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API functions of IP geolocation module

Reusable functions that may be called from other modules.

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 * @file
 * API functions of IP geolocation module
 * Reusable functions that may be called from other modules.

// Note: secure http was chosen, as plain http may cause warnings popping up in
// environments using certificates.
// IP_GEOLOC_GOOGLE_MAPS is only used for client-side geocoding to an address,
// if enabled on "Set my location" block options.
define('IP_GEOLOC_GOOGLE_MAPS', ip_geoloc_build_google_api_url());

// Server-side reverse geocoding of an entered address, if enabled.

 * Store the supplied IP geolocation info on the database.
 * This will overwrite any existing info for the IP address in question.
 * @param array $location
 *   array with up to 13 location info fields; must at least
 *   contain a non-empty $location['ip_address'] and a non-empty
 *   $location['formatted_address'] for anything to happen
 * @return int|bool
 *   0, when no insert or update was necessary
 *   SAVED_NEW (=1), when a new location record was inserted into the db
 *   SAVED_UPDATED (=2), when an existing location record was updated
 *   FALSE, when a db insert or db update failed
function ip_geoloc_store_location($location) {

  // Give contributed modules a chance to add their 2 cents by implementing
  // hook_get_ip_geolocation_alter()
  drupal_alter('get_ip_geolocation', $location);
  if (!variable_get('ip_geoloc_store_addresses', TRUE)) {
  if (empty($location['ip_address']) || empty($location['formatted_address'])) {

    // ip_geoloc_debug('IPGV&M: location object must contain both IP address
    // and formatted address -- not stored.');
    return 0;
  if ($location['ip_address'] != '' && (!isset($location['latitude']) || !isset($location['latitude']))) {
    watchdog('IPGV&M', 'latitude or longitude missing for IP address %ip (location still stored)', array(
      '%ip' => $location['ip_address'],

  // See if this IP is already on the db.
  $result = db_query('SELECT * FROM {ip_geoloc} WHERE ip_address = :ip', array(
    ':ip' => $location['ip_address'],
  $existing_location = $result
  if (!$existing_location) {

    // New entry, insert.
    $location['city'] = utf8_encode($location['city']);
    $location['formatted_address'] = utf8_encode($location['formatted_address']);
    ip_geoloc_debug(t('IP Geolocaton: adding new record to db: !location', array(
      '!location' => ip_geoloc_pretty_print($location),
    $full_location =& $location;
  else {

    // When updating, drupal_write_record() does not erase fields not present
    // in $location.
    $empty_location['latitude'] = '';
    $empty_location['longitude'] = '';
    $empty_location['country'] = '';
    $empty_location['country_code'] = '';
    $empty_location['region'] = '';
    $empty_location['region_code'] = '';
    $empty_location['city'] = '';
    $empty_location['locality'] = '';
    $empty_location['route'] = '';
    $empty_location['street_number'] = '';
    $empty_location['postal_code'] = '';
    $empty_location['administrative_area_level_1'] = '';
    $empty_location['formatted_address'] = '';
    $location['id'] = $existing_location['id'];
    $full_location = array_merge($empty_location, $location);
    ip_geoloc_debug(t('IPGV&M: updating db with above location'));
  try {
    $result = drupal_write_record('ip_geoloc', $full_location, $existing_location ? array(
    ) : array());
  } catch (PDOException $e) {

    // May happen when a fields contains illegal characters.
      ->getMessage()), 'error');
    $result = FALSE;
  if ($result === FALSE) {
    drupal_set_message(t('IPGV&M: could not save location to db: !location', array(
      '!location' => ip_geoloc_pretty_print($full_location),
    )), 'error');
  return $result;

