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function _ip_geoloc_plugin_style_match_on_taxonomy_term_or_parent in IP Geolocation Views & Maps 7

Find a color association record for the suppplied taxonomy term id or name.


string|array $differentiator_value, term id or term name:

array $diff_color_associations:

Return value

mixed, the matching association or FALSE, if none was found

This function does not support taxonomy tid RANGES, only single values.

1 call to _ip_geoloc_plugin_style_match_on_taxonomy_term_or_parent()
_ip_geoloc_plugin_style_set_marker_color in views/
Set the marker color based on the differentiator, if any.


views/, line 1095


function _ip_geoloc_plugin_style_match_on_taxonomy_term_or_parent($differentiator_value, $diff_color_associations) {

  // $differentiator_value may be tid (numeric) or term name (string).
  if (isset($differentiator_value['tid'])) {
    $tid = $differentiator_value['tid'];
  elseif (is_numeric($differentiator_value)) {
    $tid = $differentiator_value;
  else {
    $is_name = TRUE;
    $tid = ip_geoloc_get_tid_from_name($differentiator_value);

  // Starting with the current child find the first ancestor in the
  // taxonomy hierarchy that matches.
  foreach (taxonomy_get_parents_all($tid) as $term) {
    $value = empty($is_name) ? $term->tid : $term->name;
    $association = _ip_geoloc_plugin_style_find_association_by_differentiator_value($value, $diff_color_associations);
    if (!empty($association)) {
      return $association;
  return FALSE;