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ComplexWidgetTest.php in Inline Entity Form 8


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namespace Drupal\Tests\inline_entity_form\FunctionalJavascript;

use Behat\Mink\Element\NodeElement;
use Drupal\node\Entity\Node;
use Drupal\node\NodeInterface;
use Drupal\Tests\TestFileCreationTrait;

 * IEF complex field widget tests.
 * @group inline_entity_form
class ComplexWidgetTest extends InlineEntityFormTestBase {
  use TestFileCreationTrait {
    getTestFiles as drupalGetTestFiles;

   * Modules to enable.
   * @var array
  protected static $modules = [

   * URL to add new content.
   * @var string
  protected $formContentAddUrl;

   * Entity form display storage.
   * @var \Drupal\Core\Config\Entity\ConfigEntityStorageInterface
  protected $entityFormDisplayStorage;

   * {@inheritdoc}
  protected function setUp() : void {
    $this->user = $this
      'create ief_reference_type content',
      'create ief_test_nested1 content',
      'create ief_test_nested2 content',
      'create ief_test_nested3 content',
      'edit any ief_reference_type content',
      'delete any ief_reference_type content',
      'create ief_test_complex content',
      'edit any ief_test_complex content',
      'delete any ief_test_complex content',
      'edit any ief_test_nested1 content',
      'edit any ief_test_nested2 content',
      'edit any ief_test_nested3 content',
      'view own unpublished content',
      'administer content types',
    $this->formContentAddUrl = 'node/add/ief_test_complex';
    $this->entityFormDisplayStorage = $this->container

   * Tests if form behaves correctly when field is empty.
  public function testEmptyField() {

    // Get the xpath selectors for the input fields in this test.
    $inner_title_field_xpath = $this
      ->getXpathForNthInputByLabelText('Title', 2);
    $first_name_field_xpath = $this
      ->getXpathForNthInputByLabelText('First name', 1);
    $last_name_field_xpath = $this
      ->getXpathForNthInputByLabelText('Last name', 1);

    // Get the xpath selectors for the fieldset labels in this test.
    $fieldset_label_all_bundles_xpath = $this
      ->getXpathForFieldsetLabel('All bundles', 1);
    $fieldset_label_multi_xpath = $this
      ->getXpathForFieldsetLabel('Multiple nodes', 1);
    $assert_session = $this

    // Don't allow addition of existing nodes.
      ->updateSetting('allow_existing', FALSE);

    // Assert fieldset title on inline form exists.
      ->elementExists('xpath', $fieldset_label_all_bundles_xpath);
      ->elementExists('xpath', $fieldset_label_multi_xpath);

    // Assert title field on inline form exists.
      ->elementExists('xpath', $inner_title_field_xpath);

    // Assert first name field on inline form exists.
      ->elementExists('xpath', $first_name_field_xpath);

    // Assert last name field on inline form exists.
      ->elementExists('xpath', $last_name_field_xpath);
      ->buttonExists('Create node');

    // Allow addition of existing nodes.
      ->updateSetting('allow_existing', TRUE);

    // Asserts 'Add new node' form elements.
    $multi_fieldset = $assert_session
      ->elementExists('css', 'fieldset[data-drupal-selector="edit-multi"]');

    // Assert fieldset titles.
      ->elementExists('xpath', $fieldset_label_multi_xpath);

    // Assert title field does not appear.
      ->elementNotExists('xpath', $inner_title_field_xpath);

    // Assert first name field does not appear.
      ->elementNotExists('xpath', $first_name_field_xpath);

    // Assert last name field does not appear.
      ->elementNotExists('xpath', $last_name_field_xpath);
      ->buttonExists('Add existing node', $multi_fieldset);

    // Now submit 'Add new node' button in the 'Multiple nodes' fieldset.
      ->pressButton('Add new node');

    // Assert fieldset title.
      ->elementExists('xpath', $fieldset_label_multi_xpath);

    // Assert title field on inline form exists.
      ->waitForElement('xpath', $inner_title_field_xpath));

    // Assert first name field on inline form exists.
      ->elementExists('xpath', $first_name_field_xpath);

    // Assert second name field on inline form exists.
      ->elementExists('xpath', $last_name_field_xpath);
      ->buttonExists('Create node');

    // Asserts 'Add existing node' form elements.
    $multi_fieldset = $assert_session
      ->elementExists('css', 'fieldset[data-drupal-selector="edit-multi"]');
      ->pressButton('Add existing node');

    // Assert existing entity reference autocomplete field appears.
      ->waitForElement('xpath', $this
      ->buttonExists('Add node');

   * Tests creation of entities.
  public function testEntityCreation() {

    // Get the xpath selectors for the input fields in this test.
    $first_title_field_xpath = $this
      ->getXpathForNthInputByLabelText('Title', 1);
    $inner_title_field_xpath = $this
      ->getXpathForNthInputByLabelText('Title', 2);
    $first_name_field_xpath = $this
      ->getXpathForNthInputByLabelText('First name', 1);
    $last_name_field_xpath = $this
      ->getXpathForNthInputByLabelText('Last name', 1);
    $assert_session = $this
    $page = $this

