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protected function InlineEntityFormTestBase::getXpathForNthInputByLabelText in Inline Entity Form 8

Returns xpath selector to the index-th input with label.

Note: index starts at 1.


string $label: The label text to select.

int $index: The index of the input to select.

Return value

string The xpath selector for the input to select.

23 calls to InlineEntityFormTestBase::getXpathForNthInputByLabelText()
ComplexSimpleWidgetTest::testSimpleInComplex in tests/src/FunctionalJavascript/ComplexSimpleWidgetTest.php
Test a Simple IEF widget inside of Complex IEF widget.
ComplexWidgetRevisionsTest::testRevisionsAtDepth in tests/src/FunctionalJavascript/ComplexWidgetRevisionsTest.php
Tests saving entity reference revisions' field types at depth.
ComplexWidgetRevisionsTest::testRevisionsWithTestEntityNoBundle in tests/src/FunctionalJavascript/ComplexWidgetRevisionsTest.php
Tests saving entity revision with test entity that has no bundle.
ComplexWidgetTest::checkNestedNodeEditing in tests/src/FunctionalJavascript/ComplexWidgetTest.php
Checks that nested IEF entity references can be edited and saved.
ComplexWidgetTest::testComplexEntityCreate in tests/src/FunctionalJavascript/ComplexWidgetTest.php
Tests create access on IEF Complex content type.

... See full list


tests/src/FunctionalJavascript/InlineEntityFormTestBase.php, line 258


Base Class for Inline Entity Form Tests.




protected function getXpathForNthInputByLabelText(string $label, int $index) {
  return "(//*[@id=string((//label[.='{$label}']/@for)[{$index}])])";