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function _hosting_get_new_tasks in Hostmaster (Aegir) 6

Retrieve a list of outstanding tasks.


limit: The amount of items to return.

Return value

An associative array containing task nodes, indexed by node id.

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2 calls to _hosting_get_new_tasks()
hosting_QUEUE_TYPE_queue in modules/hosting/hosting.api.php
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hosting_tasks_queue in modules/hosting/
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modules/hosting/, line 153
This file defines an API for defining new queues.


function _hosting_get_new_tasks($limit = 20) {
  $return = array();
  $result = db_query("SELECT t.nid FROM {hosting_task} t INNER JOIN {node} n ON t.vid = n.vid WHERE t.task_status = %d GROUP BY t.rid ORDER BY n.changed, n.nid ASC LIMIT %d", 0, $limit);
  while ($node = db_fetch_object($result)) {
    $return[$node->nid] = node_load($node->nid);
  return $return;