    // Allow addition of existing nodes.
      ->updateSetting('allow_existing', TRUE);
    $multi_fieldset = $assert_session
      ->elementExists('css', 'fieldset[data-drupal-selector="edit-multi"]');
      ->pressButton('Add new node');
      ->assertNotEmpty($create_node_button = $assert_session
      ->waitForButton('Create node'));
      ->waitForElement('css', 'div[data-drupal-messages]'));
      ->pageTextContains('First name field is required.');
      ->pageTextContains('Last name field is required.');
      ->pageTextContains('Title field is required.');

    // Create ief_reference_type node in IEF.
    $multi_fieldset = $assert_session
      ->elementExists('css', 'fieldset[data-drupal-selector="edit-multi"]');
      ->pressButton('Add new node');
      ->waitForElement('xpath', $inner_title_field_xpath));
      ->elementExists('xpath', $inner_title_field_xpath)
      ->setValue('Some reference');
      ->elementExists('xpath', $first_name_field_xpath)
      ->elementExists('xpath', $last_name_field_xpath)
      ->pressButton('Create node');
      ->waitForElement('css', '.ief-row-entity'));

    // Tests if correct fields appear in the table.
      ->elementTextContains('css', '.ief-row-entity .inline-entity-form-node-label', 'Some reference');
      ->elementTextContains('css', '.ief-row-entity .inline-entity-form-node-status', 'Published');

    // Tests if edit and remove buttons appear.
    $multi_fieldset = $assert_session
      ->elementExists('css', 'fieldset[data-drupal-selector="edit-multi"]');
      ->buttonExists('Edit', $multi_fieldset);
      ->buttonExists('Remove', $multi_fieldset);

    // Test edit functionality.
      ->buttonExists('Edit', $multi_fieldset)
      ->waitForElement('xpath', $inner_title_field_xpath));
      ->elementExists('xpath', $inner_title_field_xpath)
      ->setValue('Some changed reference');
      ->pressButton('Update node');
      ->waitForRowByTitle('Some changed reference');

    // Tests if correct fields appear in the table.
      ->elementTextContains('css', '.ief-row-entity .inline-entity-form-node-label', 'Some changed reference');
      ->elementTextContains('css', '.ief-row-entity .inline-entity-form-node-status', 'Published');

    // Tests if edit and remove buttons appear.
    $multi_fieldset = $assert_session
      ->elementExists('css', 'fieldset[data-drupal-selector="edit-multi"]');
      ->buttonExists('Edit', $multi_fieldset);
      ->buttonExists('Remove', $multi_fieldset);

    // Make sure unrelated AJAX submit doesn't save the referenced entity.
    // @todo restore this test.
    // @see
      ->elementExists('xpath', $first_title_field_xpath)
      ->setValue('Some title');
      ->pageTextContains('IEF test complex Some title has been created.');

    // Checks values of created entities.
    $node = $this
      ->drupalGetNodeByTitle('Some changed reference');
      ->assertNotEmpty($node, 'Created ief_reference_type node ' . $node
      ->assertSame('John', $node
      ->get('first_name')->value, 'First name in reference node set to John');
      ->assertSame('Doe', $node
      ->get('last_name')->value, 'Last name in reference node set to Doe');
    $parent_node = $this
      ->drupalGetNodeByTitle('Some title');
      ->assertNotEmpty($parent_node, 'Created ief_test_complex node ' . $parent_node
      ->id(), $parent_node->multi->target_id, 'Reference node id set to ' . $node

   * Tests the entity creation with different bundles nested in each other.
   * Ief_test_nested1 -> ief_test_nested2 -> ief_test_nested3
  public function testNestedEntityCreationWithDifferentBundlesAjaxSubmit() {

    // Get the xpath selectors for the input fields in this test.
    $top_title_field_xpath = $this
      ->getXpathForNthInputByLabelText('Title', 1);
    $nested_title_field_xpath = $this
      ->getXpathForNthInputByLabelText('Title', 2);
    $double_nested_title_field_xpath = $this
      ->getXpathForNthInputByLabelText('Title', 3);

    // Get the xpath selectors for the fieldset labels in this test.
    $top_fieldset_label_xpath = $this
      ->getXpathForFieldsetLabel('Multiple nodes', 1);
    $nested_fieldset_label_xpath = $this
      ->getXpathForFieldsetLabel('Multiple nodes', 2);
    $page = $this
    $assert_session = $this
    foreach ([
    ] as $required) {
        ->elementExists('xpath', $top_fieldset_label_xpath);
        ->elementExists('xpath', $nested_fieldset_label_xpath);
      $required_string = $required ? ' required' : ' unrequired';
      $double_nested_title = 'Dream within a dream' . $required_string;
      $nested_title = 'Dream' . $required_string;
      $top_level_title = 'Reality' . $required_string;
        ->assertNotEmpty($field = $assert_session
        ->waitForElement('xpath', $double_nested_title_field_xpath));
        ->pressButton('Create node 3');