 * Outputs an HTML div placeholder into which will be injected a map.
 * The map is centered on the supplied lat,long coordinates.
 * Handy for use in Views.
 * @param string|float $latitude
 *   e.g. "-37.87" or -37.87
 * @param string|float $longitude
 *   e.g. "144.98" or 144.98
 * @param string $div_id
 *   id of the div placeholder, can be anything as long as it's unique
 * @param string $style
 *   CSS style applied to the div, e.g "height:250px; width:300px"
function ip_geoloc_output_map($latitude, $longitude, $div_id = 'ip-geoloc-map', $style = '', $balloon_text = '') {
  drupal_add_js(IP_GEOLOC_GOOGLE_MAPS, array(
    'type' => 'external',
    'group' => JS_LIBRARY,
  drupal_add_js(drupal_get_path('module', 'ip_geoloc') . '/js/ip_geoloc_gmap.js');
  $script_code = "displayGMap({$latitude}, {$longitude}, '{$div_id}', '{$balloon_text}');";
  drupal_add_js($script_code, array(
    'type' => 'inline',
    'scope' => 'footer',
  $map_placeholder = "<div id='{$div_id}'" . (empty($style) ? '' : " style='{$style}'") . '></div>';
  return $map_placeholder;

 * Outputs an HTML div placeholder into which is injected a map.
 * The map is centered on the visitor's current location and features a position
 * marker, which when clicked reveals latitude and longitude, as well as the
 * street address and the accuracy of the position shown.
 * Note this function will result in the visitor being prompted to share their
 * location.
 * @param string $div_id
 *   id of the div placeholder, can be anything as long as it's unique
 * @param string $map_options
 *   as a JSON string e.g '{"mapTypeId":"roadmap", "zoom":15}'
 * @param string $map_style
 *   CSS style applied to the div, e.g "height:200px; width:300px"
 * @param float $latitude
 *   if empty and HTML5 location retrieval will be initiated
 * @param float $longitude
 *   if empty and HTML5 location retrieval will be initiated
 * @param string $info_text
 *   optional string to display in the marker balloon, e.g. formatted address
function ip_geoloc_output_map_current_location($div_id = 'ip-geoloc-map-current-location', $map_options = NULL, $map_style = NULL, $latitude = NULL, $longitude = NULL, $info_text = NULL) {
  drupal_add_js(IP_GEOLOC_GOOGLE_MAPS, array(
    'type' => 'external',
    'group' => JS_LIBRARY,
  drupal_add_js(drupal_get_path('module', 'ip_geoloc') . '/js/ip_geoloc_gmap_current_loc.js');
  if (!isset($map_options)) {
  $settings = array(
    'ip_geoloc_current_location_map_div' => $div_id,
    'ip_geoloc_current_location_map_options' => drupal_json_decode($map_options),
    'ip_geoloc_current_location_map_latlng' => array(
    'ip_geoloc_current_location_map_info_text' => $info_text,
  drupal_add_js($settings, 'setting');
  if (!isset($map_style)) {
  $map_placeholder = "<div id='{$div_id}'" . (empty($map_style) ? '' : " style='{$map_style}'") . '></div>';
  return $map_placeholder;

 * Outputs an HTML div placeholder into which will be injected a map.
 * The locations to be mapped are supplied as an array of lat,long coordinates.
 * @param array $locations
 *   array of location objects each containing lat/long pair and optionally
 *   address, visit count and last visit to appear when the marker is clicked
 * @param string $div_id
 *   id of the div placeholder, can be anything as long as it's unique
 * @param string $map_options
 *   as a JSON string, .e.g '{"mapTypeId":"roadmap", "zoom":15}'
 * @param string $map_style
 *   CSS style applied to the div, e.g "height:250px; width:300px"
function ip_geoloc_output_map_multi_visitor($locations, $div_id = 'ip-geoloc-map-multi-locations', $map_options = NULL, $map_style = NULL) {
  drupal_add_js(IP_GEOLOC_GOOGLE_MAPS, array(
    'type' => 'external',
    'group' => JS_LIBRARY,
  drupal_add_js(drupal_get_path('module', 'ip_geoloc') . '/js/ip_geoloc_gmap_multi_visitor.js');
  if (!isset($map_options)) {
  $settings = array(
    'ip_geoloc_locations' => $locations,
    'ip_geoloc_multi_location_map_div' => $div_id,
    'ip_geoloc_multi_location_map_options' => drupal_json_decode($map_options),
  drupal_add_js($settings, 'setting');
  if (!isset($map_style)) {
  $map_placeholder = "<div id='{$div_id}'" . (empty($map_style) ? '' : " style='{$map_style}'") . '></div>';
  return $map_placeholder;

