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Functions in Invite 7.2

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Namesort descending Location Description Direct uses Strings
_invite_add_permission ./invite.install Helper function to add a permission to a role. 2
_invite_filter_invited_emails ./invite.module Filters out e-mails that have already been invited. 1
_invite_filter_registered_emails ./invite.module Filters out e-mails that are already registered in the system. 1
_invite_get_emails ./invite.module Extract valid e-mail addresses from a string. 1
_invite_get_mail_template ./invite.module Returns the configured or default e-mail template. 3
_invite_module_help ./invite.module Display module help. 1
_invite_update_role_name_to_id ./invite.install Helper function to update a variable name using role name to role id. 1
_invite_update_tokens ./invite.install Helper function to update tokens. 2
_invite_validate_emails ./invite.module


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