDAP_SERVERS if no servers configured
 *   TRUE if servers configured but no roles derived from ldap
 *   array of potential authorizations (user may or may not already have these)
 *   by reference $user->data[<consumer_type>][<authorization_id>] = array();
 *      e.g.   $var['drupal_role']['content_admin'] = array('rid' => 4)
 *      e.g.   $var['og_membership']['bakers club'] = array('expires' => '01/01/2012');
function _ldap_authorizations_user_authorizations(&$user, $op, $consumer_type, $context) {
  $debug = FALSE;
  $detailed_watchdog_log = variable_get('ldap_help_watchdog_detail', 0);
  $authorizations = [];
  $notifications = [];
  $watchdog_tokens = [
    '%username' => $user->name,
  $consumers = ldap_authorization_get_consumers($consumer_type, TRUE, FALSE);
  $servers = ldap_servers_get_servers(NULL, 'enabled', TRUE);

   * user 1 not used in ldap authorization.  this is a design decision.
  if (property_exists($user, 'uid') && $user->uid == 1) {
    if ($detailed_watchdog_log) {
      watchdog('ldap_authorization', '%username : ldap_authorization not applied to user 1', $watchdog_tokens, WATCHDOG_DEBUG);
    $notifications['all'] = LDAP_AUTHORIZATION_NOT_APPLY_USER_1;
    foreach ($consumers as $consumer_type => $consumer) {
      $authorizations[$consumer_type] = [];
    return [

   * determine if user is ldap authenticated
  if ($context == 'test_if_authorizations_granted' || ($op == 'test_query_set' || $op == 'test_query') && @$user->ldap_test == TRUE) {

    // Property 'ldap_authenticated' only exists for fake user objects submitted from testing form.
    $ldap_authenticated = $user->ldap_authenticated;
  else {
    $ldap_authenticated = (bool) (module_exists('ldap_authentication') && ldap_authentication_ldap_authenticated($user));
  $watchdog_tokens['%ldap_authenticated'] = $ldap_authenticated ? 'yes' : 'no';
  foreach ($consumers as $consumer_type => $consumer) {
    $authorizations[$consumer_type] = [];

     * each consumer type has only one consumer conf and each consumer conf has only one ldap server id (sid)
     * so there is a one-to-one-to-one relationship between:
     *   - consumer object ($consumer),
     *   - server object ($ldap_server),
     *   - and consumer conf object.
    $consumer = ldap_authorization_get_consumer_object($consumer_type);
    if (!$consumer->consumerConf->status) {
    $proposed_ldap_authorizations = [];
    $watchdog_tokens['%consumer_type'] = $consumer_type;
    $watchdog_tokens['%sid'] = $consumer->consumerConf->sid;
    if (!is_object($consumer->consumerConf)) {
      if ($detailed_watchdog_log) {
        watchdog('ldap_authorization', '%username : consumer type  %consumer_type has no
          configuration set.', $watchdog_tokens, WATCHDOG_DEBUG);
    if ($detailed_watchdog_log) {
      watchdog('ldap_authorization', '%username : testing with
         consumer type %consumer_type. ldap authenticated=%ldap_authenticated', $watchdog_tokens, WATCHDOG_DEBUG);
    if ($debug) {
      debug(t('%username : testing with consumer type %consumer_type. ldap authenticated=%ldap_authenticated'), $watchdog_tokens);

