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InstapageCmsPluginWPConnector.php in Instapage plugin 7.3

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  1. 8.3 core/connectors/InstapageCmsPluginWPConnector.php


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 * Class that utilizes native WordPress functions to perform actions like remote requests and DB operations.
class InstapageCmsPluginWPConnector {

   * @var string $name Name of the CMS.
  public $name = 'wordpress';

   * Gets plugin directory name.
   * @return string Plugin's directory name.
  public function getPluginDirectoryName() {
    return 'instapage';

   * Gets the CMS name.
   * @return string CMS name.
  public function getCMSName() {
    return 'WordPress';

   * Gets the currently used CMS version.
   * @return string CMS version.
  public function getCMSVersion() {
    return get_bloginfo('version');

   * Checks if API is accessible
   * @uses   self::remoteGet()
   * @return bool
  public function isAPIAccessible() {
    $response = $this
      ->remoteGet(INSTAPAGE_ENTERPRISE_ENDPOINT, array());
    return is_array($response) && isset($response['code']) && $response['code'] === 404 && isset($response['body']) && stripos($response['body'], 'instapage') !== false;

   * Checks if SEO friendly urls are enabled
   * @uses   self::getSelectedConnector()
   * @return bool
  public function areSEOFriendlyUrlsEnabled() {
    global $wpdb;
    $sql = "SELECT {$wpdb->options}.option_value FROM {$wpdb->options} WHERE {$wpdb->options}.option_name = '%s' LIMIT 1";
    $row = $this
      ->getRow($sql, 'permalink_structure');
    return !empty($row->option_value);

   * Checks if current user can manage the plugin's dashboard.
   * @return bool Tru is current user has the permissions.
  public function currentUserCanManage() {
    return current_user_can('manage_options');

   * Executes a SQL query.
   * @param string $sql SQL to execute. %s can be used to output pre-formatted values. Values for %s can be passed as arguments for this function.
   * @uses InstapageCmsPluginDrupal7Connector::prepare() to change '%s' to '?'.
   * @return bool True if the query is successful. DB error is logged and false if returned otherwise.
  public function query($sql) {
    global $wpdb;
    $args = func_get_args();
    $sql = $this
      ->prepare($sql, $args);
    $result = $wpdb
    return $result;

   * Gets the last ID of an insert query.
   * @return integer|boolean Last insert ID of false on error.
  public function lastInsertId() {
    global $wpdb;
    return $wpdb->insert_id;

   * Prepares the basic query with proper metadata/tags and base fields.
   * @param string $sql SQL query. %s can be used to output pre-formatted values.
   * @return string SQL query ready to execute in Drupal 8.
  public function prepare($sql, $args = array()) {
    global $wpdb;
    if (isset($args[0]) && is_array($args[0])) {
      $args = $args[0];
    if (count($args)) {
      return $wpdb
        ->prepare($sql, $args);
    else {
      return $sql;

   * Executes the query and returns the first row.
   * @param string $sql SQL to execute. %s can be used to output pre-formatted values. Values for %s can be passed as arguments for this function.
   * @return mixed first row of results of the query.
  public function getRow($sql) {
    global $wpdb;
    $args = func_get_args();
    $sql = $this
      ->prepare($sql, $args);
    $result = $wpdb
      ->get_row($sql, 'OBJECT');
    return $result;

   * Executes the query and returns a list of results.
   * @param string $sql SQL to execute. %s can be used to output pre-formatted values. Values for %s can be passed as arguments for this function.
   * @return mixed Array of results, false on error.
  public function getResults($sql) {
    global $wpdb;
    $args = func_get_args();
    $sql = $this
      ->prepare($sql, $args);
    $result = $wpdb
      ->get_results($sql, 'OBJECT');
    return $result;

   * Gets the DB prefix from CMS configuration.
   * @return string DB prefix.
  public function getDBPrefix() {
    global $wpdb;
    return $wpdb->prefix;

   * Gets charset collation.
   * @return string Database charset collation.
  public function getCharsetCollate() {
    global $wpdb;
    return $wpdb

