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ip-geoloc-leaflet.tpl.php in IP Geolocation Views & Maps 7


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 * @file
 * ip-geoloc-leaflet.tpl.php
 * This template is used to output a placeholder for a map with location
 * markers taken from a View.
 * Variables available:
 * - $map_id
 * - $height
 * - $view (to add title?)
$marker_set = ip_geoloc_marker_directory();
$marker_set = drupal_substr($marker_set, strrpos($marker_set, '/') + 1);
$height = empty($height) ? '300px' : (is_numeric($height) ? $height . 'px' : trim($height));
$style = drupal_substr($height, 0, 6) == '<none>' ? '' : ' style="height:' . check_plain($height) . '"';
<div class="ip-geoloc-map leaflet-view <?php

echo $marker_set;
  <div id="<?php

echo $map_id;
?>" <?php

echo $style;