      // $debug = TRUE;.
      debug("op={$op},ldap_authenticated={$ldap_authenticated} {$consumer_type} context={$context}, consumer->consumerConf->synchOnLogon=" . (int) $consumer->consumerConf->synchOnLogon);
    if ($context == 'logon' && !$consumer->consumerConf->synchOnLogon) {
      $notifications[$consumer_type][] = LDAP_AUTHORIZATION_MAP_NOT_CONF_FOR_LOGON;
      if ($detailed_watchdog_log) {
        watchdog('ldap_authorization', '%username : %consumer_type not set to run on user logon.', $watchdog_tokens, WATCHDOG_DEBUG);
    if ($consumer->consumerConf->onlyApplyToLdapAuthenticated && !$ldap_authenticated && $op != 'test_query' && $op != 'test_query_set') {
      if ($detailed_watchdog_log) {
        watchdog('ldap_authorization', '%username : not used because it is set to be applied only to ldap authenticated users.
            %username  is not ldap authenticated.', $watchdog_tokens, WATCHDOG_DEBUG);
      $notifications[$consumer_type][] = LDAP_AUTHORIZATION_USER_NOT_LDAP_AUTHENTICATED;
    $ldap_user = ldap_servers_get_user_ldap_data($user, $consumer->consumerConf->sid, 'ldap_authorization__' . $consumer_type);
    if (!$ldap_user) {
      $notifications[$consumer_type][] = LDAP_AUTHORIZATION_USER_LDAP_NOT_FOUND;
      if ($detailed_watchdog_log) {
        watchdog('ldap_authorization', '%username : %consumer_type ldap user not found.', $watchdog_tokens, WATCHDOG_DEBUG);
    if (!isset($servers[$consumer->consumerConf->sid])) {
      $notifications[$consumer_type][] = LDAP_AUTHORIZATION_SERVER_CONFIG_NOT_FOUND;
      if ($detailed_watchdog_log) {
        watchdog('ldap_authorization', '%username : %consumer_type ldap server %sid not enabled or found.', $watchdog_tokens, WATCHDOG_DEBUG);
    $ldap_server = $consumer->consumerConf->server;

     * 1. first just need to figure out what authz_ids are generated for this consumer type/mapping configuration
     * goal here is simply to build an array of authorizations for this ldap authz mapping
     * $proposed_ldap_authorizations[<authorization id>] = properties associative array or empty array
     *  e.g.  $proposed_ldap_authorizations['admin'] = array()
     * @see ldap_authorization.api.php hook_ldap_authorization_maps_alter() notes
    ldap_authorization_maps_alter_invoke($user, $ldap_user, $ldap_server, $consumer->consumerConf, $proposed_ldap_authorizations, $op);

    /** make sure keys of array are lower case and values are mixed case
     * and strip to first attribute is configured
    foreach ($proposed_ldap_authorizations as $key => $authorization_id) {
      if ($consumer->consumerConf->useFirstAttrAsGroupId) {
        $attr_parts = ldap_explode_dn($authorization_id, 0);
        if (!empty($attr_parts) && count($attr_parts) > 0) {
          $first_part = explode('=', $attr_parts[0]);
          if (count($first_part) > 1) {
            $authorization_id = ldap_pear_unescape_dn_value(trim($first_part[1]));
        $new_key = drupal_strtolower($authorization_id);
      else {
        $new_key = drupal_strtolower($key);
      $proposed_ldap_authorizations[$new_key] = $authorization_id;
      if ($key != $new_key) {
    if ($op == 'test_query' || $op == 'test_query_set') {
      $_SESSION['ldap_authorization_test_query']['useFirstAttrAsGroupId'] = $proposed_ldap_authorizations;
    if ($detailed_watchdog_log || $debug) {
      $_proposed_ldap_authorizations = is_array($proposed_ldap_authorizations) ? $proposed_ldap_authorizations : [];
      $watchdog_tokens['%proposed_authorizations'] = join(', ', $_proposed_ldap_authorizations);
    if ($detailed_watchdog_log) {
      watchdog('ldap_authorization', '%username : initial proposed authorization for %consumer_type: %proposed_authorizations.', $watchdog_tokens, WATCHDOG_DEBUG);
    if ($debug) {
      debug(t('%username : initial proposed authorization for %consumer_type: %proposed_authorizations.', $watchdog_tokens));

     * 2.  filter can be both a whitelist and a mapping of an ldap results to an authorization id.
     * goal of this step is to generate $filtered_ldap_authorizations[$consumer_type]
     * an array of filtered and mapped authorization ids
    $filtered_ldap_authorizations = [];