   * Performs remote request in a way specific for WordPress.
   * @param string $url URL for the request.
   * @param array $data Data that will be passed in the request.
   * @param array $headers Headers for the request.
   * @param string $method Method of the request. 'POST' or 'GET'.
   * @return array Request result in a form of associative array.
  public function remoteRequest($url, $data, $headers = array(), $method = 'POST') {
    $body = is_array($data) ? $data : (array) $data;
    if ($method == 'POST' && (!is_array($body) || !count($body))) {
      $body = array(
        'ping' => true,
      InstapageCmsPluginHelper::writeDiagnostics($body, 'Request (' . $method . ') data empty. Ping added.');
    if ($method == 'GET' && is_array($data)) {
      $dataString = http_build_query($body, '', '&');
      $url .= '?' . urldecode($dataString);
      $body = null;
      InstapageCmsPluginHelper::writeDiagnostics($url, 'GET Request URL');
    $cookies = isset($data['cookies']) ? $data['cookies'] : array();
    $args = array(
      'method' => $method,
      'timeout' => 45,
      'redirection' => 5,
      'httpversion' => '1.0',
      'sslverify' => false,
      'blocking' => true,
      'headers' => $headers,
      'body' => $body,
      'cookies' => $cookies,
    switch ($method) {
      case 'POST':
        $response = wp_remote_post($url, $args);
      case 'GET':
        $response = wp_remote_get($url, $args);
        $response = null;
    if (is_wp_error($response)) {
      return array(
        'body' => json_encode([
          'status' => 'ERROR',
          'message' => $response
    else {
      return $this

   * Performs remote POST request.
   * @uses InstapageCmsPluginWPConnector::remoteRequest().
   * @param string $url URL for the request.
   * @param array $data Data that will be passed in the request.
   * @param array $headers Headers for the request.
   * @return array Request result in a form of associative array.
  public function remotePost($url, $data, $headers = array()) {
    return $this
      ->remoteRequest($url, $data, $headers, 'POST');

   * Performs remote GET request.
   * @uses InstapageCmsPluginWPConnector::remoteRequest().
   * @param string $url URL for the request.
   * @param array $data Data that will be passed in the request.
   * @param array $headers Headers for the request.
   * @return array Request result in a form of associative array.
  public function remoteGet($url, $data, $headers = array()) {
    $url = InstapageCmsPluginConnector::getURLWithSelectedProtocol($url);
    return $this
      ->remoteRequest($url, $data, $headers, 'GET');

   * Gets the site base URL.
   * @param bool $protocol Value returned with protocol or not.
   * @return string Site base URL. With protocol or not.
  public function getSiteURL($protocol = true) {
    $url = get_site_url();
    if (!$protocol) {
      $url = str_replace(array(
      ), '', $url);
    return $url;

   * Gets the site home URL.
   * @param bool $protocol Value returned with protocol or not.
   * @return string Site home URL. With protocol or not.
  public function getHomeURL($protocol = true) {
    $url = get_home_url();
    if (!$protocol) {
      $url = str_replace(array(
      ), '', $url);
    return $url;

   * Gets the AJAX URL.
   * @return string AJAX URL.
  public function getAjaxURL() {
    return admin_url('admin-ajax.php') . '?action=instapage_ajax_call';

   * Gets the value of language variable.
  public function lang() {
    $arguments = func_get_arg(0);
    if (!count($arguments)) {
      return null;
    $text = $arguments[0];
    $variables = array_slice($arguments, 1);
    if (!count($variables)) {
      return __($text);
    return vsprintf(__($text), $variables);

   * Initiates Instapage plugin's DB structure and loads plugin's classes.
  public function initPlugin() {
    InstapageCmsPluginHelper::writeDiagnostics($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], 'Instapage plugin initiated. REQUEST_URI');
      ->getCMSName() . ' ' . $this
      ->getCMSVersion(), 'CMS name/version');
    if ($this
      ->isInstapagePluginDashboard()) {
      add_action('admin_enqueue_scripts', array(
      add_action('admin_enqueue_scripts', array(
    register_activation_hook(INSTAPAGE_PLUGIN_PATH . '/instapage.php', array(
    add_action('admin_menu', array(
    ), 5);
    add_filter('plugin_action_links_' . plugin_basename(INSTAPAGE_PLUGIN_FILE), array(
    add_action('wp_ajax_instapage_ajax_call', array(
    add_action('wp_ajax_nopriv_instapage_ajax_call', array(
    add_action('init', array(
    ), 1);
    add_action('wp', array(
    ), 1);
    add_action('wp', array(
    ), 1);
    add_action('template_redirect', array(
    ), 1);
    register_uninstall_hook(INSTAPAGE_PLUGIN_FILE, array(
    add_filter('https_ssl_verify', '__return_false');
  function checkPluginRequirementsOnActivation() {
    if (version_compare(PHP_VERSION, MINIUM_PHP_VERSION, '<')) {
      deactivate_plugins(INSTAPAGE_PLUGIN_PATH . '/instapage.php');
      wp_die('<h2>Outdated PHP version</h2>' . '<p>' . __('Our Instapage plugin requires PHP ') . MINIUM_PHP_VERSION . __(' or newer. ') . __('Your current PHP version is: ') . PHP_VERSION . '.' . '</p>', 'Outdated PHP version', array(
        'response' => 200,
        'back_link' => TRUE,

