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function httprl_pr in HTTP Parallel Request & Threading Library 6

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 7 httprl.module \httprl_pr()

Pretty print data.


string $input: Data In.

Return value

string Human readable HTML version of the data.

1 call to httprl_pr()
httprl_requirements in ./httprl.install
Implements hook_requirements().
6 string references to 'httprl_pr'
httprl.examples.php in examples/httprl.examples.php
HTTP Parallel Request Library code examples.
httprl_parse_data in ./httprl.module
Extract the header and meta data from the http data stream.
httprl_parse_url in ./httprl.module
Run parse_url and handle any errors.
httprl_send_request in ./httprl.module
Perform many HTTP requests.
httprl_set_socket in ./httprl.module
Create the TCP/SSL socket connection string.

... See full list


./httprl.module, line 2806
HTTP Parallel Request Library module.


function httprl_pr($input) {
  $output_plain_text = FALSE;
  if (strpos(implode("\n", array_map('strtolower', headers_list())), 'content-type: text/plain') !== FALSE || function_exists('drupal_is_cli') && drupal_is_cli()) {
    $output_plain_text = TRUE;
  $old_setting = ini_set('mbstring.substitute_character', '"none"');

  // Get extra arguments passed in.
  $input = func_get_args();

  // If bool or strlen = 0 use var_export on that variable.
  $data = httprl_print_empty($input);

  // Merge into base array if only one argument passed in.
  if (count($data) == 1) {
    $data = array_pop($data);

  // Print_r the input.
  $output = print_r($data, TRUE);

  // Remove non UTF-8 Characters.
  $encoded = FALSE;
  if (function_exists('mb_convert_encoding')) {
    $track_errors = ini_set('track_errors', '1');
    $php_errormsg = '';
    $translated = @mb_convert_encoding($output, 'UTF-8', 'auto');
    if (empty($php_errormsg)) {
      $encoded = TRUE;
    $php_errormsg = '';
    ini_set('track_errors', $track_errors);
  if (!$encoded) {
    $translated = @iconv('utf-8', 'utf-8//TRANSLIT//IGNORE', $output);

  // Convert html entities.
  $options = ENT_QUOTES;
  if (defined('ENT_SUBSTITUTE')) {
  elseif (defined('ENT_IGNORE')) {
    $options = ENT_QUOTES | ENT_IGNORE;
  $translated = htmlentities($translated, $options, 'UTF-8');

  // Make sure the UTF-8 translation didn't kill the output.
  $original_size = strlen($output);
  $translated_size = strlen($translated);
  $ratio = 0;
  if ($original_size != 0) {
    $ratio = ($original_size - $translated_size) / $original_size;

  // Decide to use the original output or the translated one.
  if (!empty($translated_size) && !empty($ratio) && $ratio < 0.5 && !$output_plain_text) {
    $html_output = TRUE;
    $output = $translated;
  else {
    if (!$output_plain_text) {
      $output = str_replace(array(
      ), array(
      ), $output);
    $output = "<pre>\n" . $output . "\n</pre>";

  // Remove extra new lines.
  $output = array_filter(explode("\n", $output), 'strlen');

  // Whitespace compression.
  foreach ($output as $key => $value) {
    if (str_replace('    ', '', $value) == "(") {
      $output[$key - 1] .= ' (';

  // Replace whitespace with html markup.
  $output = implode("\n", $output);
  if (!empty($html_output)) {
    $output = str_replace('    ', '&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;', nl2br($output)) . '<br />';
  else {
    $output .= "\n";
  ini_set('mbstring.substitute_character', $old_setting);
  return $output;