    // Filter + map.
    if ($consumer->consumerConf->useMappingsAsFilter) {
      foreach ($consumer->consumerConf->mappings as $mapping_filter) {
        $map_from = $mapping_filter['from'];
        $map_to = $mapping_filter['normalized'];
        if (isset($proposed_ldap_authorizations[drupal_strtolower($map_from)])) {
          $filtered_ldap_authorizations[drupal_strtolower($map_to)] = [
            'map_to_string' => $map_to,
            'exists' => NULL,
    else {
      $_authorizations = array_values($proposed_ldap_authorizations);
      if (is_array($consumer->consumerConf->mappings) && is_array($proposed_ldap_authorizations)) {
        foreach ($consumer->consumerConf->mappings as $mapping_filter) {
          $map_from = $mapping_filter['from'];
          $map_to = $mapping_filter['normalized'];
          $map_from_key = array_search(drupal_strtolower($map_from), array_keys($proposed_ldap_authorizations));
          if ($map_from_key !== FALSE) {

            // Remove non mapped authorization.
            $_authorizations = array_diff($_authorizations, [
            $_authorizations = array_diff($_authorizations, [

            // Add mapped authorization.
            $_authorizations[] = $map_to;
      foreach ($_authorizations as $i => $authorization_id) {
        $filtered_ldap_authorizations[drupal_strtolower($authorization_id)] = [
          'map_to_string' => $authorization_id,
          'exists' => NULL,
          'value' => $authorization_id,

    // Set values of $filtered_ldap_authorizations to consumers.
      ->populateConsumersFromConsumerIds($filtered_ldap_authorizations, $consumer->consumerConf->createConsumers);

     * now that we have list of consumers that are to be granted, give other modules a chance to alter it
     * @see ldap_authorization.api.php hook_ldap_authorization_authorizations_alter() notes
    $params = [
      'user' => $user,
      'ldap_user' => $ldap_user,
      'ldap_server' => $ldap_server,
      'consumer' => $consumer,
    drupal_alter('ldap_authorization_authorizations', $filtered_ldap_authorizations, $params);
    $watchdog_tokens['%filtered_ldap_authorizations'] = join(', ', array_keys($filtered_ldap_authorizations));
    if ($detailed_watchdog_log) {
      watchdog('ldap_authorization', '%username : filtered authorization for %consumer_type: %filtered_ldap_authorizations.', $watchdog_tokens, WATCHDOG_DEBUG);
    if ($debug) {
      debug(t('%username : filtered authorization for %consumer_type: %filtered_ldap_authorizations.', $watchdog_tokens));
    if ($op == 'test_query' || $op == 'test_query_set') {
      $display_authorizations = [];
      foreach ($filtered_ldap_authorizations as $consumer_id => $_consumer) {
        $display_authorizations[] = $_consumer['map_to_string'];
      $_SESSION['ldap_authorization_test_query']['post mappings'] = $display_authorizations;
      if (property_exists($user, 'data') && isset($user->data['ldap_authorizations'][$consumer->consumerType])) {
        $data = $user->data['ldap_authorizations'][$consumer->consumerType];
      else {
        $data = [];
      $_SESSION['ldap_authorization_test_query']['user data'] = $data;

     * 3. third, grant any proposed authorizations not already granted
    if ($op == 'test_query' || $op == 'test_query_set') {
      $_SESSION['ldap_authorization_test_query']['tokens'] = $watchdog_tokens;
    if ($op == 'set' || $op == "test_query_set") {
      $test = $op == "test_query_set";
      _ldap_authorizations_user_authorizations_set($user, $consumer, $filtered_ldap_authorizations, $ldap_user, $watchdog_tokens, $test);
    $authorizations[$consumer_type] = $filtered_ldap_authorizations;

  //  end foreach $consumers
  return [

 * @param object $user
 *   is a drupal user account object, need not be current user.
 * @param object $consumer
 *   is instance of an authorization consumer class
 *   such as LdapAuthorizationConsumerDrupalRole.
 * @param array of lower case authorization ids as keys and
 *   mixed case strings as values $filtered_ldap_authorizations
 *   all authorization ids a user is granted via ldap authorization configuration
 * @param object $ldap_entry
 *   is users ldap entry.  mapping of drupal user to
 *   ldap entry is stored in ldap_server configuration
 *   returns nothing.
function _ldap_authorizations_user_authorizations_set(&$user, $consumer, $filtered_ldap_authorizations, &$ldap_entry, $watchdog_tokens, $test) {
  $detailed_watchdog_log = variable_get('ldap_help_watchdog_detail', 0);