   * Removes the plugin.
  public function removePlugin() {
    $subaccount = InstapageCmsPluginSubaccountModel::getInstance();
    $db = InstapageCmsPluginDBModel::getInstance();

   * Adds a link to WP admin sidebar.
  public function addInstapageMenu() {
    $iconSvg = InstapageCmsPluginHelper::getMenuIcon();
    add_menu_page(__('Instapage: General settings'), __('Instapage'), 'manage_options', 'instapage_dashboard', array(
    ), $iconSvg, 30);

   * WP filter. Adds a link to Instapage plugin's dashboard in WP plugin list.
   * @param array $links List of links admin dashboard.
  public function addActionLink($links) {

    // in some cases this function is called with $links containing different values than array
    if (!is_array($links)) {
      $links = (array) $links;
    $links[] = '<a href="' . admin_url('admin.php?page=instapage_dashboard') . '">' . InstapageCmsPluginConnector::lang('Instapage dashboard') . '</a>';
    return $links;

   * Adds JS necessary to for plugin's dashboard.
  public function addAdminJS() {
    $jsDir = plugins_url('assets/js', INSTAPAGE_PLUGIN_FILE);
    $knockoutDir = plugins_url('knockout', INSTAPAGE_PLUGIN_FILE);
    $languageFile = plugins_url('assets/lang/' . InstapageCmsPluginConnector::getSelectedLanguage() . '.js', INSTAPAGE_PLUGIN_FILE);
    wp_register_script('instapage-dictionry', $languageFile, null, false, true);
    wp_register_script('instapage-lang', $jsDir . '/InstapageCmsPluginLang.js', null, false, true);
    wp_register_script('instapage-knokout', $knockoutDir . '/core/knockout-3.4.0.js', null, false, true);
    wp_register_script('instapage-knokout-no-conflict', $jsDir . '/knockout-no-conflict.js', null, false, true);
    wp_register_script('instapage-knokout-simple-grid', $knockoutDir . '/core/knockout.simpleGrid.3.0.js', null, false, true);
    wp_register_script('instapage-download', $jsDir . '/download.js', null, false, true);
    wp_register_script('instapage-ajax', $jsDir . '/InstapageCmsPluginAjax.js', null, false, true);
    wp_register_script('instapage-paged-grid-model', $knockoutDir . '/view_models/InstapageCmsPluginPagedGridModel.js', null, false, true);
    wp_register_script('instapage-edit-model', $knockoutDir . '/view_models/InstapageCmsPluginEditModel.js', null, false, true);
    wp_register_script('instapage-settings-model', $knockoutDir . '/view_models/InstapageCmsPluginSettingsModel.js', null, false, true);
    wp_register_script('instapage-messages-model', $knockoutDir . '/view_models/InstapageCmsPluginMessagesModel.js', null, false, true);
    wp_register_script('instapage-toolbar-model', $knockoutDir . '/view_models/InstapageCmsPluginToolbarModel.js', null, false, true);
    wp_register_script('instapage-master-model', $knockoutDir . '/view_models/InstapageCmsPluginMasterModel.js', null, false, true);

