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ip2country.test in IP-based Determination of a Visitor's Country 6

Tests suite for the ip2country module.

@author Tim Rohaly. <>


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 * @file
 * Tests suite for the ip2country module.
 * @author Tim Rohaly.    <>

/** Utility functions for loading IP/Country DB from external sources */
module_load_include('inc', 'ip2country');

 * Need 1 class for unit tests, 1 class for functional tests
 * 1 function for DB tests because filling takes so long
class ip2countryTestCase extends DrupalWebTestCase {

  /** Admin user */
  protected $admin_user;

  /** Authenticated but unprivileged user */
  protected $unpriv_user;

   * Implements DrupalWebTestCase::getInfo().
  public static function getInfo() {
    return array(
      'name' => 'IP/Country lookup',
      'description' => 'Test operations of IP to Country module.',
      'group' => 'IP to Country',

   * Overrides DrupalWebTestCase::setUp().
  function setUp() {

    // Don't install ip2country! parent::setUp() creates a clean
    // environment, so we can influence the install before we call setUp().
    // We don't want the DB populated, so we'll manually install ip2country.

    // Set a run-time long enough so the script won't break
    $this->timeLimit = 3 * 60;

    // 3 minutes!

    // Turn off automatic DB download when module is installed.
    variable_set('ip2country_populate_database_on_install', FALSE);

    // Explicitly enable the module so that it will have access
    // to the variable we set above.

    // The secret ingredient
      ->assertTrue(module_exists('countries_api'), t('Module %module enabled.', array(
      '%module' => 'countries_api',
      ->assertTrue(module_exists('ip2country'), t('Module %module enabled.', array(
      '%module' => 'ip2country',
      ->assertTrue(ip2country_get_count() == 0, t('Database is empty.'));

    // Create our test users.
    $this->admin_user = $this
      'administer site configuration',
      'access administration pages',
      'access site reports',
      'administer ip2country',
    $this->unpriv_user = $this

   * Backport of DrupalWebTestCase::resetAll() from Drupal 7.
  protected function resetAll() {

    // Reset cached schema for new database prefix. This must be done before
    // drupal_flush_all_caches() so rebuilds can make use of the schema of
    // modules enabled on the cURL side.
    drupal_get_schema(NULL, TRUE);

    // Perform rebuilds and flush remaining caches.

    // Reload global $conf array and permissions.
      ->checkPermissions(array(), TRUE);
    user_access(NULL, NULL, TRUE);

    // Drupal 6.

   * Tests IP lookup for addresses in / not in the database.
  function testIPLookup() {
      ->assertTrue(($count = ip2country_get_count()) != 0, t('Database has been updated with @rows rows.', array(
      '@rows' => $count,

    // Real working IPs
    $ip_array = array(
    foreach ($ip_array as $ip_address) {

      // Test dotted quad string form of address
      $country = ip2country_get_country($ip_address);
        ->assertTrue($country, t('@ip found, resolved to @country.', array(
        '@ip' => $ip_address,
        '@country' => $country,

      // Test 32-bit unsigned long form of address
      $usl_country = ip2country_get_country(ip2long($ip_address));
        ->assertTrue($usl_country == $country, t('Unsigned long lookup found same country code.'));
        ->pass(t('Valid IP found in database.'));

    // Invalid and reserved IPs
    $ip_array = array(
    foreach ($ip_array as $ip_address) {
      $country = ip2country_get_country($ip_address);
        ->assertFalse($country, t('@ip not found in database.', array(
        '@ip' => $ip_address,
        ->pass(t('Invalid IP not found in database.'));
      ->assertTrue(ip2country_get_count() == 0, t('Database is Empty.'));

   * Tests injecting IP data via hook_ip2country_alter()
  function testAlterHook() {
      ->pass(t('testAlterHook passed.'));

   * Tests Default country
  function testDefaultCountry() {
      ->pass(t('testDefaultCountry passed.'));

   * Tests module permissions / access to configuration page.
  function testUserAccess() {

    // Test as anonymous user
      ->assertText(t('Access denied'));
      ->assertText(t('You are not authorized to access this page.'));
      ->assertText(t('Access denied'));
      ->assertText(t('You are not authorized to access this page.'));

    // Try to trigger DB update as anonymous
      ->assertText(t('Access denied'));
      ->assertText(t('You are not authorized to access this page.'));

