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html_title.module in HTML Title 6

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  1. 8 html_title.module
  2. 7 html_title.module

This module enables limited HTML to be used in node titles. It strips title markup from RSS feeds to eliminate unsightly markup in feed readers.


View source

 * @defgroup html_title HTML Title

 * @file
 * This module enables limited HTML to be used in node titles. It strips title
 * markup from RSS feeds to eliminate unsightly markup in feed readers.

 * Implementation of hook_menu()
function html_title_menu() {
  $items['admin/settings/html_title'] = array(
    'title' => 'HTML Title settings',
    'description' => 'Configure HTML tags used in node titles.',
    'access arguments' => array(
      'administer site configuration',
    'page callback' => 'drupal_get_form',
    'page arguments' => array(
    'type' => MENU_NORMAL_ITEM,
    'file' => '',
  return $items;

 * Implementation of hook_theme_registry_alter()
function html_title_theme_registry_alter(&$theme_registry) {

  // Re-order search result pre-processing so ours always runs last
  if (module_exists('search') && is_array($theme_registry['search_result']['preprocess functions'])) {
    foreach ($theme_registry['search_result']['preprocess functions'] as $value) {
      if ($value != 'html_title_preprocess_search_result') {
        $callbacks[] = $value;
    $callbacks[] = 'html_title_preprocess_search_result';
    $theme_registry['search_result']['preprocess functions'] = $callbacks;

 * Implementation of hook_preprocess_page()
function html_title_preprocess_page(&$vars) {
  if (array_key_exists('node', $vars)) {
    $elements = variable_get('html_title_allowed_elements', array(

    // Reset title to allow safe HTML
    $vars['title'] = filter_xss($vars['node']->title, $elements);

    // Strip HTML from head title
    $vars['head_title'] = strip_tags($vars['node']->title);

 * Implementation of hook_preprocess_node()
function html_title_preprocess_node(&$node) {
  if (isset($node['html_title_raw'])) {
    $elements = variable_get('html_title_allowed_elements', array(
    $node['title'] = filter_xss($node['html_title_raw'], $elements);

 * Implementation of hook_preprocess_search_result()
function html_title_preprocess_search_result(&$vars) {
  if (isset($vars['result']['title'])) {
    $elements = variable_get('html_title_allowed_elements', array(
    $vars['title'] = filter_xss($vars['result']['title'], $elements);

 * Implementation of hook_nodeapi()
function html_title_nodeapi(&$node, $op, $a3 = NULL, $a4 = NULL) {
  switch ($op) {
    case 'load':

      // Capture original title for use in hook_preprocess_node
      return array(
        'html_title_raw' => $node->title,
    case 'rss item':

      // Strip html from titles
      $node->title = strip_tags($node->title);
    case 'view':

    // Strip html from titles for views feeds using 'node' rendering
    case 'alter':

      // Strip html from titles for views feeds using other rendering
      if ($node->build_mode == NODE_BUILD_RSS) {
        $node->title = strip_tags($node->title);

* Implementation hook_views_api()
function html_title_views_api() {
  return array(
    'api' => 2,
    'path' => drupal_get_path('module', 'html_title') . '/views',


Namesort descending Description
html_title_menu Implementation of hook_menu()
html_title_nodeapi Implementation of hook_nodeapi()
html_title_preprocess_node Implementation of hook_preprocess_node()
html_title_preprocess_page Implementation of hook_preprocess_page()
html_title_preprocess_search_result Implementation of hook_preprocess_search_result()
html_title_theme_registry_alter Implementation of hook_theme_registry_alter()
html_title_views_api Implementation hook_views_api()