    // UI KIT.
    wp_register_script('instapage-mrwhite', $jsDir . '/mrwhite.js', null, false, true);
    wp_register_script('instapage-dropdowns', $jsDir . '/dropdowns.js', null, false, true);
    wp_register_script('instapage-expand-collapse', $jsDir . '/expand-collapse.js', null, false, true);
    wp_register_script('instapage-input', $jsDir . '/input.js', null, false, true);
    wp_register_script('instapage-jq-hoverintent', $jsDir . '/jq.hoverintent.js', null, false, true);
    wp_register_script('instapage-jquery-tmpl-min', $jsDir . '/jquery.tmpl.min.js', null, false, true);
    wp_register_script('instapage-ripple', $jsDir . '/ripple.js', null, false, true);
    wp_register_script('instapage-select2-min', $jsDir . '/select2.min.js', null, false, true);
    wp_register_script('instapage-snack-bars', $jsDir . '/snack-bars.js', null, false, true);
    wp_register_script('instapage-tabs', $jsDir . '/tabs.js', null, false, true);

   * Adds necessary CSS for plugin's dashboard.
  public function addAdminCSS() {
    $cssDir = plugins_url('assets/css', INSTAPAGE_PLUGIN_FILE);
    wp_enqueue_style('instapage-mrwhite-reset', $cssDir . '/mrwhite-reset.css');
    wp_enqueue_style('instapage-mrwhite-ui-kit', $cssDir . '/mrwhite-ui-kit.css');
    wp_enqueue_style('instapage-general', $cssDir . '/general.css');

   * Loads the plugin dashboard.
  public function loadPluginDashboard() {

   * Executes an action requested via AJAX.
  public function ajaxCallback() {

   * Checks if current URL is login page.
   * @return bool True if current URL is login page.
  public function isLoginPage() {
    $pagenow = isset($GLOBALS['pagenowfff']) ? $GLOBALS['pagenowfff'] : 'undefined';
    return in_array($pagenow, array(

   * Checks (and displays) if a landing page should be displayed instead of normal content served by CMS.
   * @param string $type Type of page to check ('page', 'home' or '404').
   * @param string $slug Slug to check. Default: ''.
  public function checkPage($type, $slug = '') {
    $page = InstapageCmsPluginPageModel::getInstance();
    $result = $page
      ->check($type, $slug);
    $supportLegacy = InstapageCmsPluginHelper::getMetadata('supportLegacy', true);
    if (!$result && $supportLegacy && $this
      ->legacyArePagesPresent()) {
      $result = $this
    if (isset($result->instapage_id) && $result->instapage_id) {

      // we have landing page for given slug,
      // but if in url there are duplicated slashes show 404 page instead
      if (InstaPageCmsPluginHelper::checkIfRequestUriHasDuplicatedSlashes()) {
        return false;
      if ($type == '404') {
          ->display($result, 404);
      else {

   * Checks (and displays) if a landing page marked as homepage should be displayed instead of normal CMS homepage.
   * @uses InstapageCmsPluginWPConnector::checkPage()
  public function checkHomepage() {
    $homeUrl = str_replace(array(
    ), '', rtrim($this
      ->getHomeURL(), '/'));
    $homeUrlSegments = explode('/', $homeUrl);
    $uriSegments = explode('?', $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']);
    $uriSegments = explode('/', rtrim($uriSegments[0], '/'));
    if (count($uriSegments) !== count($homeUrlSegments) || count($homeUrlSegments) > 1 && $homeUrlSegments[1] != $uriSegments[1]) {
      return false;
    return true;

   * Checks (and displays) if a landing page marked as 404 should be displayed instead of normal CMS 404 page.
   * @uses InstapageCmsPluginWPConnector::checkPage()
  public function check404() {
    if (is_404()) {
      return true;
    return false;

   * Return 404 page using native wordpress method.
   * Return 404 page using native wordpress method and
   * prevent from any 301 redirection like removing duplicated slashes
   * guessing url etc. Those 301 redirects are native wordpress functionality.
  public static function return404() {
    global $wp_query;

    // remove redirections
    remove_filter('template_redirect', 'redirect_canonical');

    // Guess it's time to 404.

