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Functions in ImageCache 6.2

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Namesort descending Location Description Direct uses Strings
hook_imagecache_actions ./imagecache.api.php Inform ImageCache about actions that can be performed on an image.
hook_imagecache_default_presets ./imagecache.api.php Provides default ImageCache presets that can be overridden by site administrators.
hook_imagecache_image_flush ./imagecache.api.php Allows other modules to perform actions on an image before it is flushed.
hook_imagecache_preset_flush ./imagecache.api.php Allows other modules to perform actions when a preset is about to be flushed.
imagecache_action ./imagecache.module 2 4
imagecache_action_definition ./imagecache.module 6
imagecache_action_definitions ./imagecache.module Pull in actions exposed by other modules using hook_imagecache_actions(). 2
imagecache_action_delete ./imagecache.module 1
imagecache_action_info ./imagecache.module Implementation of hook_action_info().
imagecache_action_load ./imagecache.module
imagecache_action_save ./imagecache.module 2
imagecache_add_js ./imagecache.module Imagecache JS settings and theme function.
imagecache_build_derivative ./imagecache.module Create a new image based on an image preset. 2
imagecache_cache ./imagecache.module callback for handling public files imagecache requests. 1
imagecache_cache_private ./imagecache.module callback for handling private files imagecache requests 1
imagecache_create_path ./imagecache.module Return a file system location that points to the location of a derivative of the original image at @p $path, transformed with the given @p $preset. Keep in mind that the image might not yet exist and won't be created. 6
imagecache_create_url ./imagecache.module Return a URL that points to the location of a derivative of the original image transformed with the given preset. 3
imagecache_crop_form ./ ImageCache Crop
imagecache_crop_image ./
imagecache_deprecated_scale_form ./ ImageCache Deprecated Scale. This will be removed in imagecache 2.1
imagecache_deprecated_scale_image ./
imagecache_desaturate_form ./ ImageCache Desaturate
imagecache_desaturate_image ./
imagecache_drush_command ./ Implementation of hook_drush_command().
imagecache_drush_help ./ Implementation of hook_drush_help().
imagecache_drush_preset_build ./ Drush callback to perform actual imagecache preset build. 1
imagecache_drush_preset_flush ./ Drush callback to perform actual imagecache preset flush. 1
imagecache_field_formatter_info ./imagecache.module Implementation of hook_field_formatter_info().
imagecache_file_delete ./imagecache.module Implementation of filefield.module's hook_file_delete().
imagecache_flush_action ./imagecache.module Flush all imagecache presets for a given node.
imagecache_form_system_file_system_settings_alter ./imagecache.module Implementation of hook_form_FORM_ID_alter.
imagecache_form_system_modules_alter ./imagecache.module Implementation of hook_form_FORM_ID_alter.
imagecache_generate_action ./imagecache.module Generate imagecache presets for the given node and presets.
imagecache_generate_action_form ./imagecache.module Form for configuring the generate action.
imagecache_generate_all_action ./imagecache.module Generate all imagecache presets for the given node.
imagecache_generate_image ./imagecache.module Generate a derivative image given presetname and filepath. 3
imagecache_get_images_in_node ./imagecache.module Given a node, get all images associated with it. 3
imagecache_imagecache_actions ./imagecache.module Implementation of hook_imagecache_actions.
imagecache_image_flush ./imagecache.module Clear cached versions of a specific file in all presets. 4
imagecache_install ./imagecache.install Implementation of hook_install().
imagecache_menu ./imagecache.module Implementation of hook_menu().
imagecache_perm ./imagecache.module Implementation of hook_perm().
imagecache_preset ./imagecache.module Load a preset by preset_id. 5 2
imagecache_presets ./imagecache.module Get an array of all presets and their settings. 18
imagecache_preset_actions ./imagecache.module 1
imagecache_preset_by_name ./imagecache.module Load a preset by name. 3
imagecache_preset_delete ./imagecache.module 1
imagecache_preset_flush ./imagecache.module Flush cached media for a preset. 5
imagecache_preset_save ./imagecache.module Save an ImageCache preset. 1
imagecache_preset_title_callback ./imagecache_ui.module 1


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