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function _ldap_authentication_user_login_authenticate_validate in Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) 7.2

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 8.2 ldap_authentication/ \_ldap_authentication_user_login_authenticate_validate()
  2. 7 ldap_authentication/ \_ldap_authentication_user_login_authenticate_validate()

User form validation will take care of username, pwd fields this function validates ldap authentication specific.


array $form_state: array from user logon form.

Return value

null, but success or failure is indicated by: -- form_set_error() to invalidate authentication process -- setting $form_state['uid'] to indicate successful authentication

1 call to _ldap_authentication_user_login_authenticate_validate()
ldap_authentication_user_login_authenticate_validate in ldap_authentication/ldap_authentication.module
Validate function for user logon forms.


ldap_authentication/, line 149
Ldap_authentication helper functions.


function _ldap_authentication_user_login_authenticate_validate(&$form_state, $return_user) {

  // Check if Flood control was triggered; if so, don't authenticate.
  if (isset($form_state['flood_control_triggered'])) {
  $detailed_watchdog_log = variable_get('ldap_help_watchdog_detail', 0);

  // Default to name.
  $entered_name = $form_state['values']['name'];
  $authname_drupal_property = $form_field_name = 'name';

  // Email registration module populates name even though user entered email.
  if (!empty($form_state['values']['email'])) {
    $entered_name = $form_state['values']['email'];
    $authname_drupal_property = 'mail';
    $form_field_name = 'email';

  // $authname is the name the user is authenticated with from the logon form // patch 1599632.
  $authname = $entered_name;
  if (empty($form_state['values']['pass']) || empty($form_state['values'][$form_field_name])) {
    return FALSE;

   * If a fake form state was passed into this function from
   * _ldap_authentication_user_login_sso(), there will be a value outside of the
   * form_state[values] array to let us know that we are not authenticating with
   * a password, but instead just looking up a username/dn in LDAP since the web
   * server already authenticated the user.
  $sso_login = isset($form_state['sso_login']) && $form_state['sso_login'] ? TRUE : FALSE;

  // Patch 1599632.
  $watchdog_tokens = [
    '%username' => $authname,
    '%authname' => $authname,
  if ($detailed_watchdog_log) {
    watchdog('ldap_authentication', '%username : Beginning authentification....', $watchdog_tokens, WATCHDOG_DEBUG);
  if (!($auth_conf = ldap_authentication_get_valid_conf())) {
    watchdog('ldap_authentication', 'Failed to get valid ldap authentication configuration.', [], WATCHDOG_ERROR);
    form_set_error('name', 'Server Error: Failed to get valid ldap authentication configuration.');

   * I. Test for previous module authentication success.
   * if already succeeded at authentication, $form_state['uid'] will be set by other authentication module.
   * - if LDAP Mixed mode is set, return and don't disrupt authentication process
   * - otherwise override other authenication by setting $form_state['uid'] = NULL
  if (isset($form_state['uid']) && is_numeric($form_state['uid'])) {
    if ($auth_conf->authenticationMode == LDAP_AUTHENTICATION_MIXED || $form_state['uid'] == 1) {
      if ($detailed_watchdog_log) {
        watchdog('ldap_authentication', '%username : Previously authenticated in mixed mode or uid=1', $watchdog_tokens, WATCHDOG_DEBUG);

      // Already passed a previous module's authentication validation.
    elseif ($auth_conf->authenticationMode == LDAP_AUTHENTICATION_EXCLUSIVE) {
      if ($detailed_watchdog_log) {
        watchdog('ldap_authentication', '%username : Previously authenticated in exclusive mode or uid is not 1.  Clear uid
        in form_state and attempt ldap authentication.', $watchdog_tokens, WATCHDOG_DEBUG);

      // Passed previous authentication, but only ldap should be used so override.
      $form_state['uid'] = NULL;

   * II. Exit if no authentication servers.
  if (!$auth_conf
    ->hasEnabledAuthenticationServers()) {
    watchdog('ldap_authentication', 'No LDAP servers configured.', [], WATCHDOG_ERROR);
    form_set_error('name', 'Server Error:  No LDAP servers configured.');

   * III. determine if corresponding drupal account exists for $authname
  $drupal_account_is_authmapped = FALSE;
  list($drupal_account, $drupal_account_is_authmapped) = ldap_authentication_corresponding_drupal_user($authname, $auth_conf, $watchdog_tokens);
  $drupal_account_exists = is_object($drupal_account);
  if ($drupal_account_exists && $drupal_account->uid == 1) {

    // User 1 is not allowed to ldap authenticate.

