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function hook_juicebox_gallery_data_alter in Juicebox HTML5 Responsive Image Galleries 7

Allow modules to alter the data that's used to to build a Juicebox gallery and XML.


array $data: An associative array containing all the content and configuration data that will be used to render a Juicebox gallery and XML. This includes:

  • jlib_options: An associative array of Juicebox configuration options (these will be added as attributes to the "juicebox" element of the XML).
  • images: An indexed array of image data (this will be used to construct the attributes of each "image" element of the XML, along with the "title" and "caption" elements nested within).

array $settings: An associative array of raw settings for the gallery. Provided for context.

array $source_info: An associative array that provides source infomation for the gallery. Provided for context. This includes:

  • xml_path: The path for the gallery's XML which can also be used as an unique ID for the gallery. The pieces of this path also describe the data components from the source that are used to build the gallery.
  • source: The source object that was used for the XML data. If $xml_path starts with "juicebox/xml/view" this will be a rendered view object. If $xml_path starts with "juicebox/xml/entity" this will be an entity object (such as a node), etc.
2 invocations of hook_juicebox_gallery_data_alter()
juicebox_build_gallery_data_from_entity_field in ./juicebox.module
Generate data for a Juicebox gallery from an entity image field.
juicebox_build_gallery_data_from_view in ./juicebox.module
Generate data for a Juicebox gallery from a view object.


./juicebox.api.php, line 35
Hooks provided by the Juicebox module.


function hook_juicebox_gallery_data_alter(&$data, $settings, $source_info) {

  // See if this is a gallery sourced from a view.
  if (strpos($source_info['xml_path'], 'juicebox/xml/view') === 0) {
    $view = $source_info['source'];

    // Assume we have a view called "galleries" and a page called "page_1" that
    // structures galleries based on a taxonomy term contextual filter. We want
    // the juicebox "galleryDescription" option to be the term description, but
    // because this term description is dynamic (based on contextual filter) we
    // can't statically define it in the view's Juicebox settings. This hook
    // let's us do the job dynamically.
    if ($view->name == 'galleries' && $view->current_display == 'page_1') {
      if (!empty($view->args)) {
        $term = taxonomy_term_load($view->args[0]);
        if (!empty($term->description)) {
          $data['jlib_options']['galleryDescription'] = strip_tags($term->description);