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class InstapageCmsPluginHelper in Instapage plugin 7.3

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  1. 8.3 core/InstapageCmsPluginHelper.php \InstapageCmsPluginHelper

Helper containing commonly used static functions.


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class InstapageCmsPluginHelper {

   * Loads content of a given template and prints it or returns it as a string.
   * @param string $tmpl Name of the template to load.
   * @param bool $print If set to true, content of the template will be printed to stdio. In other case it will be returned. Default: true.
   * @throws \Exception if template file is not found.
   * @return string|void Content of the template as a string or void, if print === true.
  public static function loadTemplate($tmpl, $print = true) {
    $templateFile = INSTAPAGE_PLUGIN_PATH . '/views/' . $tmpl . '.php';
    if (file_exists($templateFile)) {
      if (!$print) {
      require $templateFile;
      if (!$print) {
        $contents = ob_get_contents();
        return $contents;
    else {
      throw new Exception(InstapageCmsPluginConnector::lang('Template file (%s) not found', $templateFile));

   * Loads 'messages' template to initiate a container for plugin system messages.
  public static function initMessagesSystem() {

   * Returns a string representation of Instapage icon in SVG format.
   * @return string string representation of SVG icon
  public static function getMenuIcon() {

   * Sets an AJAX endpoint for Instapage plugin.
  public static function initAjaxURL() {
    echo '<script>var INSTAPAGE_AJAXURL = \'' . InstapageCmsPluginConnector::getAjaxURL() . '\';</script>';

   * Gets plugin's options stored in the database.
   * @param bool $configOnly Return only configuration, ommit JSON options.
   * @return object Options object.
  public static function getOptions($configOnly = false) {
    $db = InstapageCmsPluginDBModel::getInstance();
    if ($configOnly) {
      $sql = 'SELECT config FROM ' . $db->optionsTable;
      $row = $db
      if (isset($row->config)) {
        return json_decode($row->config);
      return new stdClass();
    else {
      $sql = 'SELECT * FROM ' . $db->optionsTable;
      $options = $db
      if ($options === false) {
        return new stdClass();
      if (isset($options->config)) {
        $options->config = json_decode($options->config);
      return $options;

   * Gets a single value from plugin's options.
   * @param string $name Option name.
   * @param mixed $default Default value of the option. Defaulf: false.
   * @uses \InstapageHelper::getOptions().
   * @uses \InstapageHelper::getVar() to check the existence of the option.
   * @return mixed Option value or default value passed to the function.
  public static function getOption($name, $default = false) {
    $options = self::getOptions();
    if (in_array($name, array(
    ))) {
      return isset($options->{$name}) ? $options->{$name} : $default;
    else {
      return isset($options->config->{$name}) ? $options->config->{$name} : $default;

   * Udated the plugin's options in database.
   * @param $data Options object with updated values.
   * @uses \InstapageCmsPluginDBModel::query to update the database.
   * @return mixed Query result of false on query of false on query error. Exception message is logged in standard error log.
  public static function updateOptions($data) {
    $userName = isset($data->userName) ? $data->userName : null;
    $userToken = isset($data->userToken) ? $data->userToken : null;
    if ($userName === null) {
      $userName = isset($data->user_name) ? $data->user_name : null;
    if ($userToken === null) {
      $userToken = isset($data->plugin_hash) ? $data->plugin_hash : null;
    $configJson = !empty($data->config) ? json_encode($data->config) : '';
    $metadataJson = !empty($data->metadata) ? json_encode($data->metadata) : '';
    $db = InstapageCmsPluginDBModel::getInstance();
    $sql = 'INSERT INTO ' . $db->optionsTable . '(id, plugin_hash, api_keys, user_name, config, metadata) VALUES(1, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE plugin_hash = %s, api_keys = %s, user_name = %s, config = %s, metadata=%s';
    return $db
      ->query($sql, $userToken, '', $userName, $configJson, $metadataJson, $userToken, '', $userName, $configJson, $metadataJson);

   * Updates plugin's options, stored an JSON.
   * @param string $key Name of the param to update.
   * @param string $value Value of the param to update.
  public static function updateMetadata($key, $value) {
    $metadata = self::getMetadata();
    $metadata[$key] = $value;
    $db = InstapageCmsPluginDBModel::getInstance();
    $sql = 'INSERT INTO ' . $db->optionsTable . '(id, metadata) VALUES(1, %s) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE metadata = %s';
    $metadataJson = !empty($metadata) ? json_encode($metadata) : '';
    return $db
      ->query($sql, $metadataJson, $metadataJson);