   * Checks (and displays) if a landing page hould be displayed instead of normal CMS page under current URL.
   * @uses InstapageCmsPluginWPConnector::checkPage()
  public function checkCustomUrl() {
    $slug = InstapageCmsPluginHelper::extractSlug($this
    if ($slug) {
        ->checkPage('page', $slug);
    return true;

   * Checks (and processes it) if a lcurrent request should be processes by plugin's proxy.
  public function checkProxy() {
    $services = InstapageCmsPluginServicesModel::getInstance();
    if ($services
      ->isServicesRequest()) {
      try {
      } catch (Exception $e) {
        echo $e

   * get list of slugs that can't be used to publish a landing page.
   * @deprecated
   * @return array List of prohibitted slugs.
  public function getProhibitedSlugs() {
    $result = array_merge($this
      ->getPostSlugs(), $this
      ->getTermSlugs(), $this
      ->getPageSlugs(), InstapageCmsPluginConnector::getLandingPageSlugs());
    return $result;

   * Checks if given slug is prohibited in terms of publishing a landing page. If it's free - will return false. Otherwise an array with slug details will be returned
   * @param  string $slug Slug to be checked
   * @uses   self::isProhibitedPostSlug()
   * @uses   self::isProhibitedTermSlug()
   * @uses   self::isProhibitedPageSlug()
   * @uses   InstapageCmsPluginConnector::isProhibitedLandingPageSlug()
   * @return bool|array
  public function isProhibitedSlug($slug) {
    $postSlug = $this
    if ($postSlug) {
      return $postSlug;
    $termSlug = $this
    if ($termSlug) {
      return $termSlug;
    $pageSlug = $this
    if ($pageSlug) {
      return $pageSlug;
    $landingPageSlug = InstapageCmsPluginConnector::isProhibitedLandingPageSlug($slug);
    if ($landingPageSlug) {
      return $landingPageSlug;
    return false;

   * Gets the HTML for CMS options.
   * @return string HTML to include in the debug log.
  public function getOptionsDebugHTML() {
    $necessaryOptions = array(
    foreach ($necessaryOptions as $opt) {
      $options[$opt] = get_option($opt, 'n/a');
    $view = InstapageCmsPluginViewModel::getInstance();
      ->init(INSTAPAGE_PLUGIN_PATH . '/templates/log_options.php');
    $view->rows = $options;
    return $view

   * Gets the HTML for CMS plugins/modules.
   * @return string HTML to include in the debug log.
  public function getPluginsDebugHTML() {
    $allPlugins = get_plugins();
    $view = InstapageCmsPluginViewModel::getInstance();
      ->init(INSTAPAGE_PLUGIN_PATH . '/templates/log_plugins.php');
    $view->rows = $allPlugins;
    return $view

   * Gets the sitename from CMS config.
   * @return string Sitename.
  public function getSitename($sanitized = false) {
    $sitename = get_bloginfo('name');
    return $sanitized ? sanitize_title($sitename) : $sitename;

   * Sends an e-mail using CMS native email sending method.
   * @param string $to Receiver address.
   * @param string $subject A subject.
   * @param string $message A message.
   * @param string $headers Message headers. Default: ''.
   * @param aray $attachments Attachments.
   * @return bool True on success.
  public function mail($to, $subject, $message, $headers = '', $attachments = array()) {
    return wp_mail($to, $subject, $message, $headers, $attachments);

   * Gets the landing pages saved in legacy DB structure.
   * @return array List of landing pages from legacy DB structure.
  public function getDeprecatedData() {
    global $wpdb;
    $sql = "SELECT {$wpdb->posts}.ID, {$wpdb->postmeta}.meta_key, {$wpdb->postmeta}.meta_value FROM {$wpdb->posts} INNER JOIN {$wpdb->postmeta} ON ({$wpdb->posts}.ID = {$wpdb->postmeta}.post_id) WHERE ({$wpdb->posts}.post_type = %s) AND ({$wpdb->posts}.post_status = 'publish') AND ({$wpdb->postmeta}.meta_key IN ('instapage_my_selected_page', 'instapage_name', 'instapage_my_selected_page', 'instapage_slug'))";
    $rows = $this
      ->getResults($sql, 'instapage_post');
    $posts = array();
    foreach ($rows as $row) {
      if (!array_key_exists($row->ID, $posts)) {
        $posts[$row->ID] = array();
      $posts[$row->ID][$row->meta_key] = $row->meta_value;
    $results = array();
    foreach ($posts as $post) {
      $pageObj = new stdClass();
      $pageObj->id = 0;
      $pageObj->landingPageId = $post['instapage_my_selected_page'];
      $pageObj->slug = $post['instapage_slug'];
      $pageObj->type = 'page';
      $pageObj->enterprise_url = $pageObj->slug ? InstapageCmsPluginConnector::getHomeURL() . '/' . $pageObj->slug : InstapageCmsPluginConnector::getHomeURL();
      $results[] = $pageObj;
    $frontPageId = get_option('instapage_front_page_id', false);
    if ($frontPageId) {
      $pageObj = new stdClass();
      $pageObj->id = 0;
      $pageObj->landingPageId = $frontPageId;
      $pageObj->slug = '';
      $pageObj->type = 'home';
      $pageObj->enterprise_url = InstapageCmsPluginConnector::getHomeURL();
      $results[] = $pageObj;
    $notFoundId = get_option('instapage_404_page_id', false);
    if ($notFoundId) {
      $page = InstapageCmsPluginPageModel::getInstance();
      $pageObj = new stdClass();
      $pageObj->id = 0;
      $pageObj->landingPageId = $notFoundId;
      $pageObj->slug = $page
      $pageObj->type = '404';
      $pageObj->enterprise_url = InstapageCmsPluginConnector::getHomeURL() . '/' . $pageObj->slug;
      $results[] = $pageObj;
    return $results;