 * Outputs an HTML div placeholder into which will be injected a Google map.
 * The locations to be mapped are supplied as an array of location objects,
 * each with lat,long coordinates and optional balloon text.
 * Note this function will result in the visitor being prompted to share their
 * location.
 * @param array $locations
 *   array of location objects each containing lat/long pair
 *   and optional balloon text.
 * @param string $div_id
 *   id of the div placeholder, can be anything as long as it's unique
 * @param string $map_options
 *   as a JSON string, .e.g '{"mapTypeId":"roadmap", "zoom":15}'
 * @param string $map_style
 *   CSS style applied to the div, e.g "height:250px; width:300px"
 * @param string $marker_color
 *   default color used for all locations that haven't had their
 *   color overridden, defaults to Google default (i.e. red marker with dot).
 * @param bool|string $visitor_marker
 *   FALSE (no marker), TRUE (standard red marker) or a 'RRGGBB' color code
 * @param int $center_option
 *   0: fixed cenrer, must be provided thorugh $map_options)
 *   1: auto-center the map on the first location in the $locations array
 *   2: auto-center the map on the visitor's current location
 * @param array $center_latlng
 *   array of length 2 with lat/long coords used as a backup
 *   when $visitor_marker is set or $center_option == 2 and location could not
 *   be determined or $visitor_location_gps == FALSE
 * @param bool $visitor_location_gps
 *   whether the HTML5-style location provider is to be
 *   used, if FALSE $center_latlng is used
 * @return string
 *   map placeholder div
function ip_geoloc_output_map_multi_location($locations, $div_id = 'ip-geoloc-map-multi-locations', $map_options = NULL, $map_style = NULL, $marker_color = NULL, $visitor_marker = TRUE, $center_option = 0, $center_latlng = array(
), $visitor_location_gps = TRUE) {
  drupal_add_js(IP_GEOLOC_GOOGLE_MAPS, array(
    'type' => 'external',
    'group' => JS_LIBRARY,
  drupal_add_js(drupal_get_path('module', 'ip_geoloc') . '/js/ip_geoloc_gmap_multi_loc.js');
  if (!isset($map_options)) {
  $marker_directory = file_create_url(ip_geoloc_marker_directory());
  $marker_dimensions = explode('x', ip_geoloc_marker_dimensions());
  $marker_width = (int) $marker_dimensions[0];
  $marker_height = (int) $marker_dimensions[1];
  switch (variable_get('ip_geoloc_marker_anchor_pos', 'bottom')) {
    case 'top':
      $marker_anchor = 0;
    case 'middle':
      $marker_anchor = (int) (($marker_height + 1) / 2);
      $marker_anchor = $marker_height;
  ip_geoloc_debug(t('IPGV&M: passing the following to Google Maps:'));
  ip_geoloc_debug(t('- map options %options:', array(
    '%options' => $map_options,
  ip_geoloc_debug(t('- center option: @option', array(
    '@option' => $center_option,
  ip_geoloc_debug(t('- visitor marker: %marker', array(
    '%marker' => $visitor_marker,
  ip_geoloc_debug(t('- use GPS: @gps', array(
    '@gps' => (bool) $visitor_location_gps,
  ip_geoloc_debug(t('- visitor location fallback: (@lat, @lng)', array(
    '@lat' => empty($center_latlng[0]) ? '-' : $center_latlng[0],
    '@lng' => empty($center_latlng[1]) ? '-' : $center_latlng[1],
  ip_geoloc_debug(t('- marker directory : %dir', array(
    '%dir' => $marker_directory,
  ip_geoloc_debug(t('- marker dimensions : w@w x h@h px, anchor: @a px', array(
    '@w' => $marker_width,
    '@h' => $marker_height,
    '@a' => $marker_anchor,
  ip_geoloc_debug(t('- @count locations found', array(
    '@count' => count($locations),

  // Locations transferred to JS via the settings array aren't refreshed in
  // AJAX contexts. That's why we are doing it this messy way. @todo: refactor.
  print "\n<script>\nif (typeof(ip_geoloc_locations) === 'undefined') {\n ip_geoloc_locations = new Array();\n}\n";
  print "ip_geoloc_locations['{$div_id}'] = [\n";
  $illegal_chars = array(
  foreach ($locations as $location) {
    if (isset($location->type) && $location->type != 'point') {

