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Frontend/Backend Inter-process Communication in Hostmaster (Aegir) 6

Aegir is based on a very important distinction between the "frontend" and the "backend". The frontend is the Drupal website that creates the user interface that people manipulate. The backend is (usually) a set a drush commands that do the actual operations on the backend objects (servers, platforms, sites).

The frontend and backend run as different users: the frontend runs under the webserver user, while the backend run as a separate UNIX user, which we call the backend sandbox. This distinction is important as it brings an extra layer of security. It also allows for commands to be ran on different servers more easily.

The way the frontend communicates to the backend is through the use of "queues", that are actually defined in the frontend (hosting). The frontend also define drush commands that are ran through a cronjob and therefore provide the glue to the backend.

The point of entry is through the "dispatcher" (the hosting-dispatch command), which runs the different queues appropriately. There are different types of queues (see hook_hosting_queues()), but the most important one is the "task" queue, which runs the basic tasks like install and backup.

When tasks are ran, a provision command is called with the same name of the task type defined in the frontend (see drush_hosting_task()). If we are running a special task like install, verify or import, data from the task is actually saved in the backend, through the backend provision-save command. The data saved is from the associative array "context_options", defined from the hook see hook_hosting_TASK_OBJECT_context_options(). A good example of such a variable is the site name or platform it is on, which are obviously saved in the backend.

There is also an "options" array that are just one-time parameters that are not stored in the backend context. A good example of that is the site email address, that is just sent during the install or password resets task but not saved.


modules/hosting/, line 15
This file defines an API for defining new queues.


Namesort descending Location Description
hook_hosting_tasks modules/hosting/task/hosting_task.api.php Define tasks that can be executed in the front-end.
hook_hosting_tasks_alter modules/hosting/task/hosting_task.api.php Alter front-end tasks defined by other modules.
hostingService_example_basic::context_options modules/hosting/example/ Pass values to the provision backend when we call provision-save.
hosting_get_queues modules/hosting/ Retrieve a list of queues that need to be dispatched
hosting_queues_cron_cmd modules/hosting/
hosting_queues_get_arguments Deprecated modules/hosting/
hosting_run_queue modules/hosting/ Run a queue specified by hook_hosting_queues()
hosting_tasks_queue modules/hosting/ Process the hosting task queue.
_hosting_backend_invoke Deprecated modules/hosting/
_hosting_dispatch_cmd modules/hosting/
_hosting_get_new_tasks modules/hosting/ Retrieve a list of outstanding tasks.
_hosting_queues_clean_output modules/hosting/