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Files in HTML Title 7

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File namesort descending Location Namespace Description Module settings and configuration administration UI. name = HTML title description = Enables limited HTML markup in node titles. core = 7.x configure = admin/config/content/html_title ; Views Handlers files[] = views/handlers/
html_title.install html_title.install Uninstall tasks for the html_title module.
html_title.module html_title.module This module enables limited HTML to be used in node titles. It strips title markup from RSS feeds to eliminate unsightly markup in feed readers. views/ Views handler definitions for html_title module. views/handlers/ The html_title_handler_field_node_title field handler re-renders title fields to enable allowed markup that would otherwise be transformed or stripped.
README.txt README.txt Description ----------- HTML Title allows a limited set of HTML markup to be used in node titles. Title markup is stripped from RSS feeds to eliminate unsightly markup in feed readers. Benefits -------- Drupal node titles are restrictive and do not…

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