    // Balloon text must not have newlines, use <br/> instead.
    $balloon_text = NULL;
    if (!empty($location->balloon_text)) {
      $balloon_text = str_replace($illegal_chars, ' ', $location->balloon_text);
      $balloon_text = addslashes($balloon_text);
    $output = '{' . '"type":"point"' . (empty($location->marker_color) ? '' : ',"marker_color":"' . $location->marker_color . '"') . (empty($balloon_text) ? '' : ',"balloon_text":"' . $balloon_text . '"') . (empty($location->open) ? '' : ',"open":1') . ',"latitude":' . $location->latitude . ',"longitude":' . $location->longitude . "},\n";
    print $output;
    $color = empty($location->marker_color) ? t('default') . " [{$marker_color}]" : $location->marker_color;
    $coords = isset($location->latitude) ? $location->latitude . ', ' . $location->longitude : '';
    $msg = '- ' . t('marker') . " {$color} ({$coords})<br/>{$balloon_text}<br/>";
  print "];\n</script>\n";
  $settings = array(
    'ip_geoloc_multi_location_map_div' => $div_id,
    'ip_geoloc_multi_location_map_options' => drupal_json_decode($map_options),
    'ip_geoloc_multi_location_center_option' => (int) $center_option,
    'ip_geoloc_multi_location_center_latlng' => $center_latlng,
    'ip_geoloc_multi_location_visitor_marker' => $visitor_marker,
    'ip_geoloc_multi_location_visitor_location_gps' => $visitor_location_gps,
    'ip_geoloc_multi_location_marker_directory' => $marker_directory,
    'ip_geoloc_multi_location_marker_width' => (int) $marker_width,
    'ip_geoloc_multi_location_marker_height' => (int) $marker_height,
    'ip_geoloc_multi_location_marker_anchor' => (int) $marker_anchor,
    'ip_geoloc_multi_location_marker_default_color' => $marker_color,
  ), 'setting');
  if (!isset($map_style)) {
  $map_placeholder = "<div id='{$div_id}'" . (empty($map_style) ? '' : " style='{$map_style}'") . '></div>';
  return $map_placeholder;

 * Uses AJAX to return in $_POST info about the visitor's current location.
 * Note: this function will result in the browser prompting the visitor to share
 * their location, which they may or may not accept.
 * This works via an asynchronous javascript call, so the result is not
 * immediately available on return from this function, hence the $menu_callback.
 * Upon page load the included javascript will, when ready, instigate an AJAX
 * call to the $menu_callback, which should invoke a function to pull the
 * lat/long and address values out of the $_POST variable.
 * See ip_geoloc_current_location_ajax_recipient() for an example.
 * Note: will result in a HTTP error 503 when the site is in maintenance mode,
 *       as in maintenance mode menu items are not available.
function ip_geoloc_get_current_location($menu_callback = NULL, $reverse_geocode = NULL, $refresh_page = NULL) {
  $throbber_text = variable_get('ip_geoloc_throbber_text2');
  if (empty($throbber_text)) {
  if ($throbber_text != '<none>') {
  _ip_geoloc_set_session_value('last_position_check', time());
  _ip_geoloc_set_session_value('position_pending_since', microtime(TRUE));

  // Note that IP_GEOLOC_GOOGLE_MAPS includes Google API or Client key.
  // See ip_geoloc_build_google_api_url().
  drupal_add_js(IP_GEOLOC_GOOGLE_MAPS, array(
    'type' => 'external',
    'group' => JS_LIBRARY,
  drupal_add_js(drupal_get_path('module', 'ip_geoloc') . '/js/ip_geoloc_current_location.js');
  if (!isset($menu_callback)) {
    global $base_url;
    $menu_callback = "{$base_url}/" . (variable_get('clean_url', 0) ? 'js/ip_geoloc/current_location' : '?q=js/ip_geoloc/current_location');
  if (!isset($reverse_geocode)) {
    $reverse_geocode = variable_get('ip_geoloc_visitor_reverse_geocode', TRUE);
  if (!isset($refresh_page)) {
    $refresh_page = variable_get('ip_geoloc_page_refresh', TRUE) && !path_is_admin($_GET['q']);
  $settings = array(
    'ip_geoloc_menu_callback' => $menu_callback,
    'ip_geoloc_refresh_page' => $refresh_page,
    'ip_geoloc_reverse_geocode' => $reverse_geocode,
  drupal_add_js($settings, 'setting');

