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function ip_geoloc_get_tid_from_name in IP Geolocation Views & Maps 7

Utility function to convert a term name to its associated taxonomy term id.


string $term_name: e.g., 'Amsterdam'

string $vocabulary_machine_name: (optional) e.g., 'city' or simply omit, if known to be unique

Return value

int|string The term id if found, FALSE otherwise.

1 call to ip_geoloc_get_tid_from_name()
_ip_geoloc_plugin_style_match_on_taxonomy_term_or_parent in views/
Find a color association record for the suppplied taxonomy term id or name.


views/, line 1513


function ip_geoloc_get_tid_from_name($term_name, $vocabulary_machine_name = NULL) {
  foreach (taxonomy_get_vocabularies() as $vid => $vocabulary) {
    if (empty($vocabulary_machine_name) || $vocabulary_machine_name == $vocabulary->machine_name) {
      foreach (taxonomy_get_tree($vid) as $term) {
        if ($term_name == $term->name) {
          return $term->tid;
  return FALSE;