   * Gest an option value from plugin's metadata.
   * @param string $key Name of the param to get.
   * @param string $default Default value.
   * @return mixed Option value.
  public static function getMetadata($key = '', $default = null) {
    $db = InstapageCmsPluginDBModel::getInstance();
    $sql = 'SELECT metadata FROM ' . $db->optionsTable;
    $row = $db
    $metadata = array();
    if (isset($row->metadata) && $row->metadata) {
      $metadata = (array) json_decode($row->metadata);
    if (!empty($key)) {
      return isset($metadata[$key]) ? $metadata[$key] : $default;
    return $metadata;

   * Gets API tokens stored in the DB.
   * @return array Stored tokens.
  public static function getTokens() {
    $config = self::getOptions(true);
    $tokens = array();
    if (!isset($config->tokens) || !is_array($config->tokens)) {
      return array();
    foreach ($config->tokens as $token) {
      $tokens[] = $token->value;
    return $tokens;

   * Checks if one of the custom params, stored in plugin's settings, are present in curent URL.
   * @return boolean
  public static function isCustomParamPresent() {
    $slug = self::extractSlug(InstapageCmsPluginConnector::getHomeUrl());
    $defaultExcludedParams = array(
      's' => null,
      'post_type' => null,
      'preview' => 'true',
    $customParamsOption = explode('|', stripslashes(self::getOption('customParams', '')));
    $customParams = array();
    $paramArr = null;
    $key = null;
    $value = null;
    foreach ($customParamsOption as $param) {
      $paramArr = explode('=', $param);
      $key = isset($paramArr[0]) ? $paramArr[0] : null;
      $value = isset($paramArr[1]) ? str_replace('"', '', $paramArr[1]) : null;
      $customParams[$key] = $value;
    if (count($customParams)) {
      $excludedParams = array_merge($defaultExcludedParams, $customParams);
    foreach ($excludedParams as $key => $value) {
      $isDefaultParam = array_key_exists($key, $defaultExcludedParams) ? true : false;
      if (!empty($key) && $value == null && (isset($_GET[$key]) || !$isDefaultParam && strpos($slug, $key) !== false) || !empty($key) && $value !== null && isset($_GET[$key]) && $_GET[$key] == $value) {
        return true;
    return false;

   * Cleans an URL for sedning to Instapage app.
   * @param string $url URL to prepare.
   * @return string Prepared URL.
  public static function prepareUrlForUpdate($url) {
    return trim(str_replace(array(
    ), '', $url), '/');

   * Check if request uri has duplicated slashes.
   * @return boolean True if requested uri has duplicated slashes, false if uri is ok
  public static function checkIfRequestUriHasDuplicatedSlashes() {
    $url = $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'];
    if (($pos = strpos($url, '?')) !== false) {
      $url = substr($url, 0, $pos);
    return strpos($url, '//') !== false;

   * Extracts a slug from current URL. Slug will be compared with values stored in plugin's database to find a landing page to display.
   * @param string $homeUrl URL of the home page.
   * @return string Trimmed slug, ready to compare with values stored in the DB.
  public static function extractSlug($homeUrl) {
    $uriSegments = explode('?', $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']);
    self::writeDiagnostics($uriSegments, 'checkCustomUrl: $uriSegments');
    $path = trim(parse_url($homeUrl, PHP_URL_PATH), '/');
    $segment = trim($uriSegments[0], '/');
    if ($path) {
      $pos = strpos($segment, $path);
      if ($pos !== false) {
        $segment = substr_replace($segment, '', $pos, strlen($path));
    $slug = trim($segment, '/');

    // removing duplicated slashes from obtained almost final slug form
    $slug = preg_replace('~\\/{2,}~', '/', $slug);
    self::writeDiagnostics($slug, 'checkCustomUrl: $slug');
    return $slug;

   * Decodes data passed as a JSON.
   * @return object Object passed via POST method.
  public static function getPostData() {
    return isset($_POST['data']) ? json_decode(urldecode($_POST['data'])) : null;

   * Encodes a message as a JSON object.
   * @param string $text Text of the message
   * @param string $status. Status of a message. Typically 'OK' or 'ERROR'.
   * @return string encoded JSON message object.
  public static function formatJsonMessage($text, $status = 'OK') {
    self::writeDiagnostics($text, 'Message');
    return json_encode((object) array(
      'status' => $status,
      'message' => $text,