 * Returns the location details associated with the supplied IP address.
 * Performs a lookup in IPGV&M's own database to see if the supplied IP
 * address has visited already and if so returns their location details (as an
 * array). If the IP address is not yet in the IP geolocation database, then
 * retrieve lat/long using either Smart IP or GeoIP API (if enabled) and
 * reverse-geocode the lat/long (if the Google Maps service is enabled) into a
 * location. If the third argument is TRUE, then store the new location.
 * @param string $ip_address
 *   The IP address to locate
 * @param bool $resample
 *   if set to TRUE, ignore any existing location data for this
 *   IP address and retrieve the latest
 * @param bool $store
 *   if TRUE, store the new or resampled location on the db
 * @param bool|null $reverse_geocode
 *   applies only when the supplied IP address is not
 *   yet on the database or $resample=TRUE; use TRUE, FALSE or NULL; TRUE will
 *   produce greater detail in the location returned; if NULL or omitted the
 *   value is taken from the tick box on the IP Geolocation configuration page.
 *   Reverse-geocoding is subject to a Google-imposed limit of 2500 calls per
 *   day from the same server IP address.
 * @return array
 *   location as an array
function ip_geoloc_get_location_by_ip($ip_address, $resample = FALSE, $store = FALSE, $reverse_geocode = NULL) {
  $location = $resample ? NULL : db_query('SELECT * FROM {ip_geoloc} WHERE ip_address = :ip_address', array(
    ':ip_address' => $ip_address,
  if (empty($location)) {
    $location = array(
      'ip_address' => $ip_address,
    if (ip_geoloc_use_smart_ip_if_enabled($location) || ip_geoloc_use_geoip_api_if_enabled($location)) {
      if (!isset($reverse_geocode)) {
        $reverse_geocode = variable_get('ip_geoloc_google_to_reverse_geocode', FALSE);
      if ($reverse_geocode && isset($location['latitude']) && isset($location['longitude'])) {
        if ($google_address = ip_geoloc_reverse_geocode($location['latitude'], $location['longitude'])) {

          // Should we clear out whatever Smart IP or GeoIP put in the $location
          // to avoid fields contradicting eachother? Eg. Google normally
          // returns 'locality', whereas Smart IP and GeoIP return 'city'.
          // $location = array('ip_address' => $ip_address);
          ip_geoloc_flatten_google_address($google_address, $location);
      if ($store) {

        // Calls drupal_alter().
      else {
        drupal_alter('get_ip_geolocation', $location);
  return $location;

 * Returns the formatted address reverse-geocoded from the supplied lat,long.
 * See the CALLER BEWARE note at ip_geoloc_reverse_geocode().
 * @param string|double $latitude
 *   e.g. "-37.87" or -37.87
 * @param string|double $longitude
 *   e.g. "144.98" or 144.98
 * @param string $lang
 *   optional language specification as a two-letter code, e.g. 'ja' (Japanese).
 * @return string
 *   Formatted address component as received from Google or empty string.
function ip_geoloc_get_address($latitude, $longitude, $lang = NULL) {
  return $google_address = ip_geoloc_reverse_geocode($latitude, $longitude, $lang) ? $google_address['formatted_address'] : '';