   * IV. test credentials and if available get corresponding ldap user and ldap server
  list($authentication_result, $ldap_user, $ldap_server_authenticated_on) = ldap_authentication_test_credentials($auth_conf, $sso_login, $authname, $form_state['values']['pass'], $watchdog_tokens);
  $params['account'] = $drupal_account;
  drupal_alter('ldap_entry', $ldap_user, $params);
  if ($authentication_result != LDAP_AUTHENTICATION_RESULT_SUCCESS) {
    ldap_authentication_fail_response($authentication_result, $auth_conf, $detailed_watchdog_log, $watchdog_tokens);

   * IV.a Workaround for the provisioning server not always getting saved in
   *      the user object.  So we save it in a session variable as a backup.
  if ($ldap_server_authenticated_on) {
    $_SESSION[LDAP_USER_SESSION_PROV_SID] = $ldap_server_authenticated_on->sid;

   * V. if account_name_attr is set, drupal username is different than authname
  if ($ldap_server_authenticated_on->account_name_attr != '') {
    $watchdog_tokens['%account_name_attr'] = $ldap_server_authenticated_on->account_name_attr;
    $drupal_accountname = $ldap_user['attr'][ldap_server_massage_text($ldap_server_authenticated_on->account_name_attr, 'attr_name', LDAP_SERVER_MASSAGE_QUERY_ARRAY)][0];
    if (!$drupal_accountname) {
      watchdog('ldap_authentication', 'Derived drupal username from attribute %account_name_attr returned no username for authname %authname.', $watchdog_tokens, WATCHDOG_ERROR);
  else {
    $drupal_accountname = $authname;
  $watchdog_tokens['%drupal_accountname'] = $drupal_accountname;

  // @todo maybe we can add more tokens?
  $email_template_tokens = [
    '@username' => $drupal_accountname,
  $email_template_used = FALSE;

   * Ensures that we respect the email template handling settings.
  if (!empty($auth_conf->emailTemplate)) {
    switch ($auth_conf->emailTemplateHandling) {
        if (!empty($ldap_user['mail'])) {

      // Deliberate fallthrough.
        _ldap_authentication_replace_user_email($ldap_user, $auth_conf, $email_template_tokens);
        if ($detailed_watchdog_log) {
          watchdog('ldap_authentication', 'Using template generated email for %username', $watchdog_tokens, WATCHDOG_DEBUG);
        $email_template_used = TRUE;

   * VI. Find or create corresponding drupal account and set authmaps
   * at this point, the following are know:
   * - a corresponding ldap account has been found
   * - user's credentials tested against it and passed
   * - their drupal accountname has been derived

   * VI.A: Drupal account doesn't exist with $authname used to logon,
   *  but puid exists in another Drupal account; this means username has changed
   *  and needs to be saved in Drupal account
  if (!$drupal_account_exists && $ldap_server_authenticated_on) {
    $puid = $ldap_server_authenticated_on
    if ($puid) {
      $drupal_account = $ldap_server_authenticated_on
      if ($drupal_account) {
        $drupal_account_exists = TRUE;
        if ($drupal_accountname == $authname) {
          $user_edit = [
            $authname_drupal_property => $drupal_accountname,
        else {
          $user_edit = [
            'name' => $drupal_accountname,
        $drupal_account = user_save($drupal_account, $user_edit, 'ldap_user');
        user_set_authmaps($drupal_account, [
          "authname_ldap_user" => $authname,
        $drupal_account_is_authmapped = TRUE;

   * VI.B: existing Drupal account but not authmapped to ldap modules,
   * ldap authmap or disallow.

  // Account already exists.
  if ($drupal_account_exists && !$drupal_account_is_authmapped) {
    if ($auth_conf->ldapUser->loginConflictResolve == LDAP_USER_CONFLICT_LOG) {
      if ($account_with_same_email = user_load_by_mail($ldap_user['mail'])) {
        $watchdog_tokens['%conflict_name'] = $account_with_same_email->name;
        watchdog('ldap_authentication', 'LDAP user with DN %dn has a naming conflict with a local drupal user %conflict_name', $watchdog_tokens, WATCHDOG_ERROR);
      drupal_set_message(t('Another user already exists in the system with the same login name. You should contact the system administrator in order to solve this conflict.'), 'error');
    else {

      // Add ldap_authentication authmap to user.  account name is fine here, though cn could be used.
      user_set_authmaps($drupal_account, [
        'authname_ldap_user' => $authname,
      $drupal_account_is_authmapped = TRUE;
      if ($detailed_watchdog_log) {
        watchdog('ldap_authentication', 'set authmap for %username authname_ldap_user', $watchdog_tokens, WATCHDOG_DEBUG);

   * VI.C: existing Drupal account with incorrect email.
   * Fix email if appropriate.
  if (!($auth_conf->templateUsageNeverUpdate && $email_template_used) && $drupal_account_exists && $drupal_account->mail != $ldap_user['mail'] && ($auth_conf->emailUpdate == LDAP_AUTHENTICATION_EMAIL_UPDATE_ON_LDAP_CHANGE_ENABLE_NOTIFY || $auth_conf->emailUpdate == LDAP_AUTHENTICATION_EMAIL_UPDATE_ON_LDAP_CHANGE_ENABLE)) {
    $user_edit = [
      'mail' => $ldap_user['mail'],
    $watchdog_tokens['%username'] = $drupal_account->name;
    if (!($updated_account = user_save($drupal_account, $user_edit))) {
      watchdog('ldap_authentication', 'Failed to make changes to user %username updated %changed.', $watchdog_tokens, WATCHDOG_ERROR);
      if (isset($user_edit['mail'])) {
        $watchdog_tokens['%mail'] = $user_edit['mail'];
        drupal_set_message(t('Your e-mail has been updated to match your current account (%mail).', $watchdog_tokens), 'status');
      if (isset($user_edit['name'])) {
        $watchdog_tokens['%new_username'] = $user_edit['name'];
        drupal_set_message(t('Your old account username %username has been updated to %new_username.', $watchdog_tokens), 'status');