   * Properly escapes the HTML.
   * @param string $html HTML to escape.
   * @return string Escaped HTML.
  public function escapeHTML($html) {
    return esc_html($html);

   * Checks if any landing page is present in legacy DB structure.
   * @return bool True if there are pages in legacy DB structure.
  public function legacyArePagesPresent() {
    global $wpdb;
    $sql = "SELECT COUNT({$wpdb->posts}.ID) AS page_count FROM {$wpdb->posts} WHERE {$wpdb->posts}.post_type = %s AND {$wpdb->posts}.post_status = 'publish'";
    $row = $wpdb
      ->prepare($sql, 'instapage_post'));
    if (isset($row->page_count) && $row->page_count > 0) {
      return true;
    return false;

   * Checks if there is a need to replace content of CMS with a landing page. Prevents content replacement on admin/login pages.
   * @return bool True if replace is possible.
  public function isHtmlReplaceNecessary() {
    if (is_admin() || $this
      ->isLoginPage() || InstapageCmsPluginHelper::isCustomParamPresent()) {
      InstapageCmsPluginHelper::writeDiagnostics('is_admin || isLoginPage || isCustomParamPresent', 'HTML Replace is not necessary');
      return false;
    return true;

   * Pulls the data from legacy DB structure.
   * @param string $slug Slug of a page, that we want to pull.
   * @return object Landing page object.
  public function legacyGetPage($slug) {
    global $wpdb;
    $result = new stdClass();
    $result->slug = $slug;
    $result->enterprise_url = $slug ? InstapageCmsPluginConnector::getHomeURL() . '/' . $slug : InstapageCmsPluginConnector::getHomeURL();
    $sql = "SELECT {$wpdb->posts}.ID, {$wpdb->postmeta}.meta_key, {$wpdb->postmeta}.meta_value FROM {$wpdb->posts} INNER JOIN {$wpdb->postmeta} ON ({$wpdb->posts}.ID = {$wpdb->postmeta}.post_id) WHERE ({$wpdb->posts}.post_type = %s) AND ({$wpdb->posts}.post_status = 'publish') AND ({$wpdb->postmeta}.meta_key IN ('instapage_my_selected_page', 'instapage_name', 'instapage_my_selected_page', 'instapage_slug'))";
    $rows = $wpdb
      ->prepare($sql, 'instapage_post'));
    $posts = array();
    foreach ($rows as $row) {
      if (!array_key_exists($row->ID, $posts)) {
        $posts[$row->ID] = array();
      $posts[$row->ID][$row->meta_key] = $row->meta_value;
    foreach ($posts as $post) {
      if (isset($post['instapage_slug']) && $post['instapage_slug'] == $slug) {
        $result->instapage_id = isset($post['instapage_my_selected_page']) ? $post['instapage_my_selected_page'] : 0;
        return $result;
    $result->instapage_id = 0;
    return $result;