 * Uses the Google webservice to retrieve address information based on lat/long.
 * Effectively makes calls of this form:
 * This is a server-side, as opposed to client-side call. If you want to call
 * this function repeatedly, remember that Google 1) requires an API key (free)
 * and 2) imposes other restrictions, like quotas and billing.
 * @param string|double $latitude
 *   e.g. "-37.87" or -37.87
 * @param string|double $longitude
 *   e.g. "144.98" or 144.98
 * @param string $lang
 *   optional language specification as a two-letter code, e.g. 'ja' (Japanese).
 * @return array|bool
 *   Array of address components as received from Google or FALSE.
function ip_geoloc_reverse_geocode($latitude, $longitude, $lang = NULL) {
  if (empty($latitude) || empty($latitude)) {
    drupal_set_message(t('IPGV&M: cannot reverse-geocode to address as no lat/long was specified.'), 'warning');
    return FALSE;
  $query_start = microtime(TRUE);
  $url = IP_GEOLOC_GOOGLE_MAPS_SERVER . "?latlng={$latitude},{$longitude}";
  if (!empty($lang)) {
    $url .= "&language={$lang}";
  $response = drupal_http_request($url);
  if (!empty($response->error)) {
    $msg_args = array(
      '%url' => $url,
      '@code' => $response->code,
      '%error' => $response->error,
    drupal_set_message(t('IPGV&M: the HTTP request %url returned the following error (code @code): %error.', $msg_args), 'error');
    watchdog('IPGV&M', 'Error (code @code): %error. Request: %url', $msg_args, WATCHDOG_ERROR);
    return FALSE;
  $data = drupal_json_decode($response->data);
  if ($data['status'] == 'OVER_QUERY_LIMIT') {
    $msg_args = array(
      '%url' => $url,
    if (user_access('administer site configuration')) {
      drupal_set_message(t('IPGV&M: Server is over its query limit. Request: %url', $msg_args), 'error');
    watchdog('IPGV&M', 'Server is over its query limit. Request: %url', $msg_args, WATCHDOG_ERROR);
    return FALSE;
  if ($data['status'] == 'ZERO_RESULTS' || !isset($data['results'][0])) {
    $msg_args = array(
      '@protocol' => $response->protocol,
      '%url' => $url,
    drupal_set_message(t('IPGV&M: the @protocol request %url succeeded, but returned no results.', $msg_args), 'warning');
    watchdog('IPGV&M', 'No results from @protocol request %url.', $msg_args, WATCHDOG_WARNING);
    return FALSE;
  if ($data['status'] != 'OK') {
    $msg_args = array(
      '%url' => $url,
      '%error' => $data['status'],
    drupal_set_message(t('IPGV&M: unknown error %error. Request: %url..', $msg_args), 'error');
    watchdog('IPGV&M', 'Unknown error %error. Request: %url.', $msg_args, WATCHDOG_ERROR);
    return FALSE;
  $google_address = $data['results'][0];
  if (empty($google_address['formatted_address'])) {
    $msg_args = array(
      '@lat' => $latitude,
      '@long' => $longitude,
    ip_geoloc_debug(t('IPGV&M: (@lat, @long) could not be reverse-geocoded to a street address.', $msg_args), 'warning');
    watchdog('IPGV&M', '(@lat, @long) could not be reverse-geocoded to a street address..', $msg_args, WATCHDOG_WARNING);
  else {
    $sec = number_format(microtime(TRUE) - $query_start, 1);
    $msg_args = array(
      '@lat' => $latitude,
      '@long' => $longitude,
      '%sec' => $sec,
      '%address' => $google_address['formatted_address'],
    ip_geoloc_debug(t('IPGV&M: %address reverse-geocoded from (@lat, @long) in %sec s.', $msg_args));
    watchdog('IPGV&M', '%address reverse-geocoded from (@lat, @long) in %sec s.', $msg_args, WATCHDOG_INFO);
  return $google_address;

 * Return the visitor's location as currently stored in the session.
 * @return array
 *   Lat/Lon array from SESSION
function ip_geoloc_get_visitor_location() {
  $location = _ip_geoloc_get_session_value('location');
  drupal_alter('ip_geoloc_get_visitor_location', $location);
  return $location;

 * Calculate the center of the supplied locations using one of two algorithms.
 * The first algorithm returns the center of the rectangle whose horizontal
 * sides pass through the top and bottom locations in the set, while its
 * vertical sides pass through the left-most and right-most locations.
 * The second algorithm returns the center of gravity of all supplied locations.
 * The second algorithn is therefore sensitive to location clusters. This may
 * be what you want, or it may be what you want to avoid.
 * @param array $locations
 *   array of location objects each with latitude and longitude
 * @param bool $center_of_gravity
 *   if TRUE use the center of gravity algorithm
 * @return array
 *   containing latitude and longitude of the center
function ip_geoloc_center_of_locations($locations, $center_of_gravity = FALSE) {
  if (empty($locations)) {
    return array(
  if ($center_of_gravity) {

