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Functions in Juicebox HTML5 Responsive Image Galleries 7

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Namesort descending Location Description Direct uses Strings
hook_juicebox_gallery_data_alter ./juicebox.api.php Allow modules to alter the data that's used to to build a Juicebox gallery and XML.
juicebox_build_gallery_data_from_entity_field ./juicebox.module Generate data for a Juicebox gallery from an entity image field. 2
juicebox_build_gallery_data_from_view ./juicebox.module Generate data for a Juicebox gallery from a view object. 2
juicebox_field_formatter_info ./juicebox.module Implements hook_field_formatter_info().
juicebox_field_formatter_settings_form ./juicebox.module Implements hook_field_formatter_settings_form().
juicebox_field_formatter_settings_summary ./juicebox.module Implements hook_field_formatter_settings_summary().
juicebox_field_formatter_view ./juicebox.module Implements hook_field_formatter_view().
juicebox_libraries_info ./juicebox.module Implements hook_libraries_info().
juicebox_menu ./juicebox.module Implements hook_menu().
juicebox_page_xml ./juicebox.module Menu callback: generate Juicebox XML. 1
juicebox_render_gallery_xml ./juicebox.module Render the final XML for a Juicebox gallery. 1
juicebox_requirements ./juicebox.install Implements hook_requirements().
juicebox_theme ./juicebox.module Implements hook_theme().
juicebox_update_7100 ./juicebox.install Update registry and cache details to ensure that Juicebox galleries made with beta versions of the module are compatible with post-beta versions.
juicebox_update_7101 ./juicebox.install Update registry and cache details to accomodate new theme variables.
juicebox_views_api ./juicebox.module Implements hook_views_api().
juicebox_views_plugins ./ Implements hook_views_plugin().
theme_juicebox_embed_markup themes/ Returns HTML for embedding a Juicebox gallery.
_juicebox_check_entity_view_access ./juicebox.module Check view access for an arbitrary entity that contains a Juicebox gallery. 1
_juicebox_common_form_elements ./juicebox.module Helper to add common elements to Juicebox configuration forms. 2
_juicebox_element_validate_config ./juicebox.module Form validation callback: validate Juicebox configuration options. 1
_juicebox_element_validate_dimension ./juicebox.module Form validation callback: validate width/height inputs. 1
_juicebox_filter_markup ./juicebox.module Filter markup for valid display in a Juicebox gallery. 2
_juicebox_form_pre_render_add_fieldset_markup ./juicebox.module Form pre-render callback: visually render fieldsets without affecting tree-based variable storage. 1
_juicebox_get_lib_options ./juicebox.module Helper to get all Juicebox library conf options from the display settings. 2
_juicebox_init_display_settings ./juicebox.module Utility function to modify Juicebox settings after they are loaded from Drupal but before they are used in any Juicebox module logic. 5
_juicebox_library_detect ./juicebox.module Get/detect the details of a Juicebox javascript library without loading it. 2
_juicebox_library_info ./juicebox.module Libraries API Info Callback 1 1
_juicebox_library_post_detect ./juicebox.module Libraries API Post-Detect Callback 1 1

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