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8 calls to ip_geoloc_marker_directory() in IP Geolocation Views & Maps 7

ip-geoloc-leaflet.tpl.php in views/ip-geoloc-leaflet.tpl.php
ip_geoloc_admin_configure in ./
Menu callback for admin settings.
ip_geoloc_marker_colors in ./ip_geoloc.module
Return available marker colors for use in a select drop-down.
ip_geoloc_marker_dimensions in ./ip_geoloc.module
Return the height and width of the markers in the selected set.
ip_geoloc_output_map_multi_location in ./
Outputs an HTML div placeholder into which will be injected a Google map.
ip_geoloc_plugin_style_bulk_of_form in views/
The bulk of the plugin style form.
ip_geoloc_plugin_style_leaflet::options_form in views/
Implements options_form().
ip_geoloc_plugin_style_leaflet::render in views/
Transform the View result in a list of marker locations and render on map.