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Functions in ImageCache Actions 5.2

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Namesort descending Location Description Direct uses Strings
canvasactions_canvas2file_form ./ Place a given image under the current canvas
canvasactions_canvas2file_image ./ Place the source image on the current background
canvasactions_definecanvas_form ./ Implementation of imagecache_hook_form()
canvasactions_definecanvas_image ./ Implementation of hook_image()
canvasactions_file2canvas_form ./ Place a given image on top of the current canvas
canvasactions_file2canvas_image ./ Place the source image on the current background
canvasactions_mask ./ Given a mask image resource object in the $action, use the alpha values from it to set transparency on the source image. 1
canvasactions_pos_form ./ Prepare a subform for displaying positioning fields 1
canvasactions_roundedcorners_form ./ Set radius for corner rounding
canvasactions_roundedcorners_image ./ Create a rounded corner mask and alpha-merge it with the image.
canvasactions_source2canvas_form ./ Place the source image on top of the current canvas
canvasactions_source2canvas_image ./ Place the source image on the current background
hex_to_rgb ./ Decode an HTML hex-code into an array of R, G, and B values. accepts these formats: (case insensitive) #ffffff, ffffff, #fff, fff 7
imageapi_gd_image_overlay ./imagecache_canvasactions.module Place one image over another This modifies the passed image by reference
imageapi_gd_image_overlaytext ./imagecache_canvasactions.module Place text on an image.
imageapi_gd_image_overlaytext_alpha ./ Place text on an image.
imageapi_image_overlay ./imagecache_canvasactions.module Place one image over another 3
imageapi_image_overlaytext ./imagecache_canvasactions.module Place text on an image.
imageapi_image_overlaytext_alpha ./ Place text on an image. 1
imagecache_alpha_form ./ Implementation of imagecache_hook_form()
imagecache_alpha_image ./ Given an image, manipulate the transparancy behaviour.
imagecache_brightness_form ./imagecache_coloractions.module Implementation of imagecache_hook_form()
imagecache_brightness_image ./imagecache_coloractions.module Implementation of hook_image()
imagecache_canvasactions_imagecache_actions ./imagecache_canvasactions.module Implementation of hook_imagecache_actions().
imagecache_canvasactions_install ./imagecache_canvasactions.install
imagecache_canvasactions_uninstall ./imagecache_canvasactions.install
imagecache_coloractions_imagecache_actions ./imagecache_coloractions.module Implementation of hook_imagecache_actions().
imagecache_coloractions_install ./imagecache_coloractions.install
imagecache_coloractions_uninstall ./imagecache_coloractions.install
imagecache_colorshift_form ./imagecache_coloractions.module Implementation of imagecache_hook_form()
imagecache_colorshift_image ./imagecache_coloractions.module Implementation of hook_image()
imagecache_convert_form ./imagecache_coloractions.module Implementation of imagecache_hook_form()
imagecache_convert_image ./imagecache_coloractions.module Implementation of hook_image()
imagecache_file_formats ./imagecache_coloractions.module 3
imagecache_gd_imagefilter ./imagecache_coloractions.module Attempt to run imagefilter, which may or may not be included with your gdtoolkit. If it isn't, a local script is used to emulate the simpler of its functions. 1
imagecache_imagefilter ./imagecache_coloractions.module Stub for the image toolkit. 3
imagecache_inverse_form ./imagecache_coloractions.module Implementation of imagecache_hook_form()
imagecache_inverse_image ./imagecache_coloractions.module Implementation of hook_image()
imagecache_rgb_form ./ Prepare a subform for displaying RGB fields 3
imagecache_textactions_help ./imagecache_textactions.module Experimental diagnostic page to assist locating valid fonts on the system. Only tuned for Ubuntu so far. I've been unable do find ubiquitous tools that provide useful font listings.'
imagecache_textactions_imagecache_actions ./imagecache_textactions.module Implementation of hook_imagecache_actions().
imagecache_textactions_install ./imagecache_textactions.install
imagecache_textactions_theme ./imagecache_textactions.module Need to register the theme functions we expect to use
imagecache_textactions_uninstall ./imagecache_textactions.install
png_color2alpha ./ This achives a tonal effect by converting the images combined tone and existing transparency into one shade value. This is then used as the ALPHA transparency for that pixel, while the whole thing is coloured the same shade. Images… 1
textactions_create_font_image ./ Creates an image containing only the text - used to calculate the true bounding box. 1
textactions_evaluate_text ./ Generate the dynamic text for this image. Was textactions caption - now merged as an option of text2canvas 1
textactions_find_font ./ Given a font name or path, return the full real path. Because the toolkit doesn't scan too well, we need to look ahead to avoid problems and validate. 2
textactions_keyword_filter ./ Accept a keyword (center, top, left, etc) and return it as an offset in pixels. 1
textactions_text2canvas_form ./ Place text on top of the current canvas


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