    // Test as authenticated but unprivileged user
      ->assertText(t('Access denied'));
      ->assertText(t('You are not authorized to access this page.'));
      ->assertText(t('Access denied'));
      ->assertText(t('You are not authorized to access this page.'));

    // As admin user
      ->assertText(t('IP to Country settings'));
      ->assertText(t('Settings for determining user location from IP address.'));
      ->assertText(t('IP to Country settings'));
      ->assertText(t('Configuration settings for the ip2country module.'));
      ->assertText(t('Database is empty.'));
      ->assertFieldByName('ip2country_watchdog', 1, t('Database updates are being logged to watchdog.'));
      ->assertFieldByName('ip2country_rir', 'arin', t('Database updates from arin.'));

    // Update database via UI - choose a random RIR
    // (Actually short-circuiting the UI here because of the Ajax call)
    $rir = array_rand(array(
      'afrinic' => 'AFRINIC',
      'arin' => 'ARIN',
      'apnic' => 'APNIC',
      'lacnic' => 'LACNIC',
      'ripe' => 'RIPE',
      ->drupalGet('admin/settings/ip2country/update/' . $rir);
      ->assertText(t('The IP to Country database has been updated from @rir.', array(
      '@rir' => strtoupper($rir),

    // Check watchdog
      ->assertText(t('Recent log entries'));
      ->assertLink(t('Manual database update from @rir server.', array(
      '@rir' => strtoupper($rir),

    // Drill down
      ->clickLink(t('Manual database update from @rir server.', array(
      '@rir' => strtoupper($rir),
      ->assertText(t('Manual database update from @rir server.', array(
      '@rir' => strtoupper($rir),

   * Tests $user object for proper value
  function testUserObject() {
      ->pass(t('testUserObject passed.'));

   * Tests UI
  function testUI() {
      ->pass(t('testUI passed.'));

   * Tests IP Spoofing
   * -- anonymous vs authenticated users
   * Check for info $messages
  function testIPSpoofing() {
      ->pass(t('testIPSpoofing passed.'));

   * Tests Country Spoofing
   * -- anonymous vs authenticated users
   * Check for info $messages
  function testCountrySpoofing() {
      ->pass(t('testCountrySpoofing passed.'));

   * Tests manual lookup
  function testIPManualLookup() {

      ->pass(t('testIPManualLookup passed.'));

   * Tests DB download
  function testDBDownload() {
      ->assertTrue(ip2country_get_count() == 0, t('Database is Empty.'));

    // Choose a random RIR
    $rir = array_rand(array(
      //    'afrinic' => 'AFRINIC', // Don't use AFRINIC because it's incomplete
      'arin' => 'ARIN',
      'apnic' => 'APNIC',
      'lacnic' => 'LACNIC',
      'ripe' => 'RIPE',
      ->assertTrue(($count = ip2country_get_count()) != 0, t('Database has been updated from %rir with @rows rows.', array(
      '%rir' => strtoupper($rir),
      '@rows' => $count,
      ->assertTrue(ip2country_get_count() == 0, t('Database is Empty.'));

   * Tests manual DB update.
  function testDBManualUpdate() {

    $rows = db_result(db_query('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM {ip2country}'));


    //  t('The IP to Country database has been updated from @rir. @rows rows affected.', array('@rir' => $rir, '@rows' => $rows)),
    //  t('Database was updated manually.')

      ->pass(t('testDBManualUpdate passed.'));

   * Tests cron DB update.
  function testDBCronUpdate() {
      ->pass(t('testDBCronUpdate passed.'));

   * Tests logging of DB updates.
  function testDBUpdateLogging() {

    // Turn off logging
    // Turn on logging
    $edit = array(
      'ip2country_watchdog' => array(
        'test' => TRUE,


    //  'admin/store/settings/countries/edit',
    //  $edit,
    //  t('Import')



    //  t('Database updated from @rir server.', array('@rir' => $rir)),
    //  t('Watchdog reported database update.')

      ->pass(t('testDBUpdateLogging passed.'));

   * Overrides DrupalWebTestCase::tearDown().
  function tearDown() {

    // Perform any clean-up tasks.

    // Finally...



Namesort descending Description
ip2countryTestCase Need 1 class for unit tests, 1 class for functional tests 1 function for DB tests because filling takes so long