   * VI.C: no existing Drupal account.  consider provisioning Drupal account.
  if (!$drupal_account_exists) {

    // VI.C.1 Do not provision Drupal account if another account has same email.
    if ($auth_conf->ldapUser->acctCreation == LDAP_USER_ACCOUNTS_WITH_SAME_EMAIL_DISABLED && ($account_with_same_email = user_load_by_mail($ldap_user['mail']))) {
      $error = TRUE;

       * username does not exist but email does.
       * Since user_external_login_register does not deal with mail attribute
       * and the email conflict error needs to be caught beforehand, need to
       * throw error here.
      if ($auth_conf->templateUsageResolveConflict && !$email_template_used) {
        if ($detailed_watchdog_log) {
          watchdog('ldap_authentication', 'Conflict detected, using template generated email for %username', $watchdog_tokens, WATCHDOG_DEBUG);
        _ldap_authentication_replace_user_email($ldap_user, $auth_conf, $email_template_tokens);
        $email_template_used = TRUE;

        // Recheck with the template email to make sure it doesn't also exist.
        if ($account_with_same_email = user_load_by_mail($ldap_user['mail'])) {
          $error = TRUE;
      if ($error) {
        $watchdog_tokens['%duplicate_name'] = $account_with_same_email->name;
        watchdog('ldap_authentication', 'LDAP user with DN %dn has email address
          (%mail) conflict with a drupal user %duplicate_name', $watchdog_tokens, WATCHDOG_ERROR);
        drupal_set_message(t('Another user already exists in the system with the same email address. You should contact the system administrator in order to solve this conflict.'), 'error');

    // VI.C.2 Do not provision Drupal account if provisioning disabled.
    if (!$auth_conf->ldapUser
      watchdog('ldap_user', 'Drupal account for authname=%authname account name=%account_name_attr does not exist and provisioning of Drupal accounts on authentication is not enabled', $watchdog_tokens, WATCHDOG_INFO);

     * VI.C.3 Provision Drupal account.
     * New ldap_authentication provisioned account could
     * letuser_external_login_register create the account and set authmaps, but
     * would need to add mail and any other user->data data in
     * hook_user_presave which would mean requerying ldap or having a global
     * variable.  At this point the account does not exist, so there is no
     * reason not to create it here.
     * @todo create patch for core user module's user_external_login_register
     * to deal with new external accounts a little tweak to add user->data and
     * mail etc as parameters would make it more useful for external
     * authentication modules.
    $user_register = variable_get('user_register', USER_REGISTER_VISITORS_ADMINISTRATIVE_APPROVAL);
    if ($auth_conf->ldapUser->acctCreation == LDAP_USER_ACCT_CREATION_USER_SETTINGS_FOR_LDAP && $user_register == USER_REGISTER_ADMINISTRATORS_ONLY) {
      watchdog('ldap_user', 'Failed to create account for %drupal_accountname. Administrative user must create user.', $watchdog_tokens, WATCHDOG_ERROR);
      form_set_error('name', t('Server Error: Attempt to create account for %drupal_accountname failed. Administrative user must create user.', $watchdog_tokens));

      // If admin approval required, set status to 0.
      $user_edit = [
        'name' => $drupal_accountname,
        'status' => 0,
    else {
      $user_edit = [
        'name' => $drupal_accountname,
        'status' => 1,

    // If the email template was used, we want to pass in the email that was
    // generated so that its not overridden by the provisioner.
    if ($email_template_used) {
      $user_edit['mail'] = $ldap_user['mail'];

    // don't pass in ldap user to provisionDrupalAccount, because want to requery with correct attributes needed
    // this may be a case where efficiency dictates querying for all attributes.
    $drupal_account = $auth_conf->ldapUser
      ->provisionDrupalAccount(NULL, $user_edit, $ldap_user, TRUE);
    if ($drupal_account === FALSE) {
      watchdog('ldap_user', 'Failed to find or create %drupal_accountname on logon.', $watchdog_tokens, WATCHDOG_ERROR);
      form_set_error('name', t('Server Error: Failed to create Drupal user account for %drupal_accountname', $watchdog_tokens));
    else {
      user_set_authmaps($drupal_account, [
        'authname_ldap_user' => $authname,

      // Using Rules allows emails to be fired and many other possible reactions
      // to the creation of a user.
      if (module_exists('rules')) {
        rules_invoke_event('ldap_user_created', $drupal_account, $email_template_used);

   * we now have valid, ldap authenticated username with an account authmapped to ldap_authentication.
   * since user_external_login_register can't deal with user mail attribute and doesn't do much else, it is not
   * being used here.
   * without doing the user_login_submit,
   * [#1009990],[#1865938]
  $form_state['uid'] = $drupal_account->uid;
  return $return_user ? $drupal_account : NULL;