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function ip_geoloc_store_location in IP Geolocation Views & Maps 7

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 8 \ip_geoloc_store_location()

Store the supplied IP geolocation info on the database.

This will overwrite any existing info for the IP address in question.


array $location: array with up to 13 location info fields; must at least contain a non-empty $location['ip_address'] and a non-empty $location['formatted_address'] for anything to happen

Return value

int|bool 0, when no insert or update was necessary SAVED_NEW (=1), when a new location record was inserted into the db SAVED_UPDATED (=2), when an existing location record was updated FALSE, when a db insert or db update failed

4 calls to ip_geoloc_store_location()
ip_geoloc_current_location_ajax_recipient in ./ip_geoloc.module
Data recipient for javascript function getLocation().
ip_geoloc_get_location_by_ip in ./
Returns the location details associated with the supplied IP address.
ip_geoloc_init in ./ip_geoloc.module
Implements hook_init().
_ip_geoloc_process_access_log in ./
Callback for ip_geoloc_sync_with_accesslog batch process.


./, line 35
API functions of IP geolocation module


function ip_geoloc_store_location($location) {

  // Give contributed modules a chance to add their 2 cents by implementing
  // hook_get_ip_geolocation_alter()
  drupal_alter('get_ip_geolocation', $location);
  if (!variable_get('ip_geoloc_store_addresses', TRUE)) {
  if (empty($location['ip_address']) || empty($location['formatted_address'])) {

    // ip_geoloc_debug('IPGV&M: location object must contain both IP address
    // and formatted address -- not stored.');
    return 0;
  if ($location['ip_address'] != '' && (!isset($location['latitude']) || !isset($location['latitude']))) {
    watchdog('IPGV&M', 'latitude or longitude missing for IP address %ip (location still stored)', array(
      '%ip' => $location['ip_address'],

  // See if this IP is already on the db.
  $result = db_query('SELECT * FROM {ip_geoloc} WHERE ip_address = :ip', array(
    ':ip' => $location['ip_address'],
  $existing_location = $result
  if (!$existing_location) {

    // New entry, insert.
    $location['city'] = utf8_encode($location['city']);
    $location['formatted_address'] = utf8_encode($location['formatted_address']);
    ip_geoloc_debug(t('IP Geolocaton: adding new record to db: !location', array(
      '!location' => ip_geoloc_pretty_print($location),
    $full_location =& $location;
  else {

    // When updating, drupal_write_record() does not erase fields not present
    // in $location.
    $empty_location['latitude'] = '';
    $empty_location['longitude'] = '';
    $empty_location['country'] = '';
    $empty_location['country_code'] = '';
    $empty_location['region'] = '';
    $empty_location['region_code'] = '';
    $empty_location['city'] = '';
    $empty_location['locality'] = '';
    $empty_location['route'] = '';
    $empty_location['street_number'] = '';
    $empty_location['postal_code'] = '';
    $empty_location['administrative_area_level_1'] = '';
    $empty_location['formatted_address'] = '';
    $location['id'] = $existing_location['id'];
    $full_location = array_merge($empty_location, $location);
    ip_geoloc_debug(t('IPGV&M: updating db with above location'));
  try {
    $result = drupal_write_record('ip_geoloc', $full_location, $existing_location ? array(
    ) : array());
  } catch (PDOException $e) {

    // May happen when a fields contains illegal characters.
      ->getMessage()), 'error');
    $result = FALSE;
  if ($result === FALSE) {
    drupal_set_message(t('IPGV&M: could not save location to db: !location', array(
      '!location' => ip_geoloc_pretty_print($full_location),
    )), 'error');
  return $result;