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function l10n_update_check_translations in Localization update 6

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 7 \l10n_update_check_translations()

Check updates for active projects and languages.


$count: Number of package translations to check.

$before: Unix timestamp, check only updates that haven't been checked for this time.

$limit: Maximum number of updates to do. We check $count translations but we stop after we do $limit updates.

Return value


1 call to l10n_update_check_translations()
l10n_update_cron in ./l10n_update.module
Implementation of hook_cron().


./, line 115
Reusable API for l10n remote updates using $source objects


function l10n_update_check_translations($count, $before, $limit = 1) {
  $projects = l10n_update_get_projects();
  $updated = $checked = array();

  // Select active projects x languages ordered by last checked time
  $sql = "SELECT, l.language AS lang, f.* FROM {l10n_update_project} p";
  $sql .= " LEFT JOIN {l10n_update_file} f ON = f.project";
  $sql .= " INNER JOIN {languages} l ON l.language = f.language";
  $sql .= " WHERE p.status = 1 AND l.enabled = 1 AND (f.status IS NULL OR f.status = 1 AND f.last_checked < %d) ORDER BY last_checked";
  $result = db_query_range($sql, $before, 0, $count);
  if ($result) {
    $local = variable_get('l10n_update_check_mode', L10N_UPDATE_CHECK_ALL) & L10N_UPDATE_CHECK_LOCAL;
    $remote = variable_get('l10n_update_check_mode', L10N_UPDATE_CHECK_ALL) & L10N_UPDATE_CHECK_REMOTE;
    while (($check = db_fetch_object($result)) && count($updated) < $limit) {
      $checked[] = $check;
      if (!empty($projects[$check->name])) {
        $project = $projects[$check->name];
        $update = NULL;
        $source = l10n_update_source_build($project, $check->lang);
        $current = $check->filename ? $check : NULL;
        if ($available = l10n_update_source_check($source, $local, $remote)) {
          if (!$current || _l10n_update_source_compare($current, $available) == -1 || $current->version != $available->version) {
            $update = $available;
        if ($update) {

          // The update functions will update data and timestamps too
          l10n_update_source_update($update, variable_get('l10n_update_import_mode', LOCALE_IMPORT_KEEP));
          $updated[] = $update;
        elseif ($current) {

          // No update available, just update timestamp for this row
          db_query("UPDATE {l10n_update_file} SET last_checked = %d WHERE project = '%s' AND language = '%s'", time(), $current->project, $current->language);
        elseif ($source) {

          // Create a new record just for keeping last checked time
          $source->last_checked = time();
          drupal_write_record('l10n_update_file', $source);
  return array(