   * Checks Instapage API response.
   * @param object $response Response object.
   * @param string $message A message to store in debug log or display to user after checking.
   * @param bool $print If message should be shown to user a a system message.
   * @return bool Returns true on success, false on failure.
  public static function checkResponse($response, $message = '', $print = true) {
    if (is_null($response)) {
      $msgText = InstapageCmsPluginConnector::lang('Can\'t decode API response. %s', $message);
      if ($print) {
        echo self::formatJsonMessage($msgText, 'ERROR');
      else {
        self::writeDiagnostics($msgText, 'message');
      return false;
    if (!$response->success) {
      $text = isset($response->message) ? $response->message : '';
      if ($print) {
        if ($text) {
          echo self::formatJsonMessage(InstapageCmsPluginConnector::lang($text), 'ERROR');
        else {
          echo self::formatJsonMessage(InstapageCmsPluginConnector::lang('API returned an error. %s', $message), 'ERROR');
      else {
        self::writeDiagnostics($text, 'message');
      return false;
    return true;

   * Writes an entry in debug log, if diagnostic mode is on.
   * @param mixed $value Value to be stored.
   * @param string $name Name of the value. Default: ''.
  public static function writeDiagnostics($value, $name = '') {
    $log = InstapageCmsPluginDebugLogModel::getInstance();
    if ($log
      ->isDiagnosticMode()) {
        ->write($value, $name);

   * Writes an entry in debug log.
   * @param mixed $value Value to be stored.
   * @param string $name Name of the value. Default: ''.
  public static function writeLog($value, $name = '') {
    $log = InstapageCmsPluginDebugLogModel::getInstance();

   * Prepares an Auth header for API requests.
   * @param array $tokens Tokens to encode in Auth header.
   * @return string Encoded Auth header.
  public static function getAuthHeader($tokens) {
    self::writeDiagnostics($tokens, 'Decoded tokens');
    return base64_encode(json_encode($tokens));

   * Gets a variant of a landing page to display.
   * @param string $cookieString A cookie string.
   * @return string|null A variant to display, or null if a variant is not present.
  public static function getVariant($cookieString) {
    $pattern = '/instapage-variant-\\d*?=(.*?);/';
    $matches = array();
    preg_match($pattern, $cookieString, $matches);
    return isset($matches[1]) ? $matches[1] : null;

   * Sets a proper header with response code.
   * @param int $code HTTP Response Code. Default: 200.
  public static function httpResponseCode($code = 200) {
    if (function_exists('http_response_code')) {
    if ($code === null) {
      $code = 200;
    switch ($code) {
      case 100:
        $text = 'Continue';
      case 101:
        $text = 'Switching Protocols';
      case 200:
        $text = 'OK';
      case 201:
        $text = 'Created';
      case 202:
        $text = 'Accepted';
      case 203:
        $text = 'Non-Authoritative Information';
      case 204:
        $text = 'No Content';
      case 205:
        $text = 'Reset Content';
      case 206:
        $text = 'Partial Content';
      case 300:
        $text = 'Multiple Choices';
      case 301:
        $text = 'Moved Permanently';
      case 302:
        $text = 'Moved Temporarily';
      case 303:
        $text = 'See Other';
      case 304:
        $text = 'Not Modified';
      case 305:
        $text = 'Use Proxy';
      case 400:
        $text = 'Bad Request';
      case 401:
        $text = 'Unauthorized';
      case 402:
        $text = 'Payment Required';
      case 403:
        $text = 'Forbidden';
      case 404:
        $text = 'Not Found';
      case 405:
        $text = 'Method Not Allowed';
      case 406:
        $text = 'Not Acceptable';
      case 407:
        $text = 'Proxy Authentication Required';
      case 408:
        $text = 'Request Time-out';
      case 409:
        $text = 'Conflict';
      case 410:
        $text = 'Gone';
      case 411:
        $text = 'Length Required';
      case 412:
        $text = 'Precondition Failed';
      case 413:
        $text = 'Request Entity Too Large';
      case 414:
        $text = 'Request-URI Too Large';
      case 415:
        $text = 'Unsupported Media Type';
      case 500:
        $text = 'Internal Server Error';
      case 501:
        $text = 'Not Implemented';
      case 502:
        $text = 'Bad Gateway';
      case 503:
        $text = 'Service Unavailable';
      case 504:
        $text = 'Gateway Time-out';
      case 505:
        $text = 'HTTP Version not supported';
        $code = 200;
        $text = 'OK';
    $protocol = isset($_SERVER['SERVER_PROTOCOL']) ? $_SERVER['SERVER_PROTOCOL'] : 'HTTP/1.1';
    if (!headers_sent()) {
      header($protocol . ' ' . $code . ' ' . $text);
    $GLOBALS['http_response_code'] = $code;

