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Functions in Localization update 6

Primary tabs

Namesort descending Location Description Direct uses Strings
drush_l10n_update ./ Callback for command l10n-update.
drush_l10n_update_refresh ./ Callback for command l10n-update-refresh.
drush_l10n_update_status ./ Callback for command l10n-update-status.
drush_l10n_update_status_validate ./ Validate command l10n-update-status.
drush_l10n_update_validate ./ Validate command l10n-update.
hook_l10n_servers ./l10n_update.api.php Returns available translation servers and server definitions.
hook_l10n_update_projects_alter ./l10n_update.api.php Alter the list of project to be updated by l10n update.
l10n_update_admin_import_form ./ Translation update form. 1
l10n_update_admin_import_form_submit ./ Submit handler for Update form. 1
l10n_update_admin_overview ./ Page callback: Admin overview page. 1
l10n_update_admin_settings_form ./ Page callback: Settings form. 1
l10n_update_admin_settings_form_submit ./ Additional submit handler for update settings. 1
l10n_update_admin_settings_form_validate ./ Additional validation handler for update settings.
l10n_update_available_releases ./ Fetch update information for all projects / all languages. 4
l10n_update_available_updates ./l10n_update.module Get available updates. 1
l10n_update_batch_download ./ Create a batch to just download files.
l10n_update_batch_import ./ Create a batch to just import files.
l10n_update_batch_multiple ./ Create a big batch for multiple projects and languages. 4
l10n_update_build_projects ./ Rebuild project list 3
l10n_update_build_string ./ Build abstract translation source, to be mapped to a file or a download. 3
l10n_update_build_updates ./ Compare available releases with history and get list of downloadable updates. 5
l10n_update_check_projects ./ Check latest release for project, language. 3
l10n_update_check_translations ./ Check updates for active projects and languages. 1
l10n_update_client_save_string ./l10n_update.module Menu callback. Saves a string translation coming as POST data. 1
l10n_update_cron ./l10n_update.module Implementation of hook_cron().
l10n_update_default_server ./ Retrieve data for default server. 3 1
l10n_update_delete_file_history ./ Delete the history of downloaded translations. 1
l10n_update_download_file ./ Get remote file and download it to a temporary path. 2
l10n_update_download_import ./ Download and import remote translation file.
l10n_update_drush_command ./ Implementation of hook_drush_command().
l10n_update_ensure_htaccess ./l10n_update.module Creates a .htaccess file in the translations directory if it is missing. 3
l10n_update_fetch_server ./ Fetch remote server metadata from a server URL 1
l10n_update_file_history ./ Update the file history table. 1
l10n_update_flag_history ./ Flag the file history as up to date. 1
l10n_update_flush_caches ./l10n_update.module Implementation of hook_flush_caches().
l10n_update_form_alter ./l10n_update.module Implementation of hook_form_alter().
l10n_update_get_history ./l10n_update.module Get update history. 7
l10n_update_get_language_names ./ Get names for the language list from locale system.
l10n_update_get_projects ./l10n_update.module Get stored list of projects 11
l10n_update_get_project_name ./ Given a $file object (as returned by system_get_files_database()), figure out what project it belongs to. 1
l10n_update_get_server ./ Get server information 1
l10n_update_help ./l10n_update.module Implementation of hook_help().
l10n_update_http_check ./ Check if remote file exists and when it was last updated. 1
l10n_update_http_request ./ Perform an HTTP request. Installer safe simplified version. 2
l10n_update_import_file ./ Import local file into the database. 2
l10n_update_install ./l10n_update.install Implementation of hook_install().
l10n_update_l10n_servers ./l10n_update.module Implementation of hook_l10n_servers().
l10n_update_languages_changed_submit ./l10n_update.module Aditional submit handler for language forms 1
l10n_update_languages_delete_submit ./l10n_update.module Additional submit handler for language deletion form. 1
l10n_update_language_list ./l10n_update.module Get language list. 6


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