    // Because longitude turns back on itself, cannot simply average coords.
    $count = 0;
    $x = $y = $z = 0.0;
    foreach ($locations as $location) {
      if (isset($location->lon)) {
        $lng = $location->lon;
        $lat = $location->lat;
      elseif (isset($location->longitude)) {
        $lng = $location->longitude;
        $lat = $location->latitude;
      else {
      $lng = deg2rad($lng);
      $lat = deg2rad($lat);

      // Convert to Cartesian coords and total the 3 dimensions independently.
      $x += cos($lat) * cos($lng);
      $y += cos($lat) * sin($lng);
      $z += sin($lat);
    $x /= $count;
    $y /= $count;
    $z /= $count;
    $center_lat = atan2($z, sqrt($x * $x + $y * $y));
    $center_lng = atan2($y, $x);
    return array(

  // Alternative method based on top & bottom lat and left & right lon.
  $top = $bottom = $left = $right = NULL;
  foreach ($locations as $location) {
    if (isset($location->lon)) {
      $lng = $location->lon;
      $lat = $location->lat;
    elseif (isset($location->longitude)) {
      $lng = $location->longitude;
      $lat = $location->latitude;
    else {
    if (!isset($top) || $lat > $top) {
      $top = $lat;
    if (!isset($bottom) || $lat < $bottom) {
      $bottom = $lat;
    if (!isset($left) || $lng < $left) {
      $left = $lng;
    if (!isset($right) || $lng > $right) {
      $right = $lng;
  if (!isset($top) || !isset($left)) {
    return array(
  $center_lat = 0.5 * ($top + $bottom);
  $center_lng = 0.5 * ($left + $right);
  if ($right - $left > 180) {

    // If the angle between right and left is greater than 180, then averaging
    // is still ok, provided we flip over to the opposite end of the world.
    $center_lng = $center_lng > 0.0 ? $center_lng - 180.0 : $center_lng + 180.0;
  return array(

 * Returns the distance (in meters) between two points on the earth's surface.
 * The points are defined by their lat/long coordinates. If the second point is
 * omitted, the current visitor's location is used, as taken from their session
 * data.
 * @param array $location
 *   must contain 'latitude' and 'longitude' keys and values
 * @param array $ref_location
 *   if an array, must contain 'latitude' and 'longitude' keys and values,
 *   otherwise defaults to ip_geoloc_get_visitor_location()
 * @return float
 *   distance in meters.
function ip_geoloc_distance($location, $ref_location = 'current visitor') {
  if (!is_array($ref_location)) {
    $ref_location = ip_geoloc_get_visitor_location();
  if (empty($ref_location)) {
    return '?';
  if (is_numeric($location['longitude']) && is_numeric($location['latitude']) && is_numeric($ref_location['longitude']) && is_numeric($ref_location['latitude'])) {
    return ip_geoloc_earth_distance($location['longitude'], $location['latitude'], $ref_location['longitude'], $ref_location['latitude']);
  return '?';

 * Returns the distance between two points on the earth's surface.
 * The points are defined by their lat/long coordinates.
 * Gratefully copied from the module, thus
 * ensuring compatibility of results.
 * @param float $longitude1
 *   Must be in range -180..180.
 * @param float $latitude1
 *   Must be in range -90..90.
 * @param float $longitude2
 *   Must be in range -180..180.
 * @param float $latitude2
 *   Must be in range -90..90
 * @return float
 *   Distance between the two points in meters.
 * @see
function ip_geoloc_earth_distance($longitude1, $latitude1, $longitude2, $latitude2) {
  $long1 = deg2rad($longitude1);
  $lat1 = deg2rad($latitude1);
  $long2 = deg2rad($longitude2);
  $lat2 = deg2rad($latitude2);