   * Gets the settings module, a CMS-dependant part of the Settings page.
   * @uses   InstapageCmsPluginConnector::getCmsVersion()
   * @uses   InstapageCmsPluginConnector::lang()
   * @uses   InstapageCmsPluginConnector::getPluginRequirements()
   * @return string HTML form with settings for currently used CMS only.
  public function getSettingsModule() {
    <div class="custom-params-form ui-section">
      <h3 class="ui-subtitle"><?php

    echo InstapageCmsPluginConnector::lang('Support legacy pages');
      <p class="l-space-bottom-primary"><?php

    echo InstapageCmsPluginConnector::lang('Instapage plugin will search for landing pages in old database structure (before 3.0 update). After successful migration this option should not be used.');
      <label class="c-mark">
        <input class="c-mark__input" data-bind="checked: supportLegacy, click: autoSaveMetadata" type="checkbox" >
        <i class="c-mark__icon c-mark__icon--checkbox material-icons">check</i>
        <span class="c-mark__label"><?php

    echo InstapageCmsPluginConnector::lang('Turn on legacy support.');

    $html = ob_get_contents();
    $html .= InstapageCmsPluginConnector::getPluginRequirements(array(
        'label' => InstapageCmsPluginConnector::lang('Wordpress 3.4+'),
        'condition' => version_compare(InstapageCmsPluginConnector::getCMSVersion(), '3.4.0', '>='),
    return $html;

   * Checks if last executed query resulted in an SQL error. Error is saved in the debug log.
   * @return bool True if there was an SQL error.
  private function checkLastQuery() {
    global $wpdb;
    $db = InstapageCmsPluginDBModel::getInstance();
    if (strpos($wpdb->last_query, $db->debugTable) === false && $wpdb->last_error !== '') {
      $messages = array(
        'Query: ' . $wpdb->last_query,
        'Error: ' . $wpdb->last_error,
      InstapageCmsPluginHelper::writeDiagnostics(implode("\n", $messages), 'DB Error');
      return false;
    return true;

   * Gets the list of slugs used by WP posts.
   * @deprecated
   * @return array List of slugs used by posts.
  private function getPostSlugs() {
    $postPrefix = '';
    $editUrl = $this
      ->getSiteURL() . '/wp-admin/post.php?action=edit&post=';
    $dbPrefix = $this
    $sql = 'SELECT ID AS id, CONCAT(\'' . $editUrl . '\', ID) AS editUrl FROM ' . $dbPrefix . 'posts WHERE post_type = \'post\' AND post_name <> \'\'';
    $results = $this
    if (is_array($results) && !empty($results)) {
      $siteUrl = get_home_url() . '/';
      foreach ($results as &$result) {
        $result->slug = trim(str_replace($siteUrl, '', get_permalink($result->id)), '/');
    return $results;

   * Checks if given slug is prohibited in terms of publishing a landing page. If it's free - will return false. Otherwise an array with slug details will be returned
   * @param  string $slug Slug to be checked
   * @uses   self::getSiteURL()
   * @uses   self::getDBPrefix()
   * @uses   self::getResults()
   * @return bool|array
  private function isProhibitedPostSlug($slug) {
    $postPrefix = '';
    $editUrl = $this
      ->getSiteURL() . '/wp-admin/post.php?action=edit&post=';
    $dbPrefix = $this
    $sql = 'SELECT ID AS id, CONCAT(\'' . $editUrl . '\', ID) AS editUrl FROM ' . $dbPrefix . 'posts WHERE post_type = \'post\' AND post_name = \'%s\' LIMIT 1';
    $results = $this
      ->getResults($sql, $slug);
    if (is_array($results) && !empty($results)) {
      $siteUrl = get_home_url() . '/';
      foreach ($results as &$result) {
        $result->slug = trim(str_replace($siteUrl, '', get_permalink($result->id)), '/');
    return $results;

   * Gets the list of slugs used by WP terms.
   * @deprecated
   * @return array List of slugs used by terms.
  private function getTermSlugs() {
    $editUrl1 = $this
      ->getSiteURL() . '/wp-admin/edit-tags.php?action=edit&post_type=post&taxonomy=';
    $editUrl2 = '&tag_ID=';
    $dbPrefix = $this
    $sql = 'SELECT t.term_id AS id, t.slug AS slug, CONCAT(\'' . $editUrl1 . '\', tt.taxonomy, \'' . $editUrl2 . '\', t.term_id) AS editUrl ' . 'FROM ' . $dbPrefix . 'terms t LEFT JOIN ' . $dbPrefix . 'term_taxonomy tt ON t.term_id = tt.term_id ' . 'WHERE (tt.taxonomy = \'category\' OR tt.taxonomy = \'post_tag\')' . 'AND t.slug <> \'\'';
    $results = $this
    return $results;

