html_title.module in HTML Title 7
Same filename and directory in other branches
This module enables limited HTML to be used in node titles. It strips title markup from RSS feeds to eliminate unsightly markup in feed readers.
html_title.moduleView source
* @defgroup html_title HTML Title
* @file
* This module enables limited HTML to be used in node titles. It strips title
* markup from RSS feeds to eliminate unsightly markup in feed readers.
* Implements hook_help().
function html_title_help($path, $arg) {
switch ($path) {
case 'admin/config/content/html_title':
return '<p>' . t('Only the HTML tags below may be allowed in node titles. Any tags not enabled here will be removed. Note that all HTML will be removed in feed output and JSON output in views.') . '</p>';
* Implementation of hook_menu()
function html_title_menu() {
$items['admin/config/content/html_title'] = array(
'title' => 'HTML Title settings',
'description' => 'Configure HTML tags used in node titles.',
'access arguments' => array(
'administer site configuration',
'page callback' => 'drupal_get_form',
'page arguments' => array(
'file' => '',
return $items;
* Implementation of hook_theme_registry_alter()
function html_title_theme_registry_alter(&$theme_registry) {
// Re-order search result pre-processing so ours always runs last
if (module_exists('search') && is_array($theme_registry['search_result']['preprocess functions'])) {
foreach ($theme_registry['search_result']['preprocess functions'] as $value) {
if ($value != 'html_title_preprocess_search_result') {
$callbacks[] = $value;
$callbacks[] = 'html_title_preprocess_search_result';
$theme_registry['search_result']['preprocess functions'] = $callbacks;
* Implementation of hook_preprocess_page()
function html_title_preprocess_page(&$vars) {
// Only edit the title on /node/%node.
if (array_key_exists('node', $vars) && node_is_page($vars['node']) && empty(arg(2))) {
// Reset title to allow safe HTML
$vars['title'] = html_title_filter_xss($vars['node']->title);
// Strip HTML from head title
$vars['head_title'] = strip_tags($vars['node']->title);
* Implementation of template_preprocess_node()
function html_title_preprocess_node(&$vars) {
switch ($vars['view_mode']) {
case 'search_index':
case 'rss':
$vars['title'] = html_title_filter_xss($vars['elements']['#node']->title);
* Implementation of hook_preprocess_search_result()
function html_title_preprocess_search_result(&$vars) {
if (isset($vars['result']['title'])) {
$vars['title'] = html_title_filter_xss($vars['result']['title']);
* Implementation of hook_node_view()
function html_title_node_view($node, $view_mode) {
switch ($view_mode) {
case 'rss':
$node->title = strip_tags($node->title);
* Implementation hook_views_api()
function html_title_views_api() {
return array(
'api' => 3,
'path' => drupal_get_path('module', 'html_title') . '/views',
* Helper function to help filter out unwanted XSS opportunities.
* Use this function if you expect to have junk or incomplete html. It uses the
* same strategy as the "Fix Html" filter option in configuring the HTML
* filter in the text format configuration.
function html_title_filter_xss($title) {
$elements = variable_get('html_title_allowed_elements', array(
$dom = new DOMDocument();
// Ignore warnings during HTML soup loading.
->loadHTML('<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" ""><html xmlns=""><head><meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" /></head><body>' . $title . '</body></html>', LIBXML_NOENT);
$xp = new DOMXPath($dom);
$q = "//body//text()";
$nodes = $xp
foreach ($nodes as $n) {
$n->nodeValue = htmlspecialchars($n->nodeValue, ENT_QUOTES);
$body = $dom
// $dom->saveHTML() escapes & as & for all entities that were replaced
// using htmlspecialchars(). Undo this double-escaping.
$body = str_replace('&', '&', $body);
return filter_xss($body, $elements);
Name![]() |
Description |
html_title_filter_xss | Helper function to help filter out unwanted XSS opportunities. |
html_title_help | Implements hook_help(). |
html_title_menu | Implementation of hook_menu() |
html_title_node_view | Implementation of hook_node_view() |
html_title_preprocess_node | Implementation of template_preprocess_node() |
html_title_preprocess_page | Implementation of hook_preprocess_page() |
html_title_preprocess_search_result | Implementation of hook_preprocess_search_result() |
html_title_theme_registry_alter | Implementation of hook_theme_registry_alter() |
html_title_views_api | Implementation hook_views_api() |