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6 calls to InstapageCmsPluginHelper::getMetadata() in Instapage plugin 7.3

InstapageCmsPluginAjaxController::loadListPages in core/InstapageCmsPluginAjaxController.php
Loads listing page.
InstapageCmsPluginDBModel::updateDB in core/models/InstapageCmsPluginDBModel.php
Check current DB structure version and updates it if necessary.
InstapageCmsPluginHelper::updateMetadata in core/InstapageCmsPluginHelper.php
Updates plugin's options, stored an JSON.
InstapageCmsPluginLPAjaxLoaderController::shouldBeUsed in core/modules/lpAjaxLoader/InstapageCmsPluginLPAjaxLoaderController.php
Check if it is pantheon hosting platform and check if utm_ variables are replaced Also Check if it is WP Engine hosting and if it is not already request from Ajax Loader JS Also Check if client manually enabled LP Ajax Loader
InstapageCmsPluginLPAjaxLoaderController::shouldDecodeQuery in core/modules/lpAjaxLoader/InstapageCmsPluginLPAjaxLoaderController.php
Check if query should be decoded Query can contains b64 param and it needs to be decode to be used
InstapageCmsPluginWPConnector::checkPage in core/connectors/InstapageCmsPluginWPConnector.php
Checks (and displays) if a landing page should be displayed instead of normal content served by CMS.