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Functions in ImageCache 5

Primary tabs

Namesort descending Location Description Direct uses Strings
imagecache_admin ./imagecache.module 1
imagecache_admin_submit ./imagecache.module
imagecache_admin_validate ./imagecache.module
imagecache_cache ./imagecache.module 1
imagecache_field_formatter ./imagecache.module Implementation of hook_field_formatter().
imagecache_field_formatter_info ./imagecache.module Implementation of hook_field_formatter_info().
imagecache_image_flush ./imagecache.module Clear cached versions of a specific file in all presets.
imagecache_install ./imagecache.install
imagecache_menu ./imagecache.module Implementation of hook_menu().
imagecache_perm ./imagecache.module Implementation of hook_perm().
imagecache_requirements ./imagecache.module Implementation of hook_requirements().
imagecache_uninstall ./imagecache.install Implementation of hook_uninstall().
imagecache_update_1 ./imagecache.install
imagecache_update_2 ./imagecache.install
imagecache_update_3 ./imagecache.install Remove auto-increment from tables, instead depending on the sequences table and db_next_id()
theme_imagecache ./imagecache.module
theme_imagecache_admin ./imagecache.module
theme_imagecache_display ./imagecache.module Theme an img tag for displaying the image.
theme_imagecache_formatter ./imagecache.module
_imagecache_actions_form ./imagecache.module 1
_imagecache_actions_get_by_presetid ./imagecache.module 2
_imagecache_action_create ./imagecache.module 1
_imagecache_action_delete ./imagecache.module 1
_imagecache_action_update ./imagecache.module 1
_imagecache_check_settings ./imagecache.module Verify the image module and toolkit settings.
_imagecache_file_load ./imagecache.module 1
_imagecache_filter ./imagecache.module Filter key word values such as 'top', 'right', 'center', and also percentages. All returned values are in pixels relative to the passed in height and width. 1
_imagecache_get_presets ./imagecache.module 9
_imagecache_keyword_filter ./imagecache.module Accept a keyword (center, top, left, etc) and return it as an offset in pixels. 1
_imagecache_percent_filter ./imagecache.module Accept a percentage and return it in pixels. 1
_imagecache_preset_create ./imagecache.module Create a preset. 1
_imagecache_preset_delete ./imagecache.module 1
_imagecache_preset_flush ./imagecache.module Flush cached media for a preset. 4
_imagecache_preset_load ./imagecache.module Load a preset by id. 1
_imagecache_preset_load_by_name ./imagecache.module Load a preset by name. 1
_imagecache_preset_update ./imagecache.module Update a preset. 1
_imagecache_recursive_delete ./imagecache.module Recursively delete all files and folders in the specified filepath, then delete the containing folder. 1
_imagecache_strip_file_directory ./imagecache.module Remove a possible leading file directory path from the given path. 1

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