  // $long_factor = cos($long1) * cos($long2) + sin($long1) * sin($long2);
  // This is identical to this $long_factor = cos($long1 - $long2).
  $long_factor = cos($long1 - $long2);
  $cosangle = cos($lat1) * cos($lat2) * $long_factor + sin($lat1) * sin($lat2);
  $radius = ip_geoloc_earth_radius(0.5 * ($latitude1 + $latitude2));
  $distance = acos($cosangle) * $radius;

  if ($distance < 1000) {
  // see
  $sinlat = sin(0.5*($lat1 - $lat2));
  $sinlong = sin(0.5*($long1 - $long2));
  $sinangle = $sinlat*$sinlat + cos($long1)*cos($long2)*$sinlong*$sinlong;
  $distance = 2.0 * asin(sqrt($sinangle)) * $radius;
  return $distance;

 * Get radius of the Earth at a given latitude.
 * @param float $latitude
 *   The latitude for which to calculate Earth's radius
 * @return float
 *   The radius of Earth at the given latitude
function ip_geoloc_earth_radius($latitude) {
  $lat = deg2rad($latitude);
  $x = cos($lat) / ip_geoloc_earth_radius_semimajor();
  $y = sin($lat) / ip_geoloc_earth_radius_semiminor();
  return 1.0 / sqrt($x * $x + $y * $y);

 * Get semimajor radius.
function ip_geoloc_earth_radius_semimajor() {
  return 6378137.0;

 * Get semiminor radius.
function ip_geoloc_earth_radius_semiminor() {
  return ip_geoloc_earth_radius_semimajor() * (1.0 - ip_geoloc_earth_flattening());

 * Flatten the earth.
function ip_geoloc_earth_flattening() {
  return 1.0 / 298.257223563;

 * Return a random point within the circle centered on the supplied location.
 * @param array $location, holding 'lat' and 'lon' entries
 * @param float $radius, expressed in meters, should be greater than zero
 * @return array with randomly displaced 'lat' and 'lon'
 * From:
function ip_geoloc_add_random_displacement(&$location, $radius_km) {
  $a = ip_geoloc_random(0, 1);
  $b = ip_geoloc_random(0, 1);
  if ($b < $a) {

    // Swap
    $c = $a;
    $a = $b;
    $b = $c;
  $angle = 2 * pi() * $a / $b;

  // Approximate km to degrees conversion
  // See
  $radius = $radius_km / 111000;
  $location['lat'] += $b * $radius * cos($angle);
  $location['lon'] += $b * $radius * sin($angle);

 * Generate a random number uniformly distributed between supplied limits.
 * @param float $min
 * @param float $max
 * @return float
 * @ee
function ip_geoloc_random($min = 0, $max = 1) {
  return $min + mt_rand() / mt_getrandmax() * ($max - $min);


Namesort descending Description
ip_geoloc_add_random_displacement Return a random point within the circle centered on the supplied location.
ip_geoloc_center_of_locations Calculate the center of the supplied locations using one of two algorithms.
ip_geoloc_distance Returns the distance (in meters) between two points on the earth's surface.
ip_geoloc_earth_distance Returns the distance between two points on the earth's surface.
ip_geoloc_earth_flattening Flatten the earth.
ip_geoloc_earth_radius Get radius of the Earth at a given latitude.
ip_geoloc_earth_radius_semimajor Get semimajor radius.
ip_geoloc_earth_radius_semiminor Get semiminor radius.
ip_geoloc_get_address Returns the formatted address reverse-geocoded from the supplied lat,long.
ip_geoloc_get_current_location Uses AJAX to return in $_POST info about the visitor's current location.
ip_geoloc_get_location_by_ip Returns the location details associated with the supplied IP address.
ip_geoloc_get_visitor_location Return the visitor's location as currently stored in the session.
ip_geoloc_output_map Outputs an HTML div placeholder into which will be injected a map.
ip_geoloc_output_map_current_location Outputs an HTML div placeholder into which is injected a map.
ip_geoloc_output_map_multi_location Outputs an HTML div placeholder into which will be injected a Google map.
ip_geoloc_output_map_multi_visitor Outputs an HTML div placeholder into which will be injected a map.
ip_geoloc_random Generate a random number uniformly distributed between supplied limits.
ip_geoloc_reverse_geocode Uses the Google webservice to retrieve address information based on lat/long.
ip_geoloc_store_location Store the supplied IP geolocation info on the database.
