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public function ComplexWidgetTest::testNestedCreateAndEditWontClash in Inline Entity Form 8

Tests that create and edit of nested data won#t clash.

When creating, then editing a nested IEF, the internal widget state must use the same IEF ID on create and edit. Otherwise on saving, the entity will be saved twice, and cause a WSOD.

@dataProvider simpleFalseTrueDataProvider


tests/src/FunctionalJavascript/ComplexWidgetTest.php, line 943


IEF complex field widget tests.




public function testNestedCreateAndEditWontClash(bool $required) {

  // Get the xpath selectors for the input fields in this test.
  $top_title_field_xpath = $this
    ->getXpathForNthInputByLabelText('Title', 1);
  $nested_title_field_xpath = $this
    ->getXpathForNthInputByLabelText('Title', 2);
  $double_nested_title_field_xpath = $this
    ->getXpathForNthInputByLabelText('Title', 3);
  $second_edit_button_xpath = $this
    ->getXpathForButtonWithValue('Edit', 2);
  $assert_session = $this
  $required_string = $required ? ' required' : ' unrequired';
  $title_1 = 'Rationality' . $required_string;
  $title_1_2 = 'Drain' . $required_string;
  $title_1_2_3 = 'Drain within a drain' . $required_string;
  $title_i_2_3a = "Drone within a drain" . $required_string;
  $title_1_2a = 'Drone' . $required_string;
  $title_1_2a_3 = 'Drain within a drone' . $required_string;
  $title_i_2a_3a = "Drone within a drain" . $required_string;

  // Close all subforms.
    ->buttonXpath('Create node 3'))
    ->buttonXpath('Add new node 3'));
    ->buttonXpath('Create node 2'))
    ->buttonXpath('Add new node 2'));

  // Re-open all subforms and add a second node 3.
    ->buttonXpath('Update node 2'));
    ->buttonXpath('Add new node 3'))
    ->waitForButton('Create node 3'));
    ->elementExists('xpath', $double_nested_title_field_xpath)
    ->buttonXpath('Create node 3'))
    ->buttonXpath('Add new node 3'));
    ->buttonXpath('Update node 2'))
    ->buttonXpath('Update node 2'));

  // Repeat. Add node 2a and 2a_3.
    ->buttonXpath('Add new node 2'))
    ->buttonXpath('Create node 2'));
  if (!$required) {
      ->buttonXpath('Add new node 3'))
      ->buttonXpath('Create node 3'));
    ->elementExists('xpath', $nested_title_field_xpath)
    ->elementExists('xpath', $double_nested_title_field_xpath)

  // Close all subforms.
    ->buttonXpath('Create node 3'))
    ->buttonXpath('Add new node 3'));
    ->buttonXpath('Create node 2'))
    ->buttonXpath('Create node 2'));

  // Re-open all subforms and add a second node 2a_3a.
    ->buttonXpath('Update node 2'));
    ->buttonXpath('Add new node 3'))
    ->buttonXpath('Create node 3'));
    ->elementExists('xpath', $double_nested_title_field_xpath)
    ->buttonXpath('Create node 3'))
    ->buttonXpath('Add new node 3'));

  // Save everything and assert message.
    ->pageTextContains("IEF test nested 1 {$title_1} has been created.");