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Functions in Invite 7.2

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Namesort descending Location Description Direct uses Strings
example_create_invite ./invite.api.php Create an invite.
example_delete_invite ./invite.api.php Delete an invite.
example_modify_invite ./invite.api.php Modify an invite.
example_send_invite_email ./invite.api.php Send an invitation email.
hook_invite_accept ./invite.api.php Respond to an invitation acceptance.
hook_invite_limit ./invite.api.php Alter the limit of invitations a user is allowed to send.
hook_invite_send ./invite.api.php Respond to an invitation being sent out.
hook_invite_target_roles ./invite.api.php Alter roles that are being added to the user who has just accepted an invitation and created an account.
hook_invite_withdraw ./invite.api.php Respond to an invitation withdrawal.
invite_accept ./ Menu callback; handle incoming requests for accepting an invite. 1
invite_admin_details ./ Return a list of invites by a user. 1
invite_admin_details_filter_form ./ 1
invite_admin_details_page_title ./invite.module Title callback for the user details administration page. 1
invite_admin_filter_form ./ Creates the user filter form for the admin overview. 1
invite_admin_filter_form_submit ./
invite_admin_overview ./ Return a list of all users that have invited someone. 1
invite_block_form ./invite.module Generate the invite block form. 1
invite_block_info ./invite.module Implements hook_block_info().
invite_block_view ./invite.module Implements hook_block_view().
invite_cancel_account_invite_withdraw modules/invite_cancel_account/invite_cancel_account.module Implements hook_invite_withdraw().
invite_count ./invite.module Return count of successful, pending, or unsuccessful invitations. 2
invite_create ./invite.module Creates an empty invite object. 5
invite_delete ./invite.module Delete an invite from the database. 2
invite_disable ./invite.install Implements hook_disable().
invite_find_invite ./invite.module Finds the invitation to assign to the new account when the user is registering. 2
invite_form ./invite.module Generate the invite forms. 3
invite_form_alter ./invite.module Implements hook_form_alter().
invite_form_submit ./invite.module Forms API callback; process submitted form data.
invite_form_user_profile_form_alter ./invite.module Implements hook_form_FORM_ID_alter().
invite_form_validate ./invite.module Forms API callback; validate submitted form data.
invite_generate_code ./invite.module Generates a unique tracking code. 1
invite_get_remaining_invites ./invite.module Calculate the remaining invites of a user. 2
invite_get_role_limit ./invite.module Calculate the max. number of invites based on a user's role. 1
invite_get_subject ./invite.module Return the invite e-mail subject. 1
invite_help ./invite.module Implements hook_help().
invite_init ./invite.module Implements hook_init().
invite_inviter_validate ./invite.module Implements the validate function associated with user_profile_form. 1
invite_invite_limit ./invite.module
invite_invoke_all ./invite.module Invokes a hook in all modules, allowing passing arguments by reference. This function is used in place of module_invoke_all, because passing by reference does not work with that function. 1
invite_load ./invite.module Load an invite record for a tracking code. 6
invite_load_from_context ./invite.module Returns an invite object from an invite code stored in the user's session. 3
invite_mail ./invite.module Implements hook_mail().
invite_menu ./invite.module Implements hook_menu().
invite_menu_alter ./invite.module Implements hook_menu_alter().
invite_notify ./invite.module Displays a notification message when an invited user has registered. 1
invite_page_form ./invite.module Generate the invite page form. 1
invite_page_title ./invite.module Title callback allowing for customization of the invite page title. 3
invite_permission ./invite.module Implements hook_permission().
invite_process_invite ./invite.module Process a user that accepted an invitation. 1
invite_resend ./ Menu callback; resend an expired invite. 1


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