   * A.  Determine what authorizations have been granted in the past by ldap authorization
  if (isset($user->data['ldap_authorizations'][$consumer->consumerType]) && is_array($user->data['ldap_authorizations'][$consumer->consumerType])) {
    $user_auth_data = $user->data['ldap_authorizations'][$consumer->consumerType];
    $initial_existing_ldap_authorizations = array_keys($user_auth_data);
  else {
    $user_auth_data = [];
    $initial_existing_ldap_authorizations = [];
  if ($test) {
    $_SESSION['ldap_authorization_test_query']['setting_data']['Pre Grant/Revokes $user->data[ldap_authorizations][' . $consumer->consumerType . ']'] = $user_auth_data;
    $_SESSION['ldap_authorization_test_query']['setting_data']['Pre Grant/Revokes authorizations user has'] = $consumer
  $watchdog_tokens['%initial'] = join(', ', $initial_existing_ldap_authorizations);
  $watchdog_tokens['%filtered_ldap_authorizations'] = join(', ', array_keys($filtered_ldap_authorizations));

   * B. if regrantLdapProvisioned is false, $grants_lcase array should only be new authorizations
  if (!$consumer->consumerConf->regrantLdapProvisioned) {

    // If regranting disabled, filter off previously granted roles.
    $grants = array_diff(array_keys($filtered_ldap_authorizations), $initial_existing_ldap_authorizations);
    if ($test) {
      $_SESSION['ldap_authorization_test_query']['setting_data']['Grants after regrantLdapProvisioned filter'] = $grants;
  else {
    $grants = array_keys($filtered_ldap_authorizations);
  $watchdog_tokens['%grants1'] = join(', ', $grants);

   * D.  Only grant authorization consumer ids that exist

  // Keys are lcase, values are mixed case.
  $existing_grants = [];
  foreach ($grants as $i => $grant) {
    if (!empty($filtered_ldap_authorizations[$grant]['exists'])) {
      $existing_grants[$grant] = $filtered_ldap_authorizations[$grant];

   * E. Do grants
  $watchdog_tokens['%filtered_grants_full_array'] = print_r($existing_grants, TRUE);
    ->authorizationGrant($user, $user_auth_data, $existing_grants, $ldap_entry, FALSE);
  $watchdog_tokens['%user_auth_data_post_grants'] = print_r($user_auth_data, TRUE);
  $watchdog_tokens['%user_data_post_grants'] = print_r($user->data, TRUE);

   *  3.F take away any authorizations not in proposed authorization,
   *      but previously granted by ldap
  $watchdog_tokens['%revokes'] = t('none');
  if ($consumer->consumerConf->revokeLdapProvisioned) {
    $revokes_lcase = $consumer
      ->authorizationDiff($initial_existing_ldap_authorizations, array_keys($filtered_ldap_authorizations));
    if (count($revokes_lcase)) {

      // Keys are lcase, values are mixed case.
      $revokes = [];
      foreach ($revokes_lcase as $i => $revoke_lcase) {
        $revokes[$revoke_lcase] = [
          'value' => NULL,
          'map_to_string' => NULL,
          'exists' => TRUE,
      if ($test) {
        $_SESSION['ldap_authorization_test_query']['setting_data']['Revokes'] = $revokes;
        ->authorizationRevoke($user, $user_auth_data, $revokes, $ldap_entry, FALSE);
      $watchdog_tokens['%revokes'] = join(', ', array_keys($revokes));
  $watchdog_tokens['%user_auth_data_post_revokes'] = print_r($user_auth_data, TRUE);
  $watchdog_tokens['%user_data_post_revokes'] = print_r($user->data, TRUE);

   *  3.G  save user object and user data
   *  note $user object is passed by reference into this function
  $uid = $user->uid;
  $user_edit = [
    'data' => $user->data,
  $user_edit['data']['ldap_authorizations'] = empty($user->data['ldap_authorizations']) ? [] : $user->data['ldap_authorizations'];

  // Keep in good display order.
    ->sortConsumerIds('grant', $user_auth_data);
  $user_edit['data']['ldap_authorizations'][$consumer->consumerType] = $user_auth_data;
  $watchdog_tokens['%user_edit_presave'] = print_r($user_edit, TRUE);

