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Functions in HTTP Parallel Request & Threading Library 6

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Namesort descending Location Description Direct uses Strings
httprl_acquire_headless_lock ./httprl.module Get a floating lock so background calls work. 2
httprl_acquire_lock ./httprl.module Get a lock so background calls work. 1
httprl_admin_settings_form ./ Form definition; general settings. 1
httprl_admin_settings_form_validate ./ Validate form values.
httprl_async_page ./ Menu Callback; run given function. 1 1
httprl_background_processing ./httprl.module Output text, close connection, continue processing in the background. 2
httprl_basic_auth ./httprl.module Set the Authorization header if a user is set in the URI. 1
httprl_batch_callback ./httprl.module Given an array of data, use multiple processes to crunch it. 1
httprl_boot ./httprl.module Implements hook_boot().
httprl_build_request_string ./httprl.module Build the request string. 1
httprl_build_url_self ./httprl.module Helper function to build an URL for asynchronous requests to self. 4
httprl_call_exit ./httprl.module Performs end-of-request tasks and/or call exit directly. 2
httprl_call_user_func_array_async ./httprl.module Run the callback with the given params in the background. 2
httprl_call_user_func_array_cache ./httprl.module Cache a function; regenerate return value in the background. 1
httprl_cron ./httprl.module Implements hook_cron().
httprl_decode_data ./httprl.module Will decode chunked transfer-encoding and gzip/deflate content-encoding. 1
httprl_drupal_full_bootstrap ./httprl.module Sees if Drupal has been fully booted. 6
httprl_drupal_get_private_key ./httprl.module Gets the private key variable. 3
httprl_establish_stream_connection ./httprl.module Use stream_socket_client() to create a connection to the server. 1
httprl_extract_background_callback_data ./httprl.module Extract background callback data. 1
httprl_fast403 ./httprl.module Send out a fast 403 and exit. 1
httprl_get_hostname ./httprl.module Get hostname of this server. 4
httprl_get_last_byte_from_range ./httprl.module Given an array of ranges, get the last byte we need to download. 1
httprl_get_ranges ./httprl.module Parse a range header into start and end byte ranges. 1
httprl_get_server_schema ./httprl.module Return the server schema (http or https). 1
httprl_glue_url ./httprl.module Alt to http_build_url(). 1
httprl_handle_data ./httprl.module If data is being sent out in this request, handle it correctly. 2
httprl_install_fclose_delay_check ./httprl.install 1
httprl_install_http_test ./httprl.install Issue a HTTP request to admin/httprl-test, verifying that the server got it. 3
httprl_install_try_different_settings_checker ./httprl.install 1
httprl_is_array_assoc ./httprl.module Given an array return TRUE if all keys are numeric. 1
httprl_is_background_callback_capable ./httprl.module Sees if httprl can run a background callback. 3
httprl_lock_release ./httprl.module Release a lock previously acquired by lock_acquire(). 2 1
httprl_lossless_assoc_array_merge ./httprl.module Merge multiple associative arrays into one. 1
httprl_menu ./httprl.module Implements hook_menu().
httprl_multipart_encoder ./httprl.module Multipart encode a data array. 1
httprl_override_core ./httprl.module Queue and send off http request. 2
httprl_parse_data ./httprl.module Extract the header and meta data from the http data stream. 1
httprl_parse_url ./httprl.module Run parse_url and handle any errors. 1
httprl_post_processing ./httprl.module Run post processing on the request if we are done reading. 1
httprl_pr ./httprl.module Pretty print data. 1 6
httprl_print_empty ./httprl.module If $data is bool or strlen = 0 use var_export. Recursively go deeper. 1
httprl_qcinp ./httprl.module Queue Callback to run In a New Process. 1
httprl_queue_background_callback ./httprl.module Run callback in the background. 5
httprl_reconstruct_redirects ./httprl.module Reconstruct the internal redirect arrays. 1
httprl_recursive_array_reference_extract ./httprl.module Replace data in place so pass by reference sill works. 1
httprl_request ./httprl.module Queue up a HTTP request in httprl_send_request. 4
httprl_requirements ./httprl.install Implements hook_requirements().
httprl_run_array ./httprl.module Run multiple functions or methods independently or chained. 1
httprl_run_callback ./httprl.module Run callback. 1


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