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function ip2countryTestCase::testIPLookup in IP-based Determination of a Visitor's Country 6

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 7 tests/ip2country.test \ip2countryTestCase::testIpLookup()

Tests IP lookup for addresses in / not in the database.


./ip2country.test, line 112
Tests suite for the ip2country module.


Need 1 class for unit tests, 1 class for functional tests 1 function for DB tests because filling takes so long


function testIPLookup() {
    ->assertTrue(($count = ip2country_get_count()) != 0, t('Database has been updated with @rows rows.', array(
    '@rows' => $count,

  // Real working IPs
  $ip_array = array(
  foreach ($ip_array as $ip_address) {

    // Test dotted quad string form of address
    $country = ip2country_get_country($ip_address);
      ->assertTrue($country, t('@ip found, resolved to @country.', array(
      '@ip' => $ip_address,
      '@country' => $country,

    // Test 32-bit unsigned long form of address
    $usl_country = ip2country_get_country(ip2long($ip_address));
      ->assertTrue($usl_country == $country, t('Unsigned long lookup found same country code.'));
      ->pass(t('Valid IP found in database.'));

  // Invalid and reserved IPs
  $ip_array = array(
  foreach ($ip_array as $ip_address) {
    $country = ip2country_get_country($ip_address);
      ->assertFalse($country, t('@ip not found in database.', array(
      '@ip' => $ip_address,
      ->pass(t('Invalid IP not found in database.'));
    ->assertTrue(ip2country_get_count() == 0, t('Database is Empty.'));