  // See #1973352 and #935592.
  if (empty($user->picture->fid)) {
    $user2 = user_load($user->uid);
    $user->picture = $user2->picture;
  $user = user_save($user, $user_edit);
  $watchdog_tokens['%user_data_post_save'] = print_r($user->data, TRUE);
  $watchdog_tokens['%user_roles_post_save'] = print_r($user->roles, TRUE);
  if ($detailed_watchdog_log) {
    watchdog('ldap_authorization', '%username : user_authorizations_set results for %consumer_type:
      <hr/>1. Initial existing authorizations:  %initial
      <hr/>2. Filtered Authorizations: %filtered_ldap_authorizations
      <hr/>3. After filtering off previously granted authorizations (if regrant is false): %grants1

      <hr/>4a. full consumers array, pre grants: %filtered_grants_full_array
      <hr/>4b. user auth data after grants %consumer_type: <pre>%user_auth_data_post_grants</pre>
      <hr/>4c. user data after grants for %consumer_type: <pre>%user_data_post_grants</pre>

      <hr/>5a. revokes passed to authorizationRevoke(): %revokes
      <hr/>5b. user auth data after revokes %consumer_type: <pre>%user_auth_data_post_revokes</pre>
      <hr/>5c. user data after revokes for %consumer_type: <pre>%user_data_post_revokes</pre>

      <hr/>6a. user_edit pre save : <pre>%user_edit_presave</pre>
      <hr/>6b. user data post save: <pre>%user_data_post_save</pre>
      <hr/>6c. user roles post save: <pre>%user_roles_post_save</pre>
      ', $watchdog_tokens, WATCHDOG_DEBUG);
  if ($test) {
    $_SESSION['ldap_authorization_test_query']['setting_data']['Post Grant/Revokes authorizations user has'] = $consumer
    $_SESSION['ldap_authorization_test_query']['setting_data']['Post Grant/Revokes $user->data[ldap_authorizations][' . $consumer->consumerType . ']'] = $user->data['ldap_authorizations'][$consumer->consumerType];

function _ldap_authorization_ldap_authorization_maps_alter(&$user, &$user_ldap_entry, &$ldap_server, &$consumer_conf, &$authz_ids, $op) {
  $detailed_watchdog_log = variable_get('ldap_help_watchdog_detail', 0);
  $watchdog_tokens = [];

  // Groups extracted from user's DN. such as ou=IT => group = "IT".
  $derive_from_dn_authorizations = [];
  if ($rdn_values = $consumer_conf->server
    ->groupUserMembershipsFromDn($user)) {
    $derive_from_dn_authorizations = array_combine($rdn_values, $rdn_values);
  else {
    $derive_from_dn_authorizations = [];
  if ($op == 'test_query' || $op == 'test_query_set') {
    $_SESSION['ldap_authorization_test_query']['maps']['Derive from DN'] = $rdn_values ? $derive_from_dn_authorizations : t('disabled');

  // Traditional groups (dns)
  $group_dns = $consumer_conf->server
    ->groupMembershipsFromUser($user, 'group_dns');
  if (!$group_dns) {
    $group_dns = [];
  elseif (count($group_dns)) {
    $group_dns = array_unique($group_dns);
  if ($op == 'test_query' || $op == 'test_query_set') {
    $_SESSION['ldap_authorization_test_query']['maps']['Groups DNs'] = $group_dns;
  $values = array_merge($derive_from_dn_authorizations, $group_dns);
  $values = array_unique($values);
  $authz_ids = count($values) ? array_combine($values, $values) : [];
  if ($detailed_watchdog_log) {
    $watchdog_tokens['%username'] = $user->name;
    $watchdog_tokens['%ldap_server'] = $ldap_server->sid;
    $watchdog_tokens['%deriveFromDn'] = join(', ', $derive_from_dn_authorizations);
    $watchdog_tokens['%deriveFromGroups'] = join(', ', $group_dns);
    $watchdog_tokens['%authz_ids'] = join(', ', array_keys($authz_ids));
    watchdog('ldap_authorization', '%username :_ldap_authorization_ldap_authorization_maps_alter:
      <hr/>deriveFromDn authorization ids: %deriveFromDn
      <hr/>deriveFromAttr authorization ids: %deriveFromGroups
      <hr/>merged authz_ids authorization ids: %authz_ids
      ', $watchdog_tokens, WATCHDOG_DEBUG);