   * Sets a proper headers to disable caching by browsers and CDNs.
  public static function disableCaching() {
    if (!headers_sent()) {
      header('Cache-Control: no-cache, no-store, must-revalidate');
      header('Pragma: no-cache');
      header('Expires: 0');
      setcookie('no-cache', 'true');

   * Returns true if given version number seems to be MariaDB
   * @param  string $version Version number from InstapageCmsPluginConnector::getMySQLVersion()
   * @return bool
  public static function isMariaDBMySQL($version) {
    return strpos($version, 'MariaDB') !== false;

   * Returns true if given version number seems to be regular MySQL
   * @param  string $version Version number from InstapageCmsPluginConnector::getMySQLVersion()
   * @uses   self::isMariaDBMySQL()
   * @return bool
  public static function isRegularMySQL($version) {
    return !self::isMariaDBMySQL($version);

   * Returns only number of version string
   * @param  string $version Version number from InstapageCmsPluginConnector::getMySQLVersion()
   * @uses   self::isMariaDBMySQL()
   * @return string
  public static function getRawVersion($version) {
    $data = explode('-', $version, 2);
    return $data[0];



Namesort descending Modifiers Type Description Overrides
InstapageCmsPluginHelper::checkIfRequestUriHasDuplicatedSlashes public static function Check if request uri has duplicated slashes.
InstapageCmsPluginHelper::checkResponse public static function Checks Instapage API response.
InstapageCmsPluginHelper::disableCaching public static function Sets a proper headers to disable caching by browsers and CDNs.
InstapageCmsPluginHelper::extractSlug public static function Extracts a slug from current URL. Slug will be compared with values stored in plugin's database to find a landing page to display.
InstapageCmsPluginHelper::formatJsonMessage public static function Encodes a message as a JSON object.
InstapageCmsPluginHelper::getAuthHeader public static function Prepares an Auth header for API requests.
InstapageCmsPluginHelper::getMenuIcon public static function Returns a string representation of Instapage icon in SVG format.
InstapageCmsPluginHelper::getMetadata public static function Gest an option value from plugin's metadata.
InstapageCmsPluginHelper::getOption public static function Gets a single value from plugin's options.
InstapageCmsPluginHelper::getOptions public static function Gets plugin's options stored in the database.
InstapageCmsPluginHelper::getPostData public static function Decodes data passed as a JSON.
InstapageCmsPluginHelper::getRawVersion public static function Returns only number of version string
InstapageCmsPluginHelper::getTokens public static function Gets API tokens stored in the DB.
InstapageCmsPluginHelper::getVariant public static function Gets a variant of a landing page to display.
InstapageCmsPluginHelper::httpResponseCode public static function Sets a proper header with response code.
InstapageCmsPluginHelper::initAjaxURL public static function Sets an AJAX endpoint for Instapage plugin.
InstapageCmsPluginHelper::initMessagesSystem public static function Loads 'messages' template to initiate a container for plugin system messages.
InstapageCmsPluginHelper::isCustomParamPresent public static function Checks if one of the custom params, stored in plugin's settings, are present in curent URL.
InstapageCmsPluginHelper::isMariaDBMySQL public static function Returns true if given version number seems to be MariaDB
InstapageCmsPluginHelper::isRegularMySQL public static function Returns true if given version number seems to be regular MySQL
InstapageCmsPluginHelper::loadTemplate public static function Loads content of a given template and prints it or returns it as a string.
InstapageCmsPluginHelper::prepareUrlForUpdate public static function Cleans an URL for sedning to Instapage app.
InstapageCmsPluginHelper::updateMetadata public static function Updates plugin's options, stored an JSON.
InstapageCmsPluginHelper::updateOptions public static function Udated the plugin's options in database.
InstapageCmsPluginHelper::writeDiagnostics public static function Writes an entry in debug log, if diagnostic mode is on.
InstapageCmsPluginHelper::writeLog public static function Writes an entry in debug log.