   * Checks if given slug is prohibited in terms of publishing a landing page. If it's free - will return false. Otherwise an array with slug details will be returned
   * @param  string $slug Slug to be checked
   * @uses   self::getSiteURL()
   * @uses   self::getDBPrefix()
   * @uses   self::getResults()
   * @return bool|array
  private function isProhibitedTermSlug($slug) {
    $editUrl1 = $this
      ->getSiteURL() . '/wp-admin/edit-tags.php?action=edit&post_type=post&taxonomy=';
    $editUrl2 = '&tag_ID=';
    $dbPrefix = $this
    $sql = 'SELECT t.term_id AS id, t.slug AS slug, CONCAT(\'' . $editUrl1 . '\', tt.taxonomy, \'' . $editUrl2 . '\', t.term_id) AS editUrl ' . 'FROM ' . $dbPrefix . 'terms t LEFT JOIN ' . $dbPrefix . 'term_taxonomy tt ON t.term_id = tt.term_id ' . 'WHERE (tt.taxonomy = \'category\' OR tt.taxonomy = \'post_tag\')' . 'AND t.slug = \'%s\' LIMIT 1';
    $results = $this
      ->getResults($sql, $slug);
    return $results;

   * Pulls slugs used by WordPress pages.
   * @deprecated
   * @return array List of slugs used by pages.
  private function getPageSlugs() {
    $editUrl = $this
      ->getSiteURL() . '/wp-admin/post.php?action=edit&post=';
    $dbPrefix = $this
    $sql = 'SELECT ID AS id, post_name AS slug, CONCAT(\'' . $editUrl . '\', ID) AS editUrl FROM ' . $dbPrefix . 'posts WHERE post_type = \'page\' AND post_name <> \'\' ';
    $results = $this
    return $results;

   * Checks if given slug is prohibited in terms of publishing a landing page. If it's free - will return false. Otherwise an array with slug details will be returned
   * @param  string $slug Slug to be checked
   * @uses   self::getSiteURL()
   * @uses   self::getDBPrefix()
   * @uses   self::getResults()
   * @return bool|array
  private function isProhibitedPageSlug($slug) {
    $editUrl = $this
      ->getSiteURL() . '/wp-admin/post.php?action=edit&post=';
    $dbPrefix = $this
    $sql = 'SELECT ID AS id, post_name AS slug, CONCAT(\'' . $editUrl . '\', ID) AS editUrl FROM ' . $dbPrefix . 'posts WHERE post_type = \'page\' AND post_name = \'%s\' LIMIT 1';
    $results = $this
      ->getResults($sql, $slug);
    return $results;

   * Checks if current URL is plugin's dashboard.
   * @return boolean
  private function isInstapagePluginDashboard() {
    if (isset($_REQUEST['page']) && $_REQUEST['page'] == 'instapage_dashboard') {
      return true;
    return false;

   * Prepares the remote request response to unify response object in all integrated CMSes.
   * @param object $request Request result.
   * @return array Standard Instapage plugin request response array.
  private function prepareResponse($request) {
    $headers = isset($request['headers']) ? $request['headers'] : null;
    if (is_object($headers) && get_class($headers) == 'Requests_Utility_CaseInsensitiveDictionary') {
      $headers = $headers
    $responseCode = isset($request['status_code']) ? $request['status_code'] : 0;
    if (!$responseCode) {
      $responseCode = isset($request['response']['code']) ? $request['response']['code'] : 200;
    $status = isset($request['status']) ? $request['status'] : '';
    if (!$status) {
      $status = isset($request['response']['message']) ? $request['response']['message'] : '';
    return array(
      'body' => isset($request['body']) ? $request['body'] : '',
      'status' => $status,
      'code' => $responseCode,
      'headers' => $headers,



Namesort descending Description
InstapageCmsPluginWPConnector Class that utilizes native WordPress functions to perform actions like remote requests and DB operations.