      // Assert title of second nested node found.
        ->assertNoNodeByTitle($double_nested_title, 'Second nested entity is not saved yet.');
        ->elementExists('xpath', $nested_title_field_xpath)
        ->pressButton('Create node 2');
        ->assertNoNodeByTitle($nested_title, 'First nested entity is not saved yet.');
        ->elementExists('xpath', $top_title_field_xpath)
        ->pageTextContains("IEF test nested 1 {$top_level_title} has been created.");
      $top_level_node = $this
      $nested_node = $this
      $double_nested_node = $this
        ->checkNestedNodes($top_level_node, $nested_node, $double_nested_node);

   * Tests the entity creation with different bundles nested in each other.
   * Ief_test_nested1 -> ief_test_nested2 -> ief_test_nested3
  public function testNestedEntityCreationWithDifferentBundlesNoAjaxSubmit() {

    // Get the xpath selectors for the input fields in this test.
    $top_title_field_xpath = $this
      ->getXpathForNthInputByLabelText('Title', 1);
    $nested_title_field_xpath = $this
      ->getXpathForNthInputByLabelText('Title', 2);
    $double_nested_title_field_xpath = $this
      ->getXpathForNthInputByLabelText('Title', 3);

    // Get the xpath selectors for the fieldset labels in this test.
    $top_fieldset_label_xpath = $this
      ->getXpathForFieldsetLabel('Multiple nodes', 1);
    $nested_fieldset_label_xpath = $this
      ->getXpathForFieldsetLabel('Multiple nodes', 2);
    $page = $this
    $assert_session = $this
    foreach ([
    ] as $required) {
        ->elementExists('xpath', $top_fieldset_label_xpath);
        ->elementExists('xpath', $nested_fieldset_label_xpath);
      $required_string = $required ? ' required' : ' unrequired';
      $double_nested_title = 'Dream within a dream' . $required_string;
      $nested_title = 'Dream' . $required_string;
      $top_level_title = 'Reality' . $required_string;
        ->elementExists('xpath', $top_title_field_xpath)
        ->elementExists('xpath', $nested_title_field_xpath)
        ->elementExists('xpath', $double_nested_title_field_xpath)
        ->pageTextContains("IEF test nested 1 {$top_level_title} has been created.");
      $top_level_node = $this
      $nested_node = $this
      $double_nested_node = $this
        ->checkNestedNodes($top_level_node, $nested_node, $double_nested_node);

   * Tests if editing and removing entities work.
  public function testEntityEditingAndRemoving() {

    // Get the xpath selectors for the fields in this test.
    $inner_title_field_xpath = $this
      ->getXpathForNthInputByLabelText('Title', 2);
    $first_name_field_xpath = $this
      ->getXpathForNthInputByLabelText('First name', 1);
    $last_name_field_xpath = $this
      ->getXpathForNthInputByLabelText('Last name', 1);
    $first_delete_checkbox_xpath = $this
      ->getXpathForNthInputByLabelText('Delete this node from the system.', 1);
    $assert_session = $this
    $page = $this

    // Allow addition of existing nodes.
      ->updateSetting('allow_existing', TRUE);

    // Create three ief_reference_type entities.
    $referenceNodes = $this
      'type' => 'ief_test_complex',
      'title' => 'Some title',
      'multi' => array_values($referenceNodes),
    $parent_node = $this
      ->drupalGetNodeByTitle('Some title');

    // Edit the second entity.
      ->drupalGet('node/' . $parent_node
      ->id() . '/edit');
      ->elementExists('xpath', '(//input[@value="Edit"])[2]')
      ->waitForElement('xpath', $inner_title_field_xpath));
      ->elementExists('xpath', $first_name_field_xpath)
      ->elementExists('xpath', $last_name_field_xpath)
      ->pressButton('Update node');
      ->waitForElementRemoved('css', 'div[data-drupal-selector="edit-multi-form-inline-entity-form-entities-1-form"]'));
      ->waitForRowByTitle('Some reference 2');

    // Save the ief_test_complex node.
      ->pageTextContains('IEF test complex Some title has been updated.');

    // Checks values of changed entities.
    $node = $this
      ->drupalGetNodeByTitle('Some reference 2', TRUE);
      ->assertSame('John', $node->first_name->value, 'First name in reference node changed to John');
      ->assertSame('Doe', $node->last_name->value, 'Last name in reference node changed to Doe');

    // Delete the second entity.
      ->drupalGet('node/' . $parent_node
      ->id() . '/edit');
      ->elementsCount('css', 'tr.ief-row-entity', 3);
      ->elementExists('xpath', '(//input[@value="Remove"])[2]')
      ->assertNotEmpty($confirm_checkbox = $assert_session
      ->waitForElement('xpath', $first_delete_checkbox_xpath));
      ->pageTextContains('Are you sure you want to remove Some reference 2?');
      ->elementExists('xpath', '(//input[@value="Remove"])[2]')
      ->waitForRowRemovedByTitle('Some reference 2');

    // Assert two rows show, instead of 3.
      ->elementsCount('css', 'tr.ief-row-entity', 2);

    // Save the ief_test_complex node.
      ->pageTextContains('IEF test complex Some title has been updated.');
    $deleted_node = $this
      ->drupalGetNodeByTitle('Some reference 2');
      ->assertEmpty($deleted_node, 'The inline entity was deleted from the site.');

    // Checks that entity does nor appear in IEF.
      ->drupalGet('node/' . $parent_node
      ->id() . '/edit');

    // Assert 2 rows show, instead of 3.
      ->elementsCount('css', 'tr.ief-row-entity', 2);
      ->assertRowByTitle('Some reference 1');
      ->assertNoRowByTitle('Some reference 2');
      ->assertRowByTitle('Some reference 3');

    // Delete the third entity reference only, don't delete the node. The third
    // entity now is second referenced entity because the second one was deleted
    // in previous step.
      ->drupalGet('node/' . $parent_node
      ->id() . '/edit');
      ->elementsCount('css', 'tr.ief-row-entity', 2);
      ->elementExists('xpath', '(//input[@value="Remove"])[2]')
      ->waitForElement('xpath', $first_delete_checkbox_xpath));
      ->pageTextContains('Are you sure you want to remove Some reference 3?');
      ->elementExists('xpath', '(//input[@value="Remove"])[2]')
      ->waitForRowRemovedByTitle('Some reference 3');

    // Assert only one row displays.
      ->elementsCount('css', 'tr.ief-row-entity', 1);
      ->assertRowByTitle('Some reference 1');
      ->assertNoRowByTitle('Some reference 2');
      ->assertNoRowByTitle('Some reference 3');

    // Save the ief_test_complex node.
      ->pageTextContains('IEF test complex Some title has been updated.');

    // Checks that entity is not deleted.
    $node = $this
      ->drupalGetNodeByTitle('Some reference 3');
      ->assertNotEmpty($node, 'Reference node not deleted');

   * Tests if referencing existing entities work.
  public function testReferencingExistingEntities() {

    // Get the xpath selectors for the input fields in this test.
    $node_field_xpath = $this
      ->getXpathForNthInputByLabelText('Node', 1);
    $assert_session = $this
    $page = $this

    // Allow addition of existing nodes.
      ->updateSetting('allow_existing', TRUE);

    // Create three ief_reference_type entities.
    $referenceNodes = $this

    // Create a node for every bundle available.
    $bundle_nodes = $this

    // Create ief_test_complex node with first ief_reference_type node and first
    // node from bundle nodes.
      'type' => 'ief_test_complex',
      'title' => 'Some title',
      'multi' => [
      'all_bundles' => key($bundle_nodes),

    // Remove first node since we already added it.
    $parent_node = $this
      ->drupalGetNodeByTitle('Some title', TRUE);

    // Add remaining existing reference nodes.
      ->drupalGet('node/' . $parent_node
      ->id() . '/edit');
    for ($i = 2; $i <= 3; $i++) {
      $title = 'Some reference ' . $i;
        ->elementExists('xpath', $node_field_xpath)
        ->setValue($title . ' (' . $referenceNodes[$title] . ')');
        ->pressButton('Add node');

    // Add all remaining nodes from all bundles.
    foreach ($bundle_nodes as $id => $title) {
      $all_bundles_fieldset = $assert_session
        ->elementExists('css', 'fieldset[data-drupal-selector="edit-all-bundles"]');
        ->buttonExists('Add existing node', $all_bundles_fieldset)
        ->waitForElement('xpath', $node_field_xpath));
        ->elementExists('xpath', $node_field_xpath)
        ->setValue($title . ' (' . $id . ')');
        ->pressButton('Add node');

    // Save the node.
      ->pageTextContains('IEF test complex Some title has been updated.');

    // Check if entities are referenced.
      ->drupalGet('node/' . $parent_node
      ->id() . '/edit');
      ->elementsCount('css', 'fieldset[data-drupal-selector="edit-multi"] tr.ief-row-entity', 3);
      ->assertRowByTitle('Some reference 1');
      ->assertRowByTitle('Some reference 2');
      ->assertRowByTitle('Some reference 3');

    // Check if all remaining nodes from all bundles are referenced.
      ->elementsCount('css', 'fieldset[data-drupal-selector="edit-all-bundles"] tr.ief-row-entity', 12);
    foreach ($bundle_nodes as $title) {

   * Tests if referencing an existing entity works without submitting the form.
  public function testReferencingExistingEntitiesNoSubmit() {

    // Get the xpath selectors for the input fields in this test.
    $node_field_xpath = $this
      ->getXpathForNthInputByLabelText('Node', 1);
    $title_field_xpath = $this
      ->getXpathForNthInputByLabelText('Title', 1);

    // Allow addition of existing nodes.
      ->updateSetting('allow_existing', TRUE);
    $title = $this
      'type' => 'ief_reference_type',
      'title' => $title,
      'first_name' => $this
      'last_name' => $this
    $node = $this
      ->assertNotEmpty($node, 'Created ief_reference_type node "' . $node
      ->label() . '"');
    $assert_session = $this
    $page = $this
      ->elementExists('xpath', $node_field_xpath)
      ->getTitle() . ' (' . $node
      ->id() . ')');
    $parent_title = $this
      ->elementExists('xpath', $title_field_xpath)
      ->pageTextContains("IEF test complex {$parent_title} has been created.");
      ->pageTextNotContains('This value should not be null.');
    $node = $this
      ->assertNotEmpty($node, 'Created ief_reference_type node.');

   * Test if invalid values get correct validation messages.
   * Tests validation in reference existing entity form.  It also checks if
   * existing entity reference form can be canceled.
  public function testReferenceExistingValidation() {

    // Get the xpath selectors for the input fields in this test.
    $node_field_xpath = $this
      ->getXpathForNthInputByLabelText('Node', 1);
    $page = $this
    $assert_session = $this
      ->updateSetting('allow_existing', TRUE);
      ->checkExistingValidationExpectation('', 'Node field is required.');
      ->checkExistingValidationExpectation('Fake Title', 'There are no entities matching "Fake Title"');

    // Check adding nodes that cannot be referenced by this field.
    foreach ($this
      ->createNodeForEveryBundle() as $id => $title) {
      $node = Node::load($id);
      if ($node
        ->bundle() !== 'ief_reference_type') {
          ->checkExistingValidationExpectation("{$title} ({$id})", "The referenced entity (node: {$id}) does not exist.");
    foreach ($this
      ->createReferenceContent(2) as $title => $id) {
      $current_title = "{$title} ({$id})";
        ->elementExists('xpath', $node_field_xpath)
        ->pressButton('Add node');
        ->elementNotExists('xpath', $node_field_xpath);

      // Try to add the same node again.
        ->checkExistingValidationExpectation($current_title, 'The selected node has already been added.');

   * Tests if duplicating entities works.
  public function testDuplicatingEntities() {

    // Get the xpath selectors for the input fields in this test.
    $title_field_xpath = $this
      ->getXpathForNthInputByLabelText('Title', 2);
    $first_name_field_xpath = $this
      ->getXpathForNthInputByLabelText('First name', 1);
    $page = $this
    $assert_session = $this
      ->updateSetting('allow_duplicate', TRUE);
    $referenceNodes = $this
      'type' => 'ief_test_complex',
      'title' => 'Some title',
      'multi' => array_values($referenceNodes),
    $parent_node = $this
      ->drupalGetNodeByTitle('Some title');
      ->drupalGet('node/' . $parent_node
      ->id() . '/edit');
      ->assertNotEmpty($multi_fieldset = $assert_session
      ->waitForElement('css', 'fieldset[data-drupal-selector="edit-multi"]'));
      ->buttonExists('Duplicate', $multi_fieldset)
      ->assertNotEmpty($create_node_button = $assert_session
      ->waitForButton('Duplicate node'));
      ->elementExists('xpath', $title_field_xpath)
      ->elementExists('xpath', $first_name_field_xpath)
      ->elementsCount('css', 'tr.ief-row-entity', 3);
      ->assertRowByTitle('Some reference 1');
      ->assertRowByTitle('Some reference 2');
    $duplicate = $this
      ->assertNotEmpty($duplicate, 'Duplicate node created.');
      ->assertSame('Bojan', $duplicate->first_name->value);

   * Tests if a referenced content can be edited.
   * When the referenced content is newer than the referencing parent node,
   * test if a referenced content can be edited.
  public function testEditedInlineEntityValidation() {

    // Get the xpath selectors for the input fields in this test.
    $nested_title_field_xpath = $this
      ->getXpathForNthInputByLabelText('Title', 2);
    $title_field_xpath = $this
      ->getXpathForNthInputByLabelText('Title', 1);
    $page = $this
    $assert_session = $this
      ->updateSetting('allow_existing', TRUE);

    // Create referenced content.
    $referenced_nodes = $this

    // Create first referencing node.
      'type' => 'ief_test_complex',
      'title' => 'First referencing node',
      'multi' => array_values($referenced_nodes),
    $first_node = $this
      ->drupalGetNodeByTitle('First referencing node');

    // Create second referencing node.
      'type' => 'ief_test_complex',
      'title' => 'Second referencing node',
      'multi' => array_values($referenced_nodes),
    $second_node = $this
      ->drupalGetNodeByTitle('Second referencing node');

    // Edit referenced content in first node.
      ->drupalGet('node/' . $first_node
      ->id() . '/edit');
      ->assertNotEmpty($nested_title = $assert_session
      ->waitForElement('xpath', $nested_title_field_xpath));
      ->setValue('Some reference updated');
      ->pressButton('Update node');
      ->waitForRowByTitle('Some reference updated');
      ->elementsCount('css', 'tr.ief-row-entity', 1);

    // Save the first node after editing the reference.
      ->elementExists('xpath', $title_field_xpath)
      ->setValue('First node updated');
      ->pageTextContains('IEF test complex First node updated has been updated.');

    // The changed value of the referenced content is now newer than the
    // changed value of the second node.
    // Edit referenced content in second node.
      ->drupalGet('node/' . $second_node
      ->id() . '/edit');

    // Edit referenced node.
      ->assertNotEmpty($nested_title = $assert_session
      ->waitForElement('xpath', $nested_title_field_xpath));
      ->setValue('Some reference updated the second time');
      ->pressButton('Update node');
      ->waitForRowByTitle('Some reference updated the second time');
      ->elementsCount('css', 'tr.ief-row-entity', 1);

    // Save the second node after editing the reference.
      ->elementExists('xpath', $title_field_xpath)
      ->setValue('Second node updated');
      ->pageTextContains('IEF test complex Second node updated has been updated.');

    // Check if the referenced content could be edited.
      ->pageTextNotContains('The content has either been modified by another user, or you have already submitted modifications. As a result, your changes cannot be saved.');

   * Checks that nested IEF entity references can be edited and saved.
   * @param \Drupal\node\NodeInterface $node
   *   Top level node of type ief_test_nested1 to check.
  protected function checkNestedNodeEditing(NodeInterface $node) {

    // Get the xpath selectors for the input fields in this test.
    $double_nested_title_field_xpath = $this
      ->getXpathForNthInputByLabelText('Title', 3);
    $title_field_xpath = $this
      ->getXpathForNthInputByLabelText('Title', 1);
    $assert_session = $this
    $page = $this
    $nested_node = $node->test_ref_nested1->entity;
    $double_nested_node = $nested_node->test_ref_nested2->entity;
      ->waitforButton('Update node 3'));
    $double_nested_node_update_title = $double_nested_node
      ->getTitle() . ' - updated';
      ->elementExists('xpath', $double_nested_title_field_xpath)

    // Close the double nested IEF form.
      ->pressButton('Update node 3');

    // Close the nested IEF form.
      ->pressButton('Update node 2');
      ->waitForElementRemoved('css', 'div[data-drupal-selector="edit-test-ref-nested1-form-inline-entity-form-entities-0-form"]'));

    // Save the top level node.
      ->pageTextContains('IEF test nested 1 ' . $node
      ->label() . ' has been updated.');

    // Verify the double nested node title change saved properly.
      ->assertSame($double_nested_node_update_title, $assert_session
      ->elementExists('xpath', $title_field_xpath)

   * Creates ief_reference_type nodes which shall serve as reference nodes.
   * @param int $numNodes
   *   The number of nodes to create.
   * @return array
   *   Array of created node ids keyed by labels.
  protected function createReferenceContent($numNodes = 3) {
    $retval = [];
    for ($i = 1; $i <= $numNodes; $i++) {
        'type' => 'ief_reference_type',
        'title' => 'Some reference ' . $i,
        'first_name' => 'First Name ' . $i,
        'last_name' => 'Last Name ' . $i,
      $node = $this
        ->drupalGetNodeByTitle('Some reference ' . $i);
        ->assertNotEmpty($node, 'Created ief_reference_type node "' . $node
        ->label() . '"');
        ->label()] = $node
    return $retval;

   * Updates an IEF setting and saves the underlying entity display.
   * @param string $name
   *   The name of the setting.
   * @param mixed $value
   *   The value to set.
  protected function updateSetting(string $name, $value) {

    /** @var \Drupal\Core\Entity\Display\EntityFormDisplayInterface $display */
    $display = $this->entityFormDisplayStorage
    $component = $display
    $component['settings'][$name] = $value;
      ->setComponent('multi', $component)

   * Creates a node for every node bundle.
   * @return array
   *   Array of node titles keyed by ids.
  protected function createNodeForEveryBundle() {
    $retval = [];
    $bundles = $this->container
    foreach ($bundles as $id => $value) {
        'type' => $id,
        'title' => $value['label'],
      $node = $this
        ->assertNotEmpty($node, 'Created node "' . $node
        ->label() . '"');
        ->id()] = $value['label'];
    return $retval;

   * Set up the ief_test_nested1 node add form.
   * Sets the nested fields' required settings.
   * Gets the form.
   * Opens the inline entity forms if they are not required.
   * @param bool $required
   *   Whether the fields are required.
  protected function setupNestedComplexForm(bool $required) {
    $assert_session = $this
    $page = $this

    /** @var \Drupal\Core\Field\FieldConfigInterface $ief_test_nested1 */

    /** @var \Drupal\Core\Field\FieldConfigInterface $ief_test_nested2 */
    if (!$required) {

      // Open inline forms if not required.
        ->pressButton('Add new node 2');
        ->assertNotEmpty($button = $assert_session
        ->waitForButton('Add new node 3'));
        ->waitForButton('Create node 3'));

   * Opens the existing node form on the "multi" field.
  protected function openMultiExistingForm() {
    $assert_session = $this
      ->assertNotEmpty($multi_fieldset = $assert_session
      ->waitForElement('css', 'fieldset[data-drupal-selector="edit-multi"]'));
      ->buttonExists('Add existing node', $multi_fieldset)
      ->waitForElement('xpath', $this

   * Check existing node field validation.
   * Checks that an invalid value for an existing node will be display the
   * expected error.
   * @param string $existing_node_text
   *   The text to enter into the existing node text field.
   * @param string $expected_error
   *   The error message that is expected to be shown.
  protected function checkExistingValidationExpectation(string $existing_node_text, string $expected_error) {
    $page = $this
    $assert_session = $this
    $field = $assert_session
      ->waitForElement('xpath', $this
      ->pressButton('Add node');
      ->waitForElementRemoved('xpath', $this

   * Tests create access on IEF Complex content type.
  public function testComplexEntityCreate() {

    // Get the xpath selectors for the input fields in this test.
    $nested_title_field_xpath = $this
      ->getXpathForNthInputByLabelText('Title', 2);
    $user = $this
      'create ief_test_complex content',
    $assert_session = $this
      ->elementNotExists('xpath', $nested_title_field_xpath);
    $user = $this
      'create ief_test_complex content',
      'create ief_reference_type content',
      ->optionExists('edit-all-bundles-actions-bundle', 'ief_reference_type');
      ->optionExists('edit-all-bundles-actions-bundle', 'ief_test_complex');
      ->elementExists('xpath', $nested_title_field_xpath);

   * Checks if nested nodes for ief_test_nested1 content are created.
   * @param \Drupal\node\NodeInterface $top_level_node
   *   The top level node.
   * @param \Drupal\node\NodeInterface $nested_node
   *   The second level node.
   * @param \Drupal\node\NodeInterface $double_nested_node
   *   The the third level node.
  protected function checkNestedNodes(NodeInterface $top_level_node, NodeInterface $nested_node, NodeInterface $double_nested_node) {

    // Check the type and title of the second level node.
    if ($nested_node
      ->id() == $top_level_node->test_ref_nested1->entity
      ->id()) {
        ->assertEquals(1, $top_level_node->test_ref_nested1
        ->count(), 'Only one nested node created');
        ->label(), $nested_node
        ->label(), "Nested node's title is correct.");
        ->assertSame('ief_test_nested2', $nested_node
        ->bundle(), "Nested node's type is correct.");

      // Check the type and title of the third level node.
      if ($double_nested_node
        ->id() == $nested_node->test_ref_nested2->entity
        ->id()) {
          ->assertEquals(1, $nested_node->test_ref_nested2
          ->count(), 'Only one node within a node within a node created.');
          ->label(), $double_nested_node
          ->label(), "Node within a node within a node's title is correct.");
          ->assertSame('ief_test_nested3', $double_nested_node
          ->bundle(), "Node within a node within a node's type is correct.");

   * Tests the separation of nested data.
   * Using entity creation with different bundles nested in each other.
   * Ief_test_nested1 -> ief_test_nested2 -> ief_test_nested3
   * When creating a second ief_test_nested2 it should be empty and not be
   * prefilled with the ief_test_nested3 of the first ief_test_nested2.
  public function testSeparateNestedDataMultiValueFields() {

    // Get the xpath selectors for the input fields in this test.
    $top_title_field_xpath = $this
      ->getXpathForNthInputByLabelText('Title', 1);
    $nested_title_field_xpath = $this
      ->getXpathForNthInputByLabelText('Title', 2);
    $double_nested_title_field_xpath = $this
      ->getXpathForNthInputByLabelText('Title', 3);
    $page = $this
    $assert_session = $this
    foreach ([
    ] as $required) {
      $required_string = $required ? ' required' : ' unrequired';
      $double_nested_title = 'Dream within a dream' . $required_string;
      $nested_title = 'Dream' . $required_string;
      $top_level_title = 'Reality' . $required_string;
        ->elementExists('xpath', $top_title_field_xpath)
        ->elementExists('xpath', $nested_title_field_xpath)
        ->elementExists('xpath', $double_nested_title_field_xpath)
        ->pressButton('Create node 3');
        ->waitForButton('Add new node 3');
        ->pressButton('Create node 2');
        ->waitForButton('Add new node 2');
        ->pressButton('Add new node 2');
        ->waitForButton('Add new node 3');

      // The new node 2 should be empty and not already have a
      // double_nested_title present.

   * Tests that create and edit of nested data won#t clash.
   * When creating, then editing a nested IEF, the internal widget state must
   * use the same IEF ID on create and edit. Otherwise on saving, the entity
   * will be saved twice, and cause a WSOD.
   * @dataProvider simpleFalseTrueDataProvider
  public function testNestedCreateAndEditWontClash(bool $required) {

    // Get the xpath selectors for the input fields in this test.
    $top_title_field_xpath = $this
      ->getXpathForNthInputByLabelText('Title', 1);
    $nested_title_field_xpath = $this
      ->getXpathForNthInputByLabelText('Title', 2);
    $double_nested_title_field_xpath = $this
      ->getXpathForNthInputByLabelText('Title', 3);
    $second_edit_button_xpath = $this
      ->getXpathForButtonWithValue('Edit', 2);
    $assert_session = $this
    $required_string = $required ? ' required' : ' unrequired';
    $title_1 = 'Rationality' . $required_string;
    $title_1_2 = 'Drain' . $required_string;
    $title_1_2_3 = 'Drain within a drain' . $required_string;
    $title_i_2_3a = "Drone within a drain" . $required_string;
    $title_1_2a = 'Drone' . $required_string;
    $title_1_2a_3 = 'Drain within a drone' . $required_string;
    $title_i_2a_3a = "Drone within a drain" . $required_string;

    // Close all subforms.
      ->buttonXpath('Create node 3'))
      ->buttonXpath('Add new node 3'));
      ->buttonXpath('Create node 2'))
      ->buttonXpath('Add new node 2'));

    // Re-open all subforms and add a second node 3.
      ->buttonXpath('Update node 2'));
      ->buttonXpath('Add new node 3'))
      ->waitForButton('Create node 3'));
      ->elementExists('xpath', $double_nested_title_field_xpath)
      ->buttonXpath('Create node 3'))
      ->buttonXpath('Add new node 3'));
      ->buttonXpath('Update node 2'))
      ->buttonXpath('Update node 2'));

    // Repeat. Add node 2a and 2a_3.
      ->buttonXpath('Add new node 2'))
      ->buttonXpath('Create node 2'));
    if (!$required) {
        ->buttonXpath('Add new node 3'))
        ->buttonXpath('Create node 3'));
      ->elementExists('xpath', $nested_title_field_xpath)
      ->elementExists('xpath', $double_nested_title_field_xpath)

    // Close all subforms.
      ->buttonXpath('Create node 3'))
      ->buttonXpath('Add new node 3'));
      ->buttonXpath('Create node 2'))
      ->buttonXpath('Create node 2'));

    // Re-open all subforms and add a second node 2a_3a.
      ->buttonXpath('Update node 2'));
      ->buttonXpath('Add new node 3'))
      ->buttonXpath('Create node 3'));
      ->elementExists('xpath', $double_nested_title_field_xpath)
      ->buttonXpath('Create node 3'))
      ->buttonXpath('Add new node 3'));

    // Save everything and assert message.
      ->pageTextContains("IEF test nested 1 {$title_1} has been created.");

   * Data provider: FALSE, TRUE.
  public function simpleFalseTrueDataProvider() {
    return [

   * Assert and return an element via XPath. On fail, save output and throw.
   * @param string $xpath
   *   The XPath.
   * @return \Behat\Mink\Element\NodeElement
   *   The element.
  public function elementWithXpath(string $xpath) : NodeElement {
    return $this
      ->waitForXpath($xpath, 0);

   * Wait, assert, and return an element via XPath.
   * On fail, save output and throw.
   * @param string $xpath
   *   The XPath.
   * @param int $timeout
   *   The timeout in milliseconds.
   * @return \Behat\Mink\Element\NodeElement
   *   The element.
  public function waitForXpath(string $xpath, int $timeout = 10000) : NodeElement {
    $element = $this
      ->waitForElement('xpath', $xpath, $timeout);
    if (!$element) {
    return $element;

   * Wait and assert removal of an element via XPath.
   * On fail, save output and throw.
   * @param string $xpath
   *   The XPath.
   * @param int $timeout
   *   The timeout in milliseconds.
   * @return bool
   *   Returns always true (else throws).
  public function waitForXpathRemoved(string $xpath, int $timeout = 10000) : bool {
    $removed = $this
      ->waitForElementRemoved('xpath', $xpath, $timeout);
    if (!$removed) {
    return $removed;

   * Get xpath for a button.
   * @param string $label
   *   The button's label.
   * @param int $index
   *   The button's index, defaults to 1.
   * @return string
   *   The XPath.
  protected function buttonXpath(string $label, int $index = 1) : string {
    return $this
      ->getXpathForButtonWithValue($label, $index);



Namesort descending Description
ComplexWidgetTest IEF complex field widget tests.