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function imagefield_crop_recrop in Imagefield Crop 6

Utility function used if you want to recrop all images in a specific node. This might be useful if you want to reprocess your nodes using a different toolkit, or a different toolkit configuration

1 call to imagefield_crop_recrop()
drush_imagefield_crop_image_recrop in ./


./, line 24


function imagefield_crop_recrop($nid) {
  $node = node_load($nid);
  foreach (content_fields(NULL, $node->type) as $field) {
    if ($field['module'] == 'filefield' && $field['widget']['type'] == 'imagefield_crop_widget') {
      if ($field['widget']['resolution']) {
        list($scale['width'], $scale['height']) = explode('x', $field['widget']['resolution']);
      if (is_array($node->{$field['field_name']})) {
        foreach ($node->{$field['field_name']} as $image_field) {
          if ($image_field['fid']) {

            // we have an image, recrop it.
            $file = field_file_load($image_field['fid']);
            drush_print("Recropping " . $file['filepath']);
            _imagefield_crop_resize(imagefield_crop_file_admin_original_path($file), $image_field['data']['